JAN 30 2021 SONG INDEX 120 (RSM Publishing, ASCAP/Universal Music BACK TO THE STREETS (Aleicia Gibson Pub- B.S. (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Efuru Publish- COWBOY LIKE ME (TASRM Publishing, BMI/ EVIDENCE (Bethel Music Publishing, ASCAP/ GONE (Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Corp., ASCAP/EMI Blackwood Music Inc., BMI), lishing Designee, BMI/Donny Flores Publishing ing, BMI/Brian’s Piggy Bank, ASCAP/WC Music Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Ingrid Stella Be Essential Songs, BMI/EGH Music Publishing BMI/A Boy Named Ford, BMI/Ben There Wrote HL, LT 49 Designee, BMI/Gino Borri Publishing Designee, Corp., ASCAP/Lil Bastards, BMI/Warner-Tamer- Music, ASCAP/Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, ASCAP), LLC, BMI/Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/We The That Publishing, BMI/Artist 101 Publishing 24 (Black Circle Publishing, BMI/Four Entertain- BMI/Icy Girl Music Publishing, ASCAP/WC lane Publishing Corp., BMI/Universal Music HL, RO 34 Kingdom Music, BMI), HL, CST 9 Group, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing ment Music, ASCAP/Wolf Pack Global Music Music Corp., ASCAP/JOSE VELAZQUEZ MUSIC, Corp., ASCAP/My Last Publishing, LLC, ASCAP/I CRY BABY (1501 Certified Publishing, BMI/Hot EXILE (TASRM Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Univer- America, Inc., BMI/Hits From The Tape Room, Publishing, ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., BMI/Matthew Crabtree Publishing Designee, Am H.E.R. Publishing, ASCAP), AMP/HL, H100 Girl Music, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ sal, Inc., BMI/William Bowery Music Publishing. BMI/Round Hill Compositions, BMI/W.C.M. ASCAP/Copyright Control) RBH 42 ASCAP/Michael Suski Publishing Designee, 56 ; RBH 16 ; RBS 5 WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Katie Smith Publishing BMI/April Base Publishing, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Corp., SESAC/Niko Moon Publishing, SOCAN/Simmon Plummer Publishing Designee, SESAC), AMP, CS 49 2 PHUT HON (MUSICALLSTARS B.V., BUMA/ THE BUSINESS (Musical Freedom Publishing, Designee, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Justin Desantis BMI/Sirah Mitchell Publishing Designee, BMI/ ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, Corp., BMI/Baby Jesus Publishing, ASCAP/ Publishing Designee, ASCAP), HL, RO 13 GOODBYE (Copyright Control/Effective Records, STEMRA/Warner Chappell Music Holland B.V., Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Timothy Mosley BUMA/STEMRA), AMP, DES 46 ASCAP/Julia Karlsson Publishing Designee, South Coast Music Group, ASCAP/Universal PRS/Strengholt Music Group, BUMA/Peermusic Publishing Designee, BMI/Songs Of Roc Nation BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/ Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP/HL, H100 51 ; RBH -F- (UK) Ltd, PRS/Method Paperwork, SESAC/Kobalt 34+35 (Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/GrandAri- Music, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 68 ; RBH 21 ; Dogghammer Productions, STIM/BMG Rights 14 ; RS 12 Group Music Publishing, SESAC/Spirit B-Unique RS 16 FACE TO FACE (NG Entertainment, BMI/Sony/ Music, ASCAP/Avex Music Publishing, ASCAP/ Management (UK) Ltd., PRS), AMP, DES 6 ATV Tree Publishing, BMI/Pure Note Publishing Hits, BMI/Tileyard Music Publishing Ltd., BMI/ Victoria McCants Music, ASCAP/BMG Gold -D- BAD HABITS (UR-IV Music, ASCAP/EMI April BUSS IT (1501 Certified Publishing, BMI/EMI Worldwide, BMI/Centricity Music Publishing, Lighthouse Music Publishing, BMI/SHOUT! Songs, ASCAP/Taylor Monet Music, BMI/War- Music, Inc., ASCAP/Pierre Medor Publish- DAKITI (RSM Publishing, ASCAP/Universal ASCAP/Capitol CMG Genesis, ASCAP), HL, Music Publishing Australia, APRA/Universal