Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Institutional Publications The Classmate 1982-08 The Classmate: Naval Postgraduate School Officer Students' Wives' Club Magazine / Vol.23, no.6 (August 1982) http://hdl.handle.net/10945/47036 the cassmat NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICER STUDENTS' WIVES' CLUB MAGAZINE VOLUME 23, NO. 6 AUGUST 1982 In• this Issue• focus: short trips for long weekends highlights: military ball information monterey county fair anavy wife's alphabet / ' RECOGNIZED AS THE TOP CENTURY 21 OFFICE IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY OHMAN-RATTAN REAL TORS® 8655 NAVAJO ROAD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92119 (714) 461-3900, 265-1496 THE TOP TEAM WELCOMES YOU TO SAN DIEGO Specializing in military relocation, our qualified agents wi ll smooth your move by providing: • Welcome Aboard packages from all San Diego Bases • Free issues of the San Diego Newspaper • Current information about financing the purchase of a home • Details about neighborhoods, schools, community organizations, transportation and industry in America's Finest City • VIP Referral Service to help you market or purchase property in any part of the nation Contact our special Military Relocators, Laura Rogers, Jack & Elaine Forness. They are prepared to begin a relocation program to assist you with your housing needs. NAME ____________ Ontu~ ADDRESS ___________ Lffi m2t CITY ________ STATE OHMAN-RATTAN REAL TORS@ PHONE _______ ZIP ___ Call Collect (714) 461-3900 RANK ASK FOR LAURA, EXPECTED DATE OF MOVE JACK OR ELAINE the classmate Focus of the Month .. Short Trips for long Weekends Edito r-in-Chief California 's Incomparable Capital . 24 Ja net M. Machak Do You Know Ihe Way to San lose? 26 SMC 2330 . .. 646-1340 Go Hand in Hand to ... ......... 28 Solvang ... .... .... ........ ..•. 29 Advisors Yosemite National Park ){) Laurel Srite 375-2701 Recreation Equipment Mary Mahon 649-0472 Whal You Can Get and Where to Get It 32 Enjoying San Francisco ........ 34 Associate Editor What 10 Do On A Long Weekend . ......... 36 Elaine Powell 649-5332 Assistant Editor OSWC News Bobbie Meeker 372-5009 President's Message . .. .... ... 3 Welcome Aboard Coffee . ... ..... .•. 3 Ed itor Em e ritus Military Ball . .. ..... ... ... .. .. •.•. • ••. 4 Virginia K. Duym ....... 372-5285 Bargain Fair .. .. ... .. , . • . • ,., • .... ••. ' . .. 5 Co py Edito r Sandy Goodson 646-8047 Naval Postgraduate School News Advertising Director Essay Contesl Underway ......................... 6 Kathy DuBeau ..... 375-9991 Red Cross Says " Thanks! " 7 Honor Cadet 7 Ci rculation Manager A Navy Wife's Alphabet ... " .....• . 8 Rhonda Williams 649-1623 Artists Community News Joyce Anderso n 649-0230 Ninth Annual Monterey Historic Automobile Races 10 Eileen Kolbeck 373-11 74 A Piece of the ... ........ 11 Telecommunication Devices Ava ilable , .... , ... 11 Staff Fun for All ., .......... , .. , .. , ...... .. 12 Janis Miller 646-8841 Fair Fa cts ........ 13 Sue Youngren 649-4126 We Need You! ........ 14 Linda K. Connelly 646-0418 The Firsl Annual Spartan Roundup 14 Kathy Bergquist 372-0274 Linda Booth ..... 372-2143 Chris Yarborough 372.-3529 Featu re Section Charlotte Riley .. 372-0411 Inlernational Message .. ,' •.. ..•. 15 Cheri Carter .......... 646-1247 Teen Corner ....... , ., 16 Evie Hickman ... ..... 372-9096 Out of Mischief 17 Life Among the Ruins. , , , , ..•. 18 New Kids on the Block .. , .. , . 19 Where It's Happening ..... , ............... 20 Minding Our Own Business ..........•.. 21 Navy Bleu .......... , . , , .. 22 The Peripatetic Palate 23 rh.. monthly de.dlint> '01 ALL wpy 10 the Editor, SMC 2330. i ~ Ih(' hi of the month prior to the month of publiCillion (Noyt'mbt-, 1st to gel ;nlo Ihl." llt.'nmbt·, issul.' j. Thl' d{",ld lint' lor ~ d\'(' rti s ing copy is the 5th of Ih .. month prior 10 the month of public.llion. Publish.. d .. I no cost to the U.S. eo'emment by Ht'l.oIld P,inleu. Inc .. lOt Fo.m 51., Monle'''),. Ciliforniil. TliE CLA SSMAI E Wol~ o.igin~ted .md pre viously ",diled by Iht" wives of thl' s ludl'nl ~ of Ihl' Gl'nel~ 1 lint' ~nd N.ul Sciencl' School. It is now spomoled by Ihe Of/iul Sludl'nb' Wi~~' Clull Ollh\' N~~. I Poslgr,ldu,I1 1' School. M~t eri,l l ~ nd upiniuns coni dined ht"l'in ~ Ie Ihosl' olln\' pub l i~hl'rs . nd ,III' .101 11.1 IX" considell'd dn ofjici~1 t'~prl'uion ollhl' Depd. lmenl of Int· N~"y . Bt"u uS4:' 01 ils On the cover lun clio n. ~ ,1n unoflici.1 ml'dium for Ihe Officl'r Studl'nts' Wi"t"s' Club, ~d~l'lli St' ml'nls in Iht, publiution do not San Francisco is one of the vacation destinations featured in this month's FOCUS section. This conslitutl' dn e ndol ~t"ml' n t by Ih", ()('p.lllml'nt of thl' N."y pholo is of the Transamerica Pyramid, as see n from the pea k of lombardStreel.