From RHETORIC to REALITY Our Manifesto for an Anti-Racist Wales Our Vision is a Wales without racism, prejudice or discrimination. We want a Wales that is representative and celebrates diversity. We want these aspirations to move beyond rhetoric to reality. Introduction About this e are living in unprecedented times, Wwhen the cleavages in society Manifesto have been exposed like never before. The Coronavirus pandemic has shocked the This document has world in its intensity, but while the virus is said not to discriminate, we have seen BAME been developed by our people die and become seriously ill from Membership through a series the disease at frighteningly higher rates of meetings and discussions compared to white people. The ensuing organised and hosted by lockdown has already and will continue to hit BAME people far worse in terms of Race Alliance Wales utilising its economic impact. The educational gap our combined existing between children from different home evidence bases as starting backgrounds is growing and we don’t know points for our discussions. if it will ever close. Added to this, the murder of George Floyd in America has created a We drew, in particular, on Ethnic Minority ripple effect of anger, outrage and and Youth Support Team (EYST)’s policy worldwide solidarity and global recommendations emerging from their All protests, also felt here in Wales. Wales BAME Engagement Programme. In this context, we need to The purpose of this manifesto is to be bold and we need to be persuade current and future decision- radical. We cannot go back to makers to include within their own stated business as usual, because priorities and work programmes the key business as usual was policy recommendations and actions never in some people’s best contained herein, which we believe provide a interests. This is a manifesto for pathway to achieving the key vision of Race change and for racial equality and Alliance Wales of a Wales without racism, we urge the political parties in Wales prejudice or discrimination, and a Wales that to embrace and adopt it as a tool for is representative and celebrates diversity, success in the electoral battlefield to and a Wales where these aspirations move make Wales a better place. beyond rhetoric to become reality. We call on all political parties and candidates to put race equality and anti-racism at the heart of the 2021 Senedd election 2 About Race Alliance Wales Race Alliance Wales is a new initiative, established in December 2018, which aims to provide a self- directed space where BAME* (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) organisations and individuals can come together to discuss experiences as ethnic minorities in Wales, share information and develop new ideas and solutions to the growing challenge of racism in Wales. Through collaborative work, the The group commits to always group seeks to contribute to a act in the best interest of ethnic more equal, globally responsible minority people and communities Wales with cohesive communities in Wales, to ensure that our to make Wales a welcoming place resources are used to best effect of safety where rights are enjoyed and to speak with a coherent and BAME people can thrive. and strong voice on policies and practices affecting minority ethnic The group also aims to act as people in Wales. The current a supportive space for BAME membership consists of 41 individuals who may face a range organisations and 99 individuals of personal and professional and this is growing. challenges. The current membership consists of 41 organisations and 99 individuals and this is growing. *‘BAME’ is the most commonly used term currently used to describe people who are not ‘white’ and are not ‘indigenous’ to the UK. We recognise that this is a contested term and that others prefer to use ‘BME’, ‘Bla ck’, ‘Ethnic Minority/ Minority Ethnic’ or ‘People of Colour/ POC’. We willFrom discuss Rhetoric and review to Reality the preferred terms to be used within the group on an ongoing basis, and also note that members of the group may notOur all Manifestoagree on their for preferred an Anti-Racist terminology. Wales 3 BAME Routes to Public Life Mentoring Scheme Guide for Mentees and Mentors Overarching Recommendations Recognise Systemic Racism There should be greater recognition from Welsh 1. Government that racial, ethnic and religious intolerance is systemic and institutional, has increased post-Brexit, and that it threatens the possibility of future generations living in a diverse, safe and cohesive Wales. This has been starkly exposed by both the Covid19 Pandemic and the outpouring through the recent resurgence of the Black Lives Matters movement. Measure Racial Inequality Improve the gathering, monitoring and use of ethnic 2. data in policy and practice; improve the range and scope of the disaggregated ethnicity data available – including intersectional data; Create a Race Disparity Unit in Welsh Government. Plan for Race Equality Welsh Government should ensure rapid progression of its commitment to develop a strategic race 3. equality plan, addressing key areas outlined in this document in a systematic, joined