EMMITSBURG CHRONICLE MARYLAND, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1951 SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR VOL. LXXLA NO. 36 EMMITSBURG, MOUNT STUDENT LOCALS BLANK IMPROVEMENTS Anything Honor Roll Dedicatory Most KILLED IN CASHTOWN, TO ROUTE 15 At A Glance CAR WRECK Ceremonies Scheduled Sunday IN CONTEST APPEAR CERTAIN The State Roads Commission BY ABIGAIL Emmitsburg climbed back into A Mount St. Mary's College im- the win column again this week will definitely make some sophomore was killed instantly Once again Emmitsburg's when Tuesday night they de- provements to U. S. Route 15 be- and a classmate was injured at ser vice clubs, the Francis X. feated Cashtown in a shutout, 5 tween Emmitsburg and Thur- 7:45 o'clock Saturday night when Elder Post, American Legion, to 0. The contest was postponed mont in the 1951 roads program. a convertible car turned over on and the Veterans of Foreign Sunday because of rain and was Pending a study of cost esti- Route 77, about a quarter of a Wars, have demonstrated their scheduled for Tuesday evening. mates, the nature of the work mile east of the entrance to ability to cope with civilian ob- Wayne McGlaughlin hurled one has not been finally determined Shrangi-La, presidential retreat ligations at home as well as of the best games in two years, but commission sources indicated cn the Catoctin Recreational military on .the battlefield. The as he held the Pennsylvanians to that a relocation at Franklinville Area, west of Thurmont. two service clubs have estab- three scattered hits, while his is a real possibility. lished an enviable record of Edward Joseph McGrain, 20, mates were garnering six hits It was at Franklinville bridge domestic front activities and of 8537 112th St., Richmond Hill, in timely fashion. that a tractor-trailer toppled on the dedication of the new Hon- N. Y., was pronounced dead at Cashtown started Kane on the a pleasure car last year, killing examiner or Roll this Sunday, is just the scene. The medical mound but he was replaced early three occupants. The double curve another milestone in the record said death was due to a fractured in the contest by Kitzmiller. into and off the Owens Creek of accomplishments. A fine skull. The lineup: Li idge has been the scene of program has been arranged for Removed to Frederick Memorial Emmitsburg many bad accidents. the affair and a large attend- Hospital was the driver, Raymond Ab R H 0 AE Any relocation at Franklinville a ance is anticipated. The clubs A. McNamara, 22, 70 Drake St., Frock, lf 3 1 0 0 0 0 would mean construction of but have gone to a great deal of Melvern, N. Y., who was reported McMahon, c 0 1 5 • 0 0 new bridge over the creek, expense in erecting this new improved this week after treat- McCleaf, cf 1 0 0 0 0 officials and residents of the sec- monument in honor of those ment for shock and back injur- Novak, ss 3 1 1 2 2 0 tion feel it would be worth it to who served their country in the ies. Sayler, rf 2 1 1 0 0 0 get rid of the present series of last war and the least Emmits- State Trooper 1/c H. J. Brown Warthen, rf 1 0 0 1 1 0 serious curves. curves burg can do, in my opinion, is said his investigation is being Finn, lb 2 0 1 10 1 0 There are a number of 1111464 two towns which to show up Sunday for the continued. He indicated one or .*11/41111 Hollinger, 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 between the lopirrn of com- dedicatory exercises and show more charges will be placed Smith, 3b 1 0 0 0 1 0 have been the source it ap- their appreciation for a com- against McNamara. Strine, 2b 3 1 1 0 1 0 plaints. Any improvements, peared, would involve the other mendable achievement. Only Trooper Brown said the two —SCHEDULE OF EVENTS—. McGlaughlin, p 2 0 1 0 1 0 curves, a chief target of the Em- the names of those who served students had attended a class pic- Doughboy Monu- — — — — 10:00 a. m.—Placing of wreaths at VFW Plaque and mitsburg-Thurmont Route 15 Im- in World War II will be dis- nic on the Catoctin Recreational Totals 24 '5 6 18 7 0 ment by William L. Topper, commander Legion Post, and provement Association, which has played on the monument. Vet- Area and were en route back to Cashtown commander VFW Post. met with roads officials to urge erans of World War I are hon- ,he college, near here. The car Harold M. Hoke, Ab R H OAE 0 0 action on modernization of the ored by the Doughboy marker ailed to round a curve and went 10:15 a. m.