U.S: Congressman John Conyers, Jr. : Contact Page 1 of 1 Home U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Jr. Search Gontact: Office Locations i' J Detroit Li .S. 669 Federal Bldg. ril . 231 W. Lafayette ' '' Detroit ,M148226 Ph: 313-961-5670 Fax:313-226-2085 . Trenton .-."-;" 2615 W. Jefferson Trenton, MI 48183 , Ph: 734-675-4084 { Fax:734-675-4218 t a Washington 2426 Raybum H.O.B. S- { Washington, DC 20515 I Ph:202-225-5126 . Fax 2Q2-225-0072 \ n -l I i..., I I ,Q \./a1,'J) ,) 1":/' . ,t/ u\l\) ll * N &n" 1 o /d\ \J 1 ht@i//conyers.house.gov/index.cfrn?FuseAction:Contact.Officel-ocations 313/20r0 Y .trLIr. ,,lil ii.trict 13 Andrew J. Kandrevas .|--i.__.--._, I 1T: iilistrict 13 I i I I I I i. ,IJ ; o ar . lu/-- /c i I,-- il N/ -: l,i, / l, I t L.., JJJi l t..- :C Ir lvAYNE i+- .e {r i,,' (pa rt) ,f ,- "rayne County (part) 'l.iverview city l..uthgate city I renton city : l,'yandotte city : O 2010 Michigan House Democrats P.O. Box 30014. Lansing, MI 48909-7514 t, iri ')l,l/O t :.fror."a"-s.com/district-map/ 312/20 k,. ii ltate Representative Deb Kennedy I Michigan House Democrats Page 1 of2 State Representative Deb Kennedy ello, I'm State Representative Deb Kennedy from the 23rd District, which resents the townships ofGrosse Ile, Brownstown, Huron, Sumpter and the ies of Woodhaven, Flat Rock, Rockwood and Gibraltar. Welcome to my eb site. I'm glad you visited and I hope you find the information here useful. you ever have questions or concems please feel free to contact my office, and e you're on the Web site be sure and sign up for my e-newsletter to leam s happening and where we can meet. Thank you again, and have a great N., I oo:oo I oo.Bz ,:r,, .l-,[ll. ,fi,,hte Representative Deb Kennedy t: ,: llrd House District r, I.i o Slavcns, LcBlanc, Keunedy: Regional Asian Carp N4ccting Corres to Michigan Lawmakers encourage Walme County residents to call for immediate action Feb 16, 2010 ., LANSING - State Representatives Dian Slavens (D-Canton), Richard LeBlanc (D-Westland) and Deb Kennedy (D- i Brownstown) are encouraging Wayne County residents to voice their concems about the threat ofAsian carp by participating in a regional meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 17. ... lll o re o Wayne County Legislators To lllinois: Keep Youl Cllpl You can tell 'em too, by shipping a vifiual boatload of Asian carp to Illinois Feb 08, 2010 " . -tANSntG State Representatives Dian Slavcns (D-Canton), Deb Kcnnedy (D-Brownstown), Douglas Geiss (D- Taylor) and Bob Constan (D-Dearbom Heights) today launched an online campaign at www.noasiancarp.com demanding that Chicago bureaucrats and the Govenior oflllinois close two shipping locks to keep Asian carp out of 1.,'!r the Great Lakes. ... n'lore ... o HoLrse P:rsscs Kcnncdy's Plan to Protcct Residcnts front L)atrgcrous Toxin --r Deca-BDE, flame retardant linked to children's leaming disabilities. cancer |an27,2010 ' LANSING - The Michigan House of Representatives today approved a bipartisan plan sponsored by State Representative Dcb Kennedy (D-Brownstown) to protect Michigan families by banning the manufacture, sale and distribution ofproducts in Michigan that contain a toxic fire retardant found in everyday products in our homes, offices, vehicles and schools. ... r11()rc o Wayne Co. Reps: Relomrs Will Put MI in Running liot 'lLace to thc Top' i . I j ftrn to position state for $400 million in education dollars set to become law I Dec i 1e.2009 I (D-Canton). l)our:lrrs Cciss (D-Taylor) and Dcb Kennedy (D- i I-eNSmC State Representatives Dirrr Slrr en. i voted lor a plarr lhat will give Michigarr an edge in qualilying for up to $400 million in federal ; Brownstown) today I jobs. i funding that Michigan's schools need in order to prepare students for 2lst century '.. I i .o," l, Kenne<ly: House Passes Plan to Hold Aulo Itrsurauce lnrlLrstry Accounlablc i o I I , First wave olplan will strengthen lransparency. cottsumer protections i I Dec I - 17.2009 I ' i , LANSING - State Representative Dcb KeI]netl; (D-Brownstown) on Wednesday voted for the first wave of reForms | . i that will require auto insurance conrpanies to be nrore accotrntable and lransparent to Michigan consumers. ... I riI ;;;," l 31212010 ,,. tir://023.housedems.com./ l :.re Representative Andrew J. Kandrevas I Michigan House Democrats Page 1 of 1 ':. fate Representative Andrew J. Kandrevas I ,i{,)i:lcome to my Web site! 'lh State Represeniative Andrew J. Kandrevas, and I serve Michigan's 13th House District. ,ope you find my Web site useful and informative. You can use it to keep up-to-date on the work I'm doing in Lansing to " r''lke our community a better place to live, work and raise a fan.rily. You can also use it to sign up to receive my e-newsletter. ' ,ncourage you to please contact me if I can ever be of service. I am here to serve you and be your voice in our State Capitol. iacerely, : :. ., ,"i" !