A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Communications of the ACM : 2010–2019

A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Communications of the ACM : 2010–2019

A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Communications of the ACM : 2010{2019 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 11 December 2019 Version 1.130 Title word cross-reference [2146]. 2017 [2336, 2313]. 21st [2065, 2833, 2656, 1052, 2499, 141]. 3 [2677]. 30-year [2751]. 33 [343]. 3G [352]. #1 [667]. 50th [2359]. + [859, 2507]. $1 [1598, 1575]. 10 2 [166]. 3 [1290, 962, 2165, 1291, 2659, 2164,± 1339, 600km [2693]. 2381, 2572, 250, 2747, 2158]. = [859, 378]. b [614]. λ>4 [2041]. n [857]. n = me [1398]. = [377]. = [2507]. 6 Aadhaar [2995]. abbey [2716]. ABCs -bit [614]. -gram [857]. -Spectre [2728]. [2607]. abductive [67]. abilities [2670]. -sweep [2165]. Ability [2582]. Ability-based [2582]. Abolish [1680]. abound [738]. above 12 [337, 1421, 2056, 1824]. 14th [564]. [2633, 186]. abstract [642, 643]. Abstracting [2459, 642, 643]. Abstraction 2.0 [373, 473, 1306, 1650, 33, 501]. 2008 [661, 1020, 2153, 403]. Abstractions [382]. 2009 [12]. 2011 [626, 711]. 2016 1 2 [1060, 1541]. abstracts [1638]. abuse [104, 694, 207, 237]. adults [2332]. advance [552, 1123]. academia [2194, 992]. [1277, 2217]. advanced [1681]. Advances Academic [1098, 2435, 2437, 2071, 2644, [780]. Advancing [1840, 553]. advantage 2284, 2128, 2232, 1159, 2118, 2023, 170]. [2341]. Adventures [1156]. adversarial academic-unit [2023]. academics [1228]. [2604]. Advertising academies [3016]. academy [2168, 242]. [923, 531, 702, 514, 2046, 2323, 2394]. Accelerating [2444, 2028, 2630, 2643, 2140]. Advice [1640, 2434, 225, 2911, 2030, 1661, acceleration [1613, 2139]. accelerators 357, 388, 1881, 141]. advocates [2561]. [2138]. Access [2900, 1171, 1905, 49, 1067, AdWords [395]. affect [1964]. affects [320]. 1114, 2284, 2544, 1115, 367, 2677, 2619, 1240, Africa [2561]. African [1734, 364]. after 1607, 2410, 1019, 840, 2522, 1082]. [2843, 1804, 1692, 419]. again [2177]. access-control [1082]. accessibility Against [993, 2215, 1310, 2966]. accessible [2478]. [424, 150, 1431, 341, 2604, 769, 866, 247, 2910]. accomplishments [1699]. according [662]. age [1846, 1161, 221, 2262, 2741, 2207, 1510, account [956]. Accountability 1519, 2754, 2779, 2275, 1109, 1603, 464, 2641, [1508, 1911, 1547, 2351, 1250]. 935, 43, 443]. agenda [1840, 2759, 48, 2825]. Achievements [503]. Achieving agendas [1954]. Agent [2857, 2470]. ACM [106, 2719, 218, 1586]. Agent-oriented [422, 648, 1067, 2143, 2282, 1136, 1068, 1481, [106]. agents [259, 92, 2411, 24, 2734]. ages 1434, 1840, 304, 736, 735, 1045, 2329, 371, [2332]. aggregates [569]. aggregator 635, 1028, 569, 478, 680, 651, 508, 738, 1729, [1772]. Agile [1285, 400, 2388, 2364, 315, 1598, 1956, 762, 285, 107, 2469, 1637, 13, 4, 2953, 2157, 920, 832]. agility [202]. 387, 1017, 2048, 2168, 2215, 2830, 2611, 816, agreement [1440]. agriculture [2770]. 1293, 2866, 3008, 2908, 2951, 1436, 593, 996, ahead [8, 1011, 307]. AI 172, 1813, 846, 225, 2317, 147, 45, 573, 423, [2369, 2658, 2849, 2952, 1803, 2904, 2203, 706, 771, 1096, 1165, 1320, 1348, 1413, 1575, 2746, 2080, 2725, 1781, 2335, 2722, 2000, 1319, 1593, 1923, 1975, 1902, 2222, 2546, 2613, 2704, 2682, 2638, 2726, 2701, 791, 1897, 2217, 2547, 2496, 2470, 944, 1745, 2214, 2522, 1248, 2240, 2472, 2591]. AI-supported [1897]. 