16 - EVENING HERALD. Tues., Jan. 22. 1980 South Windsor Board f “f Caucuses Set To Get Center Study t In Coventry COVENTRY — Both the Republican and Democratic New Faces ilaurbpatfr SOUTH WINDSOR - Maureen centers that have been successful in other Shayman, youth services coordinator, is towns and also those that have shut down town committees will be holding caucuses tonight at 7:30 expected to make a report of her studies for various reasons. She said the report In the Town Hall to elect members. The Republicans will meet In the Planning Office, and regarding a local youth center when the will Include information discussing both the Democrats will meet In the Board Room. Youth Advisory Board meets tonight at advantages and disadvantages of es­ Democratic chairperson Ruth Benoit said that new­ 7:30 at the South Windsor Community tablishing a Youth Center and include ap­ Join GOP comers who have received party endorsement are Center. proximate costs involved. Ms. Shayman said "youth center" can Many local residents have complained Dorothy Burrlll, Joseph Carllll, Christopher Cooper, be defined as a place for scheduled recrea­ that South Windsor offers little in the way David Cayer, Raymond Desmone, Helde Hall, Paul Jatkowskl, Donna Newton, Deborah Walsh, Gregory iEuf mnn M m lh tion programs for youth or it can refer to of opportunities for local youth, and no an informal drop-in center. Ms. Shayman recreational possibilities. Schaffer, and Frank Dunn Jr. Vol. XCIX, No. S6 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, January 23, 1980 Candidates seeking reappointment to the town com­ Committee • Since 1881 • 20* Single Copy • 15* Home Delivered said that she has checked with other youth mittee are Sandra Bastarache, Ruth Benoit, Harold Crane, Patricia Clark, Richard Cromie, Judith Halver­ By MARY KITZMANN on the committee. “Ralph Gray was a casualty of the Elderly Housing Request son, Brian Heath, Lionel Jean, Barbara Johnson, Clifford Herald Reporter Johnson, Charlotte Kennedy, L«an Lewis, Daniel Manley, election,” Zinsser said. “He was our Vincent Morlarty, Jack Myles, Karen Nash, Elizabeth MANCHESTER - Although the advertising campaign manager in the Will Go Before Planners Paterson, Alvah Phillips, Elizabeth Rychllng, Edward number of members was trimmed last election. I wish I had cam­ Rosslter, Sondra Stave, Bruce Stave, Karen Thissell, from 85 to 78, the Republican Town paigned for him.” SOUTH WINDSOR - A proposal which in the hands of the Planning and Zoning Jacob Wisenall, Jr., Robert Walsh, Patricia White, and Committee gained 25 new members In District 4, where the number of would bring 80 units of middle and upper Commission. James Totten. from last night’s election. What seats was reduced from 18 to 9, income elderly housing to South Windsor The Housing Authority originally denied While the Republican Town Committee did not endorse effect they will have depends upon recording secretary Harriet Haslett, must now be brought before the Planning the application in August, following candidates for election, the group's Nominating Com­ the town committee chairman who Wanda Franek, and Robert Barnes and Zoning Commission, according to the several meetings with town officials and mittee did interview newcomers. will be elected in March, party lost their position. There were no opinion of attorney Wayne Gertl. three public hearings. A second applica­ According to Ashley, the following candidates will be members said today. newcomers in this district. The Housing Authority has agreed it has tion was submitted by Ronan in mid- nominated: Richard Ashley, Sandra Ashley, William Many incumbents chose not to seek Although there had been some no legal power to decide the fate of the November. Brainerd, Albert Bray, Robert Cooke, Jane Covell, re-election last night. The reasons, speculation that District 6 and 10 application of Francis F. Ronan. Gloria Demers, Laurier DeMars, Natalie DeMars, Frank some say, varied from disinterest to would not find enough candidates to developer of the project. Coventry Man Wins Falana, Roberta Falana, Roland Green, Marilyn apprehension about the new party fill the positions, it was District 3 Greenleaf, Gertrude Haven, Anne Hicks, Clara Hladky, election rules. The new town com­ which came up one person short. Ronan's project has met with adamant COVENTRY - Richard Gawitt, 36, of Computerized Mind 2 mittee was elected by party vote The remaining position, six were disapproval from Main Street residents. Coventry, won the $50,000 Connecticut Margaret Jacobson, Roberta Koontz, James Ladd, Jef­ Ronan first submitted the application to University of Connecticut’s Dr. Arye R. Ephrath, an assistant frey Lancaster, Carol Litwinka, Anna McLain, Roy rather than by the old committee elected and seven are needed, will be Lottery weekly Money Tree drawing last picking the new. filled when the town