SANDIA Vol. IV, No. 23 SANDIAUllETI CORPORATION, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. NOV. 7, 1952 • Special Recordings A. S. M. Meets at A. T. & T. Official Brought Back From Los Alamos Nov. 12 Talks About T V Eastern Symposium Before Engineers "Non-destructive Testing in In• ' Tape recordings, illustrated with An i 11 us tra ted lecture about tele• de~elop­ dustry," will be the topic at a joint slides, covering the latest vision, p-resented in non-technical ments in high speed photograrhy and meeting of the Albuquerque section terms by Dr. M. E. Strieby, director in photographic instrumentation will and the Los Alamos chapter of the of technical demonstrations, Ameri• be available to local technicians who American Society for Metals to be can Telephone and Telegraph Co., were not able to attend the Inter• held at the Civic Club, Los Alamos, will be jointly sponsored by the national Symposium on High Speed Northern New Mexico Section and Wednesday, Nov. 12. It will be a Photography recently held in \Vash• the student branch of the American ington, D.C. dinner m-eeting starting at 6 :30 p.m. Institute of Electrical Engineers on H. C. Barr, 5216, one of the San• Speaking on the topic will be Rob• Wednesday, Nov. 12. The meeting dians attending the session, secured ert C. McMaster of the Battelle will be held at Carlisle Gymnasium, the recordings of 12 of the most Memorial Institute, a metallurgical University of New Mexico, at 7:30 valuable lectures and borrowed from research concern which is sponsor• p.m . the authors slides illustrating the ing the meeting. Included in the A noted scientist and lecturer, Dr. Retreat Ceremonies on Sandia Base Call talks. He will copy the slides for topic will be phases such as ultra• Strieby will explain in his talk the tape recording circulating library. sonic inspection, radiography and entitled, "Microwave Relay Links Mr. Barr feels that meetings of magnafl ux. and Television," how a television For Courtesies to Colors by Civilians this sort are a source of much valu• • More than 70 engineers are ex• picture is changed into electrical able new information which is us• has long been the custom of good United States citizens pected to attend from the two groups. waves, how those waves are trans• If ually not available in printed form Douglas Ballard, 1512, Albuquerque to pay all honors clue the colors during the retreat ceremony on ported to television stations, and for several months after presentation representative for the Los Alamos how the television set reconverts the military bases. On Sandia Base, where retreat is held at 5 :30 this and even then does not receive wide chapter, has announced that all en• waves back into a picture. time of year, civilians are reminded and urged to show their circulation. In an effort to remedy gineers interested in the topic are this situation he instituted the prep• Dr. Strieby will a"lso discuss the respect to their country's flag. invited to attend. He urged them Bell System's plans for expanding Cannon Fired aration of tape recordings ;:tnd al• to contact him for reservations and ready has received numerous requests the nation's television networks. The Retreat on Sandia Base is like the transportation at ext. 21142 before lecture is supplemented by demon• Famous Music of from organizations and companies Nov. 11. ceremonies on all military bases. At wishing to borrow them. stration equipment and following the designated hour after the bugler the talk Dr. Strieby will conduct a sounds retreat and the retreat can• Russ Morgan at question and answer period. non is fired the national anthem is Club Tomorrow Those Keys You've Salvage Sale The A.I.E.E. has invited the gen• played or "To the Colors" is sounded eral public to this meeting. by the bugler. During the rlaying "Music in the Morgan Manner," Lost May Be 'Here A limited quantity of miscel• of either, the colors are slowly will be featured at the Coronado Lose your car keys lately ? laneous tools, electrical items, lowered. Club tomorrow night. The Russ Or your gloves, glasses, fountain lumber and other material will Magicians Will Pedestrians at that time should Morgan Orchestra has weathered all pen or pipe? If so, why not check be on sale at the Sandia Cor• Entertain Wives face the colors and men should re• fads, styles and crazes of musical the lost and found counter in Em• move their headgear with the right ployee Services, Building T-301. poration Salvage Yard begin• Ladies Night for the Albuquerque hand and hold them at the left In addition to