Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 541–546, 2005 Copyright 2005 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles New Lizard of the Genus Leposoma (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae) from the Lower Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil 1,2 3 MIGUEL T. RODRIGUES AND TERESA C. S. AVILA-PIRES 1Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biocieˆncias, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Caixa Postal 11.461, 05422-970 Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil; E-mail: [email protected] 3Museu Paraense Emı´lio Goeldi/CZO, Caixa Postal 399, 66017-970 Bele´m, Para´, Brazil; E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT.—A new species of Leposoma is described from Ilha do Lago do Prato and Ilha do Ac¸aı´, Arquipe´lago das Anavilhanas, in the lower Rio Negro, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Like all members of the parietale group, it differs from all species of the scincoides group by having wider and shorter dorsal scales and ventrals arranged in regular longitudinal rows. It is further characterized by having conic granules on the sides of neck, three enlarged pairs of chin shields, absence of granules between superciliaries and supraoculars, a longer than wide interparietal with lateral margins almost parallel, 42–44 transverse dorsal rows (the highest number in Leposoma), gular scales small in 13–15 rows (less than 11 in other Leposoma), 30– 33 scales around body, 26–27 ventrals, two preanal and four femoral pores on each side in males, one preanal and no femoral pores in females, 13–14 and 19–21 lamellae under finger IV and toe IV, respectively. The new species is sympatric with Leposoma guianense and Leposoma percarinatum and is more similar to the latter. Gymnophthalmid lizards of the genus Lepo- 1997; Rodrigues and Borges, 1997; Rodrigues soma are small (snout–vent length, SVL below et al., 2002b) and the resurrection of another one 50 mm) but form a conspicuous component of (Rodrigues et al., 2002a), its species richness still the leaf litter herpetofauna of tropical forests seems underestimated (e.g., Avila-Pires, 1995, (Hoogmoed, 1979; Dixon and Soini, 1986; Ro- indicates three more possible species). drigues, 1997; Rodrigues et al., 2002a,b). Two In the process of reviewing the holdings of species groups are presently recognized for gymnophthalmid lizards of the genus Leposoma Leposoma: the scincoides and parietale groups at the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sa˜o (Ruibal, 1952; Rodrigues, 1997). The five species Paulo (MZUSP), the senior author recognized as of the scincoides group (Leposoma annectans Ruibal, an undescribed new species a specimen obtained 1952; Leposoma baturitensis Rodrigues and Borges, at the lower Rio Negro, state of Amazonas, 1997; Leposoma nanodactylus Rodrigues, 1997; Brazil. Until then, only two species were known Leposoma scincoides Spix, 1825; and Leposoma puk from that region: the bisexual Leposoma guianense, Rodrigues, et al., 2002) are restricted to Atlantic and the parthenoform L. percarinatum, (see Avila- forests of eastern Brazil and have elongate dorsal Pires, 1995). The referred specimen had been scales and lanceolate ventrals that are arranged in previously identified as L. percarinatum and, al- diagonal rather than in longitudinal rows. In the though having some of the diagnostic features of parietale group, which comprises nine species L. percarinatum, it was a male with distinct fem- (Leposoma guianense Ruibal, 1952; Leposoma hex- oral and preanal pores. Looking at the literature, alepis Ayala and Harris, 1982; Leposoma ioanna it became evident that this specimen was Uzzell and Barry, 1971; Leposoma osvaldoi Avila- identical with a female specimen from the same Pires, 1995; Leposoma parietale (Cope, 1885); area the junior author identified as ‘‘Leposoma Leposoma percarinatum (Mu¨ ller, 1923); Leposoma cf. percarinatum (4)’’ in her review of the lizards rugiceps (Cope, 1869); Leposoma snethlageae Avila- from Brazilian Amazonia (Avila-Pires, 1995). Pires, 1995; and Leposoma southi Ruthven and Given the distinctive features of this female, she Gaige, 1924), occurring throughout Amazonia to suggested that additional specimens could con- Costa Rica, dorsal scales are wider and shorter, firm its distinctness from L. percarinatum. Because and ventral scales are arranged in regular the examination of these two specimens confirms longitudinal rows (Rodrigues and Borges, 1997). their conspecifity and their novelty to science, Although in recent years the taxonomy of they are described herein as a new species. Leposoma has been improved with the description of new species (Avila-Pires, 1995; Rodrigues, MATERIALS AND METHODS Snout–vent length was measured to the near- 2 Corresponding Author. est millimeter with a ruler; scale counts were 542 M. T. RODRIGUES AND T. C. S. AVILA-PIRES Negro: state of Amazonas, Brazil, collected by Glo´ria Moreira on 23 May 1988. Diagnosis.