SectioIl One INGHAM TY NEWS Pages 1 to 8 VOL. LXIX INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928 NO. 41 COUNCIL CASTS SI.Uli ON Uml.yIAGK SALE INTEIJKSr ON AUl'O.yIOBILIOS IN PASSING ROAD BOARD SPEiS E BILLED I.AIlGE, CANVASSEIlS STATE, mil m NUISANCE OilDINANCE Ii'UNIXS USED FOI4 CIIILnuEN ALAIEDON F WES ME That members of tbo city coun- HALF ILEION YEARLY FOR MASON SATURDAY Members of tbe lCiwanis ciub cil possess a sense of lii'imor is bave nearly compiotod a city-wido HAS SUCCESSFUL FAIR PLANS !\lADlC l'O OARK FOll 'l'\VO proved by tbo wording of an or­ !i!.i.I,r.S,S.(l() GOES FOIJ EQUIP;'»lENl SGIIOOL GRIDDERS WILL MKEI' canvass for material for a rum­ dinance passed Monday, Tbo or­ IllGII O L A S S EVIItitlTS WIN IlUNBRlSD GUESl'S. RKl'ORr DISOLOSKS. HILLSDALE HERE. mage sale, tbe proceeds of which PRAISE OI!- VISITORS. dinance specifies that no person will go toward a fund to be used Progrimi Of lntcrcsl Assiircd i shall store, keep or leave in any MiiintimiiilOB Cii.slis Minint 'l'i» .ItlS!),- i\lii,si)n'.s Ft)ofii>all TiMnn To UndL'rgi) •in purcbasing needed equipment lor public street or alloy any junk, sec- CDinpetitinn lieon In Every Class And PtiItllc AfTiilr Staged By t'o-st !ii5S().77, Scventiiicn iVlllos New Ac.hl Tost Agiiinst Con(|ncrcrs Of for tho Fresh Air Camp being built Exiiibits SiiiiI To Rivill Many ond-band goods or yvorn-out ve- by the Lansing lviwanis club four Nc.vt TInir.sduy Evenlllg. Roiid Built In Yc.iir. AllilDn Anil Eatiin Rapids. Ciiunfy lfiilr-s. hides and then is added the pro­ miles east of Mason on M-49. Cap- viso that this section is not to pro- According to reports of "Bill'' Rich- According to tbe annual report of Mason, high school's football team tains of tbo drive report tbat tho vent thc parking of automobiles as The Alaiedon Farmers Club scored nrds, chairman of tbe entertainment tbe Ingbam county road commission of tbis year has sliown the greatest interest in tho undertaking is largo provided by law. It was thought a decided success in its fourth annual committee of tbe American Legion filed Tuesday' with the board of sup- promise of any team within tlic past and tbat a success is anticipated. necessary to make a distinction be- fair held at the Okemos consolidated sponsoring tbe public banquet on ervisors, tbe county road commission decade. Wbetbcr it really is an ex­ Clothing, tools, stoves, household tween junk and some of tbe auto- school last Friday and Saturday, Oc­ Tbursday evening, Octobor lS, tbc af- ceptional team or but one of average furniture, old vaccum cleaners, mobiles tbat add a problstorlc bas received from various sources tober 5 and 0, Exhibits began arriv­ fair promises to be a success. Many ability will be proved bere Saturday washing machines, lawn mowers touch to the city. Another clause during tbe year ending October 1, ing at an early hour Friday morning tickets bave been sold and arrange­ !i;527,9.l6.18. Added to the amount on when Illllsdalc meets tbe locals. Ma­ and many other articles have been in the ordinance is causing consid- donated. All of tbe material given and i)y noon the scbooi presented an ments bave been made to serve tyvo hand a year ago tho total available son bas played throe games. Holt was crabio debate. That is tlio refer- so far bas good salo value, it is appearance equal in quantity and hundred. resources of the board during tbe dosvned '17 to 0, Charlotte l9 to 0 and quality to that of many county fairs. ence in section I to an offensive or Leslie 32 to 0. As seen by tbo scores said. Anyone who has not been Speakers and otber attractions so- noisesomc smell. Just bow odori- year amount to !i!7CI,600.75. Of tbis visited by the canvassers and wbo It is said. Fine exhibits of fruits, cured for thc evening will bo bere as amount the board has expended .'j;.l9'l,- Mason has not bad a real tost yet. grains and vegetables were placed on ferous a smell has to be to reacb Tbat it will have a test Saturday is has material to give Is requested scbedulod and they include Rev. VVm. tho noisesomc stage is a question .584,08. to phone Lloyd Doano, president of long tables around tbe nortli side of Carpenter, nationai clmplaiu of tbe Various construction projects under tile concensus of opinion among foi- the gymnasium. that will take considerable study. lowers of the Little Ton. tlie club. Forty and lSigiit, Willis i?rowor, one way during the year bave cost .f27'l,- There was also a large display of of tbe executives of the Otter Lake 921..fG; maintenance costs bave IJillsdale took the measure of Ea­ canned fruits, vegetables, meats, Billot, and