7 SET. 201 i 14:49 ENAC MANT PRODUZiONE NR. 335 The original signed letter will nor follow to this /CIX {Article 6, paragraph 2, Law No 412 of 30.12.1991) ENAC EN!E N/\1.101'1/llE ps;, L"AVI/\Z/ONE CIVILE Airworthiness &. Operations Regulation IIA/JAN OV!i AWWON A//lHOR/TY Division Mr. Brian SKEHAN EI'IP:C Head of Airworthiness IRISH AVIATION AUTHORITY Protocollo del 07/0912011 Aviation House 0115359/SNO Hawkins Street Dublin 2, Ireland. Fax. 353 1 6793349 e. c. ENAC -Safety Standardisation Directorate ENAC - Personnel Licensing Regulation Division ENAC- Milan, Naples, Rome, Turin, Venice Operations Division ENAC- Air Transport License Subject: Schedule lA- List of Irish registered aircraft operated by Italian operators falling under ENAC-IAA art. 83bis agreement Dear Sir. We refer to your fax of 5 September 2011 providing us with the subject document, signed by you, updated on 31 51 August 2011 and replacing any other revision of it previously registered with ICAO. To this regard please find enclosed that Schedule ... lA document dated 31 51 August 2011 duly signed by ENAC. We would appreciate it if you could send to us, as courtesy copy, the request for registration of that schedule you will submit to ICAO as required by the current agreement A copy of registration confirmation you will receive by ICAO in respect of that request will be highly appreciated as well. Please we would like to suggest you to remind ICAO that at the moment the schedule IIA, relevant to Italian registered aircraft operated by Irish operators, is empty and therefore is not sent for registration. Yours Faithfully, } Marco Siianos The Director~ Enclosure; Schedule lA- List of Irish registered aircraft operated by Italian operators falling under ENAC-IAA art. 83bis agreement - page 1 to 6 ph. +39 06 445961 Headquarter< : Viale Castro P(etorio, 118 fax +39 06 44596731 Offices: Via Gaeta, 3 regolaz;[email protected] 00185 Rome - Italy www.enac.gov.it ~ERTIFIED T~J Udaras Eitliochta na hEireann Foirgneamh na hAmanna 11-12 Sraid 0'0/ier I ...... + FAX MESSAGE Baile Atha Cliath 2, ~ire Irish Aviation Authority T +353 1 603 1142 The Times Building F +353 1 679 2934 11-12 D'Oiier Street www.iaa.ie Dublin 2, Ireland ~IAA TO: Mr Giuseppe Guido RECCHIA Enk Nazionale per I'Aviazionc Civile FAX NO: 00 39 06 4459 6731 FROM: Flannan Garry. Irish Aviation Authority TOTAL PAGES (INCLUDING THIS SHEET): 7 COMMENT/MESSAGE: SCHEDULE I A to ENAC-IAA 83bis agreement Dear Mr Recchia. Reference subject agreement and its attached schedules. Please find attached pages l to 6 signed by the Irish Aviation Authority. Best Regards Aeronautical Officer Irish A vic\.