Department of Public Works and Highways - Pampanga lst District Engineering Office, Final Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2pl9 code (PAP) PMO/ Schedule for Each Procu rement Activity Estimated Budset (PhP) Program/Project End-User (brief d*cription of Sub/Open of Cont16ct Total MOOE CO Program/Project) T Bahay Pare-Sn L!is-Sto Domingo Rd - K0065 + 122 - K0065 + 181, K0065 + 610 - K0065 + 801 K0067 + Public Bidding 9111-1711a lataala 10/1516114 1A117-1911a NEP 2019 7,579,000.00 7 579,000 ERRATA 000 - K0067 + 358. K0072 + 000 - K0072 + 328 lst DEO 2 Ba iwas-Candaba-Sta Ana Rd - K0058 + 077 - K0059 + Public Bidding 9t'11 17t1a 10ta2t1a 10t1516/14 14117-19118 NEP 2019 32.225.000 00 32,225 000 ERRATA o4t K0059+759-K0062+900 lst DEO 3 Candaba-Sn Miguel Rd - K0080 + 000 - K0080 + 133, K0080 + 806 - K0080 + 908, K0081 + 057 - K0081 + Public Biddins 9111-17t1A 10t42t18 101151611A 14t17-19118 NEP 2019 12,938,000.00 12,938,000 225, K0081 + 403 - K0081 + 716, K0063 + 000 - K0083 1st DEO + 252. K0084 + 000 - K0084 + 630 Sn Sirnon-Baliwsg Rd - K00s9 + 171 , K00s9 + 276 Publc Bidding 9111-17118 10rc2t18 10/T 5 16/T 6 14t17-19/14 NEP 2019 3,619,000.00 3,619.000 ERRATA lst DEO 5 Sto. Tornas-Minalin Rd (Minalin TailDike Sect) - K0068 + 033 - K0069 + 000, K0070 + 8'18, K0071 + 999 Publlc Bidding 9111 17/14 10ta2t'18 10/15-1611a 14t17-19/14 NEP 2019 17,391.000.00 17 391.000 1st DEO 6 Sto. Tonas-Mrlalin Rd (Mi€lin.i,,lacaoebe Secl) - K0064 + -489 - K0064 + -439. K0065 + 370 - K0066 + 9111 17l1a 101a2t18 10t1516/14 1A117-1911A NEP 2019 15,222,000 00 15222,000 236, K0073 + 394 - K0073 + 684, K0073 + 800 - K0074 1st DEO + 257, KOa74 + 420 - KOO74 + 5A7 7 Tulauc-Sto Domingo Rd - K0061 + 542 - K0061 + 835 9111-17t14 10lazl1E 10115-16t14 14t17 19t14 NEP 20]9 10,032.000 00 t0 032,00c ERRATA 1st DEO 8 Baliwag-Candaba-Sta Ana Rd - K0066 + 200 - K0066 + 350, K0066 + 800 - K0066 + 850, K0066 + 900 - K0066 - 950 K0057 t 000 - <0067 + 200. K0067 + 350 - Pub c Blddins 9t11-17t14 10ta2t1a 10h 5-16h 8 14t17-19t14 NEP 2019 73,021,000 00 73 021 1st DEO ,AAA K0067 + 480. K0067 + 500 - K0067 + 600 I Manila North Rd - K0059 + 000 - K0059 + 660, K0060 + 000 - K0060 + 084, K0060 + 096 - K0061 + 3c8, Pub c Bldding 9111-1711A 11tov1a 10h5-16h8 10t17-19t14 NEP 2019 39,494 000 00 39,494,000 1sl DEO K0061 +360-K006'l +524 t0 Tulauc-Slo Domingo Rd - (S0119612) Chainage 078 - Public Bidding 9111-17t14 10/o2/1A T0/15-16/18 14t17-19t14 NEP 2019 2,135.000 00 2,135 000 ERRATA Chainaqe 183 1sr DEO 11 Baliwag-Candaba-Sta Ana Rd - K0071 + 400 - K0073 + Public Bldding 9/13 19/18 10lo4l1a 14116-17t18 10/14-21t14 NEP 2019 45.164.000 00 45.164.000 ERRATA 144 1st DEO 12 Manila Noft Rd - K0052 + 237 - Koo52 + 344, Koa52 + 702 - K0052 + 855, K0055 + 086 - K0055 + 131. K0055 + T44 - K0055 + 194. K0056 + 344 - K0057 + Pub c B ddlng 9/13-19/18 10to4t1a 14116-1711A 10/1a-2111A NEP 2019 24 688 000 00 24,688 000 ERRATA lst DEO 744, K0057 + 924 - K0058 + 134. K0058 + 220 - K0058 + 687. K0059 + 660 - K0060 + 000 T3 Tulalc-Sto Domingo Rd - (S0119612) Chainase 0 - PLrblic B ddlng 9t13-1q14 1AlO4t1A 1at16-1111A 14t18-21t14 NEP 2019 64 738 000 00 64,738 000 ERRATA Chalnaoe 