Appendix E Papers that Were Accepted for ECOTOX E1. Acceptable for ECOTOX and OPP 1. Aitken, R. J., Ryan, A. L., Baker, M. A., and McLaughlin, E. A. (2004). Redox Activity Associated with the Maturation and Capacitation of Mammalian Spermatozoa. Free Rad.Biol.Med. 36: 994-1010. EcoReference No.: 100193 Chemical of Concern: RTN,CPS; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM,CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN,CPS). 2. Akpinar, M. B., Erdogan, H., Sahin, S., Ucar, F., and Ilhan, A. (2005). Protective Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Rotenone-Induced Myocardial Oxidative Injury. Pestic.Biochem.Physiol. 82: 233- 239. EcoReference No.: 99975 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM,PHY; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 3. Amer, S. M. and Aboul-Ela, E. I. (1985). Cytogenetic Effects of Pesticides. III. Induction of Micronuclei in Mouse Bone Marrow by the Insecticides Cypermethrin and Rotenone. Mutation Res. 155: 135-142. EcoReference No.: 99593 Chemical of Concern: CYP,RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: CEL,PHY,MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN),OK(CYP). 4. Bartlett, B. R. (1966). Toxicity and Acceptance of Some Pesticides Fed to Parasitic Hymenoptera and Predatory Coccinellids. J.Econ.Entomol. 59: 1142-1149. EcoReference No.: 98221 Chemical of Concern: AND,ARM,AZ,DCTP,Captan,CBL,CHD,CYT,DDT,DEM,DZ,DCF,DLD,DMT,DINO,ES,EN,ETN,F NTH,FBM,HPT,HCCH,MLN,MXC,MVP,Naled,KER,PRN,RTN,SBDA,SFR,TXP,TCF,Zineb; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN),OK(ARM,AZ,Captan,CBL,DZ,DCF,DMT,ES,MLN,MXC,MVP,Naled,SFR). 5. Behrouz, B., Drolet, R. E., Sayed, Z. A., Lookingland, K. J., and Goudreau, J. L. (2007). Unique Responses to Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibition in Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine Neurons may Impart Resistance to Toxic Insult. Neuroscience 147: 592-598. EcoReference No.: 99974 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: PHY,BCM,CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 6. Betarbet, R., Canet-Aviles, R. M., Sherer, T. B., Mastroberardino, P. G., McLendon, C., Kim, J. H., Lund, S., Na, H. M., Taylor, G., Bence, N. F., Kopito, R., Seo, B. B., Yagi, T., Yagi, A., Klinefelter, G., Cookson, M. R., and Greenamyre, J. T. (2006). Intersecting Pathways to Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's Disease: Effects of the Pesticide Rotenone on DJ-1, alpha-Synuclein, and the Ubiquitin- Proteasome System. Neurobiol.Dis. 22: 404-420. EcoReference No.: 99973 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: MOR,BCM,CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 7. Blackstone, N. W. (2003). Redox Signaling in the Growth and Development of Colonial Hydroids. J.Exp.Biol. - 1 - 206 : 651-658. EcoReference No.: 79877 Chemical of Concern: ATM,RTN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: PHY,POP; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(ATM,RTN). 8. Butterworth, P. E., Perry, R. N., and Barrett, J. (1989). The Effects of Specific Metabolic Inhibitors on the Energy Metabolism of Globodera rostochiensis and Panagrellus redivivus. Rev.Nematol. 12: 63-67. EcoReference No.: 82939 Chemical of Concern: ADC,FMP,CBF,CML,DDVP,CN,RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: PHY,BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(ADC,RTN),OK(CBF,CML),TARGET(FMP),NO COC(ASCN). 9. Cheng, W. W. and Farrell, A. P. (2007). Acute and Sublethal Toxicities of Rotenone in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Swimming Performance and Oxygen Consumption. Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 52: 388-396. EcoReference No.: 99972 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: PHY,MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 10. Crutchfield, K. C. and Dluzen, D. E. (2006). Rotenone Produces Opposite Effects Upon Mouse Striatal Dopamine Function as a Result of Environmental Temperature. Neurotox.Res. 9: 15-21. EcoReference No.: 100113 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: MOR,BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 11. Dawson, V. K., Bills, T. D., and Boogaard, M. A. (1998). Avoidance Behavior of Ruffe Exposed to Selected Formulations of Piscicides. J.Gt.Lakes Res. 24: 343-350. EcoReference No.: 9308 Chemical of Concern: RTN,ATM,NSM; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: BEH; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 12. Diaz-Corrales, F. J., Asanuma, M., Miyazaki, I., Miyoshi, K., and Ogawa, N. (2005). Rotenone Induces Aggregation of gamma-Tubulin Protein and Subsequent Disorganization of the Centrosome: Relevance to Formation of Inclusion Bodies and Neurodegeneration. Neuroscience 133: 117-135. EcoReference No.: 99971 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 13. Fajt, J. R. (1996). Toxicity of Rotenone to Common Carp and Grass Carp: Respiratory Effects, Oral Toxicity, and Evaluation of a Poison Bait. Ph.D.Thesis, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL 77 p. EcoReference No.: 82755 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR,BEH,BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 14. Gilderhus, P. A. (1982). Effects of an Aquatic Plant and Suspended Clay on the Activity of Fish Toxicants. N.Am.J.Fish.Manag. 