Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 11-20-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 20, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1980 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 20, 1980." (Nov 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 'Egyptian Thur Jay. :\•on•mht•r 20. l!l!lll \ ul !l-1. :\1, .;~ Southern Illinois University Conferees OK coal gasification plant R~ :\lichaf'l :\Jonson :\ S1.•nate version had called fur Sunnn sa1d. "I thrnk 11 w11l t·onstrul·tron JOhs for \.."oliO Group would burld the plant. Staff \\"ritPr the l·onstruction of onlv a smgle ~·;Iss It's fa1rh autornatll' for peoplE' for five \·t'drs whtch would convert iltgh sulfur A joint House-SPnate con· plant and would ha,·~ ll'ft the c.mgress to a·ppron· a com­ lltunately. 11 means -ttiu per· coal to synthetic gas lerPnt•P l'Olh:!littPP voted dec1sion abnut wht•rt• to bu1lt tht• prornlst' h1ll eommg nul of m:ment Jobs m the plant plus Tuesdav to fund thp con· conft>rf'nct• comm1ttet> many 1mhrel'l Jnbs .. Simon speculated that con­ plant to the Dt•partrnent of struction would g .. t under way structwn or a coal ga~ification Energy. although thert· 1s a po;;sibllit\: plant m Pt•rry County. a stf·p the Sl·nalf' mav sav 'Lf't'S hold If funding 1s <•PPrtJ\"e<l. tht• "'about a year from now" rf the The cnrnpr:•rnrse. wh1ch ~s htll passes this 1all He satd that LS. Hep Pat.l Simon contarnerl 111 a lnterwr 11 until .Jamian· \\ht•n the l!astfieatiOn plant '-"Ill t:an• il descnbt>d as ··thP hi~ hurdle"' in Ht•pubhcans are i·n .. total prrce tag of St;4ltJ rmllion. there were shll a "'' of details to Dt•partrn~·nt appropnatron btl!. ~>nwt'r wr1rk out betwet>n the gas gt•tting fundm~ for the plant Construction oi the plant The hill appro\·ed hv the con· sfll must pass the House and t·ornpanies. the l>t-partment of su~ned into law ~enatP and must ~ signt>d hv "ould havt> "'<~ rnajnr l'l·nnornl( ft>rence t·ornrnlttee· l"nntams Simon. D-CarbondaiP. sa1e1 rmpact" on Southern llhno1s. ini11<1l funding of about S-12 Energy and the Department of Presld(·nt Cart•:r to bel·ornt> Interior the conferenl'P comrnittt>e sided law. Ste\·e Hull. S1mon's pre~s a(·cording to Sunon million. llul! said with tht' !louse and approvPd secretary. sa1d he t>xpects a ··This would be the 1:-i!!ge-;t "Wt>\·e been working on this fundmg for the t·onstrudion of volt' ··anv d;n·" and said single federal projt'Ct we've Hull sa1d a consortium nf a long time." he said. "and 1t's coal ga~1hcation plants m Pt>rry President C.'artt•r has ind!catt·d evE-r had m SouthPrn lllinms ... Illinois <~tility cornpamt•s l'alled gr~at to get to the point where C<>ur.t~ <~nd :\oble County. Ohio he will si)!n the bill. Sirn-m said "'It would ml'<lll tht> lllmois l'nal tiasifieatlor. were frnally succeeding.'' EcotlOttlV will force ~ state SJlending ctat, Tltompson says SPRI:'Iil;FIEI.[) I :\PI - sharing funds and tht> pbase-in Gov. Jamt>:> H. Thompson went of already approvt>d tax relief before an unusual joint sessiOn rr.easures. of the General :\ssemblv todav He said the ootlook means to tell them that a "grim" set of e::onornn· factors will force a :!!ty=r~~~~!ui~t:! enacted th1s year . in stale ==l'lf(li,:~~a;~':.':-. ..w .. ha~ ... ---.­ The Republican governor last $400 million in new, un- week imposed a stiffer. 60-day committed revenues. 11tat is state hirtrg freeze on agencies less than half of the $8-18 million under his control and warned in new spending we were able to that spending must be con­ commit for the current budget trolled to head off serious vear." he said. - He said that if spending isn't Staff pho&o by ~lark Sims financial problems for the state Thompson's speech carne as controlled. the alternatives are \likt> Rkf' rleft frontl. junior in busillt'ss. and officials Dan WM'rllt'r tright frontl. junior in lawmakers were meeting to a tax increase, deep cuts in Stt>w c;ibhs. junior in English. cast b311ots in agrieullurf' education. and ('laytm Logan, consider overriding t"le services or spending the state's \I orris l.ihrar~• undf'r the s.:ruliny oi election sPnior in theatf'r. governor's vetoes on bills ap­ cushion of about $400 million proved lirst spring. Among and leaving the state defen­ those are several tax relief seless in a financial emergency. Tr•rnor:t low for senate electior1s measures Thompson vetoed But Democratic State because he said the state Comptroller Roland Bunis An early appraisal of voter He c;peculated that the low Candidates were competing couldn't afford them. claims Thompson has been Thompson said in !he speech turnout at Wednesday's Student turnout was a result of poor for 25 seats on the Student juggling numbers to make it that those vetoes cut t>ut $425 appear the situation is worse Senate elec!ions was grirn. candidate vis1b1hty durmg the Senate. Studen•s. for the first million in excess spendirog over according to an election cC'.m- campa1gn. timP. were voting for than it really is. Burris says the the next 18 lr'C nths. rmss1oner. who e.,timatt>d that ")lost people didn't even representatives from the $Wii million cushion actually is only 1.000 students t'!lm~ to the know the names on the ballot. t:niversity's 10 colleges. Prior In remarks prepared for a budget surplus. polls. They'd just give it back and delivery. Thor11pson urged Although he had no exar.t leave ... Xetols said. t" this vear. senators had been lawmakers not to override anv Thompson's speech echoed his statements in a news con­ figures. Brian Xetols. com- Ballots collectt>d from 15 on­ dected-exclusively according to of those fiscal vetoes. and said missioner for the t:n- campus locations were nousmg districts. Also on the the "grim" financial outlook ference last week. in which he de r g r ad u a t e Student processt>d by computer at the ballots were candidates vying requires state government to announced the hiring freeze. Organization. reported an hour \\'ham Buildmg. :'lietols for s1x east-s1de seats. six west­ "keep spending under contrQI. .. side seats, ont: from Thompson It was the first time since he afterthepollsdoseoat'i:30that estimated results would be He blamed the financial became governor in l!J71 that he "'hoped the turnout would be tallied between 11 p.m. and 2 Point and tw"> from East Thompson has made :. joint Campus. problems on the recession. the 1.000"' after l·ounting. a.m. cut-of( of federal revenue a<!dress during the faD session. Citizen's comnllttee to fight city information policy committee reports that The 28 boards. committees R" Ton\ fiordon Hogan. problems are still there. thP and commissions that serve and Staff \\.ritf'r In that lettt•r. the CAC CAC will take the matter to the advist; city government are The Citizen~ Adv;sorv complamPd of '"a brt>akdown of Citv Council. required to send any requests rornrnittee. still battling a city law and ordf:'r on the southeast concerns for the southeast side for information through the city resurfaced. and the members ''AC m::•• uer Conrad Hin­ policy that requires information side... as dernonstratt>d by ck.ev said that the CAC ::hould <l'ontinued on Page til inl'idents··or p.m; bemg fired by debated making a request for a fet'JUl·sts to be cleared through police department im·estigation h•:;.sen 1ts dependence c n J!:et­ the cttv rn<Hia ~er. voted children. a pa~·k nf v1cious dogs through Fry's olfice. Sorne ting ir:formation frorn the citv Tut>sda\: to nrc\w;n•nt thf' roarrung the netghborhood and staff by doing more of its own (ius .:~ pulley hy collt•l·tm!! own firecrackers being Sf't off rnernbt>rs objectt>d. saying that 11~ ::o do that would be inconsistt>nt resean·h. "The C:\C should mfornwti(ln and gmn~ d1reetly Hogan rl•plit>d that. accordm~ to c1ty pnlicy. unil•s;; the C:\C w1th the eornrmttee 's stand se'- .tself "" a barometer of the 'Bode~.. <~~' to the ('It\" ('ounell communitv and have more ~~~'"';) lor\\ ardt•d Jb rt•qut•;;t through ;~gainst the pohcy. Tht· C:\i· rrwrnher~ agrt't'd to contact with ~hE' citizens.'" 'j· .... Fry. ht' \\ ould bt• unahlt• tn aet C\C mt>rnher John 1-···ster rt>op .. ·n th<· IS:'\Il' tha: !1r~t ~t'l Hincklev said "'If Wf' ha\'e .~w satd. "'If we tlr•this wt• <lrt' !/.Jillg !ht·:L .t~ 11dd:-. \\Jfh rhr• pol!L'~ .tnrJ llll 1t data in hand \H' l·an go direcr!v to t-"•. O\'ertl~ "r l'O\'t'rtly. gomg /~';31 -----,_5~ ~·l.w;u.!t·r ( ·arroll Fn ,\ \n furthl'f iil'llllli w~1~ lakt·n aloi:ti( With !ht• policy .
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