1876. 901 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD... • ernment property by the wrecking of the steamer San Francisco in and commend it to the tender care of the proper committee-the Com- December, 1653, to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Appropriations. · By Mr. ROSS, of New Jersey: The petition of Grange No. 1, Pa­ The PRESIDENT pro tmnpore. That reference will be ma:le. trons of Husbandry of New Brunswick, New Jersey, for an amend­ Mr. ALLISON presented a memorial and joint resolution of the ment of the postal laws relating to third-class mail matter, to tJ:Ie Legislature of the State of Iowa, in reference to the improvement of Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. the navigation of the Upper Mississippi River; whi?h we!e referred By Mr. TERRY: A paper relating to a post-route from New Castle to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be prmted m the REc­ to the forks of John's Creek, in Craig County, Virginia, to the same ORD as follows: committee. Whereas the Mississippi River and its tributaries afford to the people who By Mr. WARREN: The petition of Mary Sullivan, for a pension, dwell in their valleys the most available means toescapetheexactingand oppcess­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ve tariffs on the trarul1Jortation of their products to the markets of the world; and whereas in order to make this great national highway answer the full measure By Mr. A. S. WIL~IAMS: Twelve peti~ons of citizens ?f J:?etroit, of its usefulness in affording greater faci.lities and safer passage for vessels of Michigan, for authonty to construct a bndg~ across Detrmt R1 ver, to larger tonnaae, it is of the utmost importance that the work on the rapids of the the Committee on Commerce. Upper and Cower Mississippi should be speedily completed : Therefore, By Mr. WILLIS: The petition of A. Sheldon & Co. and 500 other Be it resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed. and our Representa­ tives be requested to advocate and vote for in Congress such measures as will most merchants and business men of Detroit, Michigan, for the repeal of speedily and successfully secure this result. the bankrupt law, to the Committee on the Judiciary. Resolved That the secretary of state be directed to forward copies of this pre­ By Mr. WOODWORTH: The. petition of Jonah 'Yoodward, th~t amble and' resolution to the President of the Senat~ of the United States and to the his name be restored to the pensiOn-rolls, to the Committee on Invalid Speaker of the House of Representatives, with a. request that they may be laid be­ fore each House of Congress, and that copies be sent to each Senator and member Pensions. of Congress from this State. JOHN H. GEAR, Speaker o.f the House. J. G. NEWBOLD, President of the Sena~. IN SENATE. Approved January 25, 1876. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. MONDAY, February 7, 1876. The PRESIDENT pro tentpore presented a memorial and joint reso­ Pmyer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. lution of the Legislature of the State of Iowa, instructing the Sena­ The J omnal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap­ tors and Representatives in Congress from that State to vote for and proved. advocate legislation in favor of the improvement of the rapids of the EXECUTIVE COl\IMUNICATIONS. • Upper Mississippi and the completion of the work ; which were referred to the Committee on Commerce. The PRESIDENT p1·o t&nnm·e laid before the Senate a communica­ He also presented tha petition of W. E. Robbins and 200 others of tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, in response to a resolution of Sullivan and Tioga Counties, Pennsylvania, praying Congress to pass the Senate of January ~6, 1876, requesting the Secretary of the Treas­ an act allowing .the people to elect the President by a direct vote of ury to submit copies of any propositions by the Pacific railroads for the people; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. the creation of a sinking fund for the redemption of the Government He also presented a memorial of the Board of Trade of New York, mortgages, together with a statement of the action of the Govern­ demonstrating the inexpediency of attempting resumption before the ment thereon and the reasons therefor. requisite conditions are ripe for it; which wa.s referred to the Qom­ Mr. WEST. I desire to make a motion that the communication be mittee on Finance. printed and lie on the table; and I give notice to t.he Senate that at Mr. INGALLS presented the petition of JohnS. Friend, praying an early da.y I will call it up for reference and submit some remarks remuneration for property