t\ & A. M. - White Paaa Lodge STEAMERS FOR p. & A.M. No. 113 If, 4th Ml meets 2d and Ill each SI)* frL ET'gs. ol ESTABLISHED 1898 Readers are Tacoma IlilH NEWSPAPER IN HUSH Scores of Alaskan t>rou»er« *r« _ Seattle, month. Visiting JLOEST Victoria, Varxouvcr, Anacorte$, B«llingh»ra secretary. Jjcutiiiiij; tlie l>uty ot the come. PW1 Abrahams, OFFICIAL CITY PAPER L. S. KKLLElt, Publisher liverctt, Oly.npia, Port Townsend, South W. C. Wright, W. U. Kidneys. Bcllmuham, IZui'ia, Santa Barbara, Mexico Admitted as second class mall matter July S, 1S9S, at the Skagway P.O Fraternal Older for of advertisements must be lu lii m. to San Los San Copy clianjjo by u'cluck tho blood is the kidney's Francisco, Angeles, Diego Kaglee— To filter H. BRANDT, 1 A. P. D C. D. DUNANN. P. T. M. Insure insertion same day. Advertising rates ou application. Skagway Aerie! duty. I13 James St., Seattle 112 Market St., Son FrinciVc* When fail to do thla the R*'4»i reserved to change Schedule No. 25, Prater- The Daily Alaskan charged for all publications not solicited, which they are weak. nal Order ot includes all notices, other than churches or charitable societies kidneys BE other kidney Ills NEXT SAILINGS WILL Eagles meet* the first and third l'uckache aud month at raav follow. Wednesday night of each Subscription 1 latea: Three months by mail .. ..2.25 do tlieir work. on avenue, visiting Help tho kidneys Seattle S. S. their hall Fifth One month by mail 75 Six mouths by mail 4.50 S. S. City Of Spokane brothers lnylted to attend. bso Doan's Kidnoy Pills—the cordially One mou by carrier ... ... i.00 One year by mail y.00 Elmer Wheeler, W. P., J. 1L Keller, teste! kidney remedy. 30 Subscriptions and Advertisements Received by tho follow June 24 June 7, 18, Secretary. Proof of their worth In 11, E. L. I'illuuui .. .. Bennett News Co. Whiteliorse.Y.T. Atlin, L5. c. ing: ... ... Carer Y. T. E. \V. Gideon oss, J. w. Thirteenth B. P. O. ELKS Foellluger, 919 St.. Vancouver, Wash., says: "I Skagway Lodg was troubled for a long time by No. 431, B. P. 0. OO V A. PETERSON, complaint and rheumatic Phone Agent E. meet* erer kidney EDITORIAL PAGE I used two boxes of Doan's Chursday night a palus. Pills after I had tried othor S:30 o'clock. Elk Kldiifcy remedies without success. Tho pains club and readin Secretary and President THE FAMILIES ASHORE Bryau wer«» reiioved and the action of my room open dally from 1 p. in. to V ilson bi'eiii to tliiuk thai the men kidneys was regulated. Doan's Kid- STEAMSHIP CO. 13 cor- ALASKA midnight. Visiting brohters who do this savage work can be of th© are a first class kidney welcome. Jax Eloquent ever-present noy Pills dially Kennedy, trusted to briug Mexico up out of hazard of tho sea is the sad 1914 Ex. R. Geo. Ma medicine." Dates from Summer gee Secretary. civil war, bloodshed and barbar- Sailing Slcagway, experience of the Mrs. Wilde men "When Your Dack is Lame—He- ism and establish a government fit For Seattle tioued in the early stories of the moinber tho Name." Don't simply for the full recognition and confi- Sailing; at ! i p. m 3i days to Seattle Arctic Brotherhood.— Empress of Ireland disaster as ask for a kidney remedy—ask dis- dence of the nations of the earth. S.S MARIPOSA, - JUNE 23 JULY 11,29 AUG. 17 been among those who Doan's Pills— No. 1 having t'nctly for Kidney - Camp Skagway They apparently expect to see true S.S.ALAMEDA. JUNE 10, 29 JULY 17 AUG. 4, 23 sought information at the London t' -i same that Mr. Foe^linger had. A. B. metti every Tubs civilization flower on such bloody S. S. NORTHWESTERN, JUNE 13, JULY 6, 24 AUG. 11, 30 offices of the Canadian Pacific ."On all stores. Foster-JIilburn Co., day evening at 8:00 p stems oi massacre and cruelty. also line. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. 26 m. gnarp. flsltinp brothers cordial- It is a strange theory, never yet S. S. JEFFERSON, JUNE 14, 26 JULY 8, 20 AUG. I, 14. Her father, it was related, was For salo by all doalers. Price 50 ly welcome. D. J. Rich, Arctic Chief fully explained. It must have at S. S. DOLPHIN, JUNE 8, 20 JULY 2. 14, 21 AUG. 8, 20 drowned at sea while captain of cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, W. r. Hilier/, Arctic Recorder. It s st an appearance of reason and Stops will be made by SS. , rsm and Dolphin at Metlakahtla the Britannic seveuteeu years ago. .N'ew York, sole agents for the Un- simile justification not revealed by Taku Glacier, Sitlcn. on and after June 26 two When the Titanic went down ited States. to Vancouver and without additional the heads of the Wilsou admin- Transfer Victoria, charge. 30th Infantry Lodge, No. 1390. years ago her first and sixth Remember the name—Doan's— istration. look for Points husband Possibly they For Cordova and Westward LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. officers were Mrs. Wilde's and take no other. ;; remarkable display of unselfish 28 and broiher, respectively, and both S. S. MARIPOSA, June 16, July 4. 22, Aug. 10, Fort Win. H. Sewanl, Haines, A Last patriotism on the part of the in- S. 10, 28, 16 were among the lost. Her only re- S. ALAMEDA. June 22, July Aug. surgeut leaders in Mexico and be- i 1. I 4. 23 Regular Thursday brother, Cedric Evans, S. S. NORTHWES1ERN, June 29, July 7, Aug. Meetings every maining of unarmed lieve that slayers All dates tc c -nge without notice sight at 7:30 p. m. All yisiting bro was third officer of the Empress oi subject prisoners of war will step aside there welcomed. Ireland and not reported among TELEPHONE XO. CC. L J. SFAW, Agent, SKAGWAY. cordially when the hour or triumph comes one information the survivors. Any desiring and hand over the government to about the will a favor A woman bereft of father, hus- HOUSE l'LAMS AND BUDDING Lodge confer men of more humane methods and band and two brothel's by three PLANTS by addressing higher ideals who are not blood- successive mischances at sea should THE SECRETARY. stained or disgraced by the savag- know the vicissitudes of ocean ery ot' a war extremely brutal on Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, etc. travel as few can know them. But both Leader. etc. THE sides.—Cleveland Pansy and Aster Stock, etc., Canadian Pacific EASTERN* OYSTERS OX her case is far from unique. As Ry. More than 20 varieties of hardy, HALF shell it suggests, the navigator's calling Lines) PAWNSHOP RUNNERS. constant blooming plants for flower (Steamsfrp runs iu families. Seafaring is al- beds and window boxes, well hard- of whole Fresh Eastern Oysters on th so the principal business Feminine Profession That A Curious ened off by outdoor exposure. halt shell are now to be had at th communities. It will be recalled Exists In London. P. M. Only Plants delivered abom town or From hursdays two towns provided a Skagway ..... ; »-ain Restaurant. that English A police court case has called atten- shipped by express, or mail or great part of the Titanic s crew. tion to the existence in London of a freight. SOPHIA Along our own Atlantic coast and vocation which is not known to exist S3. PRINCESS FIVE GOOD ONE* TO DRAW TO. oNe in the world. It Is that Phone 131 3UNNYSIDE KURSERY. Canada's are fishing towns whose Anywhere Pebbleford