University, .of, d:ii::lcinnati NEWS· RE-CO¥RD Vol. 54. Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, May 18, 1967 No. 28 Business Faculty Ceo·sures' :Prof \, ~ ' Evalu'atio,o Health Servic-e-, N-'-"" -ee-"'-d-s---:---y-----'j-:--e-w-e-----'d-o'.- 'Hor-or~ry C.on~ucts 'Rating~ . 'D" 't" .' R" .' · 'd~ SamphngMethodsAttacked A nubUIance~ oc ..ors equire .Almost as quickly as the Bu.siness Administration honor- ary, Delta Sigma Pi, sold its 500 copies of the "Course ana ~ by Nate Gordon police h~veonly one such equip- utes after the call was placed to Ed. Note: On Saturday evening ped station wagon and that car the .city police. He admitted that, Teacher Evaluation Booklet,' the faculty responded with as May 6,' a UC student collapsed may not respond to the emergen- a. campus policeman is not qual i- much speed by issuing an official C censure. from an epileptic seizure while cy call. fled to handle such an emergency The 'evaluation covered numerous professors and eating in the Siddall Dining Hall. Adequate communications are and that a doctor was needed. In response to a letter to the NR a serious problem. Both men - Dr. Sinclair said the patient courses, giving their performance in terms of communica- (May 11, 1967) making charges me.r:tioned the confusion involv- was, clocked in at 6:26 'p:m.~nd tion, preparation, interest in the students, and their mean of inadequate medical attention ed ill whether an arnergency call that a doctor was notified im- grade point average,: , "' the incident was investigated b~ should" ~o to the campus police, mediately. The student slept well The ~censure issued at last the NR. Station X, or the Health Service. and was released the next day. Mr. Derbes said there are com- Dr. Sinclair noted that. a doctor Thursday's faculty meeting ex- ses surveyed. The entire project The Student Health Service, 10-' munication problems especially on could not have been sent to 'the plicity stated: "The distribution of was irresponsible and ill-advised. cated since 1.95J in a two story Saturday night and Station X is dining hall since none is on duty the published Delta Sigma Pi fac- The objective was to gain point gray-block building between Mc-' frequently busy with' a line-up of after 5 and that the two' people ulty grading and evaluation ma- Micken and Old, Tech.vprovides calls.' working at that time are in- terial at the official registration ratings for the local chapter of uefinite medical' treatment for Concerning the particular inci- structed to stay in the unit. desks was repulsive to many .fac- Delta Sigma Pi without regard to all out-of-town students with dent under investigation' Mr. Der- Both men admitted 'the need ulty members of the College' of the. effect on faculty morale.'" emergency service, available, to bes reported that the .actual time for improvements in the handling Business Administration." Dean Wilson of the College of anyone. .The Health Center's involved before aid arrived was of emergency medical situations Harmful and Libelous move to Scioto Hall, planned for less than the fifteen to 'twenty on campus. "I would have called "The material presented was Business Administration stated early spring has been postponed minutes mentioned in the letter Station X and asked for a scout harmful and libelous. It indicated that the evaluation was a "serious until the space is, vacated when and that' "thirty seconds can car,'; said Mr. Derbes, "but if an inadequate knowledge Qf sam- project, i~ which the facqlty ap- --...- CCM moves into its new building. seem like thirty' minutes" in there had been a doctor at the pling and statistics and it included proved, but Delta Sigma Pi was T~Q full-time physicians and such a situation. This was cor- Health Service, that would, have selected 'quotes' to slant the jna- probably pressed for time, and 11 .part-time doctors are employ- roborated with actual times from been better." Dr. Sinclair added terial presented, Seven faculty ed at the Center but after 5 p.m., both Station ,Jiand the Heahh that "the ideal situation would be were evaluated on the basis of the survey did not work out with only a nurse and senior medical Service showing that the student an equipped station wagon with one ortwo questionnaires and the the maximum professional exact- student are on duty. was at' the Center .eighteen' min- a trained mart." material did not-indicate the cour- ness it might have attained." Wil- Eon also stated that the evaluation Dr.' Robert E. Sinclair, Health \ , caused "a little excitement among Service Director, said that "the system is not" completely uni"- the faculty, who were dissatisfied -' form" in emergency situations with the study: because of the in- SC 'AnswersCaU' With PQss~ge accuracy of the study." The fac- and "we have expressed concern ulty should have been .involved about difficulties