E1068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2018 addition to his political service, D.A.’s profes- California, who was well known as a fierce ad- Mall lived in Canada until she married John sional pursuits were in the fields of tech- vocate for senior citizens. Chaney, a resident of Florida, in 1982. Mall nology, as well as in administrative manage- Fran Givens dedicated her life to promoting became a U.S. citizen and has paid homage ment for non-profit Christian entities. In 2004, issues important to senior citizens such as af- to the United States by respecting our laws, he retired as the Executive Administrator for fordable housing, increased availability of ger- becoming a respected and loved member of the Senior Pastor at Highland Park Pres- ontology doctors, transportation, and access to the community, the state of Florida, and the byterian Church . and coordination of all available services. Fran country. D.A. studied genealogy extensively, tracing served in the Senior Assembly of the Cali- Happy Birthday Mall, and best wishes. his ancestry back more than 1,300 years. He fornia Senior Legislature from 2006 to 2014, f also found genealogical relationships to 20 of where she was a leader among the volunteer the 45 U.S. Presidents. Above all else, D.A. body whose mission it is to enhance the qual- EQUITABLE ACCESS TO CARE AND was privileged to call himself a fifth-generation ity of life for older Californians and their fami- HEALTH ACT Texan. His great, great grandfather, Judge lies. Felix Benedict Dixon, immigrated from Ohio to As a committed advocate, Fran never HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING Texas in 1841, when it was still the Republic missed an opportunity to raise attention to OF MASSACHUSETTS of Texas. D.A.’s lineage also has roots going issues that affect senior citizens. Fran fre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quently served as a public speaker for senior back in America as a sixth-generation United Wednesday, July 25, 2018 States citizen, being a descendant of Amer- citizen issues on the radio, at City Council ican Revolutionary soldier, Lt. George P. meetings, clubs, dinners, and fundraisers. She Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Sharp, of New York. could also be found passing out hundreds of support of the Equitable Access to Care and D.A. is survived by his wife, Suzanne Mar- brochures about the California Senior Legisla- Health Act, or the EACH Act, which seeks to garet Boggess Sharpe and their three chil- ture, to elevate the mission of the group. provide a bipartisan, common-sense exemp- dren: Taylor Marcus Sharpe; Tiffany Lenn The state of California is home to incredible tion to the Affordable Care Act for those who Sharpe Westmoreland and her husband, Ste- people who possess a spirit of public service uniquely rely on religious methods of healing. ven O. Westmoreland; and Todd Wittman and a commitment to their communities. Fran In my home state of Massachusetts, we are Sharpe, and his wife, Carrie Ann Maxwell was a champion for senior citizens’ issues. very proud of our healthcare system, the sys- Sharpe. There are seven grandchildren: Kath- Her advocacy efforts have made lasting con- tem which, as my colleagues know, formed erine Michelle, John David (Jack), Lily Taylor, tributions to the community of Fontana, the the basis for the Affordable Care Act, the law Sarah Todd and Samuel Lee (Sam) West- state of California, and beyond. from which so many Americans benefit today. moreland; and Luke Maxwell and Brooke In 2014, I had the honor of awarding Fran As the Massachusetts legislature con- Eden Sharpe. the Woman of the Year Lifetime Achievement templated the direction of its successful Though D.A. is no longer with us, his mem- Award, a well-deserved recognition of her ex- healthcare system, lawmakers saw fit to pro- ory will not be forgotten by those of us who emplary record of community service. vide an exemption from its insurance require- were privileged enough to know him. I ask On July 5th of this year, Fran passed away ments for sincerely held religious beliefs. The Members to please pray for my dear friend at the age of 83. Her legacy teaches us all to exemption grants reprieve for Massachusetts D.A. Sharpe and his family during this difficult relentlessly devote ourselves to what we care residents who would not otherwise use our time. most about, and for that I would like to recog- traditional healthcare system even if they did f nize Frances Givens. carry traditional health insurance. At its es- f sence, the EACH Act seeks to extend a simi- IN HONOR OF THE 100TH lar reprieve for Americans who would not oth- BIRTHDAY OF LADELLE COCHRAN TRIBUTE TO MALL CHANEY ON erwise benefit