AB C 1 CODE SOURCE INDEXED LOCATION 2 * Civil War Veteran # Waterbury Hall of Fame Member (for more information see Hall of Fame files call 203-574-8225. 3 ABM Aaron Benedict; a Memorial . Joseph Anderson. Waterbury, GE920.05414 CT; Press of the American Printing Co., 1873. 4 ACAB Appletons' Cyclopedia of American Biography . New York; R920.98903 D. Appleton and Co., 1887. 5 AFK Autobiography of Frederick K. Kingsbury . Frederick J. GE B Kingsbury Kin Kingsbury. Waterbury, CT; Mattatuck Historical Society, 6 1946. AFP Almanac of Famous People . Susan L . Stetler, ed. Detroit, R920.02ALM Mich; Gale Research Co., 1989. 7 AMG All Movie Guide (website). ed 2000 Aec One Stop Group, 8 Inc. http://allmovie.com 9 AMI Amici . Connie Lepore, ed. Naugatuck, CT. ANB American National Biography . John A. Garraty, Mark C. R920.073ANB Carnes, ed. New York; Oxford University Press Inc., 1999. 10 BD Business Digest of Greater Waterbury . Waterbury, CT; 11 1989-1991. BE Baseball Encyclopedia . Joseph L. Reichler, ed. New York; 796.357BAS \ R796.357BAS 12 Mamillan, 1988. BF Buckingham Family . R.W. Chapman. Hartford, CT; Press of GE920.058 Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1872. 13 BI Biography Index . New York; H.W. Wilson Co., 1996- R920Bio 14 BSC Burpee's The Story of Connecticu t. Charles W. Burpee. R974.6018 \ GE974.601895 New York; American Historical Co., Inc., 1939. (Vol 3,4) 15 BSLW Biographical Sketch of the Life and Writings of the Late GE920.057309 Professor Henry Bronson, M.D. Dr. Stephen G. Hubbard. New Haven; Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Press, 1895? 16 BV Brass Valley . Jeremy Brecher. Philadelphia; Temple 974.67Bre R974.67Bre 17 University Press, 1982 GE974.67Bre CAT Catspaw; the famous trail attorney's heroic defense of a 345.746Niz \ S345.746Niz \ man unjustly accused . Louis Nizer, New York; D.I. Fine, GE345.67NIZ 18 1992. CB Current Biography. New York; H.W. Wilson Co., 1940- R920CU 19 CBR Commemorative Biographical Record of New Haven GE920.1277 County, CT . Chicago; J.H. Beers & Co., 1902. 20 CC Connecticut Circle . New England Historical Events GE974.0235 21 Association. New York; 1938. AB C CHC Connecticut Historical Collections. John W. Barber. New GE974.6BARCO Haven; Durrie & Peck and J.W. Barber, 1938.?format 22 CHM Connecticut History Makers . Elisa R. Stevenson, ed. GE920.04S79 Waterbury, CT; American Republican, Inc. 1929. (Vol. 1-3) 23 CLM The Clocks of Mark Leavenworth . Snowden Taylor GE681.113TAY Fitzwilliam?. New Hampshire; Kent Roberts Pub., 1987. 24 CM Churches of Mattatuck . Joseph Anderson, ed. New Haven; GE974.6940 Price Lee & Adkins Co. 1892. 25 CMG Connecticut Magazine . Charles A. Monagan, ed. 26 Bridgeport. CTCP Connecticut's Twentieth Century Pilgrims . Susanne King. GE920.140 Hartford; American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut, 1977. 27 CTM Chief Two Moon Herb Company (website). E. Tom Fillius. http://members.xoom.com/tom.308 ? 28 CW Connecticut Wits . Leon Howard. Chicago; University of GE920.492 29 Chicago Press, 1943. DAB Dictionary of American Biography. American Council of R920.00 Learned Societies . New York; C. Scribner's Sons, 1928- 30 Supp. 1-10. ECB Encyclopedia of Connecticut Biography . American GE920.345 Historical and Advisory Committee. Boston, New York; American Historical Society Inc., 1917. (Vol. 1-5) 31 EOBW Experinces and Observations By the Way . John G. GE B Davenport DAV Davenport. Boston, Chicago; Pilgrim Press, 1917. 