up and long-term way, and including clear targets and measurable outcomes addressing Racism, Education, Employment, Representation, Health & Housing. From Rhetoric to Reality 4 Our Manifesto for an Anti-Racist Wales Racism (Individual and Institutional) This includes overt racism such as racist incidents and hate crime, but it also includes covert and institutional forms of racism, in which ethnic minority people can be affected both in terms of equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Individual Racism, Racist 4. Deliver restorative justice to Incidents & Hate Crimes victims and perpetrators of hate crime by introducing use of anti- 1. To improve Wales’ legal racism education programmes response to hate crime by as part of community adopting definitions of each sentencing. form of hate, including adopting the definition of Islamophobia Institutional Racism produced by the APPG for British Muslims. 5. Recognise the pervasiveness of structural institutional racism in 2. Improve access to justice Wales, and of power structures and safety for minority which seek to reproduce ethnic individuals and review themselves, as being contrary disproportionate criminal justice to the public-sector duties of outcomes, and effectiveness of equality of opportunity, equality justice process, including that of of access and equality of Police, in dealing with racism. outcome. 3. Establish a multi-stakeholder 6. Follow the example of the response group to deal with new Census 2021 ethnicity allegations of individual or categorisations- including new institutional racism. categories of Black Welsh and Welsh Asian in all Welsh public bodies’ data capture. From Rhetoric to Reality 5 Our Manifesto for an Anti-Racist Wales BAME Routes to Public Life Mentoring Scheme Guide for Mentees and Mentors Racism in Education Racism in Schools 9. In developing the New Curriculum for Wales, ensure Curriculum that positive representation of ethnic and racial diversity is 7. Involve beyond public embedded across the curriculum consultation BAME pupils and that ethnic minority and parents in the current re- contributions to Welsh society design of the curriculum; this are effectively represented, and engagement should be across that this is regulated by ESTYN. diverse ethnic groups and geographies and should not be 10. Ensure a more balanced and tokenistic or exploitative. accurate portrayal of global history, slavery, imperialism 8. Challenge and prevent racist and British colonial history and attitudes by embedding in the its impact and consequences, New Curriculum for Wales as recommended by the specific requirements for regular United Nations Committee anti-racist education throughout on the Elimination of Racial key stages, and monitor this Discrimination (UNCERD). via ESTYN, within which BAME representation and lead is 11. Widen the current focus on ensured. Follow the advice for genocidal education, currently learning skills such as maths covering the Holocaust, to and reading, “little and often.” include other genocides including Bosnian genocide as a recent European example. 12. Adopt the ‘Black History is Welsh History’ motto. From Rhetoric to Reality 6 Our Manifesto for an Anti-Racist Wales Staff 17. Support and share best practice in how schools 13. Address the lack of BAME respond to racist incidents and teachers, particularly at resource their dissemination senior level by promoting the and replication. recruitment, retention and progression of BAME educators 18. Create a stakeholder group as well as BAME policy makers or body to deal with racist within the Education Sector. incidents in schools. 14. Work with the Education Funding Workforce Council and other providers of teacher training 19. Scrutinize the impact of any and CPD to ensure that at all proposed further changes stages of their careers, teachers to current funding which are regularly trained in a) support BAME and Gypsy cultural competence, the skills Roma and Traveller (GRT) to reflect on their own identity pupils. Programmes which are and privilege and how that may successful and are working affect pupils; b) to recognise well both at engaging BAME and respond effectively to and GRT pupils and raising racism and c) to develop educational attainment should authentic diversity in curricula; be funded to continue. 20. Ensure rigorous monitoring Monitoring and Incidences of the benefits of the support 15. Investigate discrepancies for ethnic minority, GRT and in pupil exclusion rates via English as an Additional ethnicity and investigate Language (EAL) pupils and discrepancies in outcomes of monitor how transfer of setting/banding via ethnicity; previous targeted funding to general education funds 16. Make mandatory and improve affects pupil engagement and systems for monitoring and performance. reporting of racist incidents and bullying in schools, as recommended by Children’s Commissioner and EHRC Wales. From Rhetoric to Reality 7 Our Manifesto for an Anti-Racist Wales BAME Routes to Public Life Mentoring Scheme Guide for Mentees and Mentors Higher Education Public Education 21.
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