ner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Reservoir Blackwood Music Inc., BMI/Kobalt Songs ing Designee, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Swing T, ASCAP/ Music Corp., ASCAP/EMI Blackwood Music Inc., CST 34 Music Publishing Pty. Ltd, APRA), HL, DES 27 Media Music, ASCAP/1501 Certified Publishing, Publishing America, Inc., BMI/Brandon Rossi Universal Music - MGB Songs, ASCAP/WC BMI/A Million Dollar Dream, ASCAP/Songs FAITHFUL GOD (I Am They Publishing, BMI/ GOOD DAYS (Solana Imani Rowe Publishing BMI/Hot Girl Music, BMI/Doja Cat Music, BMI/ Forever, ASCAP/Roc Nation Music, ASCAP/T.N.T Of Juju, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Prescription Songs, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 11 Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP/HL, H100 100 ; RBH Be Essential Songs, BMI/All Essential Music, Designee, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ Explosive Publishing, ASCAP/BMG Gold Songs, 31 ; RS 23 Corp., BMI/Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing, Carter Lang Publishing Designee, BMI/Zuma ASCAP/Keef Tha Beef, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs ASCAP/Wedgeworth Publishing, ASCAP/Capitol 7 SUMMERS (Big Loud Mountain, BMI/Bo Wal- LLC, BMI/KOA & LUNA, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 CMG Genesis, ASCAP), HL, CST 24 Tuna LLC, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing lace Publishing, BMI/Round Hill Compositions, Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP), HL, RBS 21 -C- 23 ; LT 1 Corp., BMI/Ruelas Publishing, ASCAP/Songtrust BMI/Tempo Investments-Smack Hits, GMR/ BANDIDO (Juhn Music Inc., ASCAP/White FAMOUS FOR (I BELIEVE) (Crucial Music Ave, ASCAP/Loshendrix Production, ASCAP/ CANVAS AND CLAY (Capitol CMG Genesis, DAMAGE (Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/I Am Entertainment, BMI/Be Essential Songs, BMI/ Smackstreet Music, GMR/Warner Geo Met World Music Publishing, ASCAP/White House ASCAP/Vamos Publishing, ASCAP/House- H.E.R. Publishing, ASCAP/Heartfelt Productions Artist Publishing Group West, ASCAP/Mind Ric Music, GMR/Sony/ATV Accent, ASCAP/ Records, ASCAP/Melodias de Oro Music Integrity’s Alleluia! Music, SESAC/Nordinary Texture, ASCAP/Concord Sounds, ASCAP), AMP/ fires Sounds, ASCAP/Capitol CMG Paragon, LLC, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Anthony Music, SESAC/Capitol CMG Amplifier, SESAC/ Smackborne Music, ASCAP), AMP/HL, CS 4 Publishing, SESAC/Princess Music Inc., SESAC) BMI/S.D.G. Publishing, BMI/Bread & Wine Clemons Jr. Publishing Designee, BMI/Tiara HL, H100 10 ; RBH 3 ; RBS 3 ; H100 18 LT 7 Alexis Slifer Publishing Designee, BMI/Jord A Sounds, ASCAP/Watershed Worship Publishing, Thomas Music, BMI/KMR II Music Royalties II Lil Music, BMI/Songs By Jsapp, BMI/Capitol GOOD & LOVED (Greenelight Music, BMI/ 865 (Big Loud Mountain, BMI/Blake Pendergrass THE BANDIT (Pubelishing Publishing, SESAC/ ASCAP), HL, CST 40 SCSp, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing CMG Paragon, BMI), HL, CST 3 Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., Publishing Designee, BMI) CS 13 ; H100 46 Dixie Farm Publishing, SESAC/Canyon Candy CANYONS (Bethel Music Publishing, ASCAP/ LLC, ASCAP), HL, H100 64 ; RBH 19 ; RBS 6 BMI) GS 24 Publishing, SESAC/First Little Cousin Publishing, FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR (Carrie-Okie Music, -A- Cory Asbury Publishing, ASCAP/Be Essential DANCING IN MY ROOM (Copyright Control) BMI/410 Music, ASCAP/Concord Sounds, THE GOOD ONES (GBF Music Global, BMI/ SESAC/BMG Cicada, SESAC) RO 28 Songs, BMI/EGH Music Publishing LLC, BMI) RO 33 Sony/ATV Tree Publishing, BMI/BMG Platinum ADDERALL (CORVETTE CORVETTE) (Cooper ASCAP/EMI April Music, Inc., ASCAP/CDS BANG! (AMAB Songs, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt