AUSTIN, TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1940 No. 6 VOL. XXIII Central Texas Speech Southland Wins 2nd In State Champion Class AA Football 1939 Teachers Meet At Waco SPEECH TEACHER Class B Ready Writing YEARBOOK ENTERS HE auditorium and speech TRIES CONTESTS COMPETITIVE HELD! Tsection of the Tenth District T.S.T.A. which was organized last Finds Method As Effective Finds Many Other Activi­ year will hold its meeting in Room As It Is in Athletic ties in School Demanding 324 of the Waco High School, Program OR THE PAST several years, Financial Support Waco, Texas, February 10 at I have availed myself of The F 9-10:30 A.M. At that time Mr. (By Nell West Harvey, Picture Memory Test Service, and (By Miss Hazel Myer«, McAlIen) Emory Horger, President State Alice High School) have learned to appreciate its Speech Teachers Association, will (Continued from January Issue) great value. I would feel very TJ7/-HEN WE say to a high discuss Whither Speech Work in \/rORE high schools might greatly handicapped in teaching This will be followed by a ** school junior or senior, Texas? ' be able to afford a year­ picture memory without It. Be­ get acquainted time and election of "A course in speech will make sides appreciating the value of this book if the yearbook were the officers. All auditorium and speech your voice more pleasing, feature of the contest, I have found only publication, or the only teachers of the public school, col­ help you to think on your It to be a feature of great interest lege speech teachers, private speech organization which was try­ to the class. The pupils are al­ feet, teach you how to write a teachers and anyone^ interested in ing to raise money. However, ways eagerly awaiting the next set it speech is urged to attend. good speech and deliver the situations in most schools of pictures". Mrs. .Terry Hill, club well before your service are such that one organiza­ Campwood, Texas. we get or your study club," tion must not infringe on the Lubbock's Westerner Squad Junior Wins Typing Trophy mild response, if any. In League State Meet 1939 rights of another in the mat­ Speech Majors Try Left to Rightt Top Rowi Floyd Ward, Ray McBrayer, Arlie Chism, Bait the Hook Right Madeline Arthur ters of raising money. In Out Plays For League Robert Parks, Pal Farris, L. A. Storrs, Dan Gregory, Milner Thorne; We can no more expect enthu­ Madeline Arthur, age 18, was particular schools, some or­ Third Rowi Coach Walker NichoU, J. A. Blackwell, Ed Crites, Carl siastic enrollment in speech courses adjudged second place in the Class J. D. Milner, Pritchett FOOTBALL RECORD ganizations take precedence Sanders, Pete Cawthon, James Merriman, with that sort of bait than we B division of the Ready Writers \/rEMBERS of the Ad- J. G. Keyes; Second Rowi Troy David- loyal over other school activities, Hart, Leete Jackson, Coach could expect spirited and contest at the 1939 State Meet. ^ * " vanced Directing Class Mgr.; Robert McKinnon, Jack Lovin, Clifton Hill, Howard Alford, football practice in order to "Build an­ son, OF 1939 SEASON She was graduated that year from whether it be the band, Sparkman, Joe Tyson, James Barker, Frank Redwine, R. E. fair play at Texas Technological Col­ Paul up your body" or "Learn the Southland High School, being nual, school newspaper, or Jones, Mgr.; First Row: J. D. Wynn, Henry Lawson, Franklin Butler, and team work." No, we do not lege have completed this se­ selected as valedictorian of her athletics. One school reported Wright, Max Walthall, Francis Bearden, Jimmy Williamson. Playing Season for Great do our football that way. We hold mester, an experiment in a Billy class. Her scholarship during her the school news­ "Starting 11"! Francis. Bearden, Pat Farris, James Merriman, Paul Majority of Schools Closed out to our prospective athletes discontinuing play tournament to senior year was 95 plus. She was one-act Sparkman, Arlie Chism, L. A. Storrs, Clifton Hill, Howard Alford, on December 9 participation in the most colorful paper last year in order to Captain of and played guard on find one-act plays that are Cawthon, Leete Jackson and Joe Tyson. and thrilling spectacles of modern finance the yearbook; how­ Pete the girls' basketball team of the usable in high school contests. times, with individual and collec­ 'TpHE 1939 football season Southland High School last year. ever, the sagacity of such de­ tive glory thrown in. Second string This group, composed of sen­ put on a good show, and the crowd ^ of the University Inter­ She is the daughter of B. R. cisions as this depends on Westerner games al­ men report cheerfully, to get them­ ior speech majors who are PEP attending the scholastic League was con­ Arthur, of Southland, and is this local circumstances. ALL-SCHOOL ways enjoyed their exhibition. But, selves