ਜੀ, ਨਿਅਕਤੀਗਤ ਅਤੇ ਪੰਥਕ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਲਈﹱ Ardas Guide: A Guide for doing personal, standalone, and congregational Ardas ਅਰਦਾਸ ਸੇਧ: ਨ Completion of Anand Karaj Ceremony AnMd kwrj sMpUrnqw dI Ardws Ik-Oankaar Waheguru is One. < Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai. All victory is of the Wondrous Guru (Waheguru). vwihgurU jI kI &iqh [ May the respected “Bhaguati Ji” be my saviour. Vaar Sri Bhagauti Ji Ki Paatshaahee Dasvi. Ode of “Bhaguati Ji” recited by the Tenth Guru sRI BgOqI jI shwie [vwr sRI BgOqI jI kI Sahib Ji. pwqSwhI 10 * [ (*dsvIN bolo) Pritham Bhagauti Simar Kai, Guru Nanak First remember the “Bhaguati Ji”; then remember ipRQm BgOqI ismr kY gur nwnk leI Laee Dhiyae. and meditate upon Guru Nanak Ji. iDAwie [ Fir Angad Gur Te Amar Das, Ram Dasae Then meditate upon Guru Angad Ji and Guru iPr AMgd gur qy Amrdws rwmdwsY hoeIN Hoye Sahai. Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji to come to our shwie [ assistance. Arjan Hargobind Nu Simrou Sri Har Rai. Remember and meditate upon Guru Arjan Ji, Arjn hrgoibMd no ismrO sRI hirrwie [ Guru Hargobind Ji and respected Sri Guru Har Rai Ji. Sri Harkrishan Dhiyaa-eeai Jis Dithae Sabh Remember and meditate upon the respected Sri sRI hirikRSn iDAweIAY ijs ifTY siB duK Dukh Jaye. Guru Harkrishan Ji whose sight will release all jwie [ sufferings. Teg Bahadur Simar-eeai Ghar Nau Nidh By remembering and meditating upon Guru Tegh qyg bhwdr ismirAY Gr nau iniD AwvY Aavai Dhai. Bahadur Ji nine treasures will be received very Dwie [ fast. Sabh Thaai Ho-e Sahaai. Present everywhere to assist us. sB QweIN hoie shwie [ 1 ਜੀ, ਨਿਅਕਤੀਗਤ ਅਤੇ ਪੰਥਕ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਲਈﹱ Ardas Guide: A Guide for doing personal, standalone, and congregational Ardas ਅਰਦਾਸ ਸੇਧ: ਨ Dasvai Paatshaah Guru Gobind Singh The Tenth sovereign/monarch Guru Gobind dsvW pwqSwh sRRI gurU goibMd isMG swihb Sahib Ji Sabh Thai Ho-e Sahaai. Singh Ji is present everywhere to provide jI sB QWeI hoie shwie [ assistance. Dasa Paatsaaheea di Jot Sri Guru Granth With your mind fully focussed on Sri Guru Granth dsW pwqSwhIAW dI joq sRI gurU gRMQ swihb Sahib Ji, de Paath Deedaar Daa Dhiyaan Sahib Ji, the Divine Guiding Light of the Ten jI dy pwT dIdwr dw iDAwn Dr ky boloy jI Dhar Ke Bolo Ji Waheguru! Guru Sahib Ji, its recitation and understanding, vwihgurU! say Waheguru! Waheguru! Waheguru! (O Wonderous God)! Panja Pyaaraae, Chauhaa Sahibzadiyae, Think of the deeds of the Five Beloved Ones, of pMjwN ipAwirAwN, cOhwN swihbzwidAwN, Chaliya Mukhtyae, Huthiyae, Jupiyae, the four sons (of Guru Gobind Singh); of the Forty cwlHIAwN mukiqAwN, hTIAwN, jpIAwN, Tupiyae, Jina Nam Jupiyae, Vand Martyrs; of the brave Sikhs of indomitable qpIAwN, ijnHw nwm jipAwN, vMf CikAwN, dyg Shakiyae, Deg Chalaaee, Teg Vaahee, determination; of the devotees steeped in the clweI, qyg vwhI, dyK ky AxifT kIqw, Dekh Ke Andhith Keeta Tinhaa Pyariyaae, colour of the Name; of those who were absorbed Sachiaariyaa Dee Kamaaee, Da Dhiyaan in the Name; of those who remembered iqnHwN ipAwirAwN, sicAwirAwN dI