CST 47 DANDELION (Not Listed) DES 19 Words And Music, ASCAP), HL, CST 43 Songs US, BMI/BMG Blue, BMI/Fox Landis Lyr- Anthony Vengrove Publishing Designee, ASCAP/ Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI) H100 8 ics, BMI/Songs Of Jim McCormick, BMI/Sony/ Albert Castillo Publishing Designee, ASCAP/ CARAMELO (Ozuna Worldwide, BMI/Songs Of FIRE FOR YOU (SarigSonnet, BMI/Songs Of ; RO 2 Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ DANGEROUS (Big Loud Mountain, BMI/Bo Wal- ATV Countryside, BMI/Revinyl House, BMI), HL, Omir Bernard Publishing Designee, ASCAP) lace Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI) CS 31 ; H100 89 H100 96 ; RBH 28 ; RS 21 BANKS (Bear Lee Breathing Music, BMI/Need- Gotay Autentik Music, ASCAP/La Tinta de BMI/Ern Dog Music, BMI), HL, CS 17 ; H100 62 RO 26 tobreathe Music, BMI/Downtown DMP Songs, Diamante Music, BMI/My Money 3, ASCAP/ GOOD TIME (W.C.M. Music Corp., SESAC/Niko AFTERGLOW (Ed Sheeran Limited, PRS/Sony/ BMI/Ready Set Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Sony/ATV Discos Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/ DEAD MAN WALKING (Lost Kids II Publishing, FIRES (This Little Fire, ASCAP/Songs For FCM, Moon Publishing, SESAC/Here Comes The Boom ATV Music Publishing UK Ltd, PRS/Promised Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI) CST 50 Los Tesla Publishing, ASCAP/White World BMI/These Are Pulse Songs, BMI/Songs 4 SESAC/Integrity’s Alleluia! Music, SESAC/ Music, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing Land Music, STIM/Rearden Songs, BMI/Songs Music Publishing, ASCAP/Sony/ATV Latin Music Mimi, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing Nordinary Music, SESAC/Capitol CMG Amplifier, BATTLE BELONGS (Phil Wickham Music, BMI/ America, Inc., BMI/Anna Moon Publishing, Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ Publishing, LLC, BMI/Girl Power Publishing, America, Inc., BMI/Lil’ Reese Music, ASCAP/ SESAC/So Essential Tunes, SESAC/Man Cub ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Joshua Universal Music Publishing Ltd. (UK), PRS), HL, Sing My Songs, BMI/Be Essential Songs, BMI/ ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, Heaven Only Knows, SOCAN/A Popular Muse, Muzak House, SESAC) CST 23 Bethel Music Publishing, ASCAP) CST 16 Murty Publishing, ASCAP/Mark Trussell Music, H100 36 ASCAP), HL, LT 8 SESAC) RBS 15 FLAMES (Noise Nest Publishing, ASCAP/Kobalt ASCAP/Future Heartbeat Publishing, ASCAP), ALL ABOUT YOU (Pam Quint Productions, BEAT BOX (Jacmel Publishing, BMI/Se Lavi CARDIGAN (TASRM Publishing, BMI/Songs Of DE CORA <3 (Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Songs Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/New AMP, CS 11 ; H100 44 Productions, BMI) RBH 43 ASCAP/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Universal, Inc., BMI/Ingrid Stella Music, ASCAP/ Corp., BMI/Music By Duars Publishing, BMI/ Hippys, ASCAP/Almo Music Of Canada Ltd., GOOSEBUMPS (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Avenue C Music, BMI/WC Music Corp., BEBE (Sony/ATV Discos Music Publishing LLC, Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, ASCAP), HL, RO 19 Jose M. Collazo Publhshing Designee, BMI/ SOCAN/Rondor, SOCAN) RO 46 BMI/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Hard Working ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/Smims ASCAP/Sony/ATV Bailar, BMI/11Once Music, Universal Musica Unica Publishing, BMI/Risa- FLY AWAY (Warner Chappell Music Australia Black Folks, ASCAP/Top Dawg Music, ASCAP/ Coffee And Tea Music Publishing, BMI/Luke CERRANDO CICLOS (LZ Music, SESAC/EMC BMI/Baluarte Music Publishing Inc., ASCAP/El LYRICS, SESAC) LT 25 mar Publishing, BMI/OneMVNArmy Publishing, Pty.
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