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Name: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add~ss : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- City, State, Zip---------- ------------------ To order:fax , mailor returnto a CLE Representativeat any ABICLEseminar T H E Al, AB A iifA L A W YE R Vol. 64, No. I I January 2003 On the Cover: Shnmp boot otsonset. ofl'!J>or<Bnldwin County, Al:llxum-Allhooj\11 Alllbom:l's ClOIISllin< 1, relntivcly short in ""ms of miles.it Im • ~ locolioci,n lhc nonh cenlr.llGulf or Mtxico. and hos""" m.>jo<seafood pocu:&you LaBotre 1111dBon SccoudGulf Sbon:s. Shrimp is lhc rnoirumyof lheAlllh:un>rornmercw fishery.followed by oy>1c,s, crabs and fmfuh. MOSIvessels opo,11dngfn,m Alaboun3·,pocu ore unwlcrslb.a1 u;c ne,.<and 1mwlboards. While compwiy,owJICdfishing Ocecs ore common in some pMs of the United Smtes,mw ,y o(Alabomn's commcrcinlfishi ng VO."-«:ls nrc fnmilyowned. Fishingves,;c l, rc~uhuiy range llior'i d,c cnrire Gulf co,N. from the Florida Key, 10Mmri<on tcrrimrinl wo= (Source,Auburn UniVCJ1ity Morin<'£,o,nsion kRa<'11r<hCen1tt n,1:JJ<dpubllCIIJOn) -,..,.,i,,,,_,C=fonl,JD eature 23 Alabama State Bar Takes Top PR Award 25 Mobile Bar Association Sponsors Presentation of "To Kill a Mockingbird- By Lawrence 8. 11:;lt 30 Fall 2002Admittee s 38 Alabama Code§ 25-5-11: A Narrow Cause of Action Against Co-Employees By Kovifl IY.l'a/1 011011d William I.. Campbel/, Jr. 49 War Stories 50 Spotl ight on a Section: Family Law Section Celebrates 16 Years of Service By Robin L 8111rttllQII(/ Gordon Balley 52 Alabama's New Mortgage Brokers Licensing Act By V.Lynne Wmd/,a,n 58 How ell Heflin Presents the Maud McClure Kell y Award 61 Janie L Shores Receives the Maud McClure Kell y Award 62 Book Review: Hugo L Black: Justice for All Ravil1wedby Jtmie.i L Noles, Jr. 65 2002 Pro Bono Honor Roll JIii \l\lt\\l\ /\\\l/H 5 TheAlabama State Bar.PO. Box 4156 , Montgo.-.ery. Alabama36101·4156 . P'1one(334) 269-1515 • www.alabar.o1g flobcrlA. Hulfak.w ..._.._,__ ..... ,,_,_,_,,_, ______ ,,_ ,,_ _,._ ,,,_ .Olllir& £di10, THE ~ Shiroc:.t:OePao&a-·- ··- ·--- ·--- ..-·-·-·- , .... ...... -,- Vlct-OiU&Associat1tfll10, Su1:ar1H. we:s__ ,_,,_,_ .....- .... --··--·--- ·-··--.Sti1tt Ual$C)'I& Cof!m1111C11icrti Oi1fltli,- ALABAMA Maig3retL MllrpiYf_, ,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,___ ,,_ ,,_ -··- ·- ·-S1alt liaison& M.an39ingEii! Of 81>11rd of Editors Hal. PameoW. S.ICNI~MolitO«'O'\' • JoMT c....... ~ e;rnw,ghom• Cwlos D.CO io,lllnnl"Oham • P,tor A . 0.H1'buyn.1"*11, LAWYER c;r; • LindaG- FIi~ Birmlrq,am• lonlJ -<l<am,\ Bi"""'II"""• S1,1p,""'8 Hoos-0,\ Bimw,gt,am • Nathan W . Johnson, 8im1trq13m• GIOQOl't a J~. ~m • MidiuelA. Kinhnd.Mootgane,y • Alan t RO\)lrS,.Bitmil"Qhlm • JOM 0. SPOl'I. BirminQh,m• s..,...,,, B. s.ra,11ng. 111, 81nnirQl,nm• Jean ts....., Moo\llCffl'!l'I• .i,y ~ s-. Ga-. • tatanisra o. w,m,. Val. 64, No. 1 Bimlingllam Office,- January 2003 Frod0 , Gfl'/. Tu**'° ,,_,,.,_. Pte:sldenl \WliwnN Qart.e,rm~ -·-·-- ..