—A Leposoma having a single fronto- nasal, ventral scales keeled and arranged in regular longitudinal rows, wide and short dorsal scales, conical granules on the sides of neck, three pairs of chinshields, no granules between super- ciliaries and supraoculars, and a longer than wide interparietal with lateral margins almost parallel. Leposoma ferreirai is further characterized by having 42–44 dorsals, 30–33 scales around body, 26–27 ventrals, two preanal and four fem- oral pores on each side in males, one preanal and no femoral pores in females, respectively, 13–15 and 19–21 lamellae under finger IV and toe IV, and small gular scales in 13–15 rows. Description of the Holotype.—Rostral broad, wider than high, contacting first supralabial, nasal and frontonasal. Frontonasal pentagonal, entire, as wide as long; in broad contact with rostral, nasal, loreal and prefrontal; indenting the latter and separated from first supraocular by contact between loreal and prefrontal. Prefrontals as long as wide, in broad contact with first supra- ocular, their midline suture with the same ap- proximate size of the width of loreal and deeply indented by frontal. Frontal hexagonal with concave lateral margins, approximately twice as long as broad, wider anteriorly; contacting the first and second supraoculars, suture with the latter largest. Frontoparietals pentagonal, in con- tact at midline; their midline suture larger than suture between prefrontals and with the approx- FIG. 1. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral view of head of imate size of the width of third supraocular. the holotype of Leposoma ferreirai, from Lago do Prato, Interparietal longer than wide with almost Arquipe´lago das Anavilhanas, Rio Negro, state of straight lateral margins, as long as and wider Amazonas, Brazil (MZUSP 57312). Scale bar 5 1 mm. than frontal. Parietals irregularly pentagonal, smaller than interparietal, longer than wide, rounded posteriorly. Posterior margin of inter- taken with the aid of a stereomicroscope. Scale parietal and parietals slightly rounded. Supra- counts and scale nomenclature follow Avila-Pires oculars four, second the largest, followed in order (1995) and Rodrigues (1997). Sex was determined of size by the third, both wider than long; fourth by the presence or absence of femoral pores. the smallest and followed by a slightly smaller Comparative data were taken from preserved scute, which contacts parietal. Five supraciliaries, specimens housed at MZUSP (Museu de Zoo- first largest, as long as and below first supra- logia, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo), MPEG (Mu- ocular, expanded on lateral face of head, in broad seu Paraense Emı´lio Goeldi) and INPA (Instituto contact with loreal. Other supraciliaries elongate, Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazoˆnia) herpeto- smaller than first. Nasal large, longer than wide, logical collections (Appendix 1). semidivided above, contacting first and second supralabials, with the nostril in the center. Loreal Leposoma ferreirai sp. nov. narrow, as high as nasal, diagonally oriented and Figure 1 contacting second supralabial, frenocular, first superciliary and first supraocular, prefrontal and Leposoma cf. percarinatum (4); Avila-Pires, 1995: 410. frontonasal. Frenocular as long as broad and Holotype.—MZUSP 57312, an adult male from followed posteriorly by a series of small sub- Lago do Prato (028479S, 608489W), Arquipe´lago oculars. Six supralabials, fourth and fifth under das Anavilhanas, Rio Negro: state of Amazonas: the eye, sixth the largest, separated from parietal Brazil, on 31 July 1981. by four postocular scutes and from the tympa- Paratype.—INPA 283, an adult female from Ilha num by three very small rounded and elongate do Ac¸ai, Arquipe´lago das Anavilhanas, Rio granules. Eyelid with a divided semitransparent NEW LEPOSOMA FROM BRAZIL 543 disc formed by three enlarged scales and bor- mar and plantar surfaces with small, conical, dered by a series of elongate small palpebrals. juxtaposed granules. Subdigital lamellae mostly Temporal region covered by smooth or slightly double, 14 on finger IV and 21 on toe IV. Fingers tuberculate, irregularly subsquared, juxtaposed and toes clawed, with the following relative scales, larger around tympanum and behind the sizes: 1 , 2 , 5 , 3 , 4. eye between parietals and supralabials; smaller, Dorsal surface of body and tail light brown elongate, and diagonally disposed near supra- with irregular and scattered dark brown re- labials. Ear opening bordered by a series of small, ticulum specially concentrated along margins of juxtaposed, smooth, and rounded granules; tym- keels of dorsal scales. A dorsolateral light stripe panum distinct, subovoid. Sides of neck with 15 one to one-half scale wide runs from the level of regular transverse series of
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