#2021371302 JUDGING PROGRAM 26th ANNUAL ALL-BREED DOG SHOW (Unbenched) Judging Indoors, or Outdoors, or Combination determined on day of event. Refunds will not be granted based on final location. LEBANON COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (Licensed by the American Kennel Club) LEBANON VALLEY EXPOSITION CENTER AND FAIRGROUNDS 80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2021 SHOW HOURS: 7:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Specialties: Alaskan Malamute Association of Eastern PA/AMCA w/Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes, & Weight Pull Supported Entries: Keystone English Springer Spaniel Club w/Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes Keystone Vizsla Club of PA JUDGING OF REGULAR CLASSES STARTS AT 8:30 A.M. ALL BEST OF BREED CHANGES MUST BE MADE BY 8:00 A.M. ALL REGULATIONS, PROTOCOLS, GUIDELINES, PROCEDURES, etc., & SHOW FORMAT FOR THIS CLUSTER ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DUE TO CURRENT COVID MANDATES ADVISORY: Due to State legislation (Act 181 of 1986) Lebanon County Kennel Club, Inc. advises exhibitors to have in their possession a current rabies vaccination certificate for each dog over three months of age in their care the day of the show. Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians' recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations. 1 INDEX OF BREEDS This index has been prepared to enable exhibitors to (1) indentify the ring in which their breed is to be judged and (2) have an approximation of the number of dogs entered. The entry figures are not to be taken as a representation on the part of the Superintendent that all the dogs entered will be present on the Show Day. ENTRY BREED RING TIME ENTRY BREED RING TIME 3 Affenpinschers 2 9:30 16 Keeshonden 10 1:30 10 Afghan Hounds 9 1:00 4 Kerry Blue Terriers 4 11:00 7 Airedale Terriers 3 12:45 4 Komondorok 11 2:30 10 Akitas 10 8:30 3 Kuvaszok 11 1:30 44 Alaskan Malamutes 11 10:15 1 Lagotto Romagnolo 4 11:00 2 American Eskimo Dog 7 10:30 8 Lakeland Terriers 1 1:15 3 American Foxhounds 9 8:30 8 Leonberger 11 1:30 1 American Hairless Terrier 3 10:30 1 Lowchen 7 10:30 2 American Staffordshire Terrier 3 12:45 4 Maltese 2 1:00 7 Australian Cattle Dogs 6 8:30 2 Manchester Terriers (Standard) 1 10:30 34 Australian Shepherds 6 10:15 7 Manchester Terriers (Toy) 2 11:15 7 Basenjis 9 11:15 11 Mastiffs 11 8:30 2 Basset Hounds 9 8:30 19 Miniature American Shepherds 5 1:00 5 Beagles (13'') 9 11:15 8 Miniature Pinschers 2 11:15 10 Beagles (13''-15'') 9 10:15 18 Miniature Schnauzers 3 11:15 4 Bearded Collies 5 1:00 1 Miscellaneous 8 3:30 3 Bedlington Terriers 4 9:30 13 Newfoundlands 11 9:30 1 Belgian Laekenois 6 8:30 2 Norfolk Terriers 4 10:15 5 Belgian Malinois 6 8:30 1 Norwegian Elkhounds 9 2:00 4 Belgian Sheepdogs 6 8:30 10 Norwich Terriers 4 10:15 8 Belgian Tervuren 5 10:15 8 Old English Sheepdogs 6 2:15 3 Bergamasco Sheepdog 6 9:15 4 Otterhounds 9 3:00 3 Berger Picards 6 9:15 5 Papillons 2 11:15 32 Bernese Mountain Dogs 8 10:00 2 Parson Russell Terrier 4 8:30 6 Bichons Frises 1 10:30 1 Pekingese 2 2:00 3 Biewer Terriers 2 11:15 19 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 5 11:15 1 Black Russian Terrier 5 11:15 3 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen 9 11:15 2 Black and Tan