Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 10-15-1991 The Parthenon, October 15, 1991 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, October 15, 1991" (1991). The Parthenon. 2960. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/2960 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MARSHALL Volume92 PARTHENON Number23 . Students face another tuition increase By Gregory Collard chines," Gilley said. Presidential Correspondent ----- How much the increases will be is yet to I would bet that there would be [tuition increase}, but it will be more out­ be determined. A university fee commit­ tee comprised offaculty and students will University students should save their of-state students than in-state and metro students. As long as there is change because next year they will proba­ study the issue and make a recommenda­ inflation, the cost will keep going up. tion, Gilley said. bly need it. Dr. Emory Carr, chairman of the com­ Although tuition increases for 1992-93 J. Wade Gilley have not been formally announced, stu­ • mittee, could not be reached for comment. dents should expect the price to rise again, Marshall University President Efforts will be made to keep increases to President J . Wade Gilley said. a minimum, Gilley said. "I would bet that there would be [tuition "We want to make sure that poor people increase], but it will be more out-of-state states attend Marshall because it is incr,eases." are not boxed out of higher education students than in-state and metro stu­ cheaper than their state colleges. An example of financial management because of their financial status," Gilley dents," Gilley said. "As long as there is But if there is a bright side, at least will start with copy machines in Old Main, said. inflation, the cost will keep going up." students will see they are getting their he said. Gilley insists only one is needed Administrators are trying to solve Gilley said out-of-state students will be money's worth, Gilley added. for each floor. However, Gilley estimated Marshall's financial woes by other meth­ affected more because they have been "Higher education must be frugal and there are about 15 on each floor. ods also, Gilley said. A university re­ getting a bargain. He told The.Parthenon wellmanaged,"he said. "We need to prove "There is too much paper flowing from source enhancement committee will be in September that students in bordering that to stude11ts before we continue fee each office because o~ so many copy ma- meeting to look for solutions, he said. Confirmation hearings Skating away draw mixed reactions By The Associated Press-­ Is he lying? Is she lying? Are I think once more the they going too far? greatest deliberative body With the U.S. Senate set to vote Tuesday on the confirms-. in the world has patterned tion of Supreme Court nominee itself on the 'Geraldo' show Clarence Thomas, many West and there's nothing in the Virginians eschewed their week­ end sports in favor of the tabloid vault. television of the Senate Judici­ ary Committee hearings. • Sen. Jim Humphreys Some criticized Thomas. Oth­ Chairman, ers criticized accuser Anita Hill. Senate Judiciary Committee Still others criticized the com­ mittee. "I think once more the great­ same thing," Ranson said. est deliberative body in the world Others felt Thomas and Hill has patterned itself on the 'Ger­ were treated fairly. aldo' show and there's nothingin Bernie Layne, 21, of Parkers­ the vault," said state Sen. Jim burg, student body president at · Humphreys, D-Kanawha, chair­ the University ofCharleston and man of the Senate Judiciary a senior political science major, Committee. doubted the hearings would have Humphreys was referring to a any effect on the final confirma­ Geraldo Rivera television spe­ tion vote scheduled for Tuesday. cial in which an alleged secret But Layne said the Senate h as vault of Al Capone's was opened handled the case as well as it to reveal only an empty bottle. could. Humphreys said the senators "There's a bigger issue here: were only making speeches. Whether women come to the "It's not an inquiry into the forefront and achieve true equal­ validity of the charges or the ity," Layne said. defense," Humphreys said. "If At Marshall University, sev­ this was in the West Virginia eral people had the television Senate Judiciary Committee, turned off. that kind of nonsense would not "I didn't think much of them be allowed to happen." to begin with," said Tim Smith, Lynn Ranson ofChar leston, a 25, a student . "They're happy former assistant U.S. attorney with themselves and they do and former counsel to the West things to suit themselves." Virginia Ethics Commission, "I think she had every right to praisedHatch, R-Utah, and Sen. speak," said E lva McSorley, 41, Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. who works at a Huntington cloth­ "What bothers me is it doesn't · ing store. Phclo by OaYid L. $wlnt seem like the senators are pay­ "It has done the country good Two skateboarders took advantage of an empty parking lot and a vacant staircase near Smith Hall on Sunday. ing attention when their col­ to know that if a person comes leagues are asking questions forward with this type of a1lega­ because they seem to ask the tion, it will be heard." 2 . THE PARTHENON Tuesday, Oct.15, 1991 Students voice support for Thomas · By David Classing Marva Hornbuckle, Hunting­ the few hours she watched, found though be does not think the basically I think he belongs." : Reporter -------- ton freshman, said she thinks ·real questions about Hill's tim­ process resembles a lynching, Rickie Carter, Sussex, Va., so­ the process is a lynching. ing. ''What's the real purpose of Thomas is in a position the phomore, said he does not think Supreme Court nominee Clar­ "They're taking too much time her bringing it up now? I would American people want to know the process is racist or resembles ence Thomas referred to the just because he's black." report it when it happened." w~at kind of guy he is. a lynching, but questions the Senate confirmation process as Hornbuckle said she believes Simmons said ifshe were sexu­ Stephenson said he believes timing of the professor's allega­ , "a lynching for uppity blacks" on Judge Thomas is telling the ally.harassed in the workplace, Thomas and thinks Hill is on a tions. "Why has it come up at the ! Saturday. Although Marshall's truth. "He's the one telling the she would not continue to stay in publicity stunt. "I also think peak ofhis career-more like jeal­ · black student population is di- truth and she [Hill) probably has contact with the harasser. "I jealousy plays a part in itt ousness. I think Anita Hill is vided about the process as being something personally against would want to get away from Stephenson said he thinks trying to kick him down," he racist, there is an overwhelming him." them," she said. Thomas is qualified to sit on the said."She wants to subtract two sense of support for Judge Tho­ Hornbuckle said Hill waited Donahue Stephenson, Ft. Supreme Court. "He has the steps from every one he has mas. too long to charge Thomas with Lauderdale, sophomore, said al- credentials,the background, taken." Neisa Murrell, Huntington sexual harassment. freshman, said she does not think Another black student, Mar­ it is a lynching. "If there are low Scruggs, Beckleyjunior, said allegations you have to face them he thinks the process is a lynch­ even though you are upper class." ing. Murrell is as divided as the Scruggs said he believes T}lo­ rest of the country as to who to mas and added President Bush believe; University ofOklahoma made a good decision when he Law Professor Anita Hill or nominated him. Judge Thomas. But she does Shinnel Simmons, Brooklyn, think all the details need to be junior, admitted she was not fa­ brought out. miliar with the hearings, but in HAIR & TANNING SALON 419 12th 51reet 525-7898 FIVE REASONS TO 115 A FOOTBALL CHALLEN6l CHOOSE NAVY NURSING ATNCSU/ As a Navy officer and a nurse, ~~~ Show your support at the you'll get: • respect, recognition, and respon­ sibility Marshall Univ.INC State • opportunity for worldwide travel and duty Game • tax-free allowances for housing and meals October 19 • continued personal development -------------------------- and advancement • competitive pay that increases STAY &.SAVE through the years Visit or phone your nearest Navy s3sP.2 recruiter today and explore why 1-4 People you'll want to take advantage of this Raleigh-Crabtree unique opportunity. 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