December 4, 2014 | Vol. 113 no. 11 | middleburycampus.com Students Walk Out for Ferguson By Joe Flaherty - Students, faculty and staff walked out of classrooms and of- each other for places of comfort light of the recent grand jury deci- sion not to indict former Ferguson - - - pus comes amidst several other events designed to facilitate dis- cussion and raise awareness of the issues in play with the Ferguson - - walked across campus in a silent - - michael o’hara - ment of silence, the crowd raised SEE FERGUSON, PAGE 2 their hands in the now-famous with other walkouts happening on By Christian Jambora Institute, and every day I appre- college and university campuses ciate the community that we have launched new degree programs in nurtured and strengthened over down from his position as the Studies, International Education visiting positions with Vander- as we undergo this period of dy- Institute of International Studies - - is the right time to align and syn- - - announced his plans in an email worked on projects dealing with sion was the impetus for the dem- in governance and presidential onstrations across the country on - days following the announce- - - out the event; however, smiles - - - stones are also a source of great served three terms as the chair of lino told the attendees to hug the - the Economics department from - Carr Hall Intercultural Center Plan Approved By Ellie Reinhardt - In a campus-wide email sent - last spring in response to student - and Vice President for Student Af- will offer a space concentrated on ulty, staff and students, President space dedicated to providing for - entire campus community and will - the approval of a new Intercultural - and inclusion initiatives and the to provide students with a space to - - AYOTZINAPA DISCUSSION and recommendations from our - tion, we are replacing the presi- opportunities for students, faculty dent of the Institute with a vice and staff to interact across academ- president for academic affairs - hopes to launch the center in fall - and functioning of the Institute approval has marked the most im- senior administrative team at - - sociate professor of international ing spring and summer and will in- - position in an interim capacity - hope that several students will want - - - - port for the creation of this impor- - tant resource for students and the michael o’hara in Paris, where he served as the SEE CENTER, PAGE 2 SEE MONTEREY, PAGE 2 NEW ROMANCE BEHIND THE SCENES ARTS & SCIENCES BOUTIQUE OPENS OF STUDENT REVIEWS IN TOWN WELLNESS LEADERS VAMPIRE PAGE 4 PAGES 12 PAGE 15 inside 2NEWS | December 4, 2014 Monterey President to Step Down SGA CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Update was also a professor of economics at Dal- housie University in Canada, where he coordinated the Master in Development Liebowitz wrote, “[Dayton-Johnson] By Claire Treesh has emerged as a leader who is able to and who communicates the Institute’s curricular distinctiveness with compelling - clarity … he has proven to be a clear and - compelling communicator and has dem- onstrated his capacity for innovation and lutions that addressed both old and new - tional issues and passed two resolutions: down from his presidency, he will assist - Initiative and the Ian Burgin Memorial ing as the Senior Advisor on Institutional begin his scheduled sabbatical as a Distin- Overhaul Bill passed unanimously, up- guished College Professor of International and research focus to the Indian economy and the development of higher education of Membership and Elections Council courtesy monterey institute of international studies a majority of the edits and formatting, noted that no substantive changes were - tions to put in the Annual Student Life CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 might identify with me and my demographic Jamie McCallum and Assistant Professor of - had opened eyes to police brutality for college - - held a discussion on the grand jury decision they were unarmed cases — they update it ev- ple grow up believing that we live in a place demographics, academic life, health and - wellness, the College community, dining people space and time to allow people to share - and food, College communication and their visceral feelings about the non-indict- events surrounding the Michael Brown deci- will come out in January and will con- “I realized that joining people here in soli- instance of failed democracy — what does it than we anticipated and we had a good discus- tinue to be anonymous, with prizes to mean for them as students, American citizens, - realizing that we as a part of something larger tive planning that happened, but ultimately McCallum was not teaching a course at the it was a meeting to come and share thoughts He approached his professor to inform her - - fessor, gave permission for their students to - the initiative of the national Ferguson Action she actually proposed it to the class and our - proposes solutions to fix the problem of Callum, comes from the disruption to the - normal routine, whether one is an employee - - Community Council to bring new meth- is to withhold their contribution to society, to Paulino, and he wanted students to have a the events surrounding the death of Michael ods to recommend by the end of J-term means withholding your obedience or the or- Some voiced concern that this stand - dinary course of your day to promote business However, it was widely agreed that the it is the country where you want to be or the And as a disruption, therefore, it has some - - - part for me was watching people put their being done … we need to consider the happy to show my support in whatever way I - - tional to emphasize the human interaction the typical demographic of the College’s stu- the tragedy of the non-indictment and the students presented a proposal for their and collaboration needed for any movement - bill, the Ian Burgin Memorial Cabin Bill Paulino said the members of the College upper-middle class family, and I feel that ev- community who attended were not just stu- erything about my identity and my life experi- dents, which came as a surprise but a happy ences is built on a historical system of privilege and oppression that has created the spaces - that I’ve lived in and created the reality that A challenging and sobering part for Pau- and alumni of the College to use as for lino prior to the event was sorting through the be here because it shows to other people who MCAB’s WHAT’S Use of Carr Hall to Change HAPPENING AT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Co-Chair of Community Council Ben regular meeting in Janury, will review addi- Following Collado’s departure this Janu- tional information on space use and costs for MIDDLEBURY? ary, Roberto Lint Sagarena, current direc- - tor of the CCSRE and Associate Professor of mester will also see the naming of the center Free Friday Film American Studies, who, as of the approval of Sixteen Candles the center, will become its director and will On Monday, Sagarena, Herrera and Fer- FRIDAY AT 6 & 9 P.M IN DANA that there are going to be tons of people AUDITORIUM oversee the operation along with Jennifer nandez led a group of students in an infor- interested, it increases access to the out- Herrera, Assistant Director of Student Ac- mal tour of Carr Hall to discuss the use of Zumba tivities and Miguel Fernandez, Interim Chief Come dance the calories towards this the better, this is what the suggestions on the use of different rooms and away in Wilson Hall (formerly the Social After a lengthy discussion, the bill and input from students, crucial staff and fac- Space) - SUNDAY AT 4-5 PM ing on the project announced that they One of the most immediate phases of the implementation process is determining how to be a special place that welcomes and em- MCAB stressbusters braces difference … A place that brings groups review the request for the center and, at their DECEMBER 4, 2014 | advertisements 3 GRADUATE FROM THE status quo. 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