Title 50—Wildlife and Fisheries (This book contains parts 200 to 599) Part CHAPTER II—National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce .......................................................................... 216 CHAPTER III—International Fishing and Related Activities .. 300 CHAPTER IV—Joint Regulations (United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior and National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration, Department of Commerce); En- dangered Species Committee Regulations ......................... 401 CHAPTER V—Marine Mammal Commission ............................ 501 CROSS REFERENCES: Commercial fishing on Red Lake Indian Reservation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior: 25 CFR part 242. Disposal of certain wild animals in national parks, National Park Service, Interior: 36 CFR part 10. Exchanges of land for migratory bird or other wildlife refuges, Bureau of Land Manage- ment, Interior: 43 CFR 2200.0–1—2272.1. Fishing, hunting, trapping, and protection of wildlife in national forests and wildlife ref- uges, Forest Service, USDA: 36 CFR part 241, §§ 261.8, 261.9. Fishing, hunting, trapping, and protection of wildlife in national parks, memorials, recre- ation areas, etc., National Park Service, Interior: 36 CFR parts 2, 7, 20. Fishing and hunting in reservoir areas, Corps of Engineers, Army, DoD: 36 CFR 327.8. Free entry of animals, birds and products of American fisheries under specified conditions, Customs Service, Treasury: 19 CFR 10.70—10.83. Grazing areas for wildlife maintenance, Bureau of Land Management, Interior: 43 CFR part 4110. Making pictures, television production, or sound tracks on areas administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Park Service, Interior: 43 CFR 5.1. 1 VerDate 0ct<31>2002 13:36 Nov 12, 2002 Jkt 197209 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197209T.XXX 197209T VerDate 0ct<31>2002 13:36 Nov 12, 2002 Jkt 197209 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197209T.XXX 197209T CHAPTER II—NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SUBCHAPTER A—GENERAL PROVISIONS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER B—NORTH PACIFIC COMMERCIAL FISHERIES [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER C—MARINE MAMMALS Part Page 216 Regulations governing the taking and importing of marine mammals ................................................. 5 217–221 [Reserved] 222 General endangered and threatened marine species 86 223 Threatened marine and anadromous species ........... 108 224 Endangered marine and anadromous species .......... 189 225 [Reserved] 226 Designated critical habitat ..................................... 192 228 Notice and hearing on section 103(d) regulations .... 233 229 Authorization for commercial fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 ............... 240 SUBCHAPTER D—WHALING 230 Whaling provisions.................................................. 274 SUBCHAPTER E—TRANSPORTATION AND LABELING OF FISH OR WILDLIFE [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F—AID TO FISHERIES 253 Fisheries assistance programs ................................ 277 259 Capital construction fund ....................................... 286 SUBCHAPTER G—PROCESSED FISHERY PRODUCTS, PROCESSED PROD- UCTS THEREOF, AND CERTAIN OTHER PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS 260 Inspection and certification .................................... 298 3 VerDate 0ct<31>2002 05:27 Nov 21, 2002 Jkt 197209 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197209T.XXX 197209T 50 CFR Ch. II (10–1–02 Edition) Part Page 261 United States Standards for Grades ........................ 328 SUBCHAPTERS H–J [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER K—CONTINENTAL SHELF 296 Fishermen’s Contingency Fund ............................... 330 4 VerDate 0ct<31>2002 05:27 Nov 21, 2002 Jkt 197209 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197209T.XXX 197209T SUBCHAPTER A—GENERAL PROVISIONS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER B—NORTH PACIFIC COMMERCIAL FISHERIES [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER C—MARINE MAMMALS PART 216—REGULATIONS GOV- 216.36 Permit conditions. 216.37 Marine mammal parts. ERNING THE TAKING AND IM- 216.38 Reporting. PORTING OF MARINE MAMMALS 216.39 Permit amendments. 216.40 Penalties and permit sanctions. Subpart A—Introduction 216.41 Permits for scientific research and enhancement. Sec. 216.42 Photography. [Reserved] 216.1 Purpose of regulations. 216.43 Public display. [Reserved] 216.2 Scope of regulations. 216.44 Applicability/transition. 216.3 Definitions. 216.45 General Authorization for Level B 216.4 Other laws and regulations. harassment for scientific research. 216.5 Payment of penalty. 216.46 U.S. citizens on foreign flag vessels 216.6 Forfeiture and return of seized prop- operating under the International Dol- erty. phin Conservation Program. 