GM 55237 1997 DIAMOND DRILLING REPORT ON THE NORMETAL-RIO ALGOM PROPERTY, PROJECT 08-736 1997 DIAMOND DRILLING REPORT ON THE cD NORMETAL-RIO ALGOM PROPERTY cn PROJECT 08-736 N.T.S. 32D/14 FALCONBRIDGE LIMITED - MRN - GÉOINFORMATION 1997 GM 55237 ROUYN-NORANDA PASCAL LESSARD QUÉBEC, CANADA GEOLOGIST OCTOBER 1997 CLEMENT DOMBROWSKI ELISABETH TREMBLAY ASSOCIATE GEOLOGISTS 11 SUMMARY Falconbridge Limited has completed a surface diamond drilling program on the Normétal-Rio Algom property, project 08-736. A 4-diamond drill hole campaign (97-36- 04 to 97-36-07) totaling 877.00 metres was completed on this property from July 29th to August 12`h, 1997. Three diamond drill holes were drilled to test I.P. anomalies associated with the Grande Plaine showing. Furthermore, one diamond drill hole was drilled to verify an I.P. anomaly associated with the 1450 showing. Every hole explained the geophysical anomalies with the presence of dissiminated and/or small massive bands of pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Some anomalous copper, zinc and silver values were returned from hole 97-36-05 drilled on Grande Plaine showing. No economical value was returned from either hole. No additional work is required on this property. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY ii SECTION 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope of Work 1 1.2 Location and Access 1 SECTION 2 Geology 2.1 Regional Geology 4 2.2 Local Geology 4 SECTION 3 Diamond Drilling 3.1 Background of Program 7 3.2 Falconbridge Drilling Procedures 8 SECTION 4 Conclusions and Recommendations 11 REFERENCES 12 APPENDIX A : Claim List APPENDIX B : Diamond Drill Logs APPENDIX C : Assay Result Sheets APPENDIX D : Whole Rock Result Sheets MAP POCKETS DDH Location Map 1:5,000 Drill Sections 1:1,000 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 Previous Exploration Work Summary 7 Diamond Drill Hole Collar Location TABLE 2 8 TABLE 3 Drilling Results 9 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 Normétal Properties Location Map 2 FIGURE 2 Normétal Claim Map 3 FIGURE 3 Regional Geology Map of Abitibi 5 FIGURE 4 Normétal Geology 6 FIGURE 5 Normétal DDH Location Map 10 1 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope of work A 4-hole diamond drilling program for 877.00 metres was conducted by Falconbridge Limited between July 29th to August 12th, 1997. Three diamond drill holes were drilled to test I.P. anomalies associated with the Grande Plaine showing. Furthermore, one diamond drill hole was drilled to verify an I.P. anomaly associated with the 1450 showing. The following report covers the diamond drilling results returned from the Falconbridge Limited 1997 drilling program carried out on the Rio Algom Option, project 08-736. The drilling campaign was supervised by Pascal Lessard, Geologist, from Rouyn-Noranda while core logging and drill supervision were conducted in Normétal by Roch Lavoie, Associate Geologist. Core splitting and sampling were executed by Richard H. Dufresne from Normétal. 