OR EANS TUN I_ L F'M' K 4 1 MAR MR ' = , ^ EcP Snow Library Board of Trustees Meeting February 10, 2015 Call to Order: A quorum being present the meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Chairman Sandra Rhodes. The meeting was held in the Trustees Room at the Snow Library. Meeting Attendance: Trustees present: Cheryl Bryan, Tony Imler, Sue Lederhouse, Sandra Rhodes and Tim Traub. Trustees absent: Barbara Natale and Barbara O' Connor. Library Staff members present: Library Director, Tavi Prugno; Principal Clerk, Tom Michels. Student Trustee absent: Lucy Wingard. Selectmen Liaison Representative: None Marion Craine Gallery Committee Representative: Ellen Mulroney Friends of Snow Library Representative: Liz DeLima Public Comment: None. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of January 13, 2015 Board of Trustees Meeting were approved as presented with a vote of5 - 0 - 0. Trustee Chair Report: Chairman Sandra Rhodes reported that the Legislative Breakfast's date has been changed to March 6, 2015. It is to be held at 8:30 AM at the Mashpee Public Library. Please notify Tavi Prugno if you are interested in going. The Chairman has received an email from Mary Mador, President of the Friends of Snow Library, which reported there is to be a " Friends of Libraries Commonwealth Conversation", which is the beginning of a series of public meetings across the state where members of the Massachusetts Senate will hear views and concerns from constituents. Chairman Rhodes stated that this is a great opportunity for Library patrons to attend and tell the Senators how important libraries are to their communities and how they need to be adequately funded. This meeting is on March 18 from 6 to 7: 30 PM at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Senator Stan Rosenberg, the new Senate President and Senator Vinny deMacedo from Plymouth and Senator Dan Wolf of Cape Cod are scheduled to attend. Mary Mador has extended the invitation to the Trustees and is interested to hear how many plan to attend. Report of the Student Representative: None. Page 1 Financial report: Tim Traub, Treasurer, reviewed the January Monthly Budget Summary. The Library remains within the budget overall. Town Operating Expenses were at 58. 6 % usage and after for the CLAMS smoothing annual contract would have been at 51. 15 %. Seven months into the fiscal year usage of up to 58.4 % would be considered acceptable. Trustee Traub reported that the Friends had spent $5722 on books, newspapers and magazines during the month. This included $ 1400 for 62 children' s nonfiction books and an annual magazine order for 72 periodicals for $3038. In addition, they contributed $ 150 towards children' s programs. General contributions to the Library during the month were $ 160. The H& H Kline Foundation contributed an additional $ 1500 of which $ 1000 was for general purposes and $ 500 was for children' s furniture. Trustee Traub further reported that $310 was contributed to the Craine Gallery account and that $175 from that account was used to bus elementary school children to the Cape Cod Museum of Art for the purposes of selecting art to be shown in the Marion Craine Gallery in March with comments from 4th graders. 400 was set aside from the Brotherton Grant for a Black History Month Program, "Yours for Humanity— Abby". We believe this is consistent with the Brotherton Foundation wanting to move away from music programs and into educational programs. A motion was made and seconded to accept the financial report. Motion carried with a vote of5 - 0 - 0. Library's Director's General Report: Building Issues Director Tavi Prugno reported that the septic system repair project was successfully completed by the Bortolotti Construction Company. Once the project was completed it was inspected by the project engineer from Ryder & Wilcox and was approved. The carpet replacement project in high traffic areas of the Library surrounding the circulation desk and entryway is now slated for the middle of February. However, since the project has not yet been awarded that date is somewhat suspect. Again, the plans are to start on a Saturday after the Library closes, do the bulk of the work Sunday and complete the project on a Monday. It was hoped to do this over Presidents' Day weekend since the Library would already be closed on that Monday. Plans to paint the Marion Craine Gallery were aborted in the last week of January because the painter was unavailable. The Director stated that he was working closely with the Marion Craine Gallery Committee to determine the next best time between exhibits, but most likely it would take place after the Lifetime Learning courses for the winter semester were over. Personnel Assistant Director Margaret Kistinger has returned to work on a limited basis of 20 hours per week for an indefinite period of