32 FAB Franco-American Biographies of the Greater Waterbury GE920Bis Area . Robert R. Bisaillon. Waterbury, CT; Waterbury 33 Printing, 1993. FBC The First Baptist Church, Waterbury Conn., 1803-1993 . GE286.0973FIR Ernest and Doris Margraff, comp. American Baptist Churches, USA, 1993. 34 FE Film Encyclopeida. Harper Perrennial. New York. 1998. R791.43KAT 35 FSO Fear Strikes Out: the Jim Piersall Story . Jimmy Piersall and 796.357PieFe \ Al Hirshberg. Boston; Little, Brown, 1955. GE796.357PieFe 36 AB C GAR Grand Army (of the Republic) Memorial Record . Baltimore GE973.76Hil Record & Washington; Memorial Record Publishing Co., 1889. *=Civil War Veteran. Cemetery where buried… B = Brocket C = Calvery M = Melchizadeck NSJ = New St. Jospeh's PG = Pine Grove R = Riverside SJ = St. Joseph's W = Waterville 37 GBA Genealogy of the Benedicts in America . Henry M. Benedict. GE920.0543 Albany; Joel Munsell, 1870. 38 GDHK Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury . GE920.0785 Frederick Kingsbury. Hartford, CT; Hartford Press, 1905. 39 GJHC Genealogies of Judd, Holmes, Carter, Craft Families . GE920.0776 40 Frederick Carter. GUI Growing up Italian and American in Waterbury . Sando Bologna, Richard Marano. Portland, CT; Waverly Printing Co., 1997. 41 HC History of Connecticut . Harold J. Bingham. New York; R974.6014 \ S974.6014 \ Lewis Historical Pub. Co., 1962 (Vol. 3,4) GE974.60114 42 HGHD Hoadley Genealogy: a History of the Descendants of GE920.0736 William Hoadley of Branford, Connecticut . Francis B. Trowbridge. New Haven; Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1894. 43 HNHC History of New Haven County . Mary H. Mithchell. Chicago; GE974.66645 Pioneer Historical Pub. Co., 1930. (V. 2,3) 44 HNHCR History of New Haven County . J.L. Rockey, ed. New York; 45 W.W. Preston, 1892 (Vol. 2) HWB The History of Waterbury . Henry Bronson. Waterbury, CT; 974.67BRO \ R974.67BRO \ 46 Bronson Bros., 1858. GE974.67BRO HWNV History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valle y. William J. R974.69433 \ SR974.69433 \ Pape, ed. Chicago, New York; S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1918 GE974.69433 47 (Vol. 1-3) III Ingenuity, Innovation and Integrity . Susan H. Fishman. GE338.7671 ING 48 1994 IL Illuminated Landscape . Watson-Guptill, new York. 1987. GE751.45 POS 49 IOW In Old Waterbury . Alice E. Kingsbury. Waterbury, CT; GE925.384 Mattatuck Historical Society, 1942. 50 IPBC Illustrated Popular Biography of Connecticut . J.A. Spalding, GE920.8623 comp. Hartford; Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1891. 51 IW Italians of Waterbury . Sando Bologna. Portland, CT; R974.67 Bol 52 Wavely Printing Co., 1993. AB C JHCM John Hopkins of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1634, and GE920.7408 Some of His Descendants . Timothy Hopkins. California; Stanford Univ. Press, 1932. 53 JNL John N. Lewis: St. John's Church, Waterbury . John T. GE925.6385 Dallas. Concord, N.H.; Rumford Press, 1941? 54 JT John Trumbull, Connecticut Wit . Alexander Cowie. Chapel GE928.97 Hill; University of North Carolina Press, 1936. 55 KAF Kingsbury and Allied Families . American Historical Society. GE920.0784 New York; American Historical Society, 1934. 56 LAL Life and Legacy of Father Michael J. McGivney . K.of C. GE267Lif 57 Waterbury, CT, 1995. LIB Life is a Banque t. Rosalind Russell. New York; Random B Russell, R.