Bibliography from ADS file: goldberg.bib Patten, B. M., Smith, M. A., & Goldberg, L., “Radial Velocity Variations of August 16, 2021 Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse)”, 1987BAAS...19Q1028P ADS Goldberg, L., “Comments on Solar Wind 6 (edited by S. Drake)”, 1987sowi.conf..695G ADS Fabritius, Joseph Michael, I. & Goldberg, D. M., “A New Esti- Cheng, A. Y. S., Hege, E. K., Hubbard, E. N., et al., “Diameter and Limb- mate of Galaxy Mass-to-Light Ratios from Flexion Lensing Statistics”, darkening Measures for Alpha Orionis”, 1986ApJ...309..737C ADS 2021arXiv210805453F ADS Goldberg, L. P. & Dahlburg, R. B., “Secondary Condensational Instability”, Manu, E., Kühn, M., Kempka, T., et al., “Hydrogeochemical modelling of ori- 1986BAAS...18..991G ADS gin, evolution and mechanisms controlling water resources quality in the Pra Goldberg, L.: 1986, Mass loss, Vol. 492, 245–289 1986NASSP.492..245G Basin (Ghana)”, 2021EGUGA..23.7800M ADS ADS Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Goldberg, V.Z., Nauruzbayev, D. K., Golovkov, M. S., Johnson, H. R., Querci, F. R., Jordan, S., et al.: 1986, The M-type stars, Vol. 492 & Volya, A., “Evidence for α -cluster structure in 21Ne in the first measure- 1986NASSP.492.....J ADS ment of resonant 17O+α elastic scattering”, 2019PhRvC.100f2802N ADS Goldberg, L., “Josif Shklovsky: A Personal Reflection”, Anchordoqui, L. A., Antoniadis, I., Goldberg, H., et al., “LHC phe- 1985S&T....70..109G ADS nomenology and cosmology of string-inspired intersecting D-brane models”, Goldberg, L.: 1985b, Optical Spectroscopy of Red Giants (Review), Vol. 117, 21 2012PhRvD..86f6004A ADS 1985ASSL..117...21G ADS Anchordoqui, L. A. & Goldberg, H., “Neutrino Cosmology after WMAP 7-Year 0 Goldberg, L., “Reflections on the solar-stellar connection.”, Data and LHC First Z Bounds”, 2012PhRvL.108h1805A ADS 1985PASP...97..537G ADS Pelloni, A., Newton, J., Puckett, T., et al., “Supernova 2011dw in Pgc 58436 = Goldberg, L.: 1985d, Mass loss from cool stars., 279–288 Psn J16313945+4129229”, 2011CBET.2756....1P ADS ADS Ciabattari, F., Dimai, A., Leonini, S., et al., “Supernova 2011dv in NGC 6078 = Cheng, A., Hege, K., Strittmatter, P., & Goldberg, L., “Interpreting Alpha Orio- Psn J16120400+1412330”, 2011CBET.2755....1C ADS nis Speckle Interferometry”, 1984BAAS...16..939C ADS Koff, R. A., Leonard, D. C., Moustakas, J., et al., “Supernova 2011dn in UGC Goldberg, L., “Reflections on the solar-stellar connection.”, 11501 = Psn J19583553+0236163”, 2011CBET.2746....2K ADS 1984BAAS...16..874G ADS Goldberg, L., “Waiting Points and Bottlenecks in Nova and X-ray Burst Nucle- Goldberg, L., “The variability of alpha Orionis.”, 1984PASP...96..366G osynthesis”, 2010APS..DNP.EA044G ADS ADS Goldberg, S. I., “Experimental Evidence Leading to an Alternative Explana- Goldberg, L., “Activity on Betelgeuse”, 1984Mercu..13...82G ADS tion of Why D-tyrosine Sometimes Crystallizes Faster than Its L-Enantiomer”, Goldberg, L.: 1984d, Introductory Remarks to the Session on Alpha Orionis and 2008OLEB...38..149G ADS Related Topics, Vol. 193, 333 1984LNP...193..333G ADS Johnson, E. D., Rogachev, G. V., Mukhamedzhanov, A. M., et al., “A Goldberg, L., “Founding of Kitt Peak”, 1983S&T....65..228G ADS ˆ Study of the 14C(?,?) 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W., et al., “A Survey of Proper-Motion Goldberg, L., Hege, E. K., Hubbard, E. N., Strittmatter, P. A., & Cocke, Stars. XV. Orbital Solutions for 34 Double-lined Spectroscopic Binaries”, W. J., “Speckle interferometry of alpha Ori: preliminary results.”, 2002AJ....124.1132G ADS 1982SAOSR.392B.131G ADS Anchordoqui, L. A., Goldberg, H., & Shapere, A. D., “Phenomenology of Goldberg, L., “Introductory Remarks at the Summary Session”, Randall-Sundrum black holes”, 2002PhRvD..66b4033A ADS 1982obvf.conf..435G ADS Pesnell, W. D., Goldberg, R. A., Jackman, C. H., Chenette, D. L., & Gaines, Goldberg, L. & Gehrels, T., “Reply to BOK - International Personal Contact as E. E., “Variation