~ .... uthority. ~ IAA F. GARRY Ragisbatloo 0111cer DATE: 5 September, 2011 Schedule lA Current schedule of Irish registered aircraft types, with aircraft registration, serial number, Italian operators and lease expiry dates, affected by this delegation agreement. I~ '"- ENAC Operotlons Type Mooel Serial Number Dale of expiry Reg. Mark• Operator Manufa:cto re r OTvrsion [_1--., 0> 0> fi.CKM MERIDIANA FLY S.p.A. McDonnell Douglas: Aircraft Company DC-9-80 MD-83 49792 31-Qct-11 Rome = EI-CRD ALIT AUA CAl S. p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 767 767-300 26259 29-0ct-14 Rome EI-CRE MERIDIANA FLY S.p.A. McDonne11 Douglas: Aircraft company DC-9·80 MD-83 49854 31-Dec-11 Rome EI-<:RF AliTAtiA CAl S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 767 767-300 25170 211-Jun·12 Rome EI·CRH MERIDIANA FLY S.p.A. Mc;Donne11 Oougras: Aircraft company DC-9-80 MD-i!3 49905 31-Deo-11 Rome : EI-CRW McRIOIANA fLY S.p.A. McDonnell OotJglas Alrcra ft Company DC-9-80 MD·83 49951 01-Det-11 Rome fi-CUA BLUE PANORAMA S. p.A. THE 8 OEING COMPANY 737 737·400 24901 1&-Deo-13 Rome EI-CUD DlUE PANORAMAS.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 737 737-400 26298 B-Mar-11 Rome EI·CUM WIN DIET S.p.A. Airbus lndustrle A320 A 320-232 542 04-Msr-14 l'laple• J EI-<:LJN BlUE PANORAMA S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 737 737-400 27074 0'1-Jun-14 Rome EI-CXO BtUE PANORAMA S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 767 767-300 28111 30-May-13 Rome EI-C2H BLUE PANORAMA S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 767 767-300 29405 30-May-14 Rome EI·DBK AUT ALIA CAl S.p.A. THE BOErNG COMPANY 717 777-200 32783 09-0ct-15 Rome LU EI..UBL ALIT ALIA CAl S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 777 777-200 32781 13-Nov-15 Rome =0 EI-DBM AUTA\IA CAl S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 777 777·200 32782 11-Dec-15 Rome r--J = EI-DBP ALIT ALIA CAl S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 767 767-300 32784 12-Jun-B Rome =0 C.<:: fi-DDH ALIT ALIA CAl S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 777 777-100 32784 05-May-16 Rome ~ EI·DDW ALIT ALIA CAIS.p.A. lHE BOEING COMPANY 767 767-300 26608 30-Nov-11 Rome = EI-OEZ MERIDIANA FlV S.p.A. Airbus lndus.trie A319 A319-112 1283 01-Aj)r-15 Rome 2= EI•DFA MERIDIANA fLY S.p.A. Airbus: lndustfie u A319 A319-112 1305 IS-May-15 ROOlE!' == EI-OFG CAl FIRST Airb"s lnclust~o ERI-170 ERJ 170-100 LR 170011008 23-Mar-16 Rom!! LLI= EI·DFH CAl fiRST EMBRAER <MPRESA BRASILEIRA DE AERONAUTICA SA EllJ-170 ERJ 170·100 lR 17000009 21-Apr-16 Rome EI-DFI CAl fiRST EMBRAER EMPRESA 6RASI LEIRA DE AERONALJTICA SA ERJ-170 EIU 170-WO LR 170110010 l9·MoY-16 Rome Et-DFJ CAl FIRST EMBRAER EMPRESA SRASILEIRA DE AERONAUTICA SA ERJ-170 ERJ 170-100 tR 17000011 29·/un-16 Rome ".