Coonhounds 9 8:30 1 Pharaoh Hounds 9 2:00 12 Bloodhounds 9 2:00 2 Pointers 7 12:45 1 Boerboels 5 11:15 18 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 5 3:30 19 Border Collies 6 9:15 3 Pointers (German Wirehaired) 4 11:00 7 Border Terriers 4 8:30 2 Polish Lowlands Sheepdog 6 1:15 4 Borzois 9 2:00 6 Pomeranians 3 8:30 14 Boston Terriers 1 9:30 5 Poodles (Miniature) 10 10:45 3 Bouvier Des Flandres 9 3:00 21 Poodles (Standard) 10 2:30 36 Boxers 7 9:00 6 Poodles (Toy) 3 10:30 10 Briards 6 11:30 3 Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 7 9:00 11 Brittanys 7 12:45 13 Portuguese Water Dogs 11 1:30 6 Brussels Griffons 2 1:00 21 Pugs 3 8:30 3 Bulldogs 10 12:30 3 Pulik 6 1:15 14 Bullmastiffs 5 10:15 8 Pumi 6 1:15 17 Cairn Terriers 3 12:45 2 Pyrenean Shepherds 6 1:15 2 Canaan Dog 6 8:30 12 Rat Terrier 4 8:30 17 Cane Corso 10 8:30 2 Redbone Coonhounds 9 8:30 16 Cardigan Welsh Corgis 6 11:30 13 Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 6 2:15 18 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 2 10:15 15 Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 6 3:15 3 Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 2 10:15 58 Retrievers (Golden) 7 1:45 3 Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 2 11:15 20 Retrievers (Labrador) 5 8:30 7 Chinese Crested 2 1:00 10 Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck T 7 12:45 7 Chinese Shar-Pei 1 8:30 27 Rhodesian Ridgebacks 9 9:15 5 Chow Chows 1 8:30 9 Rottweilers 11 8:30 7 Cirneco Dell'Etna 9 2:00 4 Russell Terrier 1 10:30 5 Collies (Rough) 5 10:15 1 Salukis 9 8:30 6 Collies (Smooth) 5 8:30 22 Samoyeds 11 2:30 3 Coton de Tulear 10 10:45 3 Schipperkes 1 8:30 15 Dachshunds (Longhaired) 9 1:00 5 Scottish Deerhounds 9 8:30 15 Dachshunds (Smooth) 9 10:15 6 Scottish Terriers 3 10:30 12 Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 9 11:15 4 Sealyham Terriers 4 10:15 10 Dalmatians 1 8:30 11 Setters (English) 2 8:30 6 Dandie Dinmont Terriers 4 9:30 6 Setters (Gordon) 2 9:30 35 Doberman Pinschers 8 8:30 5 Setters (Irish Red & White) 4 11:00 1 Dogo Argentinos 11 1:30 14 Setters (Irish) 2 8:30 6 Dogues de Bordeaux 11 8:30 24 Shetland Sheepdogs 10 12:30 1 English Foxhound 9 8:30 3 Shiba Inu 7 10:30 10 English Toy Spaniels (B&PC) 2 9:30 1 Shih Tzu 3 10:30 5 English Toy Spaniels (KC&R) 2 10:15 23 Siberian Huskies 10 9:30 1 Fox Terriers (Smooth) 1 1:15 3 Skye Terriers 4 10:15 5 Fox Terriers (Wire) 1 1:15 15 Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers 3 1:45 22 French Bulldogs 3 9:30 4 Spaniels (Clumber) 4 11:00 1 German Pinschers 8 8:30 11 Spaniels (Cocker) Black 1 9:30 18 German Shepherd Dogs 5 9:30 14 Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 1 11:30 5 Giant Schnauzers 11 9:30 6 Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-color 1 11:30 10 Glen of Imaal Terrier 4 9:30 6 Spaniels (English Cocker) 1 11:30 17 Great Danes 8 11:15 44 Spaniels (English Springer) 8 12:45 4 Great Pyrenees 8 11:15 2 Spaniels (Irish Water) 6 2:15 7 Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 8 11:15 3 Spaniels (Sussex) 6 2:15 3 Greyhounds 9 8:30 10 Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 8 3:30 26 Havanese 2 2:00 5 Spanish Water Dogs 6 1:15 10 Ibizan Hounds 9 3:00 1 Spinone Italiano 5 3:30 9 Irish Terriers 4 11:00 5 Staffordshire Bull Terriers 4 8:30 