everybody's a critic by Gary Glitter E-mail: [email protected] The Baton Show Lounge times. The Baton has also been featured on Oprah, Maury Povich, and Sally Jesse turns 40 Raphael, among many others. (Inciden- he Baton Show Lounge in Chi- tally, Chili Pepper was responsible cago, home of “The Worlds for introducing Oprah to her stylist, as TMost Beautiful Female Imper- Oprah was just starting her TV show and sonators”, has turned the “Big 4-0”, and is didn’t know anyone in Chicago). Many, still going as strong as ever. many celebrity visitors come to the Baton In March of 1969, Jim Flint (aka regularly when they are in town. Donald "Donnie Jay" James Felicia), after returning home from a 4 year The Baton has grown to be 3X larger stint in the Navy, decided to open a bar than the original bar, but is still at the same SDGM XXVIII Tony Langlinais leads called the Baton Bar, just across the river address: 436 N. Clark St. The interior now 2004 SDGM XXXII Donnie Jay from downtown Chicago. Trying to draw has a very posh look and the stage is business into the bar, he decided to put on larger and is able to accommodate the some rollerskates and a dress and twirl performers for production numbers. And his baton, which he had done as a drum they can comfortably accommodate up to major while in school. And with some 250 customers per performance, 5 nights friends joining him on the street to draw a week at 8:30, 10:30 and 12:30 Wed. - attention, they began to pull customers Sun. into the bar. Being “gay owned and operated”, Flint Flint had already worked at several says that 70% of his clientele is straight. places on the North side, such as Sam’s They host a lot of bachelorette parties, and and the Normandy Bar on Rush St. and everyone comes to see and admire the had an idea as to what would attract atten- Las Vegas style revue that they put on. tion, especially in the new bar which was Sister's Phyllis Denmark & Donnie Jay Since 1980, the Baton has been the flank Gary Glitter at Golden Lantern in the “gay mecca” with a clustering of gay home base for the ”Miss Continental” bars and gay life in high density. pageant system, and has expanded The concept of his “drag”, would even- to include, ”Mr. Continental, Miss Conti- tually come to define his bar. He had to nental Plus”, and “Miss Continental Elite” devise something to set the bar apart from (for performers over 40). the others, so he asked his friends to Many of these winners have gone on dress up and do shows along with him- to become world famous, such as: Mimi self as the emcee, “Felicia”, he would Marks-”World Most Beautiful Transexual”, open the show with his baton twirling act Candace Cane - from the TV show Dirty, Donnie Jay servin' up pickled pigs lips , Andy & Phyllis Denmark, Larry Graham/GrahamStudioOne.COM and present the “girls”. It took off and there Sexy Money, Erica Andrews, Maya Dou- has been no looking back. glas, Monica Munro, Ginger Grant, Chili At first, performers would stand on a Pepper, Sheri Payne, etc. stage made of plywood and beer cases, Jim Flint has been profiled on last the bar had a Hawaiian motif with a years, Out and About documentary on Ambush thatched roof on the bar. And the stage cable television, and is a founding mem- Donnie Jay, KCQ XVI Tami Tarmac, sat in the back corner of the bar, with ber of the Windy City Athletic Association, Kenny Petit & Rikki Redd at 16th King Cake Coronation tables made from long slabs of wood with and the LGBT sports league. chairs. Who would have thought 40 years In the early 70’s, when you went to the ago, that a pair of roller skates, a dress, bar, you were greeted at the door to buy a and a baton would make this man an icon ticket, by Grandma Richie. Joann was one of the gay business world that he is today of two waiters. !?!!! (Incidentally, he owns the building The early “cast” included, Lady now.) Baronessa, Audrey Bryant, Lotta Love, It just shows what a little imagination, and Jan Howard. ( Audrey was the first and a lot of ingenuity can produce. ever impersonator to appear in Vogue Donnie Jay's last performance raising As a fitting gesture and in celebration $$$ for LSGRA at the magazine 5X before they found out she of their 4 decades of entertainment, the Mr. & Miss LSGRA Coronation 2009 was a “he”. And Jan was one of the first to Baton devoted 4 days to each decade they take hormones and was called, “the body have been in business. Each day was beautiful”, but she was so near sighted celebrated by having past performers from that she had to count the steps to the front Donnie Jay joins Rip & Marsha for the the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s come 2007 Ambush Christmas Party of the stage, and several times miscounted back and recreate each decade. And this and fell into the audience. They just picked has all been