THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN AND THE INTERESTS OF ORGANIST:; Sixty ,fourth }'eIJr. No.2 - Whole No. 758 JANUARY, 1973 Subscriplions $4.00 d y«a,. - 40 unLs iJ copy Austin Builds for MORAMUS AWARDS TO Dallas Church DALE GRAMLEY AND The Highland t·ark United Methodist EWALD V. NOLTE Church, ::J. I:ugc. gothic style building at the edge of the Southern Methodist The Moravian Music Foundation, Univenity campus in Dallas, Texas, has \Vinston·Salem, N.C .• presented its Mo­ included as part of its extensive remod­ ramus Award for Distinguished Sen-ice cHng program :1 large, new 4·mantlal to American Music to it fonner trustee Austin organ wilh 3 sm.dl. separate and former director of the foundation gallery organ. The former ch:meel or­ in recognition of their dedicated service gan chamben have! been removed en· through suppon of the foundlliion's tirely and the new organ wilt be di­ work. This was the tenth :tnd eJeventh vided. rr~ sianding 3t each side of the al\'utl t8 be presented since It \'taa first large front window. The Great and given to Irving Lowens in 1961. POlitiv divisions will be housed in reo The award was given 10 Dr. Gnmley. flective ca~s fronted with speaking baM former president of Salem College and pipes of the various divisions. The tTustee of the foundation from 1956 to Choir division will be centrally located 1972. at a luncheon prior to the final behind the choir pews which face the concert of the Tenth Early American congregation. and the drawknob con­ Moravian Music Festival and Seminar sole is to he locnted in front of the held on the campus of Salem College singers and move::tble on its own dolly. from June 11 to 18. 1972. pennitting its complete relocation for Ewald V. Nolte was honored at • p::tgeants and other events. The small concert of Moravian music given on the gallery organ stands in the rear gallery Salem College campus as part of the at one side of the large rear window. annual meeting of the Friends of the Large areas of the church which are Moravian Music Foundation on Oct. IS. presently coverrd with hair felt will be 1972. Dr. Nolte succeeded Donald Me· altered to hard surfaces in order to im· CorkJe as director of the foundation in prove the acoll.Slics. Organisl·dirrclor of 1964. and served in the post until Au· the church i" Philip E. Baker. who gust of 1972. He is also professor of "'nrkttl with the Anslin [,ompany in the music hislof)' at Salem College. and he de\'elopment of the ~topHst. will continue 10 serve as a general con· suhant to the found::ttion. GREAT Montft! 16 ft. 61 ripet Moncre 8 II. 61 pIpet DUTCH ORGAN BUILDING Bourdon 8 Ic. 61 pipes Hannonic Rute 8 II. 61 pipn FIRM REORGANIZES Octave .. It. 61 pipes NKhthnm .. ft. 61 pipa After being forced to close down be­ Quinle 2~ II. 61 pipa cause of the strongly diminishing de­ Super Octave 2 It. 61 lIip~ mand for new pipe organs. the fanner Flute a B« 2 ft. 61 pioe~ Cornel V 2.. 5 piPd (1.a.12.1S-t7) firm B. Pels &:: Zn. N.V. of Alkmaar. Foumiturc V !OS plpa 09-22.26-29-33) Steiner to Build Large Tracker Holland. has been reorganized into a Cymbale IV 244 pipes (26-29.33-36) totally new firm. The new firm is called Posaune 16 It. 61 pipet "Kerkorgelbouw Pels & van Leeuwen Trompcte 8 h. GI pipet The Memorial United Church. EJi. Italian Ocl:lve 2 ft. 56 pipe, Ten 1% ft. 56 pipes n.v." at Gameran. Holland. The new Klarine .. It. (il pipu zabethtown. Kentucky, has contracted workshops are being established along. Trnnulant with Steiner Organs. Inc. of Louisville Mixture JV·V IV, ft. 24-1 pipn Trumpet 8 ft. 56 pipes side highway E·g at the north side of Chimes for a large 3·manual m~ch:mical action POsmv POSITtv the bridges over the river 'Vaal at bit· organ. The new iD5trum~nt will be Holz&cdackt 8 ft. 56 pipt'S bommel. The new firm was staned on Quinbton 16 It. 61 piptl located 10 one side of the r~ar gallery Principal .. h. 56 pipt-s Sept. I. 1972 with new stock capital. a Monlft! 8 h. 61 pipes with the main cnse and RUckpositiv Koppetrlocte .. h. 56 pipes number of skilled craftsmen from the Gtilt-cltt 8 It. 61 pipes case angled toward the opposite corner Waldllocle 2 It. 56 pipu Quint IV" h . 