OPERA ~.-.; · NG ·ENGINEERS . LOC,Al 3 STATIONARY ENGINEERS lOCAl -39 I VOL a-No; 5 .-:D SAN FRANCISCO, CALif. -- Mav 15. 1950 --------------------~--~~--------~------------------------ .. Members Must ~ ' .... ~- . .. I I Have :O.nJy ,' State. ... f Dis~bility Plan t ByP. E:VANDEWARI{ . I Assistant Local Union. ·Manager .Again it is 1iec'essary to call. at­ ROOSEVELT, MltLER GET .FULL AFL BACKING; ~e ntion to the brothers that · a · re­ DISTRICT CONGRESSMEN ARE ENDORSED jlewed drive· is being made · upon California voters will go to the polls on June 6 to vote on ~he_ private ~nsura;nce - companj.ei\i , jobs, a matter carrying disability insurance -plans· I vital to the daily comfort and year-round se­ Calling for ·cancellatio.n of ·· such curity for themselves and.Jheil" families and now being loudly IJlaus. · · championed by candidates for public office. Bu~iness representatives of. the The stat.e's bigg.est labor organi- orgal)ization . will again. be calling I' upon Bew:are Th;s Vici,.ftus zation, a million-member chunk of . you to . sign. a release, which . ..,. U U H nn.; the American Federation of Labor, will be .presented to your employ- ENGINEERS BRING WATER-Shown ubove· at the grcund-b:reaking believes that James Roosevelt, eld- ei· 0 , if you are covered by a· private of a $12 million water pipeline project are union and city officials. B~ est son of the late great FDR, hi'S irsurance t H plan ana have- not al- : B~o. Victor Swanson, business manager of Loca.} 3, is seMnd :from . ;OW ·. ous~ng the most praetical solutions to the , rea a. .dy signed such a release. · right in the lower row. ·Bro. Swanson_ is a memb.er of the P,ublic job situation, to provide jobs not '· To All Unions and Councils- 'The· private ipsura;nce ·company ·Utilities Commission. Others in the picture include Phillip S. Landis, Dear Sirs and Brothers: only' for the jobless but also for lobbyists were -very noticeable in .commission president, in center, upper row, and Ge-orge Pracy, m anager those who may become jobless in · · The powerful en~mies of public their. activities during the, most and chief .engineer, S.F. w.ater department, and John J. Goodwin, S.F. the months and years ahead, a recent session of the ·State Leg.is- citf treasurer, at left, bottom row. fu the bacl{ground are rolling housing have opened another at- cushion against hunger and ·hard­ 011 latU:re, anci again they ~vere exert- hills of blue lupin and CalifQrnia poppies near Stanford University tack the working peop)e of the ship for them. - . · · - · · state through the -means of an in- ing all . the pressure they cou:d- (Hoover tower on the campus can bar~ly be seen in the background). itiative measure thaf' is being cir- Accordingly, the State Federa- command to ·see that .no better: The 72-inch steel line, a section of which is se~n here, will carry 76 . · · · · culated throughout tion of Labor has voted its full en- forms of benefits to the workers million gallons of water per day. ·(For further details, California for · · · · · ·· -J · · · · . · see the San dorsement to the candidacy of could be obtained .through legis- · · · placement on the Novemb.er bal- · ..ose report in this issue.); " ·, .c Roosevelt for the next governor of lation. · • · I .· .. · lot. California, as a man who can move · The only weapon thay.--Labor ·has . · . Th.is proposal . would require a.n firmly .and capably in both Sacra- to combat such activities;· is .to sec oft ·r ,g. s "It .(1· ' -I i '· B!I'I~~~,a. ~ ~ ' h.n. '·iy.· ft ~H. .. ele_ct:p11 b~fo~~ _any _low-rent ,public_ men to. and Washington. ·'I'he ap- ii1iit ~alf of the ·p~ivateplans of ?is- vn D.. ay-·-. ·-· ~arrm · ~ uUh;n. Uv u~ housmg pr<?_Ject coul'd be started: proval goes also 'to his run'ning . ab ility· insurance, of which each · Unde1: present law, approval by the 'mate • Geo. Miller Jr. for lieuten- ~nd every one of· you contribute IJanpen ttl ~.4e" H:nne LLPC Dniit~~n' ' C?tmty board of Sl~pervisors. or ~nt ~overnor, po~sess~r . of one of 1% of y·our wag~s to, ar~ cance~led .: n t' v HV! . u' . L il.'hd [j u . " City council IS the Only authonza- the best labor r·ecords in the CaJi- out _and placed under. the· State TO ALL- HOISTING AND The Taft-Hartley Act ·amended tion needed to permit the· local unit fornia semite. operate1l plan. PORTABLE AND MIXED the Federal Corrupt Practices Act of govemment from seeking na- By the middle of May, Roosevelt * .