the assortment ning November 10. This mate• Magicians Club will be held tonight shoulder with the hand over the named above there are these items: rial may be purchased for cash at- the Franciscan Hotel, 7 :30 p.m. The featured act of the evening will heart. Women salute by placing the a baby's dark green corduroy bon• between the hours of 12 noon right hand over the heart. net, sheep-lined mittens, a New Mex• be given by H. P. Westgate, 1231, and 1 p.m. at the Salvage Yard Persons in passenger cars should ico chauffeur's license, several ros• and his wife. stop and get out of the car at the aries, automatic pencils, a few cos• sales area, east of the South \Vestgate is internationally known first notes of the national anthem tume jewelry pieces .. but most Tech Area gate. as the inventor of a famous trick or "To the Colors" and should of all are keys, keys, and more keys. called the Westgate Bowl Illusion. render the salute described above. Passengers in other types of vehicles "Manon" Vocalist Russ Morgan and buses should remain seated and the driver of the vehicle should dis• forms and despite all conflicts be• mount and render the abo-Je salute. tween the passions of "sweet" ver• Here'sA.Most Unusual Sandia Hunter• Bugle Call History sus "swing" has adhered to straight The use of the bugle and cannon music-rhythmic, melodic and easy• HeHuntsforGuns;andAlso With Them for retreat ceremonies has an old on-the-ears. Besides being a talented arranger and colOrful history. The use of "When Ken Finders sees a picture the bugle to sound military calls has who at the age of 21 was arranging music for John Phillip Sousa and of an antique gun and that particu• its origin in the earliest years of lar gun pleases his eye, Ken goes civilized man. Because the bugle's Victor Herbert, Rus-s Morgan is the composer of such great hits as "So hunting for the weapon to add to piercing tones carried above the his collection. din of battle, it was ideal for trans• Tired," "Somebody Else Is Taking mitting orders and signals. Most My Place," and "Sweet Eloise." Perhaps this is a strange way to of the calls for the United States From 1949 to 1950 -over 10,000,000 of pursue the hobby of gun collecting, • Army were adopted from the French Morgan's records were sold. These but it happens to be the way he and some from the British. They included tunes like: "Bye Bye likes it. Ken, 2443, doesn't care were standardized during the Civil Blackbird," "Forever and Ever," and about having the oldest gun, or the \Var and have changed little since. "Cruisin' Down the River." biggest, or the smallest, or the "Retreat" was a French cavalry The Morgan Orchestra played at shootin'est ... if the piece attracts call first adopted during the Cru• the world premiere of the Shamrock Ken by its ap·pearance and he finds sades. It does not mean retreat from Hotel in Houston, Texas, and has that model for his den, he will dis• the enemy, but retirement from the had elates at all of the nation's assemble and repair it. make the day's activities. In the Navy, it is famous hotels and night clubs in• b"ullet or shell for it himself, and c :1Jled Evening Colors. At one time cluding the Palladium in Hollywood, fancy it up with lots of rubbing and it was customary for a fife and Chez Paree, Chicago, and the Para• polishing. To Ken that is the way to drum corps to march through a camp mount in New York. enjoy the hobby of gun collecting. at sunset, while all soldiers were The dance tomorrow night starts Among the ordnance assembled in required to "repair to their tents at 9 and lasts until 1. Reservations Ken's gun cabinet are these: an or quarters." Our present retreat must be made at time of ticket pur• 1875 model army rifle, 43 caliber custom is a modern version of that chase and tickets are on sale at the Beaumont, bolt action- a weapon Coronado Club office right now at manufactured for the Dutch army; a custom. KEN FINDERS INSPECTS one of the pistols from his collection of The firing of the sunset gun 1s $1.50 per member, $2 per guest. single action army colt revolver, supposed to stem from the ancient 32-20 caliber, the "Peace-maker" of firearms. He carved the grips for this particular weapon from stag horn. custom of making- a great noise in the old \ iVes t-for this one Ken Delta Sigma Pi to made the· grips from . Elk horn; an camp as the sun went down in order deer and game for family larders. Iowa in 1950, Ken, 2443, holds a 1851 model of a 36 caliber Colt to frighten away all evil sririts.
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