1 1 00 Schneider – Im Wendekreis der Eidechse (Helge Schneider, 2013) 1 10,000km (Long Distance, Carlos Marques-Marcet, 2014) 1 11 x 14 (James Benning, 1977) 1 1,2,3… Ćwiczenie operatorskie (1,2,3… Cinematographer’s Exercise, Paweł Kwiek, 197 2), 8 12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen, 2013) 6 20,000 Days on Earth (Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, 2014. 1 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968), 1 20 Feet From Stardom (Morgan Neville, 2013) 1 21KE (21 Grams, Sun Xun, 2010) 1 28 (Prasanna Jayakody, 2014) at the World Film Festival (WFF) 1 2 Everything 2 Terrible II – Tokyo Drift (Everything Is Terrible!, 2010), 2 300: Rise of an Empire (Noam Murro, 2014) 1 3:10 to Yuma (1957) 1 33 Yo-Yo Tricks (P. White, 1976) 1 3 Coeurs (Three Hearts, Benoît Jacquot, 2014), 2 3 Histoires d’Indiens (3 Indian Tales; Robert Morin, 2014), 1 3 Sóis (2009), 1 45 7 Broadway (Tomonari Nishikawa, 2013) 3 52 Tuesdays (Sophie Hyde, 2013) 1 5 Steps to Danger (Henry S. Kesler, 1957), 1 72-82 (William Raban, 2014) 1 7th Cavalry (1956), 1 7 Women (John Ford, 1965) 1 99 Homes (Ramin Bahrani, 2014) 1 Abductive Object #4 (Kera MacKenzie, 2013) 1 Abnormal: Ingyaku (Celluloid Nightmare, Satō Hisayasu, 1988), 1 Abunai koto nara zeni ni naru (Danger`s Where the Money Is!, Nakahira Kō, 1962), 6 Abus de faiblesse (Abuse of Weakness, Catherine Breillat, 2013) 1 A Corte do Norte (True and Tender Is the North, João Botelho, 2008) 1 A Countess from Hong Kong (1967), 2 Actress (Robert Greene, 2014) 1 Adauchi (Revenge, Imai Tadashi, 1964), 3 Addio giovinezza! (Augusto Genina, 1927), 1 Adelante (Miguel Hilari, 2014), 56 Adieu au langage (Goodbye to Language 3-D, Jean-Luc Godard 2014) 2 A Distant Trumpet (1964), 1 Advanced Style (Lina Plioplyte, 2014) 1 æ ofaní æ (Time and Time and Again, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir & Markús Þór Andrésson, 2 1 A Few Crumbs for the Birds (Annemarie Jacir, 2005) 1 Afsan’s Long Day (The Young Man Was, Part 2) (Na îm Mohaiyemen), 1 After Hours (Karen Yasinsky, 2013) 6 A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (Ana Lily Amirpour, 2014) 2 Aïe (Ouch, Sophie Fillières, 2000) 13 Aimer, boire et chanter (Life of Riley, 2014), 2 Ain’t Them Bodies Saints (David Lowery, 2013) 1 A King in New York (1957), 1 Alba Regia (Mihály Szemes, 1961) 8 Al doilea joc (The Second Game, Corneliu Poromboiu, 2014) 1 Alentejo, Alentejo (Sérgio Tréfaut, 2014) 1 Aleppo. Notatki z Ciemnosci (Aleppo. Notes From the Dark, Michal Przedla cki, Wojciech Szumowski, 2014) 1 A Lion is in the Streets (1953), 1 Alipin ng Sining (Art Slave, Joyce Rochelle Montañano, 2013) 4 All is Lost (J. C. Chandor, 2013) 1 All that Heaven Allows (1955), 2 All Things Ablaze (Oleksandr Tečyn’skyj & Oleksij Solodunov & Dmytro Stoïkov, 2014) 1 À l’ombre de la canaille bleue (In the Shadow of the Blue Rascal, Pierre Cléme nti, 1986) 1 Alouette, je te plumerai (1988), 1 Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (Alphaville, Jean-Luc Go dard, 1965) 1 Alpsee (Matthias Müller, 1995) 1 Als wär’s von Beckett (As It Was Beckett, Lutz Mommartz, 1976) 1 Altman (Ron Mann, 2014) 1 Amazonia (Thierry Ragobert, 2013) 7 American Dream (Barbara Kopple, 1990) (Dokufest) 1 America (Valérie Massadian, 2013) 1 A Million Miles Away (Jennifer Reeder, 2014) 1 A Minute Ago (Rachel Rose, 