1472 weeks. These 15 deaths were equal to an annual rate of officer from the 1st Monmouthshire Royal Garrison Artillery 2 0 0 per 1000 ; the rate from these diseases during the same (Volunteers) is appointed to the brigade, with rank and .week did not exceed l’ 3 in London and 0’ 9 in Edin- precedence as in the Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, burgh. Of the 15 deaths from these epidemic diseases 1908) :-Surgeon-Lieutenant John O’Keefe. in Dublin last six resulted from three week, diarrhoea, Garrison .from "fever," three from measles, two from whooping- Royal Artillery. cough, and one from diphtheria, but not one either from East Lancashire : The undermentioned officer from the scarlet fever or from small-pox. The fatal cases of diar- 8th Lancashire Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) is rhœa, which had been four in each of the two previous weeks, appointed to the unit, with rank and precedence as in the rose to six last week. The 180 deaths from all causes Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon- during the week included 35 of infants under one year of Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Surgeon-Colonel Arthur age and 52 of persons aged upwards of 60 years ; both these Richard Hopper. numbers showed a further considerable increase upon those Infantry. in recent weeks. Eight inquest cases and five deaths from 4th Battalion, The King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regi- violence were registered, and 73, or 40’ 5 per cent., of the ment) : Surgeon-Captain Richard John Morris, from the deaths occurred in public institutions. The causes of all 1st Volunteer Battalion, The King’s Own (Royal Lancaster but one of the 180 deaths in Dublin last week were duly Regiment), to be Surgeon-Captain, with precedence as in the certified ; in London the causes of all but one of the 1388 Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, 1908). 5th Battalion, The deaths were certified ; while in Edinburgh the proportion of King’s (Liverpool Regiment) : The undermentioned officers uncertified causes of death was so high as 8 3 per cent. from the lst Volunteer Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment), are appointed to the battalion, with rank and precedence as in the Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, THE SERVICES. 1908) :-Surgeon-Captain Keith Waldegrave Monsarrat and Surgeon-Captain George Burton Robinson. 8th (Irish) Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) : The under- ROYAL NAVY MEDICAL SERVICE. mentioned officer from the 5th (Irish) Volunteer Bat- The is to the THE talion, King’s (Liverpool Regiment), appointed following appointments areqnotified :-Fleet-Surgeon : with rank and as in the Volunteer Force ,E. to the for three months’ battalion, precedence Cooper President, additional, John Mauries Ahern. course at West London L. (dated April 1st, 1908):—Surgeon-Captain Hospital. Staff-Surgeon : Kilroy 10th Battalion, The to the on G. P. Adshead (Scottish) King’s (Liverpool Regiment) : Diana, recommissioning. Surgeons : The undermentioned officers from the 8th Volun- ,to the Diana ; W. H. to the additional, for (Scottish) Edgar Victory, teer The are to be lent to the II. E. L. Battalion, King’s (Liverpool Regiment), ap- disposal, Sapphire Atkinson, to the with rank and as in the ,C. J. S. G. A. D. H. C. pointed battalion, precedence Aveling, Bradbury, Bradshaw, Given, Volunteer Force J. M. and F. H. to the for (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon-Major Hayes, Stephens Yivid, additional, Charles John Macalister and David A. T. G. W. M. and A. L. Surgeon-Lieutenant disposal ; Rivers, Custance, Moore Alexander. 5th The Lancashire Fusiliers: Robinson to the for P. B. Battalion, Pembroke, additional, disposal ; The undermentioned officers from the 1st Volunteer Bat- and R. M. to the Wildfire, additional, for Egan Riggall talion, The Lancashire are to the bat- J. S. Austen to the additional, for Fusiliers, appointed disposal ; Vietory, with rank and as in the Volunteer Force to be lent to Haslar and A. R. Fisher to talion, precedence disposal, Hospital ; Robert Mitchell the for to be lent to the Vernon. (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon-Major Victory, additional, disposal, (since deceased), Surgeon-Major Arthur Peel Nuttall, and HOYAL ARMY MEDICAL UORPS. Surgeon-Captain James Will Cook. 5th Battalion, The East Captain W. L. Baker has been appointed for duty in Lancashire Regiment: The undermentioned officer from the 2nd Volunteer The East Lancashire is Ireland as Specialist in Ophthalmology, vice Captain J. J. W. Battalion, Regiment, Prescott, D.S.O., who has been selected for the appointment appointed to the battalion, with rank and precedence as in the of Adjutant in the Territorial Force. Lieutenant-Colonel Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon-Captain .H. M. Sloggett has been appointed to the medical charge of Richard Langford FitzGerald. 