1523, 2399, 1545, 1722, 2142, 2307, 2283]. aided [1496]. AIDS [90]. aim [3013]. aims ACM-W [2470]. ACM's [1870, 2546, 1871]. [1209]. air [1212, 484, 1166, 2539, 410, 168]. acquisition [2562]. across air-gap [2539]. airbags [958]. Alan [1714, 2922, 2188, 1220]. act [159, 1238]. [902, 2438, 950, 1029, 956, 1255]. algebra action [2469, 1694, 2800, 2142]. active [2017, 2864]. Algebraic [1889]. Algol [1842]. Activism [709]. activities [1880]. algorithm [1323, 700, 2812, 2912, [1645, 2809]. Activity [2924, 1861]. 1179, 2197, 624, 2135, 1362, 790]. Activity-centric [2924]. actor [1897]. acts Algorithmic [2862, 582, 231, 1288, 1817, [775]. Actually [1328]. ad [724, 1148, 2562]. 1911, 1035, 2351, 2099, 1343]. Algorithms Ada [1924, 1773]. Adam [281]. adapt [2623, 2981, 2841, 1195, 158, 57, 1223, 2065, [1469]. Adaptation [1289, 1031]. Adaptive 1743, 1039, 1742, 2490, 1108, 2748, 1497, 859, [2063, 961, 860]. addiction [151]. Adding 2967, 1038, 2099, 2891, 1889, 920, 1262, 2114, [2096]. Address [2217, 1349, 2269, 2613]. 2820, 2467, 445, 497]. Alice [1156]. administration [459, 399, 432]. Aligning [105]. alive [601, 2489]. all-seeing administrators [1661]. admissions [134]. [1423]. Allan [2843]. Allen [2369, 398]. Adopting [1283]. adoption alliances [457, 2293]. allow [2726]. Alloy 3 [2945]. almanac [1733]. alone [2470]. applications Alphabet [2174]. Alternate [42]. [2458, 1736, 638, 1131, 412, 1107, 1382, 1379, alternative [25]. Always 2977, 1784, 614, 1696, 2910, 433, 1757]. [2606, 2525, 2780, 1341]. amateurs [2918]. Approach [2443, 282, 66, 680, 1993, 1207, Amazon [2384, 1673]. ambassador [471]. 2551, 2953, 2906, 1428, 103, 889, 2882, 2756, ambient [168]. ambitions [2692]. 319, 903, 643, 1944, 1200, 1351]. approaches ambitious [2825]. ambivalent [694]. [1083]. appropriating [616]. approved Amdahl [2627, 1876]. Amendment [2531]. [222]. approximate [1613, 1612]. Apps America [1868]. American [1896, 625, 1772, 2054, 1887, 2416, 1217, [2455, 627, 1270]. Americans [1734]. Amir 2087, 1990]. April [2509]. Arab [1367]. [8]. among [2571, 114, 1970]. amplification arbitrariness [1661]. arbitrary [1492, 94]. [988]. analog [2343, 1117, 2310, 2373]. Archimedes [1242]. architect [2719]. analyses [2923]. Analysis [2518, 1176, 1268, architectural [318]. Architecture 858, 55, 639, 2558, 1446, 270, 404, 1131, 559, [2444, 2299, 2633, 691, 273, 2779, 2649, 235, 2583, 725, 829, 269, 1739, 1339, 299, 560, 780, 2875, 2084, 291, 1609, 407, 2807]. 2808, 2537, 857, 1848, 643, 2186]. Analytics Architecture-Compiler [2444]. [2840, 1794, 2201, 1903, 1451, 1103, 1989, Architectures 2033, 1914]. analyze [30]. Analyzing [1866, 1508, 344, 2188, 1880, 2062, 860, 1272]. [868, 1609, 743, 2781, 2569]. anarchy archive [2665]. archives [721, 2446]. [914, 915]. Anatomy [1032]. ancient archiving [680]. area [784]. argument [1254, 712]. Andrew [2939, 130]. Android [1264]. arithmetic [2342, 2305, 2304]. arms [651]. anew [2117]. animal [2670, 1394]. [1872, 2178]. Array [587, 586]. arrived animal-like [2670]. Animals [2615]. [1603]. Arrogance [633]. art animation [2159, 1454]. anniversary [730, 2096, 722, 1986, 183, 2710, 2]. artifacts [2359]. annotate [277]. announces [1729]. [1767]. Artificial annual [736, 1045, 4, 387, 1320, 1593, 1871]. [2312, 2177, 2527, 2193, 1118, 733, 2870, 259, Anonymity [729, 1515, 1807]. 