BIENN IAL ELECTION TO TSLC.2O21 MOST URGENT By POST/Mail OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, TELANGANA sth Floor, North Block, Buddah Bhavan, Secunderabad, Hyderabad-O3. Memo. No. 1 82 lElecs.Dl 4212021 -B DaEd: 11.02.202'l Sub:- Elections - Biennial Elections to Telangana State Legislative Council from Warangal - Khammam - Nalgonda and Mahabubnagar - Rangareddy - Hyderabad Graduates' Constituencies - Schedule of Election- Communicated - Reg. Ref:- ECI Press Note, No. ECI/PN/1012021, daled 11.02.2021 A copy of the reference cited is enclosed herewith, wherein the ECI has communicated the following programme for conduct of Biennial -Elections to the Telangana State Legislative Council from Warangal - Khammam - Nalgonda and Mahabubnagar - Rangareddy - Hyderabad Graduates' Constituencies to fill up the vacancies arising due to retirement of the sitting members as detailed below:- st. Name of the Date of Name of Member No Constituency Retirement 1 Mahabubnagar Rangareddy - Ramachandra Rao N - Hyderabad Graduates' r 29.03.2021 2 Warangal Khammam - - Dr. Palla Rajeshwar Reddy Nalgonda Graduates' L 2. The Commission has decided to hold Biennial-Election to the Telangana Legislative Council to fill the above mentioned vacancies in accordance with the following schedule: EVENTS DATES & DAYS 1 lssue of Notification 16tn February, 2021 (Tuesday) 2 Last date of making Nominations 23'o February, 2021 (Tuesday) J Scrutiny of Nominations 24'n February, 2021 (Wednesday) 4 Last date for withdrawal of candidatures 26th February, 2021 (Friday) 5 Date of Poll 14th March, 2021 (Sunday) Hours of Poll 08:00 am to 04:00 pm 7 Counting of Votes 17th March, 2021 (Wednesday) o Date before which election shall be 22nd March, 202't (Monday) completed P,T.O ..2'.- 3. The Commission has furthei drrecied thal the Model Code of Conduct concerning these elections will come in to force with immediate effect in the concerned Constituencies. 4. The Dist. Election Officers mentiorred in the address entry are requested to make all necessary arrangements in connection with the conduct of the Biennial- Election duly following the Broad Guidelines on COVID-'19 during the entire election processes issued in the Commissions website link: https://eci.sov. i nlf iles/f ilel 1 2 1 67 - b ro ad- q u i de I i n es-f o r-c o n d u ct- of-qeneral- electionbve-el ecti o n-d u ri n q-cov id- 1 9/. 5. The concerned Returning Officers of the said constituencies are also requested to issue Notice of Election on the same day ie @.?9,21- as prescribed under section 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 read with rule 3 of the Conduct of Elections Rules t961 in Form-l appended to the said rules. Nominations shall be accepted trom '16.02.2O2'l onwards between 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. and arrange to send a report regarding publication of FormJ Notice by 13.00 hours on 16.02.2021 (Tuesday) along with a cooy of Forrn-l Notice both in English and Telugu issued by the R.O. to this office through e-tnail Dr. SHASHANK GOEL, CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER & E.O. PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. To, The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Telangana Hyderabad (w.e.) The Collectors & District Election Officers of Nalgonda', Warangal Urban, Warangal Rural, Mahabubabad, Jayashankar Bhupalapally, Jangaon, Mulugu, Siddipet, Khammam, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Suryapet, Yadadri Bhuvangiri Districts (w.e.) The Commissioner GHMC & DEO, Hyderabad, The Collectors & District Election Officers of Mahabubnagar, Nagar Kurnool, Wanaparthy, Jogulamba-Gadwal, Narayanpet, Ranagareddy, Vikarabad