time. Rowena Myers Music Series Page 2 Six of the winter music series programs sponsored by the Rowena Myers Trust have been successfully presented. Some had standing room only and almost all had at least 70% of room capacity in attendance. The Director speculated that changing the hours to 2 to 3 PM from 4 to 5 PM has been beneficial for attendance. The only problem that cropped up was the potential conflict with Marion Craine Gallery art exhibition receptions; however, with slight changes, all seemed to work out well. Family Literacy Night at the Orleans Elementary School The Director reported that he and Jamie Forster, Library Page and Substitute Library Assistant, attended a Family Literacy Night at the Orleans Elementary School on Thursday, January 22. They demonstrated Overdrive' s downloadable eBooks and eAudios and the night was a great success. Mostly 4th and 5th graders were in attendance with their parents. Altogether they did demonstrations for approximately 40 people. The Principal and Librarian of the school have expressed interest in having a return visit during morning programs to give more demonstrations to students. They seemed very pleased with the program. Capital Improvement Plan — FY 17 The Director reported that through working with Alan McClennen he has been successful in getting a $ 40,000 allotment in the FY 17 preliminary budget to conduct a feasibility study related to the Library. This must be voted on but it is a good sign. The Director briefly went over a number of projects related to maintenance at the Library including exterior lighting, installing a janitorial sink, fixing the canopy over the front door and a number of other projects that are required to maintain the Snow Library building. This also includes the HVAC system. These projects and a number of others are on the Capital Plan from FY 16 through FY 19. Youth Services Report The Youth Services Report dated February 2015 was distributed in the Trustees package. Story Time Thursdays, the Baby's 1st Year and Game Day programs continue to have good interest. The Director suggested the Trustees review the report to see all that was going on with our young patrons. The Director pointed out that Sue Lederhouse is helping to weed the nonfiction section of the children's area and that this project is about two thirds done. A number of new nonfiction youth books have recently been acquired. Adult Cultural Program for Black History Month Yours for Humanity—Abby which was scheduled in February during Black History Month had to be canceled due to inclement weather. It has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 17 in both the Orleans Elementary School and the Snow Library. It is a one-woman play about Racial Abolitionist and Women's Rights Activist Abby Kelly Foster. It will be held at 11 o'clock in the Snow Library and should be a fascinating treat for all ages. Page 3 Motion was made and seconded to accept the Director's report. The motion carried 5 —0 —0. Report of the Friends of Snow Library: Liz DeLima, of the Friends of Snow Library introduced herself as the Programming Chairman for the Lifetime Learning ("LTL") Committee and mentioned her Co-Chairman, Sally Hoblitzell who is responsible for delivery and the business end. She reported that the winter semester is to begin on February 17 and it will run through May. There are 17 courses and thus far registration is going very well. Programs have a great range and include Jazz, Movies, Chaucer and an Author series. She mentioned that they would be at the Nauset Newcomers meeting to promote the programs. Mrs. DeLima also reported that training regarding the new AV system has already started. She h also reported that this is the 50` anniversary of the Friends of the Snow Library and that two events are in the early stages of being planned. One of these events will be held at the Orleans Yacht Club in October and " major donors" will be invited to this event which will be limited to about 100 people. An event at the Library or on the Village Green is also in the early stages of being planned and this will be open to the public. It is expected to be an informal setting with some fun events included and perhaps serving ice cream and/or hot dogs. Marion Craine Gallery: Ellen Mulroney introduced herself as a member of the Marion Craine Gallery Committee. She reported that the Committee was running very smoothly and that two very favorable articles had recently appeared in the Cape Codder. She talked about the current exhibit which included photos and paintings of turtles by Susan Baur and some nature photography by Marcy Ford. She reported that in March the exhibit will be a result of choices made by the fourth graders at the Orleans Elementary School from the collection at the Cape Cod Museum of Art.
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