78. K0060 + (-234) - K0064 + 100 lst DEO ConstrLrclion of Road, Apalt, Pampanga Public B ddlng 9t13-19t14 1AtO4t1a 1At16-1711A 14t18-21t18 NEP 2019 2 000 000 00 2.000,000 lst DEO 15 ConstrucUon oI Road, Barangay San Nicolas, Public Bdd ng 9/13-19/18 1AtO4t1A 141161711A 1A/18-2111A NEP 2019 4,000 000 00 4,000,000 Masantol. PamDanoa 1sl DEO T6 Constructon of Road, Candaba Pampanqa Public I ddlng 9/13 19/18 1AlO4l1A 10t16-17118 14t18 21/ 18 NEP 2019 2 000 000 00 2,000,000 lst DEO 17 Constructon of Road lLlacabebe. Pampanga Public 8 ddlng 9/13-19/18 1AtO4t1a 1A116-1711E 10t18-21118 NEP 2019 2,000 000 00 2 000,000 Conslrulion of Road 1st oEo '18 Construcl on ol Road Masantol Panpanga P!blic Bdd ng 9t13-19118 1ato4t1a 1A116-1711A 10/1a-21t18 NEP 2019 2 000 000 00 2 000,000 1sl DEO 19 Construction of Road, San Luis, Pampanga Public Bdd ng 9/13 19/18 1AlO4l1A 10t16-17t14 14t18 21t18 NEP 2OT9 5 000 000 00 5,000,000 lst DEO 2A Constructron of Road, San Simon Pampanga PLblic Bidd ns 9/13-19/18 1AtA41A '10t16-17118 10t14-21t14 NEP 20]9 2 000 000 00 2.000,000 Construton of Road 1st DEO 21 Conslruction of Road, Sto Tonras, Pampanga Public Brdd ng 9117 2311A 10/08/18 10t23 24t18 1C125 2Al1A NEP 2OT9 2 004 004 0c 2.000 000 1sl DEO 22 Rehabilitation/lmprovement of Sepung llog, Sta Lucia, Pampanga Rehabilitation/lmprovement Public Bidding 9t17-23t18 1 0/08/1 I 10123-24118 10t25-28t18 NEP 2019 45,000,000.00 45,000,000 Sta Ana. BvDass Road. Pamoanoa 1st DEO of By-Pass Road Sta Ana-Arayat Bypass Road, Pampanga Pampanga Public Bidding 9117-23118 1 0/08/1 I 10t23-24118 10125-28118 NEP 2019 50,000,000.00 50,000,000 By-Pass Road 1st DEO 24 Construction/Rehabilitation of Cabalantian Gugu Road, Pampanga Construction/Rehabilitation Bacolor, Pampanga (R.A. 9506- Bacolor Rehabilitation Public Bidding 9t17-23t18 1 0/08/1 8 10123-2411A 10t25-28t18 NEP 2019 1 0,000,000.00 1 0,000,000 1st DEO of Road Ac0 25 Construction/Rehabilitation of Macabacle Road, Pampanga Construction/Rehabilitation Bacolor, Pampanga (R.A. 9506- Bacolor Rehabilitation Public Bidding 9t17-23t18 1 0/08/1 I 10123-241',t8 10t25-28t18 NEP 2019 23,000,000.00 23,000,000 1st DEO of Road Act) 26 Construction/Rehabilitation of Sta Barbara- Maliwalu Pampanga Construction/Rehabilitation Road, Bacolor, Pampanga (R.A.9506- Bacolor Public Bidding 9t17-23t18 10t08t18 10123-24t18 10t25-28t18 NEP 2019 1 00,000,000.00 1 00,000,000 1st DEO of Road Rehabilitation Act) 27 lmprovemenUConcreting of Cabalantian - Mesalipit Pampanga lmprvemenuconcreting of Gugu Dike Road, Bacolor, Pampanga (R.A. 9506- Public Bidding 9t17-23118 1 0/08/1 I 10123-24118 10125-28t18 NEP 201 9 45,000,000.00 45,000,000 1st DEO Road Bacolor Rehabilitation Act) ,a lmprovemenvconcreting of Cabetican Road, Bacolor Pampanga lmpruemenUConcreting of Pampanga (R.A. 9506- Bacolor Rehabilitation Act) Public Bidding 9l'17-23118 1 0/08/1 8 10123-24t18 10t25-2A118 NEP 2019 20,000,000.00 20,000,000 1st DEO Road 29 lmprovemenUConcreting of Maliwalu Road, Bacolor, Pampanga lmprvemenUConcreting of Public Bidding 9t17-23t18 1 0/08/1 8 10123-241',t8 10t25-28t18 NEP 2019 25,000,000.00 25,000,000 Pamoanoa f R A 9505- Bacolor Rehabilitalion Act) 1st DEO