ECBT2.E60980 - Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Page 1 of 7 ECBT2.E60980 Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Page Bottom Print-friendly version Questions? Previous Page Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications See General Information for Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications TYCO ELECTRONICS CORP E60980 2100 PAXTON ST PO BOX 3608 HARRISBURG, PA 17105 USA Adaptor plugs, Series ACO, ARO, ASO. Back plane connectors, Cat. No. BC followed by 1, 2 or 3, followed by A or B , followed by 4 to 100 incl. Card edge connectors, Series C1-PF Series. Series C9. Series F5. Cat. Nos. 609-XX05M, -XX15M, -XX25M, -3415GI, -5015GI, -5015TH. Card edge low cost connectors, Cat. Nos. P45-172901, -172901TB, -172902, 636 Series. Chip carrier socket connectors, Cat. Nos. PCC-044T-01, -052T-01, -068T-01, -084T-01, -044TA-XX- X, -052TA-XX-X, -068TA-XX-X, -084TA-XX-X, Z35-189901. Compliant contact headers, Series 609, 612. Component board expansion connectors, Cat. Nos. 609-BX360, -BX366, -BX440, -BX446. Component connectors, Cat. Nos. 8490001, 8490005-0002-00, 8490006. http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 12/10/2005 ECBT2.E60980 - Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Page 2 of 7 Cat. No. 8490099-04X2-SN. Component connectors, Series S1000, Cat. Nos. S203, S10002, S10004, S10005, S10006, S10007, S10008, S10048, S10109. Compression headers, Cat. No. 8400421. Connectors Series 625, 636-40ATA. Series 8400346, 8400372, 8400288-0802, 8400288-2402. Cord connectorsVS Series, Style A (DIN configuration), Style B (DIN and Industrial configuration). D connectors, Cat Nos. R1F50PF29A2, -29B2, -29C2; Cat. Nos. I01-122702, -234301, -405701, I02- 162409, I11-1349, -134902, I12-25PM50G12, -37PM50G12, -1601, -147502, -147507, -147508, - 186001,-210601, -210602, 609-*X when * denotes 9, 15 , 25 , 37 , 50 , 09 , 015 , 025 , 037 and X denotes P, P-M , P-M1 , P-M2, R, S , S-M , S-M1 , S-M2 or nothing; Cat. Nos. 609-XXPM2A, - XXPM2M, -XXSM1A, -XXSM1M where XX denotes 9, 15 , 25 or 37; Cat. Nos. 609-25PG1, - 25P50G12, -25PMG1, -25S5G12, -25SG1, -25SMG1, -37P50G12, -37S50G12; Cat. No. 622-*X when asterisk denotes 09, 15, 25, 37, 50 and X denotes P, PM, PM1, PM2S, S , SM , SM1 or SM2. DIMM 168 PIN-ZIF socket series, Cat No. 8400285-XXXX-XX. DIN connectors, Series 16, Styles B, B/2, B/3, C, C/2, C/3; Series 21, Styles Q, Q/2, R, R/2; Series 22, Style M. Series 17, Type "D" Din Connector. Series 17, Styles D, E. Series 37, Styles H7/F24, H11, H15. Series 38, Styles F, G. DIN connectors, European version, Series FB, FC, FHB, FHC, FHQ, FHR, FQ, FR, MB, MC, MHB, MHC, MHQ, MHR, MQ, MR. DIN connectors, U.S. version, Series FB, FC, FHC, FJC, FR, FTB, FXR, MHR, MJR, MR, MXR. DINPCB connectors, Series FB, FC, FHB, FHC, FHQ, FHR, FQ, FR, FVC, MB, MC, MHB, MHC, MHQ, MHR, MQ, MR, MVC. DIP plug connectors, Low Profile, Cat. Nos. 609-M085H, -M085TH, -M145, -M145H, -M145TH, - M165, -M165H, -M165TH, -M185H, -M185TH, -M205H, -M205TH, -M225H, -M225TH, -M245H, - M245TH, -M407H, -M407TH, -M485H, -M485TH. Shims, Cat. Nos. 609-S14, -S16, -SM14, -SM16. http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 12/10/2005 ECBT2.E60980 - Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Page 3 of 7 Shrouds, Cat. Nos. 609-141B, -161B. Shunts, Cat. No.84004125. Standard, Cat. Nos. 609-M141, -M141H, -M161, -M161H. DIP socket connectors, Series SD-042-S6T, SD-064-S6T, SD028-S6T, SM0, SM1. Cat. Nos. 609-141DS, -141DSM, -161DS, -161DSM. Series CDF20. D-Subminiature connector, Cat. No. D2M020ST27DS100. Series H2MRA, -MST, -RST, H4MRA, -MST, -RRA, -RST. D-Subminiature metal shell crimp/snap-in connector, Series HM/HR. Edge card connectors, Series A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B3, B9. Series C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, W8. Series HDR Connectors. Cat. Nos. 200001, 200002, 200041. Edge mount header connectors, Series S10012. European interface connectors, Series I64. Cat. Nos. 609-64, -641, -642 followed by -2 or -3. Extended density performance connector, XD/P Series, Cat. No. 184-407242128. Female socket transition connectors, Cat. Nos. A4728-34, A5185-40, KS23774, P11-162401, - 162402, -162404, -163201, -163203, -163205, -171901, -266901, -266902, -266903, -266904, -266906, -443103, S201, SN9-1400M, -1600M, -1601M, -2000M, -2030, -2600M, -2601M, -3400M, -3430M, - 4000M, -6000M; Cat. Nos. 609-XX00CE, -XX01CE, -XX00M, -XX01M, -XX30, -XX30CE, -XX31P, -XX41, -XX41CE with or without suffixes G1, 50G, 50G12. Series 625. Series 636. Flex-pac polarized headers, Series FP, FPH. Flexstrip headers and sockets, Series FHK, FHN, FHT, FPH. Header/Sockets, Cat. Nos. AB1405440, AB1405790. http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 12/10/2005 ECBT2.E60980 - Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Page 4 of 7 Jumper shunts connectors, Cat. Nos. TE5400-B, -N, -R. Keypad connector, Series S10075. Low profile header connectors, Series S10053, 609, 612, 636, Cat. Nos. P22-162411, -162412 thru - 162914 incl., -42441407, -42441427, -42443407T20, -42443427, -42443427T20, -42444007, - 4244407T11, -42444027, -42444027T11, -4244507, -42445027, P23-184201, -184202, -189201 thru - 189208 incl. Low profile header (with compliant pins), Series 609. Low voltage connectors , Model XXMR Series followed by 03-30, followed by 2, followed by 0 or 1, followed by blank or W; Model FPC125-XX-X Series followed by 03-30 followed by 0 or 1. Model 8490098-50X2-02 . Male connectors, Cat. Nos. P51-155103, 609-XX66. Series 609. Male header, EH Series. Micro-header, Series Connector. PCB male headers, Cat. Nos. AP22116701, AP22116702, P22-1461, -141701, -4244027A, -42441027, -42441407, -42442007, -42442027, -42444027, -42443427, -42443427R15, -42445027, -42445027R15, P27-1511, -152201, -152202, -152203, -161701, -202701, -232301, -238901, P28-167701, -167702, - 167703, -167706; Cat. No. 500-YYXX7X-X with or without suffixes. Series D-5000. Series P18, 500, 501, 609, 618. PCB solder transition connectors, Cat. Nos. 609-XX03, -XX23, -XX43, -XX53, -XX63, P01-1309. Series 744-XX where XX denotes 05 thru 30 incl. PCI card edge connectors, Series PCI-097-X-XX, -109-X-XX, -115-X-XX, -303-X-XX. Pin-grid array screw machine socket, Series PGM. Pin-grid array socket connectors, Series GM, GMC, GR, GS, PGM. Series LPG, PGA. Series S10011. http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 12/10/2005 ECBT2.E60980 - Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Page 5 of 7 Pin-strip header connector, Series S1000. Post frame DIP socket, Series CMO. Cat. No. S10018. Power/signal combination connectors, Cat. Nos. S10024, S10029, S10127, S10142, S10157, 8400130, 8400131, 8400132, 8400143, 8400159, 8400236, 8400244, 8400257, 8400279, 8400300, 8400301, 8400306, 8400344, 8400345, 8400376, 8400386, 8400393, 8400406, 8400409, 8400415, 8400416, 8400417, 8400427, 8400429, 8400433. Receptacles, Cat. No. CRH followed by suffixes A thru F incl., D or S, K or M, followed by 01 thru 64 incl., 1 thru 4 incl. , Cat. Nos. FM48W2, H11ffa-Co, H11ff4-Co, H11MW, H15ffA-Co, H15ff4-Co, H15fw, H15mfav32- Co, H15mgw-Co, H15mwv32-Co, MF24fa-7fa, 05H15fsr, 05H15mgwvz4+32/Co, 06Mm24w+6/1W. Ribbon connectors, Cat. Nos. 609-14+, -24+, -36+, -50+ where + denotes F, FA, M or MA , I01- 122702, -234301 , I02-162409. Right angle connectors, Series D3M. Series H2R. Series HS, H3M, H3R, H4R, H5M, H5R, H8R, H9R. Right angle D pin connector plug, Cat. No. 609 followed by 9, 15, 25 or 37, followed by PR, followed by 2 or 4. Right angle D socket connectors, Series HF, HFR, HFS, HHR. Cat. No. 609 followed by 9, 15, 25 or 37, followed by SR, followed by 2 or 4. Right angle receptacle, Series USB. Series 622 connectors, Card edge connectors, with mounting ears, Cat. No. 622-XX05; without mounting ears, Cat. Nos. SCA-2 Connectors, TxR Series 622-XX15, -XX15PK; with half mounting ears, Cat. Nos. 2-2015CE0305TB, 2-2015CE0305TBL, 2-4015CE2729TB, 2-4015CE2729TBL, 622- XX15TB, 622-XX25 , 622-5015PK0305TB, 622-2015PKUC, 622-3415PKUC, 622-5015PKUC; male connectors, without mounting ears, Cat. No. 622-XX06; with half mounting ears, Cat. No. 622-XX16; metal shell ribbon connectors, Cat. Nos. 622-XXFM, -XXFM1, -XXFM2, -XXFM3, -XXFAM, - XXMM, -XXMM1, -XXMM2, -XXMM3, -XXMAM; male headers, no ejector, Cat. No. 09161986622- XX24; short ejector, Cat. No. 622-XX24E; long ejector, Cat. No. 622-XX24ES; right angled pins, with no ejector, Cat. No. 622-XX04; short ejector, Cat. No. 622-XX04E; long ejector, Cat. No. 622-XX04ES; female sockets, with strain relief, Cat. Nos. 622-XX01, -XX41; without strain relief, Cat. Nos. 622- XX00, -XX30; metal shell "D" connector, Cat. No. 622-50* where * denotes P-M, P-MM, P-M2, P-M2, P-M2M, S-M, S-MM, S-M1, S-M1M; Cat. Nos. 622-XX0ILS, -XX4ILS where XX can be 04-64. Shunt connector, Series 84004125 . http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 12/10/2005 ECBT2.E60980 - Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Page 6 of 7 Smart card connector series , Cat. No. SCC02-050-08420 Socket connectors, Cat. Nos. 609-FXX1M, -FXX1M2. Socket header connectors, Cat. Nos. P25-1520, 609-1478, -1488, -1498, -1678, -1688, -1698. Spindle connector, Cat. No. 8400368 . Stacked DIP sockets, Cat. Nos. DDS-16, -18, -20, -24, -28; Cat. Nos. PDS-16, -18, -20, -24, -28 followed by -10 to -20 incl., with or without suffix A; Cat No. 609-32-1. Strain relief clamps, Cat. Nos. 609-M245S, -M407S. Surface attached module sockets, Series SAM, Cat. No. I52-488801. Surface mount connectors, Cat. Nos. SMC2402, SM2V02. Surface mount device, Series S10018 Power Connector.
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