Friday, September 26, 1986 Number 1 C arl Sagan to Speak a t D r e x e l Board of Trustees Confers Honorary Degree to Mark Convocation plorer’s Club 75th Anniversary Award Carl Sagan, noted professor and where. Dr. Sagan has served as Chair­ 11 plaques, and the Voyager 1 and 2 interstellar records, messages about “for achievements in furthering the author, will address the Drexel com- man of the Division for Planetary spirit of exploration," the Joseph munity at a University wide convoca­ Sciences of the American Astronom­ ourselves .sent to possible other civi­ lizations in space. His Emmy and Priestley Award "for distinguished tion in October. Sagan, a Pulitzer ical Society, as President of the contributions to the welfare of Prize winning author, will be given an Planetology Section of the American Peabody Award winning television series COSMOS, became the most mankind,” and the Honda Prize "for honorary degree on the occasion of his Geophysical Union, and as Chairman contribution towards...a new era of visit. of the Astronomy Section of the widely watched series in the history of American public television, and has human civilization.” Dr. Sagan is the David Duncan Pro­ American As.sociation for the Ad­ The Board of Trustees voted Sepi. 17 fessor of Astronomy and Space vancement of Science. For 12 years now been seen in 60 countries by over 250 million people. The accompany­ to extend to Sagan the degree Dwtor Sciences and Director of the he was Editor-in-Chief of ICARUS, of Letters. Laboratory for Planetary Studies at the leading professional journal ing book, also called Cosmos, is the best-selling science book ever publish­ The convocation will be held in the Cornell University. He has played a devoted to planetary research. He is Physical Eduction Center at 11:15 leading role in the Mariner, Viking currently president of The Planetary ed in the English language. In recent years. Dr. Sagan and his a.m. on Oct. 6, 1986. No classes will and Voyager expeditions to the Society, a 100,000 member organiza­ be held between 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 planets, for which he received the tion which is the largest space-interest colleagues have been engaged in research on the long-term conse­ p.m. All University students, faculty NASA Medal for Exceptional Scien­ group in the world, and Distinguish­ and staff are invited to attend the con­ tific Achievement; The Prix Galabert, ed Visiting Scientist, Jet Propulsion quences of nuclear war, uncovering vocation. The gym will be set up to the international astronautics prize; the Laboratory, California Institute of previously unsuspected dangers for handle over 3,000 attendees on a first our civilization and our species. Partly NASA Medal for Distinguished Public Technology. come, first serve basis; no tickets will Service (twice); and the John F. Ken­ In addition to more than 600 for this work, he has been given the be used. A new seating arrangment in nedy Astronautics Award of the published scientific papers and popular Annual Awards for Public Service of the gym will reduce the maximum American Astronautical Society. His articles. Dr. Sagan is author, co-author the Federation of American Scientists distance from the stage by 40%, but scientific research has enhanced our or editor of more than 20 books, in­ and of Physicians for Social Respon­ will also reduce the number of seats. understanding of the green house ef­ cluding Broca's Brain,Comet,Contact, sibility, as well as the Leo Szilard fect on Venus, dust storms on Mars, and T)ie Dragons of Eden, for which Award for Physics in the Public In­ the organic haze on Titan, the origin he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. He terest of the American Physical Socie­ of life and the search for life else­ was responsible for the Poineer 10 and ty. Dr. Sagan has also received the Ex­ A new Macintosh users group is being formed on campus with the help of the Office of Com­ puting Services. The Drexel Alumnus Gives $3 million Macintosh Upgrades Subsidized for Students University Macintosh Users By Kenneth S. Blackney Inc, a distributor of costume jewelry. Group (DUMUG) is holding an Of n e TrinnKU Later that same year he purchased R. Drexel and Appple slash 512e upgrade price by $235 organizational meeting on Oc­ K. Enterprises of New York, r 'essor tober 25 at 10:00 a.jn. on the se­ Drexel alumnus Bennett S. Le Bow of IBM equipment. He then purchas­ cond floor of the Korman for students currently scheduled for has given the University $3 million for ed Saxon Business Products, a By Kenneth S. Blackney ed. These new machines have a 128 Center. K read only memory' and a double sid­ classes in the fall. Students on coop Michael Green, author of Zen the new engineering building. The gift manufacturer and di.stribiitor of Sax­ O f The Trianf-te completes