Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit No.320 Newark, DE. Tbp;~~p~~~~.p~ysc Presid~ncy; 20% Cast Ballots Un.dergraduate Student Congress '\ 1 ·.· ..· .· .... ·. trmmverate pollmg place. He said th~t it ~id electiOns Thursday and Friday, with ~ C:~· "1 C not. have any effect on ~he DUSC. presidential ucas (AS 81) winnin the LU' •·"' votmg because of the w1de margm of victory, Isli.ncy. Over 2,600 student voted, !pprox- U'"' but ver:y well ~ould .have affected the much filii 20 percent of undergraduates.- . c!oser v1ce pres~dentlal results. _ .Polled 1,236 votes, defeating Marty "1"\U·. ·~ Bob Luc~s sa1? that he was glad about his (AS 80) with 5SO votes and Bob !J ·.) overwhelmmg wm but was upset over the fact l'llnma1n (BE 80) with 564 votes. that few students voted. He said, "Since only ch was elected DUSC vice- 20 percent .of the students voted, does that hrP~iri,Pnt with 1,088 votes. He defeated Tom mean that 80 perc~nt didn't want me?" ~~~~·ulCao:~ (BE 79) with 953 votes and Michael In the Umvers1ty Commuter Association (BE 81) with 260 votes. (UCA) San?ra Hoffm~m (HR 80) ran unoppos- Lucas and Beach will be Tricia ed fo~ pres1d~nt, as d1d Dennis Williams (BE (AS.82) as secretary and Sean O'Neil 81 ), VICe-president, and secretary Dan Young 81) as treasurer. Both are members of (AS. 80). Open Campus Party. Cmdy Wells (AG 8L\..m.~ oresident Stephen Woodward (EG 8~) was elected for of .the Agrzr•-kathy Hauver (AG 82) Vl~:~::- Faculty Senate Position, with 1,072 votes alon~_;v1t, Lynn Evans (AG 80) secretary, and Graham Kinahan (AS 82) and ru'a!Y~arks (AG 81) treasurer. Toner (BE 81). Woodward is a Rick Templeton (As 80) was elected presi- pnauu•c• of Open Campus Party. dent of Arts and Science College Council, vice- Gibbons (AS 81) , also of Open Campus presidency went t? Ste':e Ward (AS 81) was elected president of Resident Stu- secretary to Debbie Sm1th (ED 81), and (RSA) with 1106 votes. He treasurertoJanetSixbey (AS81) . ...........,u Don Dickson (AS 80),' who received/ Business and Economics College _Council votes. has Russell Nole (AS 80) as its new president, RSA vice-president went uncotY·tested to Lee Hyncik (BE 80) as vice-president and Little (BE 80) with 1,13~utes. David Bowsher (BE 82) as treasurer. results of the el,e!'Ji.<m will not become Deborah Freedman (Ed 81) ran unopposed until they /;\h. eapproved by the Univer- f~r president of the Education College Coun- DeA?.:ware Coordinating Council c1l. _ )P '-'Nuich meets Thursday. At that time I~ the College of Human Resources. K1m I' student government officials will Review photo by Jay Greene Elll?tt <.HRND >.ran un~,?J?POSed for president, dep4theirpositions. FROM ATOP THE KASTLE, his home, Bob lucas campaigned as d1d v1ce-~res1dent Beth Carlough (HR 80), intetudent government candidate reported to sweep DUSC elections, heading a new Open Campus treasurer K1m Murphy (HR 80) and secretary Hint ballot box stuffing" at the Party student government. (ContlnuedonPoge8) (! Spencer: Lottery Losers to Get Housing ~9n The By JACKIE McKAY a_ red building and type of "You deserve to have a juniors and seniors, it would The 108 students who did room, Spencer said. room if you've been going not be fair to all the other peo­ enef •d not get on-campus housing in Complaints about the here a while," said Sue J orda,_ ple on campus,'' said tutu.DSI e Spencer. toe·~-------------- the general room lottery for system usually come from (NU82). next semester will be assign­ students assigned the last 500 The university cannot Each dormitory maintains ed rooms by June 15, ac­ numbers in the lottery, said please everyone because a ration of rooms for ... cula's cording to Edward Spencer, Sharkey. "If a student has a each group, whether it's freshmen and returning associate director of Housing high lottery number, he'll be freshmen or returning students. Returning students ~dbank? and Residence Life. unhappy, no matter what students, wants priority, said make up 50 percent of the . ,lesinger's energy pro­ The students will be given class he is in," he said. Sharkey. population in the Dickinson vacancies created by Faye Wheeler, (ED80), and "The lottery system was complex, 80 percent in co-ed A talefined at D.C. cancellations, said Spencer. Phil Jardine, (AG81), com­ designed to give everyone an dormitories, and close to 100 mask,ttion .......... p. 3 About 700 cancellations are plained that juniors should equal chance. The only way to percent in Pencader, he said. the l> expected between now and get priority in the lottery do that is not to penalize "Why should any freshmen September as students drop system. anyone. If we gave priority to (Continued on Page.