216.7 Holding and bonding. 216.47–216.49 [Reserved] 216.8 Enforcement officers. Subpart E—Designated Ports Subpart B—Prohibitions 216.50 Importation at designated ports. 216.11 Prohibited taking. 216.12 Prohibited importation. Subpart F—Pribilof Islands, Taking for 216.13 Prohibited uses, possession, transpor- Subsistence Purposes tation, sales, and permits. 216.14 Marine mammals taken before the 216.71 Allowable take of fur seals. MMPA. 216.72 Restrictions on taking. 216.15 Depleted species. 216.73 Disposition of fur seal parts. 216.16 Prohibitions under the General Au- 216.74 Cooperation with Federal officials. thorization for Level B harassment for scientific research. Subpart G—Pribilof Islands Administration Subpart C—General Exceptions 216.81 Visits to fur seal rookeries. 216.82 Dogs prohibited. 216.21 Actions permitted by international 216.83 Importation of birds or mammals. treaty, convention, or agreement. 216.84 [Reserved] 216.22 Taking by State or local government 216.85 Walrus and Otter Islands. officials. 216.86 Local regulations. 216.23 Native exceptions. 216.87 Wildlife research. 216.24 Taking and related acts incidental to commercial fishing operations by tuna Subpart H—Dolphin Safe Tuna Labeling purse seine vessels in the eastern trop- ical Pacific Ocean. 216.90 Purposes. 216.25 Exempted marine mammals and ma- 216.91 Dolphin-safe labeling standards. rine mammal products. 216.92 Dolphin-safe requirements for tuna 216.26 Collection of certain marine mammal harvested in the ETP by large purse parts without prior authorization. seine vessels. 216.27 Release, non-releasability, and dis- 216.93 Submission of documentation. position under special exception permits 216.94 Tracking and verification program. for rehabilitated marine mammals. 216.95 False statements or endorsements. 216.96 Official mark for ‘‘Dolphin-safe’’ tuna Subpart D—Special Exceptions products. 216.30 [Reserved] Subpart I—General Regulations Governing 216.31 Definitions. Small Takes of Marine Mammals Inci- 216.32 Scope. dental to Specified Activities 216.33 Permit application submission, re- view, and decision procedures. 216.101 Purpose. 216.34 Issuance criteria. 216.102 Scope. 216.35 Permit restrictions. 216.103 Definitions. 5 VerDate 0ct<31>2002 13:36 Nov 12, 2002 Jkt 197209 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197209T.XXX 197209T Pt. 216 50 CFR Ch. II (10–1–02 Edition) 216.104 Submission of requests. 216.142 Effective dates. 216.105 Specific regulations. 216.143 Permissible methods of taking; miti- 216.106 Letter of Authorization. gation. 216.107 Incidental harassment authorization 216.144 Prohibitions. for Arctic waters. 216.145 Requirements for monitoring and re- 216.108 Requirements for monitoring and re- porting. porting under incidental harassment au- 216.146 Letters of Authorization. thorizations for Arctic waters. 216.147 Modifications to Letters of Author- ization. Subpart J—Taking of Ringed Seals Incidental to On-Ice Seismic Activities Subpart N [Reserved] 216.111 Specified activity and specified geo- Subpart O—Taking of Marine Mammals In- graphical region. 216.112 Effective dates. cidental to Shock Testing the USS 216.113 Permissible methods. SEAWOLF by Detonation of Conven- 216.114 Mitigation. tional Explosives in the Offshore Waters 216.115 Requirements for monitoring and re- of the U.S. Atlantic Coast porting. 216.116 Applications for Letters of Author- 216.161 Specified activity, geographical re- ization. gion, and incidental take levels. 216.117 Renewal of Letters of Authorization. 216.162 Effective dates. 216.118 Modifications to Letters of Author- 216.163 Permissible methods of taking; miti- ization. gation. 216.119 [Reserved] 216.164 Prohibitions. 216.165 Requirements for monitoring and re- Subpart K—Taking of Marine Mammals In- porting. cidental to Space Vehicle and Test 216.166 Modifications to the Letter of Au- Flight Activities thorization. 216.167–216.169 [Reserved] 216.120 Specified activity and specified geo- graphical region. Subpart P—Taking of Marine Mammals In- 216.121 Effective dates. cidental to Operating A Low Fre- 216.122 Permissible methods of taking. quency Acoustic Source by the North 216.123 Prohibitions. Pacific Acoustic Laboratory 216.124 Mitigation. 216.125 Requirements for monitoring and re- 216.170 Specified activity and specified geo- porting. graphical region. 216.126 Applications for Letters of Author- 216.171 Effective dates. ization. 216.172 Permissible methods of taking. 216.127 Renewal of Letters of Authorization. 216.173 Prohibitions. 216.128 Modifications of Letters of Author- 216.174 Mitigation. ization. 216.175 Requirements for monitoring and re- porting. Subpart L—Taking of Marine Mammals 216.176 Letter of authorization. Incidental
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