the drive to raise $9 million on and Panasonic copying machines ed disk drive that holds 800 K. An assignment will be sent letters, to both and the Art of Macintosh will be their permanent and local addresses, for the project. throughout the United States. Upgrade from the old-style machines the guest speaker. Le Bow, a 1960 graduate, studied In 1983 Le Bow bought Bayside Apple Computer and Drexel to the MacPlus has not been made informing them of the offer. They The group will hold general Resorts in St. Thomas, U.S.V.I., to University have reached an agreement available by Apple. must respond by November 5 although meetings and then divide for Electrical Engineering while at Drexel the upgrade will not be performed until and subsequently attended Princeton develop a major hotel-marina resort. to provide reduced-cost upgrades for The lower price of the upgrade is special interest group (SIG) Graduate School where he worked as He closed the year with the purchase the 128 K Macintosh. The program being subsidised in a joint venture bet­ they return to classes. meetings. Current SIGs are: of Quantrex Corp, another office announced by the University would ween by Apple Computer. Inc. and One half of the upgrade charges are Music an assistant professor in computer due when an order is placed with the design. He subsequently worled as equipment lessor. reduce the cost of upgrading a 128 K Drexel University according to Dr. Graphics Nineteen eighty four saw the pur­ Macintosh to the 512 K enhanced John Gregory, Manager of User Ser­ Comptrolier's office; the other half Desktop publishing Assistant Chief of Staff—Computer when the upgraded machine is to be Systems for the U. S. Department of chase of Johnson Matthey Jewelry Macintosh to $362. The list price for vices at the Office of Computing Ser­ Excel/Spreadsheets the Army. For the past 15 years he has Company and Sarah Coventry, the the same upgrade is $597. An addi­ vices. No other schools in the Macin­ picked up. Database apllications company he reorganized just two years tional $20 would include a MacPlus tosh consortium are being made a Jan Biros, Microcomputing Coor­ Word processing been an independent financial consul­ dinator, added, “It’s important to tant and private investor. prior. These two purchases establish­ keyboard. similar offer. Telecommunications ed Le Bow as a force in the American Two types of Macintoshes exist. A similar offer was extended to stress that this is a one-time offer.” Hardware interfacing In the 1980’s Le Bow began to con­ Students who do not respond by the solidate his businesses under Le Bow jewerly business. The "old” machine with 128 K and machines purchased by the Universi­ Software development In early 1984 Le Bow purchased 512 K models uses a 64 K read only ty for departmental use. The one-time deadline will not be able to take ad­ Educational applications Industries, a Manhattan based corpora­ vantage of the reduced cost. tion. He holds interests in a number MAI Basic Four, a computer com­ memory and has a 400 K internal disk student upgrade offer will be perform­ Games and fun things pany, for $105 million. Le Bow In­ drive. Two “new” machines, one ed only on machines purchased For more information, contact the Authoring tools of jewelry, equipment leasing and real Equipment Support Group at estate development companies. In dustries was then firmly in place in the with 512 K RAM and the other with through the University and order must File transfer 895-1782. 1982 he reorganized Sarah Coventry, contituied on p<tge 2 1 megabyte, have also been produc­ be received no later than October 30th Philadelphia Dresses the World IEEE to Sponsor Faculty Forum Drexel University Joins the Celebration manufacturing engineering, and (2) may enjoy research work more than part of this situation is due to an teaching (and the reasons are obvious), Special to The Triangle overemphasis placed on R&D by it is the student that professors are teaching professors who they employed to educate. This same con­ Should Drexel professors spend themselves, do not have adequate in­ cern was reflected in an IEEE opinion Drexel University joined the City of dustrial exBerience. Weinschel’s view­ survey last year which polled over Philadelphia and the Fashion Group of more time conducting research than 200,000 members; results indicate that educating students? If they do, what points were debated and several con­ Philadelphia in sponsoring the second clusions were drawn. good teaching and industrial «- “Philadelphia Dresses the World” is the quality of education are we’re receiving? Students often complain Although Drexel must rely on in­ perience are considered more impor­ gala, the city’s annual fashion ex­ come provided by professors conduc­ tant than research.
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