and Medchal-Malakajgiri Districts. (w.e.) Copy to: The Addl. Commissioner (Revenue, Legal &'Trade License), GHMC & Returning officer, Mahabubnagar -Ranagareddy-Hyderabad, Graduates Constituency. (w.e.) (Through the DEO, Concerned) The District.Collector, Nalgonda & Retuining officer, Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda, Graduates Constituency. (w.e.) (Througrh the DEO, Concerned) The Director General of Police, Hyderabad. (w.e.) The lnspector General of Police (Law & Order), Telangana, Hyderabad. The Superintendents of Police through the Dist. Collectors concerned (w.e.) All Officers in G.A. (Elecs) Dept. (w.e.) All Sections in G.A.(Elecs.) Dept (w.e.) Copy to SLA - to place the Press Note and Memo on CEO, Web site. // FORWARDED BY ORDER /, tr rL,c----f--,- SECTIOMOFFICER k{rr<r ?TRTMT{qr*{r ,{lRv fiAN S D,1N ftection Commission of lndia r.ri-+ i.r:. :d e*r rooo1" AsH OKA ROAD. H €W OEL}$ 1 T OOO 1 Na.EctlPNlfil2021 Dated: 1lrh Febru ary,2021 sublectr Blennial electior to tbe Logislative counclls of Andhra pradesh and relangana from Graduates' and Teachers' Constituencies"reg. The term of office of 0Z members ol the Andhra Pradesh Legislativ€ Council from 'l'eachers' Con.stttuencies and 02 members of thc Tclangana Legistative Council from Graduates' Constitu€ncies ts expirirg on 29rh Mirrch, 2021 due to the retirement of the sitlilg members as detailed below: - Andhra Pr;rdcsh Sl. No. Name of Constituenry l{itme of the ;!,1€mber Date of t, liast-West Godavari T'eachers' Ramu Surya Rao (RS.R. Master) ?q.03.20?1 ll Xrisltna'Cuntur'l'eachcrs' A. S. ll,lmakrishna Telangana t. Mahabuhnagar-Ranga Reddy- Ramachandra Rao N l{ydcrabad Craduates' 29.03.202t lt. Warangal -Khammam-Nalgonda T Dr. Palla Raiesh war Reddy Craduates' 2. The Commission has now decided that above mentioned biennial election to the Andhra Pradesh State Legislative Councjl from Teachers' Constituencies and Telangana State Legislarive council from Graduates' constituencjes, be held in accordance with the foltowing proganmei - lssue of Notifictti{:ln '16,t Febntary, 2021 (Tuesday) Last date of making nominatiofls 2 3'd Fcbruary,2021 {Tuesday} Scruti ny of nom inations ?4tt' February, 202 1 fWednesday) Last date for withdrawal ofcandidature ZSfh February, 2021. (Friday) Datc ofPoll l4ih March, 2O21 (Sunday) Hours of }oll 08:00 am to 04:00 pm Counting ofvotes l?tr, 14"..n, 2021 (Wednesdayl Date before which election shali he completed ?2"d March. 2021 (Monday) 3. The Model Co{e of Conduc! concerning these elections will come into force r+ith immediate effect in the concerned Constituencies, Please see the details on Comt lission's website under the 7 4. Broad Guidelines to be followed during entire electio* processes for all pertons: - L Every pexon shall wear face mask during every election related activiB tt. At the entry of halll rooml premises used for election purposes: [a) Thermal Scanning of all per:ons shal[ be carried out: (b) Sanitizer shall be made available at all locadons Ill. Soiial distancing shall be maineined as per tlre extant COVID'19 guidelines of the State covl and Ministty of Home Affai rs' lV. As far as practicable, large halls shall be identified and utilized to ensure social dislancing norms. V. Adequate number of vehicles shali be mobilized fur movement of polliug personnel, seflirity personnel to ensure compliance ofCOVlD-19 guidelines. S. For broad guidelines to be followed srictly in conduct of election during COYID-19, please refer to the guidetrnes available on Commission's websiLe under link:- durin*-fovid: llil. AWASTHT) UNDNR SICRETARY 2.
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