George Dorman, superin- amounted to lj;L'J,'i,512.01, of which the ton Rapids two weeks ago 7 to 0 and pickles and jellies. Excellent exhibits- tendont of tbe Roosevelt bospital at county road system bas taken :i;i29,- last Saturday pounced on Albion 12 were shown by boys and girls, Kay Battle Creek. .')30.77 or an average cost of ,'t;.lO,'5.9.'5 to 0. Albion beat Kalamazoo 2 to 0 Moore winning first witb a large veg­ "Bill'' explains that tbc meeting has FUSILADEO for each or tbo 319 miles of Improved and beld Battle Crook G to 6 in earlier MUCH BUSINESS YET etable exhibit and Florence Stlllman been arranged so that the general road. Tools and equipment liave cost games. Both tbese scliools are in first In tbe girls' classes, Tbo Okemos public will bo acquainted witb Legion !i;'14„'583.09 of wbicb !i;39,2i50.0S has Class A so to down Albion last Satur- scnool agricultural class and the home activities and will learn of tlie prob- STOPS BOOZE TRUCK been expended in new and added day was no small feat for lIlllsdale- FACES CJTY BOARD economics department of the Okemos lems and work of service mcn for tlio to perform. school had fine displays. District No. SHERIFF SILSKY MAIvKS It I G equipment. Motor vobiclos to tbe relief of tbeir stricken comrades and SOl.ONS ,>lUST WORK FAST TO Oi known as the German school, under LlQUOIJ HAUL. amount of approximately ljil'1,000 Tbat Mason has at least an even tlie unfortunate orphan cbildren of have been purchased since a year ago, chance to win Is the opinion of Coacli FINISH TODAY. thc leadership of Miss Eloise Rein- former soldiers. Miller who watched the Albion-Illlls- hart, teacher, won first premium with Rutchclor SchODl Scl'lll! Of ThriIlijlg tbe report discloses. Tbe banquet will be beld in the Practically all of tbc construction dale game last week. Several Mason '. ll. San. And Cminty lnfinniiry their rural school/txhiplt. Ciipfnrc iVlKniliiy Evening, Ciirgii Visited WfilnosiIay—lJuiIgct Do- " Oddfellow baii above tlie quarters of projects for which money was ap- players were also at tbc game and Considering the season of the year, U Vitlllcil Af !lil2,(l0(). niuniis Are Fiunid Heavy-. tbe Browno-Cavender post. Tbe chair- propriated last year have boon com- returned with renewed faith in tlieir the llower exhibit in tbe gymnasium man announces that the Indies of tlie own team. Many of the players have Residents near t li e i3atchoior ploted or wil! reacb final completion was very good and beautifully arrang­ Woman's Auxiliary will serve and witbin tbc present montb. It Is claim- been just a little nervous when Hills- Much business remains to be com- ed. Tbe Okemos nutrition group oc­ tbat tbo menu yvill be in no way rem- school in IBunlcorhill township along dale has been mentioned but It Is said pleted by tbe board of supervisors be- in woe sma' liours of Tuesday morn­ ed. cupied a large space witb an excel­ iniscont of army days. Tbore will be A mill tax is asked for on thc 192S that confidence has been restored and fore its. adjournment, hoped by some lent exhibit showing tho value of no slum, liardtack or beans nor will ing must liave thought a Mexican tbat Saturday's game Is eagerly look­ to bo accomplislied lato Thursday but revolution had (liirod forth In tbeir county levy from which tbo board proper foods. A lino lot of poultry was messkits be used as was done at a proposes to build approximately 20.7,5 ed forvvard to by local gridders. more probable to come sometime Fri- oxbibited In tiie garage. Loglon-Kiwanis banquet last spring. otherwise peaceful ncigbborliood. Tbo day. Reports of the several county contents of tiiree revolvers and two miles of gravel road, pay a balance of Coach Miller, Intervlowcd after thc Tlie agricultural room vvas given IIIIisdale-Albion game, stated, "Mason officers and tbe various boards of the Rev. Carpenter has been a frequent riot guns wore emptied into the tire ,?I'l,000 due the city of Lansing for over to tbe women's art department has a better balanced team and Is county have been filed and referred to visitor In Mason. lIe was tlic speak- and tiie rear end of a heavily laden paving Mount Hope avenue, expend and a showing of antiques. Many er liere last Memorial Day and was more versatile. lIlllsdale displayed tlieir proper committees and not un- l^eo truck as its driver attempted to .'t;29,000 for now bridges on Magadorn beautiful pieces of fancy work, quilts, also in Mason at a lrorty and Eigbt passing tliat was pitiful and tlio game til after some action ijy these commit- escape from Sheriff Itugh W.
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