Town Council Meets Tuesday THE WESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 p.m. IW IIAMM9 AND MOCT WffKlY NEWSPAKft IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTY-SECOND WAR—No. 11 WESTHELD, NEW JtMMmt, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1971 at Westtield N. J Pacet—It 12 Day* to Election Candidate* in Final Pleas Defends Drug Skinner Reports Abtentet BaBs* Dem Candidates Pledge Aid Deadline Tuetdmy Ed. Program On Center Success The deadline for «ppUc«tfaM for To Senior Citizen Housing an atneotw billot for Uw Hmr. 2 . Teaching of the currently-diluted tenth grade health curriculum does Jamet Skiner—~., , teooo^^, d warw d Re,- <*""> Etoctiott it nuta**, <*t. The four Democratic candidates concrete action to jrovide better not involve sensitivity training or encounter group techniques "but is a councilman .eekinf * third *>. «ccor<Jiiw to Nff, M Vr-lMd (or the Town Council; Mrs. Sally housing for our senior citizens and most serious attempt to deal with some of the basic problems and con- tarn, wmueei today that Wert- town ckrk. AtecotM MMU) must Schmalenberger, Alan Frommer, we, would like to emphasize that we, eerns of the adolescent," according to a statement released today toy Dr. field's CowervMion Center ha* met returotd t» the atflet 4f the Vincent MJcOowan and John Perry, as candidates and as council mem- Joseph Boylan, president of ttie iMayor's Advisory Committee on Drug witfe an ovcrwnebning favorable re- Clerk in EliuMa bafcre today pledged their full support to bers, will do everything we can to Abuse, and 24 members of his com- itwe linm opening in AjirU. He the close of the polls EWc- efforts to provide housing for sen- bring this about. mittee, authors of the controversial •otad that Weatffeld reiUanU have Uen Day- ior citizeiis. Mrs. Schmalenberger, Frommer, 8-°/o Homes Here segment of the new program. made marc than »M» trip* to the In response to recent newspaper McGowan and Perry said "We also Uninspected — The committee denies that tot cur- racycliag cMcr to date. articles issued by Mayor Donn Sny- believe that, to succeed, this pro- riculum, two years in preparation, Skiantr remiadi retidenti that der, the four Democratic candidates gram must have bipartisan political Owners May Call was "cloaked in secrecy" and adds the CowervaUon Center, located on Would Tip said:. .' support. Approximately 8 percent, or 800that Dr. Joseph E. Kalbacher, now ( Lambert* Mitt Rd., is open Tues- "The Democratic Party in .West- "We therefore," unequivocabSy, a Board of Education member who day through Sunday from 10 a.m. fie'ij has consistently pressud for pledge that we will work with the Inat maaMNtfer tka W«*M« Gtizen Talent cast a dissenting vote on the curricu- to 4 p.m. to. accept leaves, graii, . • ..,••• ._ ^^^^ mayor and the other councilraen, lum in August, "was asked to par- garden material*, twigs, log*, »Aa «h-ward __, . the Mayor's Committee on Housing ticipate in its development, but de- Christina* trees, brush and itirubs. candidate, I am aad km baa* for the Elderly and any other per- clined this invitation." ResidenU are atoo encouraged to ing and meeting with w Claims Confusion son or groups interested in develop- Dr. Boylan and other members of ing firm solutions which are best pick lip compost, wood chips and rddams a« I can, art t m «*> insect the properties have been the advisory grouPp further urged firewood free of charge. • ,tanUjr raminded ef>at *m,lKfe- On Revaluation (Continued on page 4) made on at least four occasions, Iroplemejitation «f an entire kinder- At chairman of the public works ^ *« u, to fty, (g a QemmMjr they explained «arten th">u8h 12th grade drug edu- committee, Skinner was prominent- »here citiatna arc a* tttally Wfar- Alan Fronvner, second ward Dem- Revaluation ' notices have been eation curriculum "with alt possible ly involved in the development of ««ud lo our lows," aa44 Mjt, Ufa ocratic candidate, was questioned mailed to these homeowners, how- haste." Tnelr the center which hu proven to be Baton today "At the praMBt ttoe this week on revaluation. Second Asks For More ever, and those wha wish to have . statement reads: a^ valuable aervice to the commii. ^ ^ sjuq. JOB WejtftMin m Ward he have re an inspection of their properties "The Mayor's Advisory Committee servin..rvintgf o« n non-aataneiMfl-~l.Ti.iii !»