kmweI, Dhar Ke Khalsa Ji Bolo Ji, Waheguru. the Name and shared their food in dw iDAwn Dr ky Kwlsw jI bolo jI vwihgurU companionship; of those who started free [ kitchens; of those who wielded their swords (for preserving truth); of those who overlooked others shortcomings; All the aforesaid were pure and truly devoted ones; Utter Waheguru (Wondrous God)! Jinaa Singhaa Singhneeyaa Ne Dharam Think of and remember the unique service ijnHwN isMGwN isMGxIAwN ny Drm hyq sIs Het Sees Dithe, Band Band Kattai, rendered by those brave Sikh men as well as idqy, bMd bMd ktwey, KoprIAwN luhweIAwN, Khopriya Luhayiya, Charukhriya Te women, who sacrificed their heads but did not crKVIAwN qy cVyH, AwirAwN nwl icrwey gey, Churhe, Aariaa Naal Chiraae Gai, surrender their Sikh Religion; Who had gurduAwirAwN dI syvw leI kurbwnIAwN Gurdwaraiya Di Seva Layee Kurbaniya themselves cut to pieces from each of the joints Keethiyae, Dharam Nahee Haariye, Sikhi of the body; Who had their scalps removed; Who kIqIAwN, Drm nhI hwirAwN, isKI kyswN Kesaa Suwaasaa Naal Nibaahee, Tina Dee were tied and rotated on the wheels and broken 2 ਜੀ, ਨਿਅਕਤੀਗਤ ਅਤੇ ਪੰਥਕ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਲਈﹱ Ardas Guide: A Guide for doing personal, standalone, and congregational Ardas ਅਰਦਾਸ ਸੇਧ: ਨ Kamaaee Daa Dhiyaan Dhar Ke Khalsa Ji into pieces; Who were cut by saws; Who were suAwswN nwl inbwhI, iqnHw dI kmweI dw Bolo Ji Waheguru. flayed alive; Who sacrificed themselves to iDAwn Dr ky Kwlsw jI bolo jI vwihgurU [ upkeep the dignity of the Gurdwaras; Who did not abandon their Sikh faith; Who kept their Sikh Religion and saved their long hair till their last breath; Utter Waheguru (Wondrous God)! Panja Takhta Sarbat Gurdwariyae Daa Turn your thoughts to all of the seats of Sikh pMjwN q^qW, srb`q gurduAwirAwN dw iDAwn Dhiyaan Dhar Ke Bolo Ji Waheguru. Religion and all the Gurdwaras; utter Waheguru Dr ky, bolo jI vwihgurU [ (Wondrous God)! Prithme Sarbat Khalsa Ji Ki Ardas Hai Ji, First the entire respected Khalsa make this ipRQmy srb`q ^wlsw jI kI Ardws hY jI, Sarbat Khalsa Ji Ko Waheguru Waheguru supplication that may they meditate on Your srbq ^wlsw jI ko, vwihgurU vwihgurU Waheguru Chit Aavai Chit Aavan Ka Name; and may all pleasures and comforts come vwihgurU[ ic~q Awvy, ic`q Awvn kw sdkw, Sadkaa Sarab Sukh Hovai. through such meditation. srb suK hovy [ Jahaa Jahaa Khalsa Ji Saahib, Tahaa Tahaa Wherever respected Khalsa is present, give Your jhW jhW ^wlsw jI swihb, qhW qhW r~iCAW Rachhiya Riyaa-et, Deg Teg Fateh, Brid Ki protection and grace; May the free kitchen and irAwieq, dyg qyg Pqih, ibrd kI pYj, Paij, Panth Ki Jeet, Sree Saahib Ji Sahaai sword never fail; Maintain the honour of your pMQ kI jIq, sRI swihb jI shwie, ^wlsy jI Khalse Ji Ko Bol Baaley, Bolo Ji Waheguru. devotees; Confer victory upon the Sikh people; ky bol bwly, bolo jI vwihgurU[ May the respected sword always come to our assistance; May the Khalsa always get honours; Utter Waheguru (Wondrous God)! Sikhaa Noo Sikhee Daan, Kesh Daan, Rehit Kindly confer upon the Sikhs the gift of Sikhism, is`KW nUM is`KI dwn, kys dwn, rihq