-· ..·- '" "·-·-·- ··--· ··-- ··- ··--- .....-.,.£1«1 J. Do,gta1lv\<£1')', Tu- - ---·-·-·­ K&rlh8. Naiman.MootQ(ffiWy ·- ..-·--·· - ·-·- - ··-- ··-··--··--- ..- ..-Setlt .-Pt-ltiV B<Mlrdof Commfslion.o.r t President'sPage 1a C.°"Lt - E,el Mor.2rd °""'1, 1ml; A.- Gt-II• . '.TnlCutuiL WIii ianl Ga.Iii.It E"'1iia.401 Ci- l'lilp He«fPnu, T 8 Sekl,a. S1llCl•,;,, W . 6"QalyW>n1, lnn. 6'11C.CU,tPlaa! No. t, W ScooOonoldsoo\ 1""81oosa. 6lhCiltl.O. - No.2.J. Ooogias M:EIY)',lUICI- 7ft C-L v..-H.Bmotre.Ards<m.Slh llrwiL Ktemlas 8 . Aoli\lloolhL 9lhCi- W1' Wouo\Ft PtrreUllh CilwiLPlaa!No I, AnllDlyA.~ 8"mr,,1M1IO<IICmi1tPlaa! No.2. l Olwj,( Sloon.a. l!inn,rg,am. llllhCm:l.d,- No.:v Mari<v.,,lb!, ~ lOOIC..... Plaa,N o.tp1;11ipW Mcta1"'1\ Blrm,rq>am tO<ll C.CUilPI"" No. 5, E6"'1d I \ Moyer,o,. ~ 10,,,Oia,t - llo.6. MdlalhJ. - ~ 1001C"""' - No. l, Sto!tonA.Rcr,,,o. 8imlTrqm1. llllh Cim.ll Executive Director's Report -No.6.Mt< C. l'ooe.Ji. ~ 1Dlh°""'1,Plootllo 9.C....H St""'"- Bimn1>amllassemer t.l~H. ~ M.llgg<-11\ - · llfl C®L RobellL GGr<e,flonne. 12111Cin:uiL.Joffilr/W . ICelloy,Ela IJdlC.wlL T'loat tlo , I, W,,ioyf'il,e,..__ tld, ,. 10 CilWl.-No. 2.Billye. - """"'· 13'11=•- No. l s"""'°c.l\lOOte, Mot ile.130, IAtniL Place No.•. ee11a .1Co1m. Mobllot, ""' 0.- a.... Tholnlrt Jasoer 15'11 CiM. Plaa,No 1,- 0 Sog;,jlMonlgOnwy. l&lh CIIOJI. Plaa, NO. 2, JamesH -M<ln:IJ'lffl'IY. lSlhCmit.Pl,a,No.J ,D<nulR..lon!S,l.,Mc,,'O<"""'f15'11Ci<o,L PlooeNo . 4. lllonmJ Mal!MI\I,~. TSlh°"""-l'locoNos.s.o-r,.., ,.,_.....,_ ,s111a.,;1,GeolgePfonl.-17lh0- ,...,.1 IIH>y,l.,Oon'qxtld181h CiM. Jomt Mooans.l'mlm 191hCinul,loJis C.Colloy ..... -211o1,C.o,L-A. Manis.l)cathln 21UCUl:uiL &ooo< G. Garrett .t. Bar Briefs, &"""" 21RlC""L -& Abi!too.-2:WC.,.,,, -No. I. RclmnC. - ""'"*-2J<tlllrw1 t PlaceNo . 2.l".W'<t< GIMl H<m,iiio.731dCmit. - llurosH. Smn1,H<m,ill• 2411\ A. ~ 2Slheitml William ,, 16 H. .l!. No.3. C1<tui1.Cllatb ta,,glev. H.Alki>sM.-tn 26lheirtu1.-W . Comca.J<. A>onitC., .VlhCiroil. Jom C. G •lahcll\--. 2SltlC..UiL ll BIii.8" Minw. 291hCi<o.,L 1l -lnl,rl,\', Tdldega.3llhClrtu1. WilllamJ 1"""' 1'111Cny . Jla CiltUiL.lomM.- T- l2nd Cia,i, S1e,menK.6n!l\tt\ Cubmn 33'11 c.cuiL _, ll liloglb\ Ozott.34111 Ci«ul. Benjamn It Rid,ey,R...,..,,lle. 3511\ Ci""l o.,,d t lttOO..ll. b«i,..,., 36ln0.- T"""1\'0t,tllel, Mculloo. l7lhc,...., l!nbe<1t Mol3dow1, l OpolloJ _38lhC-.O.,.G<r.lldll Paull; Samstxro.39lhC-.O.,. J>ivl Ban,."""1s. '°'*'c.a,;, o.,,,,i F. taN,Tloclto,J . ''" °"""-J "'1len lllllll,y,1lrarlla. About Members_, n..AJ.t1»m1~.,...11SSNoooz..2Sn11~ ...... """'""1,y..,Alabomas ....e..,.,sow,""""·'"" '11""0\\ Among Firms Alabama38104 , Ptrmcalsposl,ger,oldat --- ·"" o.l.il""81mom"I) olfDlS- POSTMASrntSErd ildd<ffl d>:UV,,•• .. 