—Memorial Service at the Reformed Church. B. Bucher, 3 0 0 1 high Way. in West End. In addition to ;tit of control. It went off the 11:15 a. m.—Dedication of Monument at the Legion Home. Kump, 2b 2 0 0 0 1 0 Some surveys have already been paying homage to those who lighway on one side and then Biesecker 3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 —DEDICATORY PROGRAM— made and cost estimates will be have served their country, these etua ned to the paved portion be- I. Herring, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Introductory Remarks J Albert Saffer, Past Commander studied by the roads commission markers serve a dual purpose ,ore turning over. The machine J. Bucher, lb 2 0 1 3 0 0 Singing "America" before action is taken. in showing our respect for 3kidded about 50 feet on its top Group Singley, ss 2 0 0 0 0 0 John D. Sullivan 0 Motorists are already using, to those who made ,.the supreme 3efore stopping. It was headed Invocation Rev. D. Bucher, cf 2 0 1 0 0 some extent, the unfinished re- sacrifice and also adding beau- in the opposite direction when Unveiling of Honor Roll Mrs. Rita Felix Spence, cf 0 0 0- 0 0 1 location of Route 15 on the south- ty to the town. The marker he reported.. Timmerman Robert, 3b-2b 2 0 1 2 1 0 stopped, Placing of Wreath on Grave Mrs. Fred P. Emmitsburg, Toll will become the property of G. Herring, c 2 0 0 11 2 1 ern outskirts of McGrain's body was taken to Dedicatory Prayer Rev. Philip Bower road has the Corporation of Emmits- Kane, p 0 0 0 0 2 1 Gate Hill, where the New York Monday by M. L Albert Saffer avail- burg immediately after the pres- Presentation of Honor Roll to Community J Kitzmiller, p 1 0 0 0 1 1 been cut through land made Creager, Thurmont undertaker. A entation ceremonies Sunday. , Acceptance Mayor Thornton W. Rodgers able by St. Joseph's College. placed on For this we thank you from Address Daniel H. Burkhardt Totals 20 0 318 7 4 bare course has been but no blacktop has the bottom of our hearts Vet- Juniors 'Topped Rev. E. P. Welker EMMITSBURG 212 000-5 the relocation Benediction That prob- erans of Foreign Wars and Cashtown 000 000-0 been installed as yet. Contest Taps Leo G. Sanders and Paul R. Dern summer. American Legion. 3-2 In Runs batte din — McMahon, ably will come this eased and re- * * * Costly errors in the early in- * * * * * * * * * Finn, Hollinger. Three-base hit The relocation 90-degree curve. Indications are evident that nings last Sunday cost the local —J. Bucher. Two-base hit—Mc- duced a severe new honor roll be at all times, by Mrs. Rita Felix, widow of through prison the town's street markers are American Legion Juniors their Emmitsburg's will maintained Mahon. Double play—Warthen to Work was done will be formally dedicated Sun- the of eternal Sgt. James C. Felix, killed in ac- with grading by Contractor well on their way. Commis- second setback of the season. indicating light Novak. Sacrifice — McGlaughlin. labor, day by the two service organiza- peace. ton in the European Theater in E. E. Russells, Frederick. Another sioner Wales E. Rightnour, the Victorious was the Fairview Letf on base Emmitsburg 7, tions, the American Legion and The exercises will commence at 1944. A wreath will be placed danger spot in front of St. Jos- chairman of the installation team by a 3-2 score. Cashtcwn 3. Hits—off McGlaugh- the Veterans of Foreign Wars. 10 a. m. with the placing of on the grave of Lt. Fred P. Tim- eph's College has been reduced committee, has been busy with In the third inning the Juniors lin 3, Kane 4, Kitzmiller 2. Philip B. Sharpe, chairman of wreaths on the VFW plaque on merman Jr. by his mother, Mrs. by raising the road bed there, preparatory plans and already tied the count at 2-2 on a single Struck out—by McGlaughlin 5, the erection committee, announced the Square and the Doughboy Fred P. Timmerman, Sr. Lt. Tim- several feet. some of the posts have been by Collins, who stole second, and by Kane 2, by Kitzmiller 8. Bases that during the Sunday exer- monument in West End, by the merman gave his life in action in anchored. It is expected that a mighty triple by "Fireball" Joy, on balls—off McGlaughlin 1, off cises, the monument will be offi- two commanders, Harold M. Hoke 1945 in the European Theater. very shortly now our street followed by a double by McNair.
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