from the system created under HER 75TH BIRTHDAY the Affordable Care Act. HON. MIKE ROGERS Thank you to my colleague Mr. DAVIS of Illi- OF ALABAMA HON. DON YOUNG nois for his leadership on this issue. I urge my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ALASKA colleagues to support this bipartisan legisla- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion. Wednesday, July 25, 2018 Wednesday, July 25, 2018 f Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I recognize the 100th birthday of Ladelle Coch- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I rise CELEBRATING THE WORK AND ran. today to pay tribute to a person of great merit LEGACY OF EULA L. BECK Ladelle was born on August 29, 1918 in on the occasion of her 75th birthday. It is often Dallas, Georgia. stated that the United States is great because HON. JOHN R. CARTER He is a Veteran of World War II and was it is a nation of immigrants. Mr. Speaker, I OF TEXAS awarded the Bronze Star Medal. Ladelle re- would agree with this statement with the addi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of the word legal in front of immigrants. tired from the Anniston Army Depot after work- Wednesday, July 25, 2018 ing there for 25 years. Mall Chaney is an example of such a person Ladelle was married to the late June Saxon who worked within the law to become a citizen Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I cele- for 59 years and was blessed with five chil- of the United States. I understand that it is not brate the extraordinary work and legacy of dren, three grandchildren and six great-grand- an easy task. Eula L. Beck, or ‘‘Sis’’ as most affectionately children. Mall was born in Estonia in 1943 in the mid- call her, who has been an active supporter of He is a member of Gladeview Baptist dle of World War II. At that time Estonia was Central Texas Communities her whole life. Her Church and is an avid Atlanta Braves and Ala- in peril at the hands of Russia as well as Ger- resume tells the story of a woman unafraid to bama Crimson Tide fan. many. However, it was her parents’ concern contribute both her time and energies to a Mr. Speaker, please join me in wishing about Russia that caused them to flee. Russia multitude of organizations that rely on vol- Ladelle Cochran a very happy 100th birthday. had seized her mother’s brother and sent him unteerism and social engagement to make f to Siberia never to be heard from again. As a good communities great. professional chemist, Mall’s father feared Sis was raised just south of Killeen on a RECOGNIZING FRANCES GIVENS being pressed into Russia’s weapons develop- ranch near Maxdale and has led a life devoted OF FONTANA ment program or much worse. to causes bigger than herself. Her extraor- When Mall was about six months old the dinary career began at Camp Hood where she HON. NORMA J. TORRES family consisting of her mother, father, and supported war efforts during WWII. From OF CALIFORNIA sister fled under cover of night with basically there, she worked to upgrade Camp Hood to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nothing but the clothes on their backs. The Fort Hood and served as a crucial advocate to family spent several years in a Swedish ref- make Fort Hood the model for military bases Wednesday, July 25, 2018 ugee camp and then in the general population that it is today. Sis’ influence in Central Texas Mrs. TORRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of Sweden. In 1951 Mall and her family were didn’t stop there. She has engaged in a mul- honor the life of Frances Givens, a resident of sponsored by a family friend from Canada and titude of endeavors ranging from owning a our 35th Congressional District in Fontana, were able to migrate to Canada. local Killeen TV station to establishing the VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:14 Jul 26, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.024 E25JYPT2 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS July 25, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1069 Killeen branch of Union State Bank, where the Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2017; Jan’s tremendous energy and bright smile. she has served on the Board for many years. and H.R. 6311, the Increasing Access to Her upbeat attitude and persistence will con- At every stop along the way, she’s built Lower Premium Plans and Expanding Health tinue to live in each and every person she bridges of friendship and has worked tirelessly Savings Accounts Act of 2018—yes. touched. to support and enhance her community. (Roll No. 372) On passage of H.R. 184, the f Sis also exhibits a passion for education Protect Medical Innovation Act—yes.
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