18 n,,--PJl.llo,t4156.Monl-.N.JSU7341$ AI.All/\MA STAT£ BAR HEADQ UARTERS STAFF 415 Dex,..-A""nue.Moo,go mcry. Al. 3(,1()4(334) 269-1515 • FAX\134) 261-6310 • E-maa: info@al>b:lt,Ofl! () Memorials \Vebsile: www.alatw ,org ~,. 20 E.t«uth'COl.tcdot , ..--···-·---·····- ·-··· ..KcilbU . ~n Dittttl)r or ;\d1Nniom ..._,, , __ ,___ , OorodiyD . Joh1UOO Us.«111h-c A$ssiit11nt ·······-··········-·····--·~ truprcl Boooe Admissioos Adm.inistta1I,"'Ais~i.S'3llt$ ....... ..llcif,ti A lvo ln(ormAlioaTedtno'°8,,)' Oll'tdor _ ...... ..Jason IL JoBts Sooin Dou,gl:i5 Ditc(:1« o( PfQlfll1)J ............... ,--· ..•.&lw ntd M. Piutcr.lOa l:lw Office M1t.1w.gcmcmA.fflJ,1n.UCC AdminiJll'IW\"CAnis l.1111(Of Prov,m')···-- ....R il.\ (it11y P1op,un Oir«i.or.___ , ........__ ,,.,_..t...nwuA. c~ Uookb:q,c,... ......., ....--, ..-,., ......, .,___ ,,,_,Cble Stinl'I« Law,u Rcfcml Scettwy ............._ .....Cwo l Thorntoo lA!glslalfre Wrap-Up )tllndatoryConLi.nuili.g Legal ASB n>u.nd:t.ttoBAuistan •~-............- ...........Ant1 R.it 1cnc.K1t Oraph.il:3Aru Dir«tDr.. - ...- ,.- ,.,- ......1'obggic Scu ller 11111 Edlk::atlonOirccco, - ·······-- ..·-·-- ......Kun Olhw W:ird • 24 Grnphk,Arts ~ 11n 1.. ................ ...... JtOOerkk:Pnh m CLEAdtt1ln.lntn1h ·e.AuiJIIJl.1- .•, .... .. ,_..... Al1gtc Cro'l'-c Rttcpdo11l!it- ·····-· ..-- ..· -·······-......Slt' plwinieOg.lellby CLE S«tt:wy ·-·····-..···· ····--···· ····•Christinal.law«:l)CC. AlaOO.mnL,,wyc:r A l..\l>liantt ~m Dlffl.:IIJr orCOdlll'IUllitatiafls & Di,etttir__ , ....... - ........JeMnc Marie Leslie (8-34·7S76) Public lafonoatioo ········-···- ······""''"'"SuMnH . Atl~ LOMAP 111ldALA~ Opinums of tire General PubliC111ioMDirce1or .... ,- ......,- ...~tnrpte1 L Murphy Adm.ittl.stm.i\'CAsi;;ist.'Ull .,. ...................Slllldni Clement, Mcm1:,c:t\,hipServices, Dirtetot .... - .....-,.,_ ...... Dia:11eLod.0 Afa~ 1Js;iL,n-w f'oontllltiM. In c. Dittt1or- .....Tnk:y DMi.el A Counsel Mcrnbct)h1p Adtnlttl~-:.ivcAs$lswt _,, \lym.1 ~kJ-kruy ALF Adminisuoth-c,A.ssii.1:1m...... ......Jc ·nni(er011cc h1L" ProHoc V',cc A1Jmi,u..'\1111 1ivc Affl.wini.__ Jtaty Ccmtu Al~banu0!11tcr (or- Dlf.11t1tc 26 Man1-hlp & CPRCi<ft _____ ..-5bctry Langley R.c$olutlot1Din:aor . .......Ju dtlh M.. K«g11n(?69-0409} Vohwlcer L..awy'cr$rrogrrun Olrtttor ·- - ...... ..Linda Ulrid AOR AdminWr.111\'eA11ii~1.11n 1... ..........J:ickie Hcian.sill VLPAdminb: trnth~Assi..-11t11 _!•_•.. _.. K~hcr_l.nc b, Chu.rth ALABAMA STATE 1.IA,R C i::J\'1'ER FO R PROFESSIONAL RESPONSllllLITY ~"f.Al't' Disciplinary Notices 415 Dexter Avenue, Mon1gomcry.AL36 104 C,34)269,1515 • FAX(334) 261-o.llI • E-mail:info@u 1ob:tr.org Q 72 Ococnt.lCOWUlCl --- ..··-· .........- .........J . AntllQfly~ l,t;L,al.i1 Ouclpli1 12ry Ckt k ·--- ···.. - ....... -,-- .., .........Boonie M2it1nr SemitmyIO General CoonseL .. .._,,_,_ Vjvi.uFm:nw1 ~Jlu ,~lfdotS ......
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