of mesospheric ozone during the highly relativistic elec- a Means for Enrichment of Science”, 1982S&T....63..445G ADS tron event in May 1992 as measured by the High Resolution Doppler Imager Goldberg, L., “P CYG profiles in P Cyg.”, 1981A&A...104L...7G ADS instrument on UARS”, 2000JGR...10522943P ADS 1981ssca.proc...14G Pesnell, W. D., Goldberg, R. A., Jackman, C. H., Chenette, D. L., & Gaines, Goldberg, L., “Solar physics”, ADS E. E., “A search of UARS data for ozone depletions caused by the highly rela- Newell, H. E. & Goldberg, L., “Book-Review - Beyond the Atmosphere”, 1981S&T....62..474N tivistic electron precipitation events of May 1992”, 1999JGR...104..165P ADS ADS Goldberg, L.: 1981a, Outflow of Matter in the Chromosphere of Alpha-Orionis, Lahav, O., Brosch, N., Goldberg, E., et al., “Galaxy candidates in the Zone of Vol. 89, 111 1981ASSL...89..111G ADS Avoidance”, 1998MNRAS.299...24L ADS Goldberg, L.: 1981b, Acceleration of mass flow in the chromosphere of Alpha Goldberg, D. M., “Using Astrometry to Deblend Microlensing Events”, Orionis, Vol. 88, 301–304 1981ASSL...88..301G ADS 1998ApJ...498..156G ADS Goldberg, L., Gursky, H., O’dell, C., et al., “Panel Discussion: Space VS. Goldberg, D. M., Wozniak, P., & Paczynski, B., “Deblending Microlensing Ground-Competition or Collaboration”, 1980oits.conf.1151G ADS Events Using Astrometric Shifts”, 1997AAS...191.8307G ADS Goldberg, L., “Complementarity Between Space and Ground-Based Develop- Loan, A. J., Maddox, S. 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V., Jordan, S., et al.: 1989, FGK stars and T Tauri stars, Goldberg, L. & Blanco, V., “Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Ari- Vol. 502 1989NASSP.502.....C ADS zona; Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, La Serena, Chile. Reports.”, Goldberg, L., “Atomic spectroscopy and astrophysics”, 1978BAAS...10..152G ADS 1988PhT....41h..38G ADS Aikin, A. C., Goldberg, R. A., Jones, W., & Kane, J. A., “Observations of the Conti, P. S., Underhill, A. B., Jordan, S., et al.: 1988, O stars and Wolf-Rayet mid-latitude lower ionosphere in winter”, 1977JGR....82.1869A ADS stars, Vol. 497 1988NASSP.497.....C ADS Goldberg, L., “Donald Howard Menzel”, 1977S&T....53..244G ADS 1 Lynds, C. R., Harvey, J. W., & Goldberg, L., “Observations of K I Line Emis- Dupree, A. K. & Goldberg, L., “Stimulated Emission of Recombination Lines in sion in the Circumstellar Shell of Alpha Orionis.”, 1977BAAS....9Q.345L H i Regions”, 1969ApJ...158L..49D ADS ADS Dupree, A. K. & Goldberg, L., “Absorption and Emission of Recombination Goldberg, L., “Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona; Cerro Radiation by H I Regions”, 1969BAAS....1..340D ADS Tololo Inter-American Observatory, La Serena, Chile. Observatory reports.”, Goldberg, L., “Ultraviolet Astronomy”, 1969SciAm.220f..92G ADS 1976BAAS....8..129G ADS Goldberg, L., “28.The Infrared Emission of Planetary Nebulae”, Goldberg, L., Ramsey, L., Testerman, L., & Carbon, D., “High- 1969LIACo..15..283G ADS resolution profiles of sodium and potassium lines in Alpha Orionis.”, Goldberg, L., “Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Re- 1975ApJ...199..427G ADS port 1967-1968.”, 1969BAAS....1...20G ADS Goldberg, L., Ramsey, L., Testerman, L., & Carbon, D., “High Goldberg, L., Noyes, R. W., Parkinson, W. H., Reeves, E. M., & Withbroe, G. L., Resolution Profiles of Sodium and Potassium Lines in α Orionis.”, “Ultraviolet Solar Images from Space”, 1968Sci...162...95G ADS 1975BAAS....7..233G ADS Goldberg, L., “Erratum: Stimulated Emission of Radio-Frequency Lines of Hy- Goldberg, L., “Circumstellar shells around cool stars.”, drogen”, 1968ApJ...151..804G ADS 1975MSRSL...9..387G ADS Goldberg, L.: 1968b, Theoretical intensities of recombination lines. Goldberg, L. S. & Moore, C. A.: 1975, Synchronous Mode-Locked Dye ADS Lasers for Picosecond Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Mixing, Vol.
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