Volume 18 • Number 1 March 2009 News from the San Francisco Bay Area Freeway Service Patrol Inside: Page New Wireless System Reduces New and Returning Contractors 2 Paperwork, Maintains High Upcoming Events 2 FSP Statistical Summaries 2 Levels of Service Quarterly Awards 3 by Adrian Fine, MTC SAFE The Public Speaks 4 n December of 2008, the entire Bay Area Freeway more attention.” CHP dispatchers in Service Patrol (FSP) fleet of 90 vehicles started using Vallejo also appreciate the reduction Iwireless mobile data computers – a.k.a. Rangers – in radio air traffic. to submit information about daily operations. The wireless data system also incorporates a global posi- Although the transition tioning system (GPS), took a year, use of wireless- allowing live remote moni- based data collection and toring of all the fleet vehi- fleet management technolo- cles. The GPS functionality gies has already streamlined allows the partner agencies work for the FSP drivers and to monitor fleet efficiency, the three partner agencies making sure that all vehicles that administer the program. are patrolling their assigned Statewide regulations beats at the right times. require FSP service providers “The wireless data sys- to collect data on their tem is a great tool for the assists, a process previously FSP program because it done by hand-recording helps ensure that public information on machine- A global positioning system (GPS) allows live remote monitoring of all dollars are spent efficiently readable daily shift records fleet vehicles. and effectively,” according (DSRs) that were collected will be easier: changes can be set up in to Sze Lei Leong of MTC SAFE. and sent to Caltrans for sorting and advance, and then deployed to the “Also, being able to track our fleet counting. Now, tow operators can use entire fleet at once. makes it easier for the CHP to locate the touchscreen on the Rangers Another improvement is that and respond to any tow operator who installed in their vehicles to enter whereas drivers used to radio calls to may need assistance.” details about an incident, such as vehi- the California Highway Patrol (CHP) In the near future, MTC antici- cle type, service provided and highway informing them that FSP was “on pates that locational data from FSP location. This information is sent scene” and dealing with a non-acci- and Caltrans tow trucks will flow into wirelessly to a central database that dent or non-fatal incident, now they the Advanced Transportation Man- stores the data in complete, intuitive can push the “on scene” button on agement System, which acts as a and searchable records. their Ranger computers. regional clearinghouse for transporta- Caltrans’ Traffic Management “I like the reduction in radio traf- tion-related information and assets. Center (TMC) staff love the new sys- fic,” said Steven Parker, a driver from This would provide visual informa- tem, because information is now more Yarbrough Bros. Towing. “It makes it tion to TMC operators on the where- accurate and can be pulled up faster. less noisy in the truck cab, so when abouts of reported incidents, and FSP Future changes to data collection also there is an important call, you pay and Caltrans tow trucks. The FSP is a partnership of Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (MTC SAFE) and local tow contractors. Web site: www.fsp-bayarea.org Beats Contractor 2009 Bay Area FSP Brings in Three 1 & 2 Redhill Towing & Autobody New, One Returning Contractor 4 & 26 Ken Betts’ Towing 6 Atlas Towing Service Every two years, Caltrans, CHP and 8, 19 & 23 Campbell’s Towing utable way to expand business into the 14 & 18 Myers Towing Service MTC SAFE invite Bay Area tow com- Bay region. Working with his wife, 20 Sideline Towing panies to apply for FSP beats. For the Tina, and son, Billy, Myers Towing 21 Matos Towing & Transport 2009 round, 16 of the 35 beats were will be operating beats 14 and 18, 25 K&S Towing open for bids, and a total of 42 pro- 28 Bill’s Towing covering Interstate 880 from State 31 & 32 Courtesy Tow posals were received. The procurement Route 237 to Alvarado Niles Road. process allows the partner agencies to Courtesy Tow, Inc. is run by Upcoming Events evaluate contractor performance, man- Robert Sandoval, who has over 30 agement and quality of tow service in years of experience in the towing busi- Technical Advisory Committee order to maintain or recruit the best in ness. Courtesy Tow has been awarded (TAC) Meetings the industry to be part of the FSP pro- beats 31 and 32, which serve U.S. 101 8:30 a.m. Tuesdays at MTC, gram. south of San Jose, and State Route 85. MetroCenter After extensive evaluation, the All