Fresno, Colif. Vol. XXXlll, No.24 Thursday. March 15, 1979 DECA brings home the gold by Myre Sugge Philip Kennedy; second place St¡ff tYrit¿r Human Relations - Management level, Bob Garel: fourth place FCC Distributive Education Human Relations - Managemenr Clubs of America walked away level, Bob Chappell; second place with 13 awards at a Career Sales Representatíve, Bob Ana- Development Conference in San forian. Jose March 9-11. One award was on the fun level Three aw¿rds were on the - a thi¡d place award in the state levelonly: first place, State racquetball tournament for Dan Fund Raising, club award; fourth Ghosoph. place Marketing Team Competi "Last year was an outstanding tion. Bob Anaforian and Bob for FCC DECA, winning nine Gareh third place Marketing state and five national awards. Student of the Year, Mary This year our organization has Rader. even greater potential and f ¡ Nine awards were made in movitation," stated Anne I,tf ll contests that continue at the Walker, DECA advisor. l'l national level: Gold award for "Our major problem will be to i> Membe raise funds to send eight i! award: students to Houston, Texas, to compete in the uationals May :t:!t #.€ Irl¿rteii 1Sl9 and represent college Anne 'Walker, adviser, Bob Anaforian, f Rader; our Frorn left, - Market and community. The cost per president. Second row, Tarnara Neumann, Debbie Barnette, Cully; third place APParel and student will b€ approximately N,Íary Radar, Jonna Adarns, and Lori Cully. Third row, Bob Accessories, Jonna Adams; $800." fourth place Apparel and Acces- The FCC club is now busy (Garel, Bob Chappell, Ken Budd, Eric Cnrtchlow, and Dan sories, Debbie Barnette; 3rd planning how to raise the money Ghosoph. place General Merchandisins. fo.r this trip. Heqd Stqrt Center, deloyed, rnqy open Moy t5 by Tin Sheeh¡n The site is the Area II soon. Sthen we start taking St¡ff lilriter Community Center at Thomas enrollme¡t for next fall, the and San Pablo, where lVashing- student,/parent can organize Realistically, I don't see the ton Junior High used to be, and his/her schedule ¿round the center opening before May 15, the area that the eenter is Headstart classes so th¿t the and that's if everything go€s actually supposed to serve does after the center is eompleted, the ehild won't have to wait around right." not include Fresno City College. major problem that het-must face for his parent toBpt out of class," Such is the prediction of Nonetheless, 40 of the 80 slots is transporting the children to rema¡ked llernandez. "Our main Andrew Hernandez, program are being set aside for childre¡¡ of and from FCC. "The Headstart conêern is the child." FCC students. elasses are three-hour-per-day director for the new Headstart Hernandez is quick to stress situations, in which there are 20 child care facility at 1447 East asked about progress Headst¡rü is not a mere When of students per elass. If ¿ student/ that Thomas, originally projected by the remodeling phase of develop day<a.re facility, it is a preschool Fresno County EOC official Ed ment, Hernandez stated that no Droflram that offers an edue¿tion Burke to open by March 1. construction has actually taken horã a specia[¡rtrained staff, and According to Hernandez, the place, mainly because of many that by following the legal procedures technie¿lities and licensing pro development of the project is legal that must be classes and on Tuesday new center will be actually about a month ahead of followed in hiring a contractor, Thursday, or the parent will cedures, the scheduìe. He explained that the licensing and hiring and training "a model Headstart facility, have to bring the child in to the qan March opening date was given of staff. center." where teachers bring their because necessary legal proce- Also, state standards have to students to see what a preschool dures were overlooked in prepar- be met that deal with aceessibil- "Actually, I think it's bettcr is supposed to look and operate ing the original 99timqt9. ity for handicapped persons, that the classes aren't opening so like." Thursday, March 15. 