-..,..'.-'.- - ,- . .,,... :r, ... f:r-r",. ,l ': i,rte Representative Andrew J. Kandrevas i(i$ House District i;6,-"" o Lcgislators Urge Resldents to Stay Safe and Warm This Wintcr : Wayne Co. lawmakers' Web sites tips on getting help with heating bills, cutting costs - Nov 19, 2009 l-': LANSING - State Representatives Douglas Gciss (D-Taylor), Andrcrv J. Kandrevas (D-Southgate) and Deb Kennedy (D-Brownstown) ; .: are urging residents to be prepared this winter to keep themselves and their families safe and warm and to seek help if they fall behind on utility bills during these tough economic times. ... rIorc o Vcto, Lansing Political Garres Putling Schools. Kids at Risk Westem Walme lawmakers say Bishop, Granholm playing budget games - Oct 20,2009 LANSING - State Representatives Douglas Gciss (D-Taylor) and Andrew J. Kandrevas (D-Southgate) today criticized the latest political maneuverings between Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) and the Govemor that has led to another proposed cut to education and con.rmunity schools. ... lIoIe ,, j,i o More ne\lrls . More pltotos O 2010 Michigan House Democrats P.O. Box 30014. Lansing, M 48909-7514 ;$://0 1 3.housedems.com/ 2OOO MICHIGAN STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT 23 Map Legend f--l nor"" City County [--l Townstrip n-, t-tigtrway ! -l F '.t 4 9 9 o F (:rnl.,r ,!) o 6 STRICT 18 ;rs-r-iici;i.-- DrsrRrcr 22 EI r:":"-; "EI ol N Southgate I Grosse lle lwp i ,i ii.l ,t I -.{i Michigan State House of Representatives Wayne County (part) Brownstom township Flat Rock city il Gibraltar city Grosse Ile township Huron township Rockwood city l ,t Sumpter township r{ Woodhaven city I I .! i i Published pursuant to Public Act I l6 of 2001 Produced by the Michigan Information Center Michigan Departrnent of Information and Technology November l, 2001 'i ,1 ' l:;ome to the Michigan Senate Page 1 of 1 ,.'T4/efcome ta the f;4,icfrigdn Senate Committee lnformaiion Errlplayllc!! Senate Staff Lookup Kldlfagc Leoislative Litks Rules and Appointments About the Senate Senators Watch Senate TV Live Capitol Virtual Tour Vlailfor all Senators can be . Jdressed as follows: ticnator Name 'D Box 30036 l,.ansing, Ml .!8909-7536 ','rl,"r"1rt o1,nu Senate '"7)373-2400 H I Your Senator ..ion Schedu e ":,), rnate Frscal , Agency [,4 ich iga n ecrislature 'lepublicarl 5. Caucus i-)emocratlc ',i Caucus \ i t:,r{]owntown rnsing lVap 15 i ing Directions The builders of Michigan's Capitol expressed their feelings for the state through the monumental grand building that as one of the most beautiful buildings in the g'ledia FoInrs architecture of a ""r,,.r"irl:;:,ati H , !.,nlnrythelcsiErot ' "le .fthis\tbsitc equ0lltee Lnfoll!?llll I Emolovment I Senate Staff Loa[up I Kid's Page I Legis]alilc LrIkq I Pqnal Bqleg and Appoiniments I About the Senale I Senators I Walch Senate TV Live I Caoitol Virtlral TquI I: "'://www.senate.michigan. gov/ 312120tfi r'Ii+higan State Senate - Find Your Senator Page 1 of I Find Your Senator by Address '.. Find Your Senator Results Verified Address Results Address: 29450 Munro Street City, State ZIP: Gibraltar M148173 Senator lnformation ! .:i.' State Senate District: 07 : Senator: Patterson, Bruce Address: 505 Farnum Building .tl!rr Office Phone: (517)373-7350 Otfice Fax: (517)373-9228 E-mail: SelBPalte rs on @ se n ate- mlchlga n.gev ll Website: http://www.senate.michigan.gov/patterson/ Enter AnotherAddress ri , l, Iliii,,. iLrl i.,:..' : httpy'/www.senate.michigan.gov/FindYourSenator/michiganfys.asp?lookup:Y 3t2t20t0 Wayne County Commission Page 1 of I I Search I sisn in to mywaynecounty Home My County Execulive Corner Mv Government v eServices Portners Medio Room Employee Resources i., HOME *..r,rc ..HEDULES oaro*rra*-" I,,,=.,*;ffi;E [ "*,""'o* "or*,ss,o* I ,t'i Clck here for a downloadable map ofthe current Commissioner Boundaries. Cllck here for presen.iotions from the About the Wayne County Commission The Wayne Cou niy Commission a nd ils employees are the legislative branch of couniy govemment The chief role of the com mission is io adopl a budget and to enaql ordinances. The commission also approves contracls, appoinlments and rules. The money is spent and ordinances are enforced through lhe adminisAative bra;ch This year's 92.06 billlon budget runs ihe county operaiions that services the more than 2 million people living in Wayne Counly.
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