•UMLWJW* miW ^^ **&*<**•Q^ evaluatio *n letters, an"d may call the number listed on the °" Dru« Abuse conceded the idea Financial Data notice to make an appointment o< a drug education curriculum for. commiuaaf, wpportJng^ *m «•» ^ <faaAim in j^ veov]e-s minds kaowledte and talent tne wort wpc ^ ,,WJ)at doej m mean jn respect In some cases, town officials &* schools of Westfield in Decem- f 1969 MinogueAsks done by tboae twporaibto f«r ouro ( ^ Uxeg , wm ^^ t0 pay next "I wish the town would keep bet- pointed ol,t, dates for calling for *w « - muntcipal government I (Ml own- ,,. Frofflmer haB rq,ikd that ter informed on money matters," appointments to discuss the valua- "'Under a charge from the Mayor dent that we couM jloubla « tdak as , as a he Vincent E, McGowan, third ward tions designated for properties have and Town Council to develop pro- War on Taxes that number without any diltalXjr. Twn Council to give some indice so P*,1"00^ ccundl candjd.ate said expired, since some mailings were &*™ «» P™vent drug abuse, the th*t (u- •ov^»,^, ™.,u «, i ^ Ki. i0°ay- There " n0 val|o reason t completed as planned. Regard- committee considered its cumchim (Continued »n page A). that the taxpayer could estimat( mn e his no Councilman Patrick P. Mlnogue, tax bill end plan for whatever ad- .why the income and expenses of |€SS of dates listed on the card, effort a most vital project. the town should be buried in the residents may call the number list- "In a" attempt to develop a broad Independent candidate for re-elec- justment he would have to make. ! UJ tion in Westfield's fourth ward, said Frommer "was told by second ward fin" e prin~*"t of 'a n annua"-l' budge""'t "*-''"•which ed if they wish such an appoint- base of support for this currioulnm this week that stabilizing the home- even a trained eye cannot fathom m€n( and to enlist assistance from many owner's tax burden is the greatest Glee Gub Seeks (Continued on page 4) without resort to extensive support- ___________ concerned individuals, a drug educa- challenge facing public officials. ing documents." . tion curriculum committee was Said Councilman Minogue, "I in- Youn McGowan added: "Several weeks formed in January, 1970. This cur- tend to take up this challenge and ago I called the taxpayers' attention riculum committee included teach- S ^ Urges Brightwood VNHStoMark ers, school nurses, students, parents, PASSERBY at exhibits a* Oainfejr St, receive Itteratsre as «eaiagy brini it to the WesUield itaWn The Westfield Glee Club will cat* (Continued on page 4) la the area. ' a social worker, a pediatrician, a Council and the other governing ry on iU tradition of presenting a Park Action school psychologist, and a school bodies which. inflBMice. • u r tax young artlit from the Union County 60th Anniversary administrator. structure.". ;•; : ««»fea^ired sotoiat titte wt The Visiting 'Nurse and Health "The curriculum committee con- rfisideJ!^ : Advocates More >v nwimi „ ,. , „.„„ candidate, for first wattl Services of Elizabeth and''W«tf)eld slated o» M members and was 0V elements: A greater sense of re- Bec"^"aSl is^iit^s&Kviian* «*iscilw«nan, at a neighborhood •will celebrate its 60th anniversary vlded into tl>r«4froups.K4,J^»a4 1 at lne MmB Mr and with a dinner'at the Shackamaxon 10-H. The committee spent many To Conclude ECCO Observance sponslbility, attention to the most e<j t0 0^ the Club's invWUoii to -W "* > « - Communications Golf and Country Club in Scotch hours in researching and developing minute details, imaginaive new me- of area high schooU have be* ask- «,¥«• Frederlok Meier of Harrison Av ar ei citizens to John K, Perry, Democratic can- Plains on Wednesday evening, Nov. On) Saturday the Westfield Jay- field Jaycees EOCO I project,: <ii- thods to carve out fat, maintaining talented young people. '. *'' & V«tfieW (Continued on page 4) cees -wi^U conduct a house-to-house rected at bringing the public's at- surpluse_.._. s a.t sensibl•"e minimums-•-• , in.- - Auditions .will, be held early in rouse the town ' administration to didatc for Town Council in the four- 10. curbside pickup (an Westfield only) tenfcion to ecological problems at action in. fulfilling a seven-year old th ward, today pledged to improve Announcement came today from (Continued on page 4) November, In addition t».'perform- •.•.,_.., , _. , of all metal and aluminum cans, the local level. .' " ing in the concerts, the selected so- Promue-the Bnghtwood Park, communications between the tax- President Mrs. James C. Kellogg School Board Studies These cans should be rinsed clean, A symposium on Solid Waste Dis- loists will receive a cash award. '.'Provided for in the town's Mas- payers of the fourth ward anid Town Iff, Elizabeth, who explained that have all paper removed, separated posal, the second phase of the pro- Applicants should have a serious ter Plan, approved by the state as Hall by continued personal contacts the Visiting Nurse Association of Academic Freedom by metal content, and placed in jeet, was held last .night at West- interest in music, and should be (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) Academic freedom is currently plastic bags at curbside tomorrow field High. School. This symposium 42 WHS Seniors prepared to present a program con- being studied by a committee of evening, featured speakers from Industry, as sisting of two groups of numbers, Board of Education members head- Residents from surrounding com- well as from local, county, state and Are Commended each of 12-15 minutes duration.
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