banged about through planning to teach, selected 30, in Dal­ year a. freshman in Wayland Col­ Athletics Main Competitor while the Westernettes were the cluded December dreary hours of monotonous drill, these plays after reading from lege, Plainview. check­ SQUAD WINS OUT chosen ones to lend their vocal sup­ las, by the State Champion­ because they forever cherish the This survey included the organizations with which. many on the prescribed list of port to the football team, some­ ship game between Waco and hope that before the season ends ing of to the Interscholastic League thing happened to the support of they will get into the game. CHORAL SPEAKING the school annual was forced Writer Claims Many Advan­ Lubbock, the latter winning money. In, and others not included here. tha rest of the student body. As teachers in other fields we compete in raising tages For It Over Less by a score of 20-14 before a order of greatest frequency, the All production problems, as well Students had the attitude of "let must, accept the fact that these Group under Mary K. Sands, Democratic Type crowd of 21,000 people. Re­ results are given. Athletics of­ as the final selection of the test the pep squad do it." methods get the job done, that they TSCW, Entertains Nearby Laura Jean Murph fered the most competition; fifty- play, were handled by the indivi­ Better Spirit Shown gional champions in Class A catch and hold pupil interest; while Town* (By Mrs. Ross Ayers, five schools checked this activity. dual members of the class. One the administration made were concluded the week-end 'T~'HE typing contest of the Uni- they enthrall the public. Doubt­ Lubbock High School) When Next to athletics, the most com­ student, Mrs. Evelyn Smith, was JL versity Interscholastic League less every teacher of the unglam- VERSE speaking choir from the change, doing away with the of December 15-17. Class B petition came from the group of appointed as Tournament Manager A DMINISTRATORS who is only for "novices," that is, for orous subject has had her mo- A Texas State College for uniformed group in favor of a district champions were all students who raised money for tha so that actual experience in con­ pupils, who have had no regular ments of resentment that her sub­ Women, directed by Mary K. *"* have been debating more stream-lined pep squad, one determined by December 9, Junior-Senior banquet; forty-one ducting a contest might be studied. instruction in typing prior to the ject, important as she knows it to Sands, gave programs during the whether their schools should that included every student in yearbooks had to compete with this The plays were presented in and six-man football final dis­ first of September preceding the year in various towns nearby. A pep squads or school, the change in spirit was im­ group. The high school'band fol­ three programs of four plays to have uniformed trict games were determined contest. (See Speech Contest Page 3) group of twenty girls made up mediately noticeable. All the stu­ lowed closely with forty schools. each program with outside judges not, may see a significance in this choir. dents learned the yells, and all the by Thanksgiving week-end. Thirty-nine yearbooks had com­ ranking the productions according the experience of Senior High N the December issue of the The Fort Worth Rotagraph gave students attended the football Following is the record of the petition from the school news- to the Interscholastic rules. School in Lubbock, Texas, games. Rowdiness at the games four Conferences into which the I LEAGUER, A. B. Sansom was Says Drama Service this program a very fine notice in The results of this experiment erroneously listed as First the April 28, 1939 issue:. "Miss during the past three years. was cut to a minimum, for the stu­ schools are divided for this com­ Great Help to School (See Yearbook Page 4) showed that the plays tested and dents were so busy keeping up petition : Place Typing winner in the Sands has a remarkable group of This school is" the "Home of 1939. He was found particularly acceptable are: with the yell leaders and with State Meet of women. ... It is hard to believe Conference AA winner. To -ELIZABETH HUKE, Mexia, "Judgment Conies to Daniel," the Lubbock Westerners," the what was happening on the field really second place that twenty girls can speak in District winners in Conference be exact, Jean Murph won first J-/ Texas, teacher of dramatics, "Figureheads," "Aunt Fannie's football team which won the that there was little time for mis­ such perfect rhythm and with Wins 3rd Place In AA football, season of 1939, fol­ with a score of 167.87, while apparently believes in the principle Balm," "Hot Waffles" and "Wis­ Texas Schoolboy Football title behavior left.
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