and delays that we have known about." He said more in the study, and 'Dean Wil- that the Health Service utilizes Of· Anti~discrimination Motion son stated that on a whole, the the ambulance service but that it faculty supports the rights of the by Mike Kelly at the May 26 meeting, the last along with former and current students to conduct and print such is controlled by the campus po- of the academic y-ear; "ice-presidents H a r r y Plotnick lice. "This' University stands on the a survey, if correctly assembled. The other committee is to "in- and Dave Hinshaw, at the Associ" Statistically Unsound Earl Derbes, Campus Police, verge of going down as, one that vestigate .the advantages of Stu- ated Student Governments' con- has 'answered vthe call''', said George T. Gore, Management agreed that there is no definite dent Council's co-ordination of vention in Chicago, May 5-7; professor, also stated that he procedure for emergencies. He Clinton Hewan at Monday's Stu- Course and Teacher Evaluation," dent Council meeting. "Let's put Horwitz was surprised to 'find thought that it-was "extremely un- commented that the best pro- an area in which Horwitz feels DC' that many student' governments fortunate that the students pub- cedure is to call Station X (City our hearts to it, huh ... let's not is "a little behind" other univer- just give it .lip service." represented at the convention hshed a document that was so Police) on serious problems since sities: ~ were still concerned with bastes; Thus the Painter-Hinshaw anti- statistically unsound" as the eval- the campus police will also auto- ASG 'Convention and that many were permitted uation. The evaluation, in Gore's matically respond to a dispatch discrimination resolution passed Both of these suggestions were very little' student-decision ' mak- unanimously at the first regular opinion, was much more "destruc- by Station X and this would elim- a result of Horwitz' attendance, ing. tive than constructive" in that it inate an unnecessary call. meeting of the 1967-68 Council. , 'Besides outlawing discrimination affected the faculty-student rela- Mr. Derbes said that the city tionship, which is so important. in all organizations under the police as well as the campus po- While DC Slcp: andimust be maintained." jurisdiction of Council, the reso- lice can take a student to the Gore stated that he agrees with Health 'Service or the hospital. lution calls' for 'a committee of seven, members to study the racial the idea of a survey of courses, .The, city police are more quali- stating that at the Uriiversity of fied to handle emergencies since problem on a campus-wide basis. l Michigan, there is such an eval- their scout cars are better equip- Hewan IMoved uation printed for every course, ped and the attendant is more Hewan, a Negro, and a sopho- and every student is contacted qualified and knows how to han- more in arts and sciences, is news about it. The results are compiled dle the' equipment. The campus secretary for the recently-organ- and are available for anyone who ized Negro group on campus. "I'm wishes to see, them, but they are aware," Hewan said, "that legis- not published for the general lation doesn't necessarily change public." .". people's minds. But I am, deeply Right To Print moved by this proposal, and on "I wholeheartedly agree with behalf of the organization (of the right of the students to print Negroes), I do appreciate those the survey, but along with right of you who are working toward go -responsibility and respect, 0- 'lIT. this (goal). which must be taken .into consid- (,:> ,President Larry Horwitz' tabled .eration. They should have never motion to delete the '.'committees" included quotesin the survey with- section f the SC by-laws, so that out editoralizing them to remove ~, ')- ,committee chairman need not Be any-possible- personal bias from, c: fo- members of Council,. came off the them. The' quotes were printed ~ Z floor and was also passed. without regard-to the' impact they eo - ••...0 Must ,Approve , might .have," stated.Gore.' , .J Councilman Joe Herring later Joseph Craycraft, faculty advis- '-- \J.. .- (:) introduced a proposal making or to Delta Sigma Pixresponded in ,..... defense of the evaluation. "The .:I;. • presidential appointments to these chairmanships subject to Council basic concept-is fine and there is ~~2';-(',1 _ ~ N' approval. The motion, which was a national trend which is moving U ;:l \,-" Passed unanimously, also made in this same direction. Although, ~ o¢ 1 'have grave reservations to the ..- '" -attendance at \Council meetings 0$0 requisite for the chairmen .. .Iormat and .the sampling taken. 0- u..o~ Also passed were two proposals We must keep in mind' this is oCtO suggested by President Horwitz, only .the beginning and not' the ,.
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