1.2 Location and Access The property is included in range VIII, between lots 54 and 62 inclusively of the Clermont Township and is situated 18 kilometres south-east of the town of Normetal. This sector is accessible by highway 393 from La Sarre and by a gravel road between ranges VIII and IX from the village of Val-Saint-Gilles. Access to the drill sites is via logging roads. The property is covered by a spruce and poplar forest and swamps except for the northern part which is occupied by farmland. A few forest patches have been intensively lumbered, including lots 60 and 61. Outcrops are concentrated around three hills and were referred to by Rio Algom (G. Klein, 1993) as the Northeastern outcrops (from lines 1+50W to 0+50E, between 10+00 and 11+50 N), the Southeastern outcrop (from lines 1+50W to 2+50E, between 4+00 and 6+50N) and the Western outcrop (from lines 13+50W to 16+00W, between 5+50 and 7+00 N). The two last outcrop areas host the Grande Plaine and the 1450W Showings. NORMETAL PROPERTIES LOCATION MAP . - VAL-PARADIS ô ~ ô 1 TO JOUTEL ~ 4 I NORMETAL PROPERTY VILLEBOIS 49° 00' ~ d31 VAL ST-GILLES 1 • Æ5~6??~i.YaY, I ` oil I ) MACAMIC AUTHIER DUPUIS H LAKE NORD , LANGUEDOC LASARRE 48°45' MACAMIC AUTHIER I I ( 393 ) 44 TO AMOS ABITIBI LAKE ~ PALMAROLLE ~ POULARIES UTM ffi NORTH j LAFERTE I TO TIMMINS (101) -4-- r 3ee DUPARQUET 48°30' DESTOR I : lql ® ' DUPARQUET c ga LAKE CLERICY i ~ ~E..Im ô` Q DUFAULT LAKE DASSERAT I TO VAL D'OR LAKE EVAIN —> 117 ( 117 ) ~ ® ARNTFIELD ROUYN NORANDA k 0 25Km INDEX 1VIAP 1 I 1 I I 1 FIG. 1 ~ ~ 1 . a ° 1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■®■■IMI■■■■® ■ _A _ ■ EOM En ® EMI Ill1 a,9: • :s4'» B~A _ Ixi II • RIFT0 . ~ ~ ~~ . ~e ~w n ® b ~ ~~ ~ ve/arpr, _ _ 4 ~ . 'Sttok 4 R _ _ '~~~. - m ~. ~ gr"1.4"rA ~ 4 ~ : •_ ~~ ~ à . ° ... a ~ . ~ _ 141 ~,~..`_ . $. t - i. ~ - _ v • le..N . ° ~ A 17 s. s~ -~ %A OWN I . PAM~ $ $ $ , ~~ - ~ ~ , . ~ s I ~ uwa _ . _ • _ ' , _ S 8 ~_ _ _ _ d~ . N1P:t1 . j o e w 1 VAL -SAINT-Q1~ 1 69 t z 1+ A , boa. L1' War- ` •:•:: 6 ` : - ~ ~ : :: 1 9 49a v ~ y ~~ ~ F ; ~ .. ~04. y ~ $ ~•; eo 9a0 D . • v. ° , ' s 01 - / VW' v , ~ ô ,"v ♦ .~ ~ ~ ~ . R ~ 9~ ~ a .~~~~,~T )/ '" ^ e " ~ • ~ • . ~/ , . i - i 111 ii. [ • ui , ~9 w GLER —WP I ° ■ IIIIMEMEMEIMIIIIIIIIMMENIIIIIIIMMUN M■■■■■ M■ô■i■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ MNIIMINEMIIMEMMII ■MII■■■IIIIM FALCCONBRIDC+E LIMITED MI I C N~Bi~ E CLAMS L-..".2;NORMETAL-C'JtiINUJAU eE ® 1 rta~- rcxam. ~4uu. usxüvu€ uEswxr mnv>,rs o LaoAl-N«u.^Er^L ~ I I 0 10G0 2~00 300D 4000 5000 METRES ~\\\\y pa „pm OPTION 1::::::;:::1 5,Io_,n,,, 1 I OPTIONNED BY COLERAINE ~ ~~ ~~~ 1~~MNIN i CONQES60N CLAIMS ~ ~ N 7rir-to1 -76 , FIG. 2 4 SECTION 2 - GEOLOGY 2.1 Regional Geology The following description is based on the Lithogeochemistry and Alteration report produced by S. Cattalani and P. Bambic in 1990, and on the Norcom/Normétal Projects report of A.C. Tessier dated July 1991. The Normétal and Val-Saint-Gilles areas are located in the Gale Group volcanics (Latulippe 1976), in the Archean Abitibi Greenstone belt of Northwestern Quebec. The Gale Group volcanics forms lozenge-shaped volcano-sedimentary terrain, bounded in the North and South by the Casa-Berardi and Chicobi structural breaks, respectively (Daigneault and Archambault 1990). Regional stratigraphy of the Gale Group is poorly defined: volcanic rocks are both abundant and lithologically diverse. These include mafic, intermediate and felsic volcanic lavas and volcanoclastic rocks, epiclastic volcanics, various sediments and iron formations (Gilman 1961, Tolman 1951). The Gale Group volcanic rocks are regionally metamorphosed to the greenschist facies. 