4th Battalion, The Border Regi- the Connaught Hospital, North Camp, Aldershot, vice Lieu- ment : The undermentioned officer from the 1st (Cumberland) ’ tenant-Colonel W. Rowney, who has retired from the service. Volunteer Battalion, The Border Regiment, is appointed to Lieutenant-Colonel M. T. Yarr, R.A.M.C., who recently the battalion, with rank and precedence as in the Volunteer returned from India, has been appointed to the medical Force (dated April lst, 1908) :-Surgeon-Major William charge of the Isolation Hospital at Aldershot, vice Lieu- Symington. The undermentioned officer from the 2nd ’ tenant-Colonel H. M. Sloggett. Captain W. D. C. Kelly has (Westmorland) Volunteer Battalion, The Border Regiment, been posted to the Connaught Hospital, Aldershot, for duty. is appointed to the battalion, with rank and precedence as in the Volunteer Force (dated April lst, 1908):-Surgeon- TERRITORIAL FORCE. Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Surgeon-Colonel George Yeomanry. William Brumwell. 4th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Lancashire Hussars : The undermentioned officer from the Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment:) The undermen- Lancashire Hussars Imperial Yeomanry is appointed to the tioned officers from the lst Volunteer Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Volunteers Lancashire are regiment, with rank and precedence as in the Imperial (South Regiment), Yeomanry (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon-Captain John appointed to the battalion, with rank and precedence as in ,Tawse Nisbet. the Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon- Royal Horse Artillery. Major Joseph Adams and Surgeon-Lieutenant William Shropshire: The undermentioned officer from the Shrop- Joseph Collins. 5th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Volun- shire and Staffordshire Garrison teers (South Lancashire Regiment) : Surgeon-Lieutenant Royal Artillery (Volunteers) Richardson Brunskill from the 2nd Volunteer - is to the with rank and as in Ralph appointed battery, precedence The Prince of the Volunteer Force Battalion, Wales’s (South Lancashire Regi- (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon- to Mackie. ment), be Surgeon-Lieutenant, with precedence as in the ,Captain George Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, 1908). 4th Battalion, Loyal Royal Field Artillery. North Lancashire Regiment: The undermentioned officers 4th West Lancashire (Howitzer) Brigade: The under- from the 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Loyal North Lancashire mentioned officer from the 4th Lancashire Royal Garrison Regiment, are appointed to the battalion, with rank and pre- Artillery (Volunteers) is appointed to the brigade, with rank cedence as in the Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, 1908) :- and precedence as in the Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, Surgeon-Captain John William Rigby and Surgeon-Lieutenant 1908) :-Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Surgeon- Frederic Thomas Walmsley. 5th Battalion, The Manchester ’Colonel Thomas Frederic Young. 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Regiment: The undermentioned officer from the 1st Volun- Brigade : The undermentioned officers from the 1st teer Battalion, The Manchester Regiment, is appointed to the Glamorganshire Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) are battalion, with rank and precedence as in the Volunteer appointed to the brigade, with rank and precedence as in Force (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel the Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon- and Honorary Surgeon-Colonel William M. Roocroft. -6th Captain David Arthur Davies and Surgeon-Captain Francis Battalion, The Manchester Regiment: The undermentioned Griffith Thomas. 4th Welsh Brigade. The undermentioned officer from the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, the Manchester 1473 Regiment; is appointed to the battalion, with rank and William Crump Beatley, .from the 3rd Volunteer Battalion, precedence as in the Volunteer Force (dated April 1st, The Northumberland Fusiliers ; Surgeon-Major Samuel Lodge, 1908):-Surgeon-Major George Henry Darwin. 7th Battalion, from the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s- The Manchester Regiment: The undermentioned officer from Own (West Yorkshire Regiment) ; Surgeon-Major James the 4th Volunteer Battalion, The Manchester Regiment, is Harvey, from the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Alexandra, appointed to the battalion, with rank ’and precedence as in Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment); Surgeon- the Volunteer Force- (dated April 1st, 1908) :-Surgeon- Major William Mabson Gabriel, from the 3rd, Volunteer Lieutenant John Crawhall Nichol. Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regi-- ment) ; Surgeon-Major James Scott Wilson, from the 2nd Rr.ryal Army Medical Corps. Volunteer Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regiment ; Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel Bruce Goff, Retired List Surgeon-Major Robert Stirling, from the 4th
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