1786, 1193, 2733, 2886, 2480, 480, 598, 2526, anonymization [2268, 2577]. anonymized 1511, 2385, 2232, 834, 2448, 1972, 2694]. [730]. anonymous [763]. Answer [726]. artificiality [802]. arts Answering [2744, 1893]. answers [1472, 2194, 955, 2244]. Ashenhurst [12]. [1180, 2077]. Ant [1156]. Anti Ask [2457, 704]. aspects [1310]. [1730, 1929, 2765]. Anti-circumvention Aspirations [1304]. aspirin [2352]. ASPs [1730, 1929]. anti-counterfeiting [2765]. [66]. ASR [343]. ASR-33 [343]. assemble anticipates [2472]. Anticipating [2160]. [1773]. assemblies [1063]. assembly [1035]. antifragile [1216]. any Asserting [196]. Assessing [2238, 2737, 2837, 2688, 930]. anybody [56, 2153, 2614, 2733, 68]. assessment [2252]. anymore [1810, 248]. AP [1898]. [603, 1109, 2651]. assessments [618]. asset Apache [2132]. API [69]. assignment [521]. assist [1953]. [1903, 3020, 2015, 2894, 1378, 1933]. APIs assistance [2960]. assistant [2152]. [2846, 804, 1001, 1644]. Apollo [2750]. app assistants [2708]. assumptions [1895]. [2416, 2702]. appearance [1566]. assurance [100, 1821, 1283]. assurances appearances [1057]. apple [63]. Assuring [2355]. astonishing [559]. [1473, 312, 1050, 2416, 2031, 2223, 743]. astronaut [3013]. astronomical [143]. Application [2440, 237, 546, 520]. astronomy [721]. Asymmetries [487]. 4 asymmetry [527]. Asynchronous [836]. [1326]. Balloon [493]. Ban [1793, 2270]. Atomic [947]. Atomic-level [947]. bandage [1844]. banking [99]. banks [490]. attached [2921]. Attack [2253, 289, 2479]. banning [1854, 1853]. bar [128]. Barbara Attacking [2763, 1542]. Attacks [623]. Barbarians [1261]. Barcelona [2536]. [267, 1000, 1431, 2760, 2803, 2016, 753]. Bare [1891]. Bare-metal [1891]. barrier attendees [2081]. attitudes [2393, 157]. [2758]. Barriers [205, 2392, 1806, 104]. bars attracting [2773]. attraction [1296]. [62]. base [2706, 2280]. baseball [1311]. Auction [1838, 2323]. auctions [1360, 772]. based [2735, 2021, 1630, 529, 2206, 92, 531, audience [1861]. audio [1173]. audiovisual 167, 725, 810, 1496, 1701, 1379, 103, 131, [1289]. auditing [2005, 2073]. Augmented 2039, 2965, 2462, 433, 168, 2915, 2582, 1351]. [2935, 1502, 1163, 1282, 216, 1406]. basement [1900]. bases [2279]. basics Augmented-reality [1163]. [1655]. batches [2037]. bathwater [867]. authenticating [2717]. Authentication batteries [2163, 2162]. battery [2793]. [2871, 2212, 1740, 2250]. Author [955]. battle [824]. battlefield [801]. Battling authoritative [1492]. authors [1817]. [2099]. Bayes [436]. Bayesian [374, 1595]. AutoMan [2021]. automata [639, 1634]. bazaar [983]. Bazel [2753]. BBR [2206]. automate [2809]. Automated BCS [371]. Be [116, 60, 1600, 2466, 687, [1632, 1472, 9, 1776, 161, 3022, 953, 1988, 936, 597, 492, 155, 2725, 1058, 2979, 2268, 430, 2611, 24, 3006, 728]. Automatic 1160, 1054, 1938, 2704, 2368, 931, 310, 342, [1359,

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