If you have issues viewing or accessing this file, please contact us at NCJRS.gov. ~---- ---- ,. UNITED STATES \, COURT DIRE6TORY JANUARY 't'~ 1978 (I ."ij o • J) .'.... " '.I .-...,- UNITED STATES COURT DIRECTORY JANUARY 1, 1978 The 'Administrative Office .0£ the United States Courts Contents: Division of Personnel Office of the Chief (633-6115) Publication & Distribution: Administrative Services Division Management Services Branch Chief, Publications Management Section (633-6178) i ..f i /; 1/ Q I: )1 o \:,. Ii f'.'0 ... ··1 1 'I 'I i ) 1 \ 1, ·.1 j i \ I:J (, For salo by the Superintendent or Documents, U.S. Oovetnment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 o .'I j. J. 1 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 FIRST STREET, NE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20543 /) PHONE: 202-252-3000 (( Chief Justice Warren E. Burger Associate Justices William J. Brennan, Jr. Potter Stewart Byron R. Wh~te Thurgood Marshall Harry A. Blackmun Lewis F. Powell, Jr. William H. Rehnquist • John Paul Stevens Retired Justices Stanley Reed William O. Douglas. Clerk Michael Rodak, Jr. ill '0 ii' 2 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS Circuit Mailing Addresses DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT Judges David L. Bazelon, Chief Judge (202-426-7118) *Washington, D. C. 20001 J. Skelly Wright (202-426-7372) " Carl McGo~an (202-426-7132) " Edward Allen Tamm (202-426-7000) " Harold Leventhal (202-426-7151) " Spottswood W. Robinson, III (202-426-7449) " George E.MacKinnon (202-426-7021) It Roger Robb (202-426-7458) " Malcolm Richard Wilkey (202-426-7122) " Senior Judges Charles Fahy (202-426-7094) *Washington, D. C. 20001 John A. Danaher (203-244-3688) Federal Building 450 Main Street Hartford, Conn. 06103 Circuit Executive Charles E. Nelson (202-426-2773) *Washington, D. C. 20001 • Clerk George A. Fisher (202-426-7017) *Washington, D. C. 20001 Senior Law Clerk for the Court Michael Davidison (202-472-4467) *Washington, D. C. 20001 *United States Courthouse 3rd & Constitution Avenue, N. W. • ''0 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS 3 Circuit Mailing Addresses ,.,~ FIRST CIRCUIT - Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Puerto Rico Judges Frank M. Coffin, Chief Judge (FTS-833-3291) 104 Federal Building (207-780-3291) Portland, Ma. 04112 Levin H. Campbell (FTS-223-5797) 1640 John W. McCormack Post (617-482-5594) Office anQ Courthouse Building Boston, Mass. 02109 Hugh H. Bownes (FTS-834-473l) 55 Pleasant St. (603-225-6051) Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Senior Judges Bailey Aldrich (FTS-223-2895) 1634 John W. McCormack Post (617-223-2895) Office and Courthouse Building Boston, Mass. 02109 Edward M. McEntee (FTS-833-4381) 311 Federal Building Providence, R. I. 02903 • Clerk Dana H. Gallup (FTS-223-2888) 1606 John W. McCorr~ack Post Office and courthouse Buildirtg Boston, Mass. 02109' Senior Law Clerk for the Court Marshall D. Stein (FTS-223-2898) 1616 John W. McCormack Post Office 'and Courthouse Bllilding Bos ton;", Mas s. 02109 ' " • 4 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS Circuit Mailing Addresses SECOND CIRCUIT - Connecticut, New York, Vermont Judges Irving R. Kaufman, Chief Judge (FTS-662-0915) *New York, New York 10007 , (212-791-0915) Wilfred Feinberg (FTS-662-0901) " (212-791-0901) Walter R. Mansfield (FTS-662-0900) II (212-791-0900) William H. Mulligan (FTS-662-0930) (212-791-0930) James L. Oakes (802-254-5000) Brattleboro, Vt. 05301 William H. Timbers (FTS-643-4340) U. S. Courthouse (202-367-8826) Lafayette Boulevard Bridgeport, Conn. 06603 Murray I. Gurfein (FTS-662-0911) *New York, New York 10007 (212-791-0911) Ellsworth A. VanGraafei1and (FTS-473-3160) U. S. Courthouse (716-263-3160) Rochester, New York 14614 Thomas J. Meskill (FTS-646-5457) U_ S. Post Office (203-224-2617) New Britain, Conn. 06050 Senior Judges • Harold R. Medina (FTS-662-0236) *New York~ New York 10007 (212-791-0236) Sterry R. Waterman (802-748-8000) p, O. Box 368 St. Johnsbury, Vt. 05819 Leonard P. Moore (FTS-662-09Z6) *New York, New York 10007 (212-791-0926) Robert P. Anderson~(203-536-392t) P. O. Box CCA Noank (Groton), Conn. 06334 :;j. Edward Lumbard (FTS-662-094l) *New York, New York 10007 (212-791-0941) J. Joseph Smith (FTS-244-2448) Hartford, Conn. 06103 (203-244-2448) Henry J. Friendly (FTS-662-0936) *New York, New York 10007 (212-791-0936) Paul R. Hays (FTS-662-0913) " o (212-791-0913) ( , (/ *U. S. Courthouse Foley Square f? • UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS 5 Circuit Mailing Addresses .-,' SECOND CIRCUIT (Cont'd) Robert D. Lipscher (FTS-662-0982) *New York, New York 10007 (212-791-0982) Clerk A. Daniel Fusaro (FTS-662-0103) *New York, New York 10007 (212-791-0103) () Senior Law Clerk for the Court Frank J. Scardi11i CFTS-662-0981) *New York, New York 10007 (212-791-0981) • *u. S. Courthouse '. Foley Square ! 6 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS Circuit Mailing Addresses THIRD CIRCUIT - Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virgin Islands Judges Collins J. Seitz, Federal Bldg., Lock Box No. 3.2 Chief Judge (FTS-487-6159) 844 King Street 'I (302-571-6159) Wilmington, Delaware 19801 Ruggero J. A1disert (FTS-722-3541) 831 Federal Building (412-644-3541) Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 Arlin M. Adams (FTS-597-7317) *19614 U. S. Courthouse (215-597-7317) Philadelphia, tao 19106 John J. Gibbons (FTS-341-2424) U. S. Post Office & Courthouse (201-645-2424) Newark, New Jersey 07101 Max Rosenn (FTS-592-6424) 229 U. S. Courthouse (717-826-6424) 197 South Main Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18701 James Hunter, III (FTS~488-5061) 418 U. S. Courthouse 401 Market Street Camden, New Jersey 08101 Joseph F. Weis, Jr. (FTS-722-3552) U. S;'Post Office & Courthouse (412-644-3552) Pittsburg, Pa. 15219 Leonard I. Garth (FTS-341-6521) U. S. Post Office & Courthou~e (201-623-2979) Newark, New Jersey 07101 A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. *15613 u. S. Courthouse (FTS-597-9157) Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 • Senior Judge Albert B. Maris (FTS-597-2077) *18613 U. S. Courthouse .,,,. (215-597-2077) Phi1adephia, Pa. 19106 Phillip Forman (FTS-483-2131) P. O. Box 794 (609-695-6675) Trenton, New Jersey 08605 John Biggs, Jr. (FTS-487-6163) P. O. Box 2048 (302-571-6163) Wilmington, Delaware 19899 Austin L. Staley (FTS-722-3550) 725 U. S. Post Office & (412-644-3550) COUl;thouse Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 Francis 'L. Van Dusen (FTS-597··4116) *20613 u. S. Courthouse (215-597-4116) Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 Circuit Executive William A. (Pat) Doyle (FTS-597-0718) *20716 U. S. Courthouse (215-597-0718) Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 (~I *Independence Mall West 60LMarket Street .' UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS 7 Circuit Mailing Addresses THIRD CIRCUIT (Cont'd) Clerk Thomas F. Quinn (FTS-S97-2995) *21400 u. S. ""\1Courthodse (215-597-2995) Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 Senior Law Clerk for the Court ',Louise Jacobs (FTS-597-2378) *21712 U. S. Courthouse (2l5-597-2378) Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 '. /) Y J? *Independence Mall West 601 Market Street !} ),) II 8 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS ,\ Circ'i.1i"t Marling Addresses FOURTH CIRCUIT - Maryland, North C~\rolina, South Carolina, Virginia, We~t Virginia \ .. .'20 J·udges Clement F. Haynsworth, .Jr., Chief Judge (FTS-677-~333) (803-235-8949) Greenville, Sc;)uth Carolina 29603 Harrison L. Winter (FTS-922-42l0) .U. S. Courthouse (301-727-0310) 101 W. Lombard Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 John D. Butzner, Jr. (FTS-925-2506) P. O. Box 2188 Richmond, Virginia 23217. Donald Stuart Russell (FTS-677-l322) Spartansburg, South Carolina 29301 H. Emory Widener, Jr. (703-628-3138) Abingdon, Virginia 24210 Kenneth K. Hall (304-346-3641) P. O. Box 2549 Charleston, West Virginia 25329 Senior Judges Herbert S. Boreman (FTS-923-1355) Parkersburg, West Virginia 26101 Albert V. Bryan (FTS-549-7264) P. O. Box 59 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 John A. Field, Jr. (FTS-924-l401) 823 Charleston National Plaza Charleston, West Va. 25301 • Circuit Executive Samuel W. Phillips (FTS-925-2l84) Post Office Box 6-G Richmond, Virginia 23214 Clerk William K. Slate, II (FTS-925-22l3;) U. S. Courthouse, Rm. 249 (804-782-2213) Tenth & Main Streets Richmond, Virginia 2321~ Senior Law Clerk for the Court Dulcey B. Fowler (FTS-925-2340) U. S. Courthouse (804-782-2340) Tenth & Main Streets Richmond, Virginia 23219 • UNITED STATES couaT OF APPEALS 9 Circuit Mailing Addresses •• FIFTH CIRCUIT - Alabama, Florida, Geoqia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Canal Zone Judges John R. Brown, Chief Judge (FTS-527-4517) 11501 U. S. Courthouse (713-226~4517) Houston, Texas 77002 Homer Thornberry (HTS-734-5545) Rm. 200, 600 Camp Street (512-397-5545) New Orleans, La.' 70130 James P. Coleman (601-285-6202) P. O. Box l( Ackerman, Miss. 30735 Irving L. Goldbert (FT8-749-35l4) 13-C-:t6 U. S. Courthouse ( 2l4-749-j5r~\)" 1100 Commerce Street Dallas, Texas 75242 Robert A. Ainsworth, Jr. •(FTS-682-2056) Rm. 300, 600 Camp Street (504-589-2056) New Orleans, La. 70130 John C. Godbold (FTS-534-7210) P. O. Box 1589 ~) (205-832-7210) Montgomery, Ala. 36102 Lewis R. Morgan (404-253-4019) P. O. Box 759 Newnan, Georgia 30263 Charles Clark (FTS-490-4445) P. O. Drawer 2219 (601-353-0911) Jackson, Missiisippi 39205 Paul H. Roney (FTS-826-3296) 601 Federal pffice Bldg. (813-893-3296) St. Petersburg, Fla. 33701. Thomas G. Gee (FTS-734-5844) Rm. 107, U. S. Courthouse • (512-397-5844) 200 West 8th Austin, Texas 78701 Gerald B. Tjoflat (FTS-926-3416) P. O. Box 960 (904-791-3416) Jacksonville, Fla. 32201, James C. Hill (FTS-242-6836) P. O. Box 1535 (404-221-6836) Atlanta, Ga. 30301 Peter T" Fay (FTS-350 .... 5974) P. O. Box 014820 (305-350-5974) Miami, Fla. 33101 Alvin B. Rubin (FTS-682-2905) 600 Camp Street (504-589-2905) New Orleans 70130 Senior Judges Richard T.
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