2.2 Local Geology The Rio Algom Property is part of the northern intermediate/mafic volcanic sequence forming the stratigraphic footwall of the Sediment Marker Horizon and the Mine Sequence which host the Normetal and Normetmar Deposit. Volcanic rocks consist mainly of pillowed and massive flows intercalated by thin tuffaceous units. Felsic lavas have been recognized along the sequence though they are more abundant westward. Rhyolites display brecciated and massive (lobes and dykes) facies both aphyric and quartz-phyric. Various plutons limit the northern side including syn-tectonic Patten and Rousseau intrusions and the Val-Saint-Gilles Pluton (syn-volcanic). The property comprises from north to south the southern fringe of the Val-Saint-Gilles tonalite intrusion overlain by a volcanic sequence ranging between 400 and 1,100 metres in thickness composed of pillowed and massive andesite which is followed by a graphitic sediment unit. These units are capped by a sericitized and carbonatized volcaniclastic- dominated rock unit called the Mine Sequence. The last units do not outcrop inside the property limits. The Val-Saint-Gilles Pluton hosts the 1450W Showing while the Grande Plaine Showing is located within the adjacent intermediate to mafic volcanic sequence. OPATICA SUBPROVINCE I /,,,, / 1-17- \ '. _ \ ' ~ \ . \ /~~` I ~ ~\ I. I ~ 1% I ~ 1% I ~ 1i CHlBO UGAMA U 1 I I ,J% ALLARD GROUP - _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i`I --- f TAIBI GROUP ~ ~+ ~ - + ++ + ~+ +~± + - + GALE GROUP ~ NORMETAL ~ +++ ~ +-+ ~~ ~+ ++ - ,++ +j -h+ \ + + CASTAG N I ER + ++,+ ~ ~ + + - + + ~ + + + + + + + +++ + - ++++ KINOJEVIS GROUP ~+ +-++++ + ++ +++ + + + + + + + + - + r ++ - ++++++ ++ + + + + - + + + I ~++-++++++ + + + + + - + + + ~ ++ ++ + - + + ++ GNEISSIC ROCKS BLAKE R. GROUP + ~ + + + - + + + 1 + + ' + - + + + + + + + T + - ++ + + + - + + + GRANITIC INTRUSIONS H- + COBALT GROUP + STRATIFORM INTRUSIONS ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS \~ 17 '2' \ VOLCANOSEDIMENTARY I1 I ROCKS - L \= )y PROTEROZOIC ROCKS ~ \ ç~ `r /i PONTIAC o SUBPROVINCE MAJOR FAULTS A arl W er z~= BELLECOMBE A ~ GNEISSES 100 Km (FROM LATULIPPE 1976) 00101F_1,CDR (PN-124) FIG 3 o ~ ¢ ~z o NORMETAL DEPOSIT 11 Mtat2.15%Cu, 5.12%Zn -141111111111.; • ~~ FALCONBRIDGE LIMITED RHYOLITE SEDIMENTS Exploration Timmins, Ontario ANDESITE GRANITE NORMETAL GEOLOGY GABBRO DIABASE 0 Traced: J.B. Date: 24/0997 NTS:32D1MJ2E3 Prged No:8730 5 Km Drawn: J.B. Date 24/0997 Map No: File GEOL2-2.CDR QUARTZ-FELDSPAR PORPHYRY Supervised: P.L. Date: 24/0997 Revised: Date Fig. 4 7 SECTION 3 - DIAMOND DRILLING 3.1 Background of Program The first exploration work on this property dates back to the 1940's. So far, over 10 companies have owned these claims doing work such as geological mapping, trenching, ground geophysical surveys and diamond drilling (see Table 1). In early 1996, Falconbridge Limited came to an agreement with Rio-Algom Exploration Inc., the current owner. The following Table is a brief summary of previous exploration work that was conducted on the property. TABLE 1 Previous Exploration Work Summary Normétal Rio-Algom Option PN 08-736 Company Year(s) Exploration work Rockridge Gold Mines Co. 1946 Trenching, 6 DDH Baronial Copper Mines 1951 1 DDH Entreprise Mining Co. 1956 Geophysics Matte Adamson Min. Expl. 1960's Geophysics, 7 DDH Kupfer Mines 1971-72 4 DDH Dome Exploration 1974 2 DDH Canadian Nickel 1975 1 DDH Utah Mines 1975 1 DDH Great Plains Dey.
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