2: 301-306. EcoReference No.: 15277 Chemical of Concern: PMR,RTN,ATM; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE - 2 - EVAL CODED(RTN),NO CONTROL(PMR,ATM). 15. Hayes, D. J. , O'Dowd, A. B., Selwood, D. L., Stables, J. N., Comley, J. C. W., and Rees, M. J. (1990). The Effect of Two Novel Analogues of Antimycin A on Oxygen Consumption and Survival of Filarial Nematodes In Vitro. Mol.Biochem.Parasitol. 38: 159-168. EcoReference No.: 100013 Chemical of Concern: RTN,ATM,KCN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: PHY,BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 16. Hill, E. F. and Camardese, M. B. (1986). Lethal Dietary Toxicities of Environmental Contaminants and Pesticides to Coturnix. U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv., Fish Wildl.Tech.Rep.No.2 147 p. EcoReference No.: 50181 Chemical of Concern: 24D,24DXY,ACP,ADC,AMSV,AMTL,AND,ARM,ATN,ATZ,AZ,BMC,BMN,BMY,Captan,CBF,CB L,CdCl,CHD,CMPH,CPY,CPYM,CrS,DBN,DCF,DCTP,DDT,DDVP,DEM,DFPM,DINO,DLD,DMB ,DMT,DQTBr,DS,DU,DZ,EN,EP,ES,ETN,FMP,FNF,FNT,FNTH,FTTCl,GYP,HCCH,HgCl2,HPT,IF P,K2Cr207,LNR,Maneb,MCB,MCPB,MDT,MLN,MLT,MOM,MP,MRX,MSMA,MTAS,MTM,MVP, MXC,Naled,Ni,OXD,Pb,PbN,PCB,PCL,PCP,PHSL,PMR,PPB,PPHD,PPN,PPX,PQT,PRN,PRT,PSM, PYN,RSM,RTN,SPS,SZ,TBO,TCF,TEPP,TFN,THM,TMP,TVMP, TVP,V,Zineb,Ziram,ZnP; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: MOR,BEH; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(ACP,ADC,ATZ,Captan,CBF,CBL,CPY,CPYM,DZ,GYP,MLN,MLT,MOM,MP,MTAS,MT M,Naled,PMR,PRT,PSM,RTN,SZ,Ziram),OK(CMPH,DCF,DCTP,DU,EP,ES,FMP,MDT,MVP,OXD, PPN,PQT,TBO,TEPP,TFN,TMP,TVP). 17. Hoglinger, G. U., Lannuzel, A., Khondiker, M. E., Michel, P. P., Duyckaerts, C., Feger, J., Champy, P., Prigent, A., Medja, F., Lombes, A., Oertel, W. H., Ruberg, M., and Hirsch, E. C. (2005). The Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibitor Rotenone Triggers a Cerebral Tauopathy. J.Neurochem. 95: 930-939. EcoReference No.: 99976 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: PHY,CEL,BCM,GRO; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 18. Hudson, R. H., Tucker, R. K., and Haegele, M. A. (1984). Handbook of Toxicity of Pesticides to Wildlife. Resour.Publ.No.153, Fish Wildl.Serv., 2nd Edition, U.S.D.I., Washington, DC 90 p. EcoReference No.: 50386 Chemical of Concern: ACP,ACL,ACR,ADC,AND,ATN,AMTL,ANZ,ATZ,4AP,AZ,PPX,BTY,Captan,CBL,CBF,CHD,CQT C,CPY,CMPH,CZE,24D,DDT,DDVP,DEF,DEM,DZ,DBN,DLN,DCF,DCTP,DLD,DMT,DQTBr,DS, DU,ES,EDT,EN,EP,ETN,FNT,FNTH,FMV,Folpet,FNF,HPT,PSM,HCCH,MLN,MDT,MCB,MOM,M TPN,MXC,MP,MVP,MRX,NABAM,Naled,FMP,PQT,PRN,PCP,PRT,PCL,RSM,RTN,STAR,STCH, TCDD,TMP,TZL,TVP,TZL,THM,TXP,TCF,TFN,ZnP,Zineb,PCB; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(PSM,ATZ,DU,MDT,PRT,RTN,CPY,24D,DS),TARGET(Zn). 19. Inden, M., Kitamura, Y., Takeuchi, H., Yanagida, T., Takata, K., Kobayashi, Y., Taniguchi, T., Yoshimoto, K., Kaneko, M., Okuma, Y., Taira, T., Ariga, H., and Shimohama, S. (2007). Neurodegeneration of Mouse Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic System Induced by Repeated Oral Administration of Rotenone is Prevented by 4-Phenylbutyrate, a Chemical Chaperone. J.Neurochem. 101: 1491-1504. EcoReference No.: 99967 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM,PHY; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 20. Kotze, A. C. , Dobson, R. J., and Chandler, D. (2006). Synergism of Rotenone by Piperonyl Butoxide in - 3 - Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis In Vitro: Potential for Drug-Synergism Through Inhibition of Nematode Oxidative Detoxification Pathways. Vet.Parasitol. 136: 275-282. EcoReference No.: 100292 Chemical of Concern: PPB,RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: POP,BEH; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN),OK(PPB). 21. Lawrence, J. M. (1956). Preliminary Results on the Use of Potassium Permanganate to Counteract the Effects of Rotenone on Fish. Prog.Fish Cult. 18: 15-17. EcoReference No.: 99592 Chemical of Concern: KPM,RTN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 22. Lazur, A., Early, S., and Jacobs, J. M. (2006). Acute Toxicity of 5% Rotenone to Northern Snakeheads. N.Am.J.Fish.Manag. 26: 628-630. EcoReference No.: 97210 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP,MOR,PHY; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN). 23. Luo, C., Rajput, A. H., Akhtar, S., and Rajput, A. (2007). Alpha-Synuclein and Tyrosine Hydroxylase Expression in Acute Rotenone Toxicity. Int.J.Mol.Med. 19: 517-521. EcoReference No.: 99649 Chemical of Concern: RTN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: PHY,BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(RTN).
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