taken from him by the Comanche Indians with re~ard to the pecuniary and other relations existing between in Texas in 1867 and 1868; which was referred to the Committee on the Pacific railroad companies and the Government of the United Claims. States. He also presented a petition of Robert Manville, of Indiana, praying The PRESIDENT p1·o tempm·e. The communication will lie on the that he may be allowed a pension; which was referred to the Commit­ table and be printed, if there be no objection. tee on Pensions. Mr. SHERMAN. I have no objection to the course proposed by the Mr. WINDOM presented a joint resolution of the Legislature of the Senator from Louisiana, but I wish to enter a motion to refer the State of Minnesota in favor of the establishment of a mail-route from communication to the Committee on Finance. Freeborn, in Freeborn County, by way of the village of Alden and the Mr. WEST. I also wish to give notice that I shall move the refer­ town of Mansfield, in that county, to Lake Mills, in Winnebago County, ence of the communication to the Committee on Railroads. Iowa, with semi-weekly service thereon; which was referred to the The PRESIDENT p1·o tempm·e. The Senator from Ohio gives notice Committee on Post-Offices and Post Roads. tl1at he will move to take the communication from the table for refer­ He also presented a joint resolution of the Legislature of the State ence to the Committee on Finance. of Minnesota, in favor of the establishment of a mail-route from Mr. WEST. I had already given notice of an intention to move the Dover Centre, Olmstead Count;r-z to Chatfield, Fillmore County, Min­ reference of the communication. Probably the Senator from Ohio did nesota, with daily mail service thereon; and also for an increase of not hear me. service to tri-weekly on route from Preston to Greenleafton, in Fillmore Mr. SHERMAN. I wish to enter a motion to refer. It will lie on County; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and the table for the present. Post-Roads. l\Ir. WEST. Let i.t lie on the t.able,and when it comes up the mo­ Mr. WEST presented a joint resolution of the Legislature of the tions for reference can be considered. State of Louisiana, in favor of an appropriation by Congress for the The PRESIDENT pro ternpo1'e. The communication will lie on the construction of levees on the Mississippi River in Louisiana, and for table and be printed. the General Government to assume control of all the levees in Louisi­ The PRESIDENT p1·o tempo1•e laid before the Senate a communi­ ana; which was referred to the Select Committee on the Levees of cation from the Secretary of War, stating that Major William P. the Mississippi River. Craighill, of the Corps of Engineers, will be detailed to make an ex­ :Mr. BOOTH presented a concurrent resolution of the Legislature amination of, and report upon, the present condition as respects of the State of Caljfornia, in favor of a modification of the treaty safety and permanency of the Aqueduct bridge across the Potomac with Chlna; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Re­ River at Georgetown, District of Columbia, under the resolution of lations. the Senate of February 3; which was ordered to lie on the table and He also presented a concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the b'e printed. State of California, in favor of the passage of an act granting pensions PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. to the soldiers, sailors, and marines of the Mex:can war of 1846, 1847, Mr. McCREERY. I present the petition of Martinette Hardin McKee, and 1848; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. who asks for an appropriation sufficient to transport the remains of Mr. SARGENT. I present the petition of leading merchants in San h er late husband from the Panama cemetery to that at the city of Francisco, the signatures of whom I recognize as being men eminent Frankfort, Kentucky. Alexander R. McKee wa-s born at Lancaster, in their business, in which they pray for the passage of Senate bill Kentucky, where he filled several positions of trust with fidelity. He No. 209, introduced by myself some time since, to amend and sup­ was married at Jacksonville, Illinois, to the daughter of Martin D. plemental to an act creating the court of commissioners of Alabama Hardin, once a. member of this body. There he became the warm claims and for the disposition of certain moneys, approved June 23, personal and political friend of Abraham Lincoln, who appointed and 1874. I move that the petition be referred to the Committee on the re-appointed him consul to Panama, where he died in the discharge Judiciary.
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