captured on video. her up and put her back and she continued Go to thebatonshowlounge.com and on. haha !!!!!) see all of the winners of the Continental The Baton gained fame and national pageant system, and see more of the recognition when Irv Kupcinet of the Chi- Baton, and you can also order video’s of cago Suntimes, brought Phil Donohue to the Continental pageant system, how to a show in 1972, and he proceeded to enter, and more info about The Baton feature the Baton on his talk show, many Show Lounge. Big Memorial Weekend Ambush Remembering Donald "Donnie Jay" James ~ Photos by DEADLINE: Tues., May 5th Larry Graham, Donnie Jay 504.522.8049 Donald James & Phyllis Denmark 26 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • April 28-May 11, 2009 • Official Gay Easter Parade Guide • GayEasterParade.COM • SouthernDecadence.COM GayMardiGras.COM • GayNewOrleans.COM • April 28-May 11, 2009 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • 27 NAPOLEON'S ITCH, 734 Bourbon, Year's in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, CANAL STREET 371.5450, NapoleonsItch.COM GayNewOrleans.COM 100 OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, Feb. 12-16, 2010, Official Gay Mardi 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Am- IBERVILLE PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, bush, GayMardiGras.COM 200 945.9264, PhoenixNewOrleans.COM Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010, Official BIENVILLE RAWHIDE 2010, 740 Burgundy St., Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM by Ambush & Queen Fashions, 300 RUBYFRUIT JUNGLE, 1135 Decatur St., GayEasterParade.COM CONTI 373.5431, myspace.com/RubyfruitJungleNOLA SOCIETY PAGE, 542 N. Rampart St., 400 299.0156 computers ST. LOUIS STARLIGHT BY THE PARK, 834 N. Ram- Baton Rouge, LA [225] ROYAL 500 part St., 561.8939, StarlightByThePark.COM JDiT NETWORKING SOLUTIONS, Jerry DECATUR CHARTES TOULOUSE TUBBY'S GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal, Durden, 229.6108, JDiT.US DAUPHINE RAMPART BURGUNDY 529.2860 600 Shreveport, LA [318] ST. PETER CENTRAL STATION, 1025 Marshall St., counseling ORLEANS 222.2216 New Orleans, LA [504] KORNER LOUNGE, 800 Louisiana, 71101; DAVID WAGNER, M.Ed., Counseling & ST. ANN BOURBON 222.9796 Psychotherapy, 3001 Fifth St., Metairie, LA 800 Slidell, LA [985] 70002; 836.0000 BILLY'S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 WILLIAM C. AUSTIN, LCSW, Individual & DUMAINE Family Therapy, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, 900 body rubs LA Lic # 8042, 1532 Ursulines Ave., ST. PHILIP 504.586.7400, 225.571.5964 New Orleans, LA [504] 1000 MASCULINE TOP STUD FOR AWESOME URSULINES BODY RUBS & MORE 6'0, 178#, w/magic florists 1100 hands & hard gun. 6am-mid. Fantastic 4 hand Baton Rouge, LA [225] session avail. In/Out/Hotels. Call Charlie FOUR SEASONS FLOWERS & GIFTS, GOVERNOR NICHOLLS 504.430.7413 [is909] 3482 Drusilla Ln., Drusilla Shopping Center, 1200 924.1386, 1.800.237.5381 BARRACKS bookstores 1300 Baton Rouge, LA [225] framing ESPLANADE CITY NEWS STAND & VIDEO, North Blvd., New Orleans, LA [504] 1800 343.2606; Jones Creek, 751.7494 ANGLE CUSTOM FRAME, 4422 Maga- New Orleans, LA [504] zine St., 269.3726 1900 AIRLINE ADULT BOOKS, 1404 26th St., Kenner, LA 70062; 468.2931 FRENCHMEN galleries 2000 CHARTRES ST. CONXXXION, 107 Chartres ELYSIAN FIELDS St., 586.8006 New Orleans, LA [504] 2100 MARIGNY FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, Frenchmen St., 947.3700 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700 2200 MR. BINKY'S OF KENNER, 96 West 26th St., 466.1870 2300 PARADISE ADULT VIDEO, 41 W. 24th St., gardening/landscaping 2400 Kenner, LA 70065; 461.0000 New Orleans, LA [504] PARADISE #2 IN ELMWOOD, 5608 Heebe, AMERICAN AQUATIC GARDENS, 621 FRANKLIN2500 RAMPART Harahan, LA, 733.7780 Elysian Fields, 944.0410 CHARTRES SLIDELL ADULT SUPERSTORE, Slidell, LA, 2600 985.646.2616 guides ROYAL LOUISA America cable shows Damron Travel Guide, 800.462.6654, DAUPHINE New Orleans, LA [504] www.damron.com classifieds THE GAR WILLIAMS SHOW, Every Wed. Gulf South/United States French Quarter/Faubourg Marigny/Bywater &Sat., 8:30am & 8:30pm, Access Television AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Channel 78 Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, Lafayette, LA [337] ambushmag.com; email: info@ ambushmag.com BACK SIDE, 209 Jefferson St., 269.0430 International autos THE SOUND FACTORY, 209 Jefferson casinos GayBars.COM, 828-A Bourbon St., New New Orleans, LA [504] St., 269.6011 New Orleans, LA [504] Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, ORLEANS DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP, Lake Charles, LA [337] HARRAHS NEW ORLEANS, Canal at the [email protected] 13000 I-10 Service Rd., Sales Mgr.
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