4 Irish Wolfhounds 9 3:00 11 Standard Schnauzers 10 9:30 5 Italian Greyhounds 10 1:30 1 Swedish Vallhund 6 1:15 9 Japanese Chin 2 1:00 8 Tibetan Spaniels 7 10:30 2 ENTRY BREED RING TIME ENTRY BREED RING TIME 4 Tibetan Terriers 10 1:30 18 Whippets 10 10:45 31 Vizslas 5 2:15 10 Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 5 3:30 14 Weimaraners 8 3:30 1 Wirehaired Vizsla 5 3:30 4 Welsh Terriers 3 10:30 8 Xoloitzcuintli 7 10:30 10 West Highland White Terriers 1 10:30 4 Yorkshire Terriers 3 9:30 PROGRAM OF JUDGING There are 1600 dogs entered in this show with a total entry of 1655 in 176 different breeds or varieties. For your convenience, the following division of sexes has been carefully tabulated; however, neither the Club nor the Superintendent assumes responsibility for absolute accuracy. The number before each breed or variety indicates the number of dogs entered in that breed or variety. The numbers following each breed or variety indicate the number of Regular Class Dogs, Regular Class Bitches, Best of Breed or Variety (dogs-bitches), and Non-Regular Class Dogs or Bitches. OFFICIAL NOTICE: Substitution of Judges. Reference Chapter 7, Section 8 and Section 13 of AKC Rules: Owner has the right to withdraw his entry and have his entry fee refunded provided notification of his withdrawal is received no later than one half-hour prior to the start of any regular conformation judging. Breed Original Judge New Judge Chesapeake Bay Ret Daniel Dowling Ken Buxton Flat Coated Retriever Daniel Dowling Ken Buxton Irish Water Spaniel Cindy Lane Ken Buxton Sussex Spaniel Cindy Lane Ken Buxton American Eskimo Cindy Lane Donna Buxton Lowchen Cindy Lane Donna Buxton Shiba Inu Cindy Lane Donna Buxton Tibetan Spaniel Cindy Lane Donna Buxton Xoloitzcuintli Cindy Lane Donna Buxton Afghan Hound Beverly Capstick John Wade American Foxhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Basenji Beverly Capstick John Wade Basset Hound Beverly Capstick John Wade 13" Beagle Beverly Capstick John Wade 15" Beagle Beverly Capstick John Wade Black & Tan Coonhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Bloodhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Borzoi Beverly Capstick John Wade Cirneco Dell’ Etna Beverly Capstick John Wade English Foxhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Greyhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Ibizan Hound Beverly Capstick John Wade Irish Wolfhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Norwegian Elkhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Otterhound Beverly Capstick John Wade PBGV Beverly Capstick John Wade Pharaoh Hound Beverly Capstick John Wade Redbone Coonhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Rhodesian Ridgeback Beverly Capstick John Wade Saluki Beverly Capstick John Wade Scottish Deerhound Beverly Capstick John Wade Bouvier Des Flandres Beverly Capstick John Wade NOHS Herding Group Beverly Capstick John Wade Hound Group Beverly Capstick John Wade Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Beverly Capstick Donna Buxton Boxer Beverly Capstick Donna Buxton Old English Sheepdog Carl Liepmann Ken Buxton NOHS Sporting Group Carolyn Herbel Donna Buxton Pembroke Welsh Corgi Toddie Clark Carl Liepmann RING ONE 11:30 A.M.
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