2014) 3 Amore mio (My Love, Raffaello Matarazzo, 1964) 2 A Most Wanted Man (Anton Corbijn 2014) 9 Amour fou (Jessica Hausner, 2014) 1 A Movie by Jen Proctor (Jennifer Proctor, 2010-12) 1 Anaïs (Julie Benegmos, 2013) 1 Añcātē (Do Not Fear, Miṣkiṉ, 2008), 2 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (Adam McKay, 2013) 1 Angel (1937), 1 Angelii Revolyutsii (Angels of Revolution, Aleksei Fedorchenko, 2014) 2 Angely revoljucii (Angels of Revolution, Aleksej Fedorčenko, 2014) 1 Ang mga tigmo sa akong pagpauli(Riddles of My Homecoming, Arnel Mardoqui o, 2013) 1 Ani. La città dalle mille chiese (Società Anonima Ambrosio, 1911), 1 Anime Nere (Black Souls, Francesco Munzi, 2014) 1 Anna (Alberto Grifi and Massimo Sarchielli, 1975) 1 Another Song About The Sea (Jeremy Bessoff, 2013) 1 An Oversimplification of Her Beauty (Terence Nance, 2012) 1 Apache Rifles (William Witney, 1964), 1 A Portrait of Ga (Margaret Tait, 1952) 1 Approaching the Elephant (Amanda Wilder, 2014) 3 Appropriate Behavior (Desiree Akhavan, 2014) 1 Après Mein Kampf, mes crimes! (My Crimes After Mein Kampf, Alexandre Ryder , 1939), 1 À propos de Venise (2013), 1 A Question of People (Roberto Rossellini [& Giuseppe Cino?], 1974), 1 Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik (Workers Leaving the Factory, Harun Farock i, 1995) 1 A Reliogiosa Portuguesa (The Portuguese Nun, Eugène Green, 2009) 1 Ariane (Paul Czinner, 1931) 1 Aria (Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, Bill Bryden, Jean-Luc Godard, Dere k Jarman, Franc Roddam, Nicolas Roeg, Ken Russell, Charles Sturridge, Julien Tem ple, 1987) 1 A River Runs Through It (Wittaya Kanthapan, 2014) 2 Arrête ou je continue (If You Don’t, I Will, Sophie Fillières, 2014), 1 Arta (Art, Adrian Sitaru, 2014) 1 Artificial Paradise (Chick Strand, 1986) 1 As Cidades e as Trocas (Trading Cities, Luísa Homem & Pedro Pinho, 2014) 1 A Secret to My Mom (Siriluck Sangnam, 2014) 1 Asha Jaoar Majhe (Labour of Love, Aditya Vikram Sengupta, 2014) 1 As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (Jonas Mekas, 2000) 2 A Spell to Ward off the Darkness (Ben Rivers and Ben Russell, 2013) 1 Assaut de boxe entre deux champions de Joinville (Henri Joly?, 1896), 1 Assembly Line (Mort Heilig, 1962) 1 A Star is Born (1954), 1 A Study in Natural Magic (Charlotte Pryce, 2013) 3 At Berkeley (Frederick Wiseman, 2013) 1 Återträffen(The Reunion, Anna Odell, 2013) 1 A Time to Love and a Time to Die (Douglas Sirk, 1958) 1 At kende sandheden (Facing the Truth, Nils Malmros, 2002) 1 Atlántida (Inés María Barrionuevo, 2014), 2 Atlantis (Ben Russell, 2014) 1 A través de las ruinas (1982), 1 Attacco allo stato (Political Target, Michele Soavi, 2006) 2 Au bord du monde (On the Edge of the World, Claus Drexel, 2013) 1 Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen (A Matter of Fact, Roshanak Zangeneh, 2013) 1 Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins (Rolf Olsen, 1969) 2 Au fil d’Ariane (Ariane’s Thread, Robert Guédiguian, 2013), 1 August: Osage County (John Wells, 2013) 1 Aus dem Empire State Building, 1 Autofocus (Boris Poljak, 2013) 1 Avalon (Axel Petersén, 2011) 1 a Valparaíso (1964), 2 A vida invisível (The Invisible Life, Vítor Gonçalves, 2013) 1 A vingança de uma mulher (A Woman’s Revenge, Rita Azevedo Gomes, 2012) 2 A Vizinhança do Tigre (The Hidden Tiger,Affonso