of Courtesy’s drivers are C.T.T.A- March 10, 2009 partners accepted a total of 14 propos- certified (California Tow Truck Associ- April 14, 2009 als from a pool of 10 tow companies. ation) and have at least four years of May 12, 2009 The contracts for these beats will begin June 9, 2009 experience. July 14, 2009 in July of 2009. Founded in 2005, Sideline Tow- August 11, 2009 In this round, three new contrac- ing is a relatively new addition to the September 8, 2009 tors were accepted into the program: Bay Area tow world. Nevertheless, Myers Towing Service of Modesto, owner Bismar Hernandez prides his Tow Contractors Meetings Courtesy Tow of San Jose and Sideline company on their attention to safety, 11 a.m. Tuesdays at MTC, Towing of San Francisco. Atlas Towing appearance and professional certifica- MetroCenter of Redwood City, a prior FSP contrac- tion. These qualities make a great FSP March 10, 2009 tor, is also returning to the program. contractor, and we wish Sideline all May 12, 2009 We would like to welcome these four the best as they begin service on beat July 14, 2009 September 8, 2009 companies to the Bay Area Freeway 20, which includes Interstate 380 and Service Patrol! Interstate 280 south of San Francisco. Quarterly Driver Refresher Founded in 1986, Myers Towing The partners are happy to wel- Training Service is an energetic family-run busi- come Atlas Towing back to the FSP 11 a.m. at CHP, Dublin ness. Owner and operator Hurshel program. Atlas Towing was an FSP March 18 & 19, 2009 Myers sees the FSP program as a rep- (continued on page 4) June 18 & 25, 2009 September 17 & 24, 2009 Third Quarter 2008 Statistical Summary 11 a.m. at CHP, GGD (July – September 2008) March 20, 2009 June 26, 2009 Total number of assists = 38,947 September 18, 2009 Percentage of assists involving people = 51.9 percent 11 a.m. at MTC, Oakland Average number of assists per hour per truck = 0.97 (urban beats) & 0.88 (rural beats) March 27, 2009 Percentage of motorist survey returns = 16.7 percent June 17, 2009 Percentage of surveys rating service as excellent = 96.9 percent September 16, 2009 Average motorist wait time = 8.9 minutes Proficiency Testing 7 a.m. at CHP, GGD Fourth Quarter 2008 Statistical Summary May 11, 2009 (October – December 2008) June 1, 2009 Total number of assists = 29,375 August 10, 2009 Percentage of assists involving people = 51.1 percent Certification Class Average number of assists per hour per truck = 0.77 (urban beats) & 0.73 (rural beats) 7 a.m. at CHP, GGD Percentage of motorist survey returns = 14.3 percent May 20-22, 2009 Percentage of surveys rating service as excellent = 96.9 percent June 10-12, 2009 Average motorist wait time = 9.0 minutes August 19-21, 2009 On Patrol/March 2009 -2- 500 assists, all without a single error Quarterly Awards or complaint. And nearly 30 percent Third Quarter, of his people assists returned a survey, July – September 2008 which is a good way for the partners Palace Garage drivers Henry and William by Adrian Fine, MTC SAFE to see what a great job Nelson is doing every day! Davidson and Jeremy York drivers on beat 22 recorded an assist Driver of the Beat of the Quarter Quarter rate of 1.23 assists per hour per truck. Palace Garage’s Beat 22 is, as driver As both an FSP Henry Davidson puts it, “the main Contractor of the Quarter driver and a field artery into the East Bay area.” And he’s Yarbrough Bros. Towing, based in supervisor for Palace right: Beat 22 covers 17 miles of Inter- Santa Rosa, operates only one FSP Garage, Ray Nelson state 580, from Santa Rita Road in beat, but they operate it with pride often does double Raymond Nelson, Pleasanton to Grant Line Road near and professionalism. Drivers Steven Palace Garage duty while patrolling Tracy. This is a major route for big Parker and Nick Nohr patrol U.S. 101 beat 4, covering State Route 238 and rigs, and all three drivers on the beat – from East Washington to River Road, Interstate 880 from 238 to the Broad- brothers Henry and William David- about 20 miles each way. Owners way exit in Oakland. However, that son, and Jeremy York – agree that Robert and Michele Inskeep take care never stops him from smiling. Nelson trucks pose a special of all the paperwork and adminis- has been FSP-certified since 1999, and challenge. In the sec- trative issues. Together, this team is in 2008, he won the coveted Public ond quarter of 2008, effective and it shows in their sta- Choice award, which goes to the FSP beat 22 had near- tistics. During the second quarter driver with the most praise from the perfect accuracy on Steven Parker and of 2008, Yarbrough Bros.
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