Road 30 lmprovemenVConcreting of San Vicente-San Antonio Pampanga lmprvemenVConcreting of Road, Bacolor, Pampanga (R.A. 9506- Bacolor Public Bidding 9t17-23t18 10t08t18 10123-24118 10t25-28t18 NEP 2019 25,000,000.00 25,000,000 lst DEO Road Rehabilitation Act) JI lmprovemenVConcreting of San Vicente-Talba Gugu Pampanga lmprvemenUConcreting of Dike Road, Bacolor, Pampanga (R.A.9506- Bacolor Public Bidding 9117-23t18 l0toat1a 10t23-24t18 10t25-28t18 NEP 201 9 40,000,000.00 40,000,000 1st DEO Road Rehabilitation Act) Rehabilitation/Completion of Mesalipit-Talba Road, Pampanga 10129t18 - Rehabilitation/Completion Bacolor, Pampanga (R.4. 9506- Bacolor Rehabilitation Public Bidding 9t20-26t18 10t1 1118 10t25-26t18 NEP 2019 25,000,000.00 25,000,000 1 st DEO 1112118 of Road AcO 33 Rehabilitation/lmprovement of Tinajero and Talba Pampanga 10129118 - Roads, Bacolor, Pampanga (R.A. 9506- Bacolor Public Bidding 9120-26118 10111 l1a 10t25-26t18 NEP 2019 I 2,000,000.00 1 2,000,000 Rehabilitation/lmprovement 1st DEO 11t2t18 Rehabilitation Act) 34 Concreting of Road, Brgy. Dela Paz Sur, San Pampanga 10129118 - Public Bidding 9120-26118 't0111118 10t25-26118 NEP 2019 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 Concreting of Road Fernando. Pampanqa 1st DEO 1112118 35 Concreling of Road, Purok 5, Brgy. San Pablo, Mexico, Pampanga 10129t18 - Public Bidding 9120-26118 't0l11l1E 10t25-26t18 NEP 201 9 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 Concreting of Road Pam0anqa 1st DEO 11 12118 36 Concreting of Road, Purok Sadsaran, Brgy. Sta. Lucia Pampanga 10t29t18 - Public Bidding 9120-26t18 1011 1118 10t25-26118 NEP 2019 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 Concreting of Road Wakas. Masantol. Pamoanoa '1st DEO 11t2118 37 Construction of School Building, San lsidro ES, Pampanga 10t29t18 - Construction of School Public Bidding 9t20-26t18 10t1 1t 18 10125-26t1A NEP 2019 2,500,000.00 2,500,000 Baranoav San lsidro. San Simon. PamDanoa 1st DEO 1112118 Buildinq Rehabilitation/Repair/lmprovement of Alauli ES School Pampanga 10t29t18 - Rehabilitation/Repair/ Building, Barangay Tabuyoc, Apalit, Pampanga Public Bidding 9120-26t18 10t1 1 118 10125-261',18 NEP 2019 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 1st DEO 1112118 lmprovement 39 Rehabilitation/Repair/l mprovement of School Building Pampanga 10t29t18 - Rehabilitation/Repair/ (San Gabriel ES), Barangay San Gabriel, Macabebe, Public Bidding 9t20-26t18 10t1 1 t18 10125-26t18 NEP 201 9 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 1st DEO 11tzt18 lmprovement Pamoanoa 40 Rehabilitation/Repair/lmprovement of School Building Pampanga Rehabilitation/Repair/ (Sto. Rosario ES), Barangay Sto. Rosario, Candaba, Public Bidding 9t25t18 - 10t1t1A 10t16t 18 'l 0/30-31 /1 8 1112-7 ll E NEP 201 9 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 1st DEO lmprovement Pamoanoa 41 Construction of lvlultFPurpose Building (Barangay Hall) Pampanga Concstruction of Multi- Public Bidding 9t2st18 - 1011t18 10t16t18 10/30-31/18 1112-7 t18 NEP 2019 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 Baranoav Lanano.
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