-) out of school, move off cam­ The pus, transfer to other univ'er­ sities or join fraternities and orld's so:rorities, he said. Judicial Cases Up 75% This Year The students were not Stage By RUTH FLOOD assigned in the computerized are academic dishonesty, attempted theft, .. And university theater lottery because the percen­ "Blowing off steam" is how Dean Raymond misuse of the university-like trying to get tag~ of housing reserved for Eddy, administrative hearing officer, ex­ meals without meal tickets, trying to take us something just the returning students had been plained the 75 percent increase in' violations books from the library, and shoplifting in the we like it .......... p. 9 met, said Spencer. reported to the judicial system this year. bookstore," Eddy said. These 108 students will be This fiscal year 181 cases have already been "There are a number of cases involving better off than if they had ·reported. By this time last year 103 cases were 'multiple students' (groups of five, nine, been assigned rooms by their reported, and in the 1976-77 fiscal year, 175 maybe eleven people). The group appears col­ ............... 5 original lottery numbers, said cases were brought to the judicial system. lectively, but each studnet is considered and Stuart Sharkey, director of "Generally, we have sensed that students trea~ed as a single case," Eddy said. Housing and Residence Life. 'act out' their behavior - doing things not ac­ One reason for the increase in cases brought They will be assigned rooms cepted in the hall and on campus," Eddy ex­ before the judicial system is that more viola­ closer to their choices after plained. "It may be students are feeliing more tions are reported now than in past years, ac­ cancellations are received, he pressure and tension, or it could be perhaps cording to Dave Butler, associate director for said. they are less mature. It's hard to say but more Residence Life. About 75 percent of the 4,000 students seem to blow off steam." Warnings for disruptive behavior from resi­ students who entered the lot­ Students have gone to the judicial system dent advisors and hall directors have become tery were given one of their for a variety of reasons. " Even though each less effective, he said. "It seems there is less first three choices for prefer- case, at face value, is different, generally they (Continued on Page 4) Moy8, 1979 THE REVIEW, UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWA~K. DEL. Page3 115,000 Tell Carter No Nukes Now or Ever Bv lYNDA KOLSKI what was familiar about May 6, it was Over 115,000 people marched in "the day Adolph Hitler blew his Washington, D.C. Sunday to protest brains out." Vonnegut said that the United States nuclear policies. people who are playing with these The demonstration, sponsored by unstable substances and persistant the May 6 Coalition, was the largest poisons "are so dumb." Vonnegut anti-nuclear demonstration held in called nuclear administrators "filthy the country to date. little monkeys." He said that they will Jane Fonda, the most anticipated kill everything on this earth "with speaker of. the afternoon, was met by their stinking, stupid lies." loud cheers when she said, "putting In a statement sent by Senator Ed­ James Schlesinger (Secretary of ward Kennedy of Massachusetts, he Energy) in charge of our solar pro­ declared that if the people can not be gram is like putting Dracula in assured that serious accidents and charge of a blook bank.'' massive leakages can be prevented, In comparing her recent film, "The then the nuclear era is over. Kennedy China Syndrome" to the Three Mile was unable to attend the rally. Island accident, Fonda said, "The John Gofman, former researcher film is a rendition of the reality that on the defunct Atomic Energy Com­ surfaced most dramatically at Three mission, said nuclear power is un­ Mile Island, but which has existed in constitutional. "Nuclear power plants plants throughout this country for are nothing more than legalized years. murder licenses,'' he said. The fiction has been the nuclear in­ Unknown to most, the wastes from dustry's decadence of assurances that Three Mile Island are being trucked nuclear power is safe and necessary,'' to the State of Washington via In­ she said. terstate 80. Gofman urged people to Fonda said that "if President ban together to stop the trucking of Carter does not replace Schlesinger the waste products. then he himself will be replaced in Comedian Dick Gregory vowed to 1980." fast from solid food until every Tom Hayden, Fonda's husband, nuclear power plant is closed down. said, "If we made a crash commit­ He said, "I'd rather have brownouts ment to solar power comparable to and blackouts than peopleouts." the space program we can phase out Ralph Nader said that "nuclear the 72 nuclear power plants that pro­ power is unsafe, uneconomic, and too vide five percent of our energy and 13 unreliable to be tolerated in our land.
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