\ S B Russell, R. 58 House, 1977. \ GE B Russell, R. MDA Mr. District Attorney . Barry Cunningham. New York; GE B Hogan, F. Cun 59 Mason/Charter, 1977. MF M'Fingal: An Epic Poem . John Trumbull. American Book GE811.1TRU 60 Exchange, 1881. MMC Men of Mark in Connecticut . Norris G. Osborn, ed. Hartford; S920 Osb / GE920.04 082 W. R. Goodspeed, 1906-10. (Vol. 1-5) 61 MNE Men of New England . Winfield S. Downs, comp. New York; GE920MEN American Historical Co., Inc., 1895-1941. (Vol. 1-6) 62 MRJC Memoirs of the Rev. J.L. Clark, D.D . Jacob L. Clark. GE B Clark J. Mem Hartford; Case, Locwood and Brainard, 187?. 63 NCAB National Cyclopedia of American Biography . New York; R920.6901 / S920.6901 United State Biography Dictionaries, 1892-1984. 64 NCLC Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism . Gale Research, R908Nin 65 1991 NEWS Newsmakers 1991. Detroit; Gale Group, 1985- R920ConNe 66 67 NYT New York Times newspaper PBC Platt Bros. & Co . Matthew W. Roth. University Press N.E.; GE338.7671ROT 68 Hanover, N.H., 1994. PBEC Paintings by Elsie Rowland Chase at the Mattatuck GE759CHA Historical Society . Mattatuck Historical Society. Waterbury; 69 1938. PC Poets of Connecticut . Charles W. Everest. Hartford; Case, GE811.08Poe 70 Tiffany and Burnham, 1843; RMC Representative Men of Connecticut 1861-1894 . William F. GE920MOO Moore, ed. Everett, Mass.; Masachusetts Pub. 71 AB C RRH Rosalind Russell's Homepage (website). Ed. David Geary. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/David_Geary_ 3/Roz.htm - compuserve shut down 9/11/09 72 SAP Sainte Anne Parish and Its People 1886-1986 . Robert R. GE283Bis Bisaillon, author and ed. Waterbury, CT, 1988. 73 SB Scovill Bulletin . Scovill Manufacturing Company, Waterbury, GE691.81 CT Scovill Manufacturing Company, 74 SC The Story Continues…Church of the Immaculate GE282.StoCo Conception . Immaculate Conception Parish. Waterbury, CT; Immagculate Conception Parish, 1997. 75 SCOL Souvenir of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes . Waterbury; GE974.69448 New England Press, 1912. 76 SDH Some Days are Happy . Louis Sobol. New York; Random GE B Sobol, L. SOB 77 House, 1947. SJC Saint Joseph Church, Waterbury, Connecticut, Centennial GE282StJ 1894-1994 . Saint Joseph Church. Waterbury, CT; Saint Joseph Church, 1994.? 78 SJPH St. John's Parish History . William and Kathleen Dobkins. GE283StJ Waterbury, CT; St. John's Episcopal Church, 1995. 79 SLSH Sketches of the Life of the Late Samuel D. Hopkins . Samuel GE924.821 Hopkins. Hartford; Hudson & Goodwin, 1805. 80 SOHY The Story of 100 Years: 1847-1947 . Immaculate GE282.44 Conception Parish. Waterbury, CT; Immaculate Conception 81 Parish, 1947. SP Sports Page Magazine . Andy Michaud, ed. Waterbury, CT. 82 SPC Saint Patrick's Church . Staint Patrick's Church. So. GE282SHE Hackensack, N.J.; Custombook, 1980. 83 SPL Searching for the Promised Land . Gary Franks. New York; B Franks, G. \ GE B Franks, 84 Regan Books, 1996. G. SSS Survey of the Scovils or Scovills in England and America . GE920.09002 Homer W. Brainard. Hartford; Privately printed, 1915. 85 SW Steel Will . Vanda Sendzimer. New York; Hippocrene Books, B Sendzimir T \ SB Sendzimir 1993 T \ GE Sendzimir T 86 TCW Town and City of Waterbury, Connecticut . Joseph R974AND \ JR974AND \ Anderson, D.D., ed.
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