dwn, Daan, Visah Daan, Bibek Daan, Bharosaa the gift of long hair, the gift of observing Sikh ibbyk dwn, ivswh dwn, Brosw dwn, dwnwN Daan, Daanaa Sir Daan Naam Daan, Sree laws, the gift of divine knowledge, the gift of firm isr dwn nwm dwn, sRI AMimRqsr jI dy Amritsar Ji Dai Darshan Ishnan faith, the gift of belief and the biggest gift of drSn ieSnwn, cONkIAw JMfy buMgy jugo jug Chounkiyaa Jhande Bunge Jugo Jug Attal, Name. O God! May the choirs, the mansion and Dharam Ka Jai Kaar Bolo Ji Waheguru! the banners exist forever; may the truth ever At`l, Drm kw jYkwr bolo jI vwihgurU[ triumph; utter Waheguru (Wondrous God)! 3 ਜੀ, ਨਿਅਕਤੀਗਤ ਅਤੇ ਪੰਥਕ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਲਈﹱ Ardas Guide: A Guide for doing personal, standalone, and congregational Ardas ਅਰਦਾਸ ਸੇਧ: ਨ Sikhaa Daa Mann Neevaa, Mat Uchee, May the minds of all the Sikhs remain humble and isKW dw mn nIvwN, mq a~ucI, mq pq dw Mat Pat Daa Raakhaa Aap Waheguru. their wisdom exalted; O God! Your are the rwKw Awip vwihgurU[ protector of wisdom. Hey Akaal-Purakh, Apne Panth De Sada O Immortal Being, eternal helper of the Panth, hy Akwl purK Awpxy pMQ dy sdw shweI Sahai Datar Jio, Sri Nankaanaa Sahib Tae benevolent God, bestow on the Khalsa the dwqwr jIE] sRI nnkwxw swihb qy hor Hor Gurdvaareaan, Gurdhaamaan Dae beneficence of unobstructed visits to and free gurduAwirAwˆ gurDwmwˆ dy, ijnHwˆ qoˆ pMQ nUM Jinhaan Ton Panth Noo Vichhor-eaa Geaa management of Sri Nankana Sahib and other ivCoiVAw igAw hY, KulHy drSn dIdwr qy Hai Khullhae Darshan Deedaara Tae Sevaa Gurdwaras and places of the Gurus from which Sanbhaal Daa Daan Khalsa Jee Nu the Panth has been seperated. syvw sMBwl dw dwn ^wlsw jI nUM bKSo ] Bakhsho. Hey Nimaneeaa De Maan, Nitaneeaa De O provider of honour to the lowly, Power to the hy inmwixAW dy mwx, inqwixAW dy qwx, Taan, Nioteeaa Di Oat, Sachey Pita weak and helpless, Refuge to the destitutes, The inEitAW dI Et, s`cy ipqw, vwihgurU, Awp Waheguru (Aap de Hazur Ardas Hai Ji). Eternal Sovereign Father Waheguru! the humbly jI dy hzUr Ardws hY jI [ prayer in your presence. Hey akal purakh datar pita jio, aap ji da kot O respected father Akal Purakh Ji, many thanks to hy Akwl purK dwqwr ipqw jIE, Awp jI an kot shukar hai ji, aap ji di bakhasis kiti You. With your blessings, your child _______ has dw kotwn kot Sukr hY jI, Awp jI dI hoi mariada sahit aap ji de bache married ______. Please bless, ______ b^iSS kIqI hoeI mirAwdw sihq Awp jI _________ da subh anand karaj and________, who are going to enter __________ nal hoia hai. Aap ji ne kirpa matrimonial life. Please keep Your loving hands dy b`cy _________ dw Su`B AnMd kwrj karni, _______ ate _________ jo ki on their heads and bless them with love for each __________ nwl hoieAw hY [ Awp jI grahisat jivan vich praves hon ja rahe han, other. This work was done in the presence of the ny ikrpw krnI, _______ Aqy uhana de ser te mihara bharia hath Sangat. Please bless them with GurSikh life and _________ jo ik gRihsq jIvn iv`c rakhana ate aapsi prem piar itaphak Your Name.
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