1979 SEEN AROUND NEìíS BRIEFS Teocher hono red; Ph¡lhormonic ploys fllondoy studenf hits iqckpof Cellist Marcy Rosen, winner of Magarian-Smith, who has an MA not, required. bY Loure Batti students feel describe him best the 1979 Rotary Young Artist in choreography and perform- If interested, eall ext. 8201 or Managing Editor - handsome, understanding, Awards Competition, will be ance. submit an application at the loving and kind. police department, 1940 N. featured as soloist with the This is a non-graded non-credit II.I Fresno Philharmonic Orchestra class wit a self-supporting fee. To Calaveras. don't in Madera on Monday, March 19. enroll, contact the Office of Who says students appreciate their teachers? Jack Tagawa, a 23-year-old art The concert will be held in Community Services at ext. 8256 major at FCC, really hit the Madera report the first class Fred Merlo, ah adaptive PE Hatfield Hall at the or to CSU F reps gifted jackpot last week. Fairgrourrds beginning meeting. instructor at FCC, was District "Incredible He was in the Library, at 8 p.m. with an Hulk" T-shirt here todcy during his Monday night class. photocopying his English home- Included on the program will One student explained, "lVe work, when money started be "The Planets" by Gustav always call him the Hulk because pouring out of the copy machine. Women w¡ll from Holst, which was colnposed from Representatives Califor- he's built like him, and we U¡fortunately, a couple of nia State University, Fresno, will 1914-1916. This seven-movement wanted to show how much we workers in the library decided to be in the Cafeteria lobby today piece has each movement named heor Deokins appreciate him." help him retrieve the nickels, after a planet. (March 15) from l0 a.m. to 1:30 The T-shirt shows Merlo p.m. dimes and quarters off the Tickets can be purchased at p.m. and from 6:30 to 9:30 breaking through the gym to ground. for p.m. Students planning to trans- the door. Prices are $3.50 A new women's group recently save a young girl and the shi¡t is Just goes to show, you win students. fer to CSUF may find the adults and $1.50 for started at FCC prov.ides a place inscribed with the wo¡ds the some, you loose some. being sponsored answers to some of their The concert is to converse with women, support by the FCC Office of Community questions by talking to these and encouragement, information reps. Services. concerning re-entry for women, For tickets and information, future' goal planning, referral eontact the Fresno Philharmonic services, and more. Orchestra office, 1362 North . Meetings are on Thursdays Renzi, Horder Fresno St. from l0 to 11 a.m. in Conference Rooms A and B in the Cafeteria. here ç¡ The first speaker, scheduled for concert I wo donce March 22, is Doris Deakins, associate dean of students. Dorothy Renzi" soprano and James Harder, pianist will be ¡ information, call For further aù at closses set at featured the next "Sundays the Counseling Center Five," concert at Fresno City 442-460ii., ext. 8624 or ext. 8630. Collegè on March 18. The concert Two basic community educa- will be held in the Recital Hall tion classes, "Basie Techniques of beginning at 5. l. Ballet" and "Modern Dance ^ pollce Ms. Renzi is a professor of Techniques," begin March 20 and Lompus music at California State Univer- will continue for eight consecu- sity, Fresno. tive Tuesday evenings. need dispotcher ballet class meet The will is needed p.m. the A dispatcher for the' HELEN'5 from 6 to 7:30 and police is college department. Appli- modern dance course cants must be scheduled from 7:30 to 9 p.m. students earrying 12 units or more. TYPING The classes will be held in G-101. the courses are designed with The position entails varied SERVICE the studenü in mind in that they duties, public contact and radio will progress according to class and telephone work. Shift work level. The instructor is Michael is required and typing skills are CALL 22 6 - 4412 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION TIIE VALLEY Music News is now availablê&FREE1, in the FCC Individr.ral Consultation, Ldarr iage Bookstore. Music. Theatre. farnily and Child Counseling Dance. Calendar of events. Ptrilip W. ![alker, Ndarriage, Family and MENI - WOMENI Child Counselor JOBS ON SEIPSI American. LICENSE#4768 FOR MORE INFO. $Í1.ü) for i¡formation. SEAFAX, CALL 227 Dept. 8-6 Box 2049, Port -2981, A.ngeles, Washington 98862. Thursday, March 15, 1979 FILM REVIEW Ex-Beofle Horrison is gefting better with qge þv- t)snnís lloleeYbrook his solo career with tunes like sounds no way close to its Fe¡ture Editor "My Sweet Lord" and "Cracker predeeessor; "F¿ster," a grgat Box Palace."'Ilis new album is no about- motorcar racing has a tune all George Harrison PlaYed album is (something George been part scene for exception. The new .has bis in the music "Your l¡ve is He was consi simply titled "George llarrison" settinc into lately; ovãf a decade. contains some of his best Forevõr." a tunó consider his shy, quiet one when he and I dered the tunes yet, best since the Beatles, and "[f with the Beatles. But slowlY was You Believe," I tune coauthored shyness to Side 1 opens up with his new (who slso lings about by Gary Wrigbt single "Love Comes to Every- performs on the tune).
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