Uchoa, 2014) 1 Avraham (Nathaniel Dorsky, 2014) 1 A Walk (2008), 1 A Wang (So Be It, Kongdej Jaturanrasamee, 2014) 1 A World Not Ours (Mahdi Fleifel, 2012) 1 Azú (Luis Alberto Lamata, 2013) 1 Baal (Volker Schlöndorff, 1970) 1 Bacanal do Diabo! e Outras Fitas Proibidas de Ivan Cardoso (Orgy of the Devil, Ivan Cardoso, 2013), 2 Backfire (Vincent Sherman, 1950) 1 Backlash (John Sturges, 1956), 1 Back to God’s Country (Joseph Pevney, 1953), 6 Bai ri yan huo (Black Coal, Thin Ice, (Diao Yinan, 2014) 1 Balanta (The Oak, Lucian Pintilie, 1992) 1 Baltazar (1975), 1 Barabbas (Richard Fleischer, 1961) 2 Barbara (Nils Malmros, 1997) 1 Bare et liv – historien om Fridtjof Nansen (Just a Life – The Story of Fridt jof Nansen, Sergei Mikaeljan, 1968) & 1 Barn (Home, Patiparn Amornthipparat, 2014) 1 Barn Rushes (1971), 1 Barry Lyndon (Stanley Kubrick, 1975). 1 Battleground (William Wellman, 1949); 2 Before I Disappear (Shawn Christensen, 2014) 1 Before Winter Comes (J. Lee Thompson, 1969) 1 Begin Again (John Carney, 2013) 1 Beijing 1988 (1988-2011), 1 Bella addormentata (Dormant Beauty, Marco Bellocchio, 2012) 1 Bell Book and Candle (Richard Quine, 1958) 3 Belle (Amma Asante, 2013) 3 Belluscone. Una storia siciliana (Belluscone. A Sicilian History; Franco Maresco, 2014), 1 Beloved Infidel (Henry King, 1959) 3 Belye nochi pochtalona Alekseya Tryapitsyna (The Postman’s White Nights, A ndrei Konchalovsky, 2014) 2 Berlin Tiger (2012), 1 Beyond the Lights (Gina Prince-Bythewood, 2014) 2 Biette (Pierre Léon, 2010), 1 Biganeh (Stranger, Bahram Tavakoli, 2014) 1 Big Bad Wolves (Aharon Keshales & Navot Papushado, 2013) 2 Big Hero 6 (Don Hall and Chris Williams, 2014) 2 Bilder der Welt und Inschrift des Krieges (Images of the World and the I nscription of War, Harun Farocki, 1989) 1 Bili, bem, i budem bit’ (Have Beaten, Are Beating, Will Beat, Dmitrij Babiče nko, 1941), 1 Billboard (Ratchanon Ketramrit, 2014) 1 Binsen, 11 Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2014) 1 Bird of Paradise (King Vidor, 1932), 3 Bird People (Pascale Ferran, 2014) 1 Birds (Ulu Braun, 2014) 1 Bishtar az do saat (More Than Two Hours, Ali Asgari, 2013) 1 Bitoku no yoromeki (But the Flesh Is Weak, Nakahira Kō, 1957) 1 Black Devil Doll from Hell (Chester Novell Turner, 1984), 1 Black Widow (Nunnally Johnson, 1954) 1 Bleierne Wellen, 1 Blight (John Smith, 1996)* 1 Blind (Eskil Vogt, 2014) 1 Blonde Sinner (J. Lee Thompson, 1956) 1 Blue (Derek Jarman, 1993) 2 Blue Jasmine (Woody Allen, 2013) 1 Blue Loop, July (Mike Gibisser, 2014) 1 blue mantle (2010), 2 Blue Ruin (Jeremy Saulnier, 2013)* 1 Blues (1970), 1 Blue (Shiloh Cinquemani, 2013) 1 Bogdan Khmélnitskií (Igór Savchenko, 1941), 1 Bokutachi no kazoku (Our Family, Yuya Ishii, 2014) 1 Bonne chance! (Lucky Partners, Sacha Guitry & Fernand Rivers, 1935), 1 Border Warfare (John McGrath, 1989) (Edinburgh Int’l Film Festival) 3 Borgman (Alex van Warmerdam, 2013) 1 Borgman, (Alex Van Warmerdam, 2013) 1 Boudu sauvé des eaux (Boudu Saved from Drowning, Jean Renoir, 1932) 1 Bouquet 1-10 (1994-95), 1 Bouquets 21-30 (2001-05), 55 Boyhood (2014), 3 Branco sai, Preto fica (White In, Black Out, Adirley Queirós, 2014) 1 Brasil S/A (Brazilian Dream, Marcelo Pedroso, 2014) 1 Brazzaville Teen-Ager (Michael Cera, 2013) 1 Breaking Point (Ron Silberman Jr.
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