-phOIob-, Tom MiKh,ll of sl'Ivin's .d"l·.li~!'d . W,ill!'n perminion is nl' cl's!>.I 'y 11.1 "··print dny m~leri.1 hl·It'ln. From the editor's desk that there is plen ty to do in these areas to iF=] wa rrant an overnight trip. Downtown San Francisco is just two and a half hours i E] from Monterey, but you could spend a da y, a week, or a year there and not see all it has to offer. Virginia Duym's mini­ I travelogue highlights some of the lesse r Looking ahead, our next CLASSMATE known, as well as several of the IImust will be the semi-annual WELCOME see," attractions of this bustling, historical ABOARD edition, filled with information cit y. If you are interested in either history for newcomers, but equally useful for or current events, read "California's those who ha ve been here for awhile. Incomparable Capital" for suggestions of Un fortunately, with that issue we will be things to do in nearby Sacramento. losing several long-time staff members Looking for a change of pa ce? Try due to graduation. Therefore, I want to cam ping. Elaine Powell has presented encourage any would-be writers to information on where to rent any and all contact me right away at 646-1340. the equipment you might need, and the For now, CLASSM ATE invites you to sit article on Yosemite National Park will back, relax, and enjoy reading about entice even the reluctant camper to head SHORT VACA nONS FOR LONG WEEK­ for the mountains. ENDS. 0 Of course, we could not possibly cover all of th e marve lous mini-vacation spots near Monterey. A few other places you Classmate welcomes your comments may want to ex plore on a long weekend and suggestions. Plea se send them to: by Janet M. Machak are Sequoia National Park, Pinnacles Classmate Editor alional Monument, Big Sur, Hea rst Naval Postgradua te School Castle, Ca lifornia Wine Cou ntry, and SMC BOX 42330 Solvang. Fo r those who don't mind a six to Monterey, Ca . 93940 eight hour drive, Lake Tahoe, Reno, and Have you got the urge to travel, but not We always welcome new staff mem­ even the los Angeles/ l ong Beach area, much time? Wondering what to do over bers, too. If you are intereste d, contact the Labor Day Weekend? Are you one of with its myriad attractions, including one of the ed itors listed on page one. 0 the lucky students whose fina ls are all on Disneyland, are easily accessible over a the first da y of exam week, thereby giving four-day weekend. We hope this issue of you a few da ys off at the end of the CLASSMATE will pique your interest in quarter? If you answer "Yes" to any of seeing this part of our country. those questions, or if you are an armchai r In this issue, you'll also find information traveler, this month's CLASSMATE on the Monterey County Fair and the FOCUS is especia lly for you. Historic Automobile Races, as well as Our writers are offering information on OSWC news and our reg ular Featu re a va riety of interesting places to visit. Section columns. New in this issue is TEEN While San Jose and Santa Clara County are CORNER , a column written by members close enough to tour and return home in of the la Mesa Teen Club. To them we say , c-y the same day, the articles by Sue Young­ " Welcome." and we hope to hear sug­ ren and Sandy Goodson will show you gestions and comments from other teens. ~- If) ()BI \I, (,'-t\\( \\1 \\BIJ< .... 'IIP Idl oul Iht'lorm bt'lo\\ .mel r('llnll II \\ilh lilt' ''1l[lropn.lI(' dll(" 10 Kt'.IIlI(' \\"orlt.'\ ")\\( '--6. OUt"~ .1rl' .1, 10110\\' Imlldl 111<'111"<'1,1111' 1('11('\\.1112 qU.HIl'1 IlU!1II111Il11 .,LOO '.J( h 'Ub'('QUl'l1t qUJr!('1 i month, ., I. iO I I \ Dut', 101 f) qllMlt'I' IH I11tl!1tlb ')lJ.OO ..... \\( _____ .... 1\\ \\1\\IlIR RI .... I\\·\I ·\('11\1 ·\"0(1\11 ____ 1\'1 .... \\\1 _________ IIR'I K-\'" _ 'IR\I( 1 ______ ( L RRI( IlL \I _______ LR\IJL \110 .... D .\II _____ \1)1 )RI" ____________ _ ________________ PliO .... I _______ _______ ,\\\OL .... I 1 .... 1I0'IIJ _____ Inlt'll',lt'd III (0I1111llllt'I' \\1111,./ ________________ ( Illl> ,.\dlllllll ... trd tIO!1 I 2 OS\NC ne\NS President's Message by Cindy Pritchard As I write this, my final article for Classmate, I am reflecting on the past six months and considering the achieve­ ments we as a club have made. I have to say that on the whole it has been a most rewarding time. Although there have been days when I was tired and my mind refused to work through one more question, I was always glad that people felt they could call me and ask the questions.
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