56 pipes former crew. and all of the files. designs, Octa\'e 4 ft. 61 pipes of the room. The stop action will be and the old firm's name, as well as KoppeUlou: 4 ft. 61 pipn electric with a capture type combina· Saquiaitcra II 112 pipt'S Na... rd 2% It. 61 pipes Mutu~ III·IV ~ It. IRa pipes part of the machinery and equipment. tion action and the drawSlo~ wUl be Cromome 8 h. 56 pipes It is Ihe intention of the new lIrm to DoubIctte 2 h . 61 pipes mounted in tiers on each Side of the Quart de N.... rd 2 ft. 61 pipa Tft!muTant build fewer new instruments in the fu­ TteTCe 1~ It. 61 pipet keyboards. Both the console cuc and the SWELL (ure, but all efforts will be spent on )6 Larigoc I ~ It. 61 pipes organ cnsework will be of ash and Sriugedadtt 8 It. pipa Viole 8 h. 56 pipes maintaining technical quality and fur­ SUnoie 1 It. 61 pipes butternut woods. Facade pipes of the tiler beautifying the sound and tonal Foumilure tV 24-4 pipes (22.26-29·33) Great Principal and Positiv Principal Viole Celestc 8 ft. (TC) .... pipes MetallOocte .. h. 56 pipes finishing. Cymbale 111 183 pipes (33.36-40) will be of 80% tin. and the facade Duhian 16 h. 61 pipes Debvin 2 ft. 56 pipes pipes of the Pedal Prindpal will be in Nasat 2~ ft. 56 pipes Cromome 8 ft. 61 pipes polished copper. Pharcs Steiner execu· Trompette 8 It. 61 pipes Ten: 1% ft. 56 pipe! W. H. REISNER COMPANY Fanb.re Tnlmpct 8 It. 61 pipes ted the tonal design in collaboration Mixture III-V I It. 220 pipes Tremulant with lames W. Good. coruultant for the Hautbois-Fagott 16 ft. 56 pipes HAS NEW OWNERS Oymbelltcm church. The case design is by Gottfried French Trumpet 8 It. 56 pipet Reck of the Steiner firm. Powell Phy is Tremulant After nearly 70 years of ownership by SWELL PEDAL the Reisner family. the H. RelSner director of music of the church. In· Principal 16 ft. pipes 'V. Bourdon doux 16 ft. 61 pipes stallation of the insuument is antici· '2 Manufacturing Company of Hagen­ Principal B ft. 61 pipes SUbbMS 16 ft. 32 pipes Rohrnole B It. 61 pipes pated for early summer of 1973. Octave 8 ft. 32 pipa town. Maryland has been sold. William Viole de Cambe 8 It. 61 pipes GRRAT Ccdackt 8 ft. 32 pipes H. Reisner. Jr. announced recently. The VoU: Celeste B ft. 61 pipes Gcdaclr.t 16 ft. 56 pipes Choralbau .. ft. 32 pipes new owners. headed by William B_ Viole de Gambe 4 h. 12 pipes Principal 8 ft. 56 pipes Nachthom 2 ft. 32 pipes Clements. look forward to the continua.. Voix Celelte 4 ft. 12 pipet RohTnoete 8 It. 56 pipu Mixture IV 2~ ft. 128 pipes lion and expansion of the Hagentown Flute 8 h. 61 pipes Octave 4 ft. 56 pipcl Posaune }6 ft. 52 pipes Spitdtocte 4 ft. 56 pipes Trumpet II ft. 32 pipes operation. The company will be oper­ Flute Celelle 8 h. 61 piprs ated. as in the past. as a strictly separate Flute 4 h. 12 pipes Nasal 2~ It. 56 pipes Kornctt .. h. 32. pipes Flute Celeste 4 h. 12 pipes entity for the production of lOp Hne Oc:ta~ .. h. 61 pipes organ components. Mr. Clements in· Flute Oc:taviante .. le. 61 pipca tends that the Reisner name, manage· Octavin 2 It. 61 pipes PEDAL GALL/!RY ORGAN ment, quality. service, and the 5 year Scsqui.ltera n 98 pipes (TC, 12-17) Contra Bourdon 32 It. 12 pipa warranty will continue unchanged. Mr. Plcin leu V 3m pipa (I!i.I9-22.26-29) Montn 16 ft. 32 pipa Princip.al 8 h. 61 pipes Reisner will also remain as a senior Cymbale IV 24-4 pipes (22.26-29.33) Bourdon 16 ft. 32 pipes Bourdon 8 (t. 61 pipes consultant to the company. Fagot 16 ft. 61 pipes Violone 16 ft. 32 pipes Gemshom 8 It. 61 pipes Trompctte 8 Ic. 61 pi(,<,s Quintaton 16 It. (Positiv) Gcmshom Celeste 8 It. 49 pipes Hautbois 8 It. 61 pipes Bourdon dow: 16 ft. (Swell) Principal .. ft. 12 pipet LIEF THYBO, director of the ConscnsWil Cl.iron .. Ie. 61 pipes Octave 8 ft. 32 pipes Rohrflote .. ft. 49 pipes Mwicw of Denmark, gave a aympolium en­ VOl!: lIumana 8 ft. 61 pipa Spitzf10te 8 h. 32 pipeJ Principal 2 It. 12 pipe$ titled "Experiences and tmpuues of Compo,i.. Tremulant Gcdeclr.t 8 ft. 32 pipes Cymbel lIt 183 pipes uon with the Modem Tracker Orp.n" on Choral Bass .. ft. 32 pipes Trompeue 8 ft. 61 pipes NO\'. 17. 1972 .t the Pint Church in Cam­ CHOIR (Enclosed) Nachthom .. It. 52 pipes Trcmulant bridge. Congregational, Cambridge, MtW. Hi# SpitzOote 8 h. 61 pipes FlOte 2 ft.
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