~ EI-DFK CAl FIRST EMBRAER EMPRESA 6RA.SILEIRA DE AERONALJTICA SA ERI-170 ER/170-100 LR 17000032 29-Jun-16 Rome EI-Dfl ,,_ CAl FIRST EMBRAER EMPRf.SA BRASILEIRA DE AERONAUTICASA ERI-170 ER/170-100 LR 17000036 15-lul·l6 Rome EI-DFN WINDJET S.p.A. Airbus lndustrie A320 A 320-211 204 08-Apr-13 -- Naples ,=, '~ ,_ 31/08/ZOll '-'-' '~'~' "· ,_ For the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) +~. GAft Page 1 of 6 ___...,~__j;-:-:-oFor the JtaliaJclviilliallon Author(i\ ,, ~~ o Oll!car~ERTIFIED TRUE ~~ -1,- \ ,~~\:,:0$ ~ 5chedule lA Current schedule of Irish registered aircraft types, with aircraft registration, serial number, Italian operators and \ease expiry dates, affected by this delegation en agreement. EI·DFO WINOJET S.p.A. Airbus lndustrle A3Z~ A 32tH11 371 2(}-.Jun-14 Naples '" El-OFP MERII)IAI'IA FLY S.p.A. AirOOs lndustrle A:ll9 A319·112 1048 3()-Jun-14 Rome EI·DIP AmAUA CAl S.p.A. Airb\Js lndu.strie Aa:JO A 330·202 039 3()-Mar-14 Rome IL0 <n EI·OIR ALIT ALIA CAl S.p.A. A330 17-Jun-14 0' AlrbtJs lndustrie A 330·202 272 Rome =' EI·DJL BLUE PANORAMAS.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 767 767·300 25137 2!1-Jun-12 Rome = Ef·OKL BLUE PANORAMA S.p.A. THE BOEING COMPANY 757 757·100 211482 20./un-13 Rome EI·OMR MISTRAL AlR S.R.L. THE BOEING COMPANY 737 n7-400 25851 12-May-12 Rome EI-DNA BlUE PANORAMA S.p..A. D-iE BOEING COMPANY 757 757-200 2SB43 13-0ec-13 Rome EI·DNP WI NOlET S.p.A. Airbus tnd\Jstrie A320 A 320·212 421 12-Nov-14 N•ple$ EI·DOE WINDJ[;.T S.p.A. Airbus lndustrle A320 A 320·211 215 08·0ec~13 Naple$ EI·OOP WINO!ETS.p.A. Airbus tndtJslrle A320 A 320·232 816 21-Mar-15 Naple$ EI-DOT AUT ALIA CITYUNER S.p.A. BOMBARDIER INC. GROUP. CANADAIR ct-600 CL·500·2024 15!166 22·May-1B Rome EI·DOU ALIT ALIA CITYUNER S.p.A. 8OMBARDIER IN C. GROUP - CANAOAIR CL-6~0 CL.V00·2Dl4 15068 22·May·18 Rome EI·DRI AUT ALIA CiffiiNEA S.p.A. BOMBARDIER INC. GROUP - CANADAJR ct-600 ct·60()-2024 15076 25-Jun-18 Rome EI·OR! ALIT ALIA CITVUN ER S.p.A. BOMBAROI ER IN C. GROUP - CANAOAIR CL-600 ct-600-1024 15077 20-Jo~lB Ftc me EI-DRK AUTALIA CITYUNER S.p.A. BOMBARDIER INC, GROUP· CANADAJR CL-6110 ct·OOO·ZDZ4 15075 25-Jun-18 Rome EI·DSA ALIT ALIA CAl S.p.A. Ai1bus lndustrle A320 Al20·216 2869 17-S•p-18 Rome =0 EI·DSB ALIT ALIA CAl S. p.A. Alrbus I ndustrie A320 A320·216 2932 23-May-16 Rome I ~ EI-OSC '~ AUTAUA CAl S.p.A. Airbus lndustrie A320 A320-216 2995 24-May-16 Rome =0 EI-DSD c.-:­ AliT ALIA CAl S.p.A. Airbm: 1ndustrle A320 A320-21G 3076 23-May-16 Romeo ~ Ef·DSE ALITALIA CAl S.p.A. Airbus lndus~rle A320 A320-216 3079 24-May-16 Rome ':-;:o;: EI·OSF AUT ALIA CAl S.p.A. Airbus !ndustrie """ A320 A320·216 :3080 04-Apr·19 Rome EI·DSG AUT AUA CAl S.p.A. Airbus lf)dustrle A320 A320·216 3115 04-Apr-19 Rome '->""' <t: EI·DSH AUTAUA CAl S.p.A. Airbus lmlus~rle A320 A320·216 3178 22-Jul-19 Rome ='~ EI·DSI AliTALIA CAl S.p.A. Airbus lndustrie A320 A320·216 3213 27·S.r>-19 Rome 1:1-0SJ AUT AliA CAIS.p.A.
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