committee the Housing Authority 16 months ago. The week. research professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences, McLain, Francis Martling, Nancy Moore, Robert Per­ “It was a question of doing the meets. Several persons had concept of the type of development Gawitt and his wife Jean have two sons Jr., David Rappe, and Douglas Whipple. watches computergraphics screen in School of Engineering work for this election," said Peter expressed interest in the slot, but did planned by Ronan finally gained approval children, Jennifer,?, and Jason, nine The new town committees probably will elect officers CYBERLab on the Storrs campus used in experiments to develop a DiRosa, who was elected in District not come to last night’s meeting. “It of the Housing Authority, but members months old. Gawitt won $500 in the state at their next regularly scheduled meetings. The general mathematical model of human decision-making that will be 3. "This is the way it will be from was a question of their being out of were divided on approval of the Main lottery's instant game about two years Republicans meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 now on an many didn’t want to make town,” DiRosa said. "But we did not Street location. The decision will now be ago. useful to future designers of computerized systems. (UPI photo ) p.m. in the Town Hall. The Democrats meet the second Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall. Roberta Falana is the phone calls.” want to nominate somebody we did 3 Republican chairperson. “There were a lot of members who not know. So we decided to wait until had served many years,” said Carl we could meet them.” Classes Zinsser, who was re-elected in Both Zinsser and DiRosa noted District 9. "They were burned out. today that the impact of last night’s Still Have Perhaps they were also afraid of election will depend on the new com­ losing.” mittee chairman. Presently, Elsie Openings The absence of incumbents opened Swensson, elected in District 4, is ac­ the party to one Republican who was ting chairman, filling the unexpired VER.NON — Classes for barred from it last November. John term of Richard Weinstein. children with special Tucci, and his wife Virginia, were Party members are hoping the new needs, sponsored by the In­ elected to the town committee in committee and the new chairman dian Valley YMCA, still District 1, Tucci ran as an indendent can help strengthen the party in have some openings. These in the fall Board of Directors election Manchester. include classes for children after not receiving party backing. "We can only go up,” Zinsser said. with learning disabilities, Hcrftoge oo€4 lo In District 1, three other new “We need a chairman that is willing Designed for Lot of Water emotional, visual, hearing members were elected. District 3 to work, that can relate to the and coordination problems. saw three new faces. District 5 and 8 taxpayer.” Aesthetic purposes aside, this detention basin is ready to series of dams and spillways is alongside Pleasant Valley Rd. Classes were scheduled each had six new members. District "He or she has to be able to work handle a lot of water. Constructed by J.C. Penney complex east of Croft Drive. (Herald Photo by Pinto) to start his week on 6, two and District 10 four. with the Board of Directors and take developers, the basin is designed for a 100-year storm. The Wednesday but because the One new committee member some of the heat off us.” YMCA hasn’t been able to elected in District 9, beat several in­ Robert Von Deck, elected last contact some families the cumbents. Curtis Smith, an in­ night in District 5, has expressed in­ classes may be postponed surance agent who waged an terest in the position. However, there for one week. Anyone in­ aggressive campaign, was one of are several other interested; terested should contact the seven candidates elected in District although no one has announced. Daily Bus Service To Double YMCA office. 872-7329, to rikirk^ Again. 9. The number of seats available Curtis Smith, mentioned as a possi­ J let the office know of their there had been reduced from 12 to ble candidate said last night he knew needs. seven because of the new election of others waiting “in the wings to see HARTFORD — Bus service in appears on page 7 of today’s Herald putting the new schedule into on Vernon, Lydall and Parker streets Programs will include Successful ideas grow. And the Heritage Moneymarket is no exception. That's why we’re law which portions 1 representative what happens." Manchester, East Hartford and Ver­ and will also appear in the next five effect.” as well. body awareness, rhythm opening our third Moneymarket inside the Highland Park Market, Highland and Wyllys for every 100 voters. Zinsser said he believed that two or non will be doubled beginning Satur­ issues.
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