* * LOCAL UNIONS: to the extent that it is now un- tional housing action. \had made 233 street corner ap­ lawful for any labor organization The initiative could seriously Greetings: . pearances, jamming streets in every E~stbay Sewer Job to make contributions or expendi - ~ cripple the construction of desper- city and town from San Diego to For the past year you · 'h~e been t:1res in co~nectio~ with any elec- ately needed housing The $23 million Eastbay Munici­ construction, t?e . Siskiyou? and s~arking the receiving this monthly letter ca.ll­ twn at which presidential electors since wealthy real estate forces hvehest public enthusiasm -i>al Utilities District sewage · plant shown ing to your attention the value of or a senator or congressman are would pour thousands of dollars for ·a California near Oakland .A-rmy Base is 72 per govern~r caiufidate Accident Prevention. to be voted for. This means that a into such elections; while the in 20 years. cent completed. This is a big job. He and Miller· are· .ex- · I know hovv uninteresting and union -cam10t contribute o~ expend (Continued Chief benefit to the public: · elimi­ on Page 2). (Continued on Page· l2) unpopular the subject of Accident union funds in nate that familiar eastbay sewer this coming elec­ Prevention can be; I also know tion to bring smell: \ about the defeat . of how ·important the freedom fr.om its ene,mies in Congress or to bring * · ~ accidents is to our membersl1ip Bass C~d~h - Jii~~ 2: * and , about the· election of its friends. · . - <$!!? · " · Another plane crash: Bro. Bert to our economy. [ However, while union funds in Larson of the San: Jose area was 'All of us are likely to consider 'a . union treasury cannot .be used ~~a~ ~~ ® p~~osecute ·killea when the BT-l3 airplane be the subject too lightly; always for such ~ purp~se, the Taft-Hart­ was flying back from a Bishop fish­ 'thinking-"It can't happen to me." ley Act does not prevent you or ing trip crashed. When an accident does occur we ~ny union member from making at once develop the know-how that a _contribution or expenditure for * * * , m·ay have-prevented its occtirrence. that purpose. With the knowledge I # ·we were to ~ake use of this th~t - individual members of. _labor · knowledge we have acquired from umons lawfull~. can c.onc.nbute l-our observing accident causes,. we m~ney ~or pol!~Ical a~ t iV lties m could develop sufficient foresight th.Is com. m. g electiOn, anc, Wlll _want that when properly u sed would be to do so, the Amen_can Feder atwn ·I'the means of . preventing ·maily ac- of "'Labor , has . ;armed Labor's I Joseph J. Pruitt cidents. Lea"'ue for Poll.1cal Education. April 3, 1950 · Experience is our best teacher, 'They now request a $2 contribution Glenn F. Smith why not avail ourselves of the ex­ per member to be use d to fight April 22, 195? perience we have gained in Acci ­ anti-labor legislaticm · and any en~ T . L. Clark dent' Prevention? This experience emy who int roduces any legislation -- April 27,.1950- when properiy used may mean a which will be injurious to labor. Your Emmett Wright 1 lite sav.ed, a ~erious injury pre- committee urgently re­ April 30, ~95_0 • I ve nted. quests that you . make yo(n· con­ Bert Larsen With .kindest regards,' :t am tribution as ·em·Jy as possible at - - April, 1950 · · Fraternally yotiTS, any 'of, you;· offices; or to any of Joh11 ~ · Cramer · · · . WM. E . MALONEY, _ygur:· business representatives. All · · · · .• May 5, i95o · General Presiderit. 'ai;e supplied with receipts and but­ tons for your" contribution: ·· · .Local Union 3's · Legislative Cc:i1nmittee · .OFFICIAL .NOTICE ·TO .MEMBERS PAT CLANCY •' DlSTRICT ATTORNEY EDMUND G. (PAT) BROWN of ·san · C. F. MATHEWS . A .V.O'I;E lfO:R :JABOR I.S. A VOTE FOR YOU!! Don't neglect ~o Frandsco, ·candidate fo·r Attorney .General whose platform includes P .- E. VANDEWARK. ': C;J.st. youi· biJ.i~ot ir(the coming p.~;i'm:ary . election orr J'ONE 6TH. IT a pi ~dg e to ·vigorousiy support con!le1·vation ·policies an:! protect IS VERY -IMPORTANT. Vote .· for. the CANDIDATES ENDORSED * * * ' the ::nate's fish p.nd game ~ resourc~s, pcints to bu::;e i !l:aal cat ch BY ..THE A. F, o.f of stripe:l bass. They weigh 514 pounc!s-· :-ncr~ tho:n 2J times the L. , . ' . : '. , : . R e p o 1: t from Eureka is that I~ gal l imit . Th~ bass,. ·al.l female full of spawn, v;c r~ netted in San . TECaNICAL· ENGINEERS, Local .No. : 3-E, meeting will be held politics have succeeded in closing ·· Fl':Jncb: :> bay · waters· an{ all:ig~tl l y bo -:;tL~rH;:d t' a .San Fran:::isco t. , d n the. Union:Qffices at ·1444 .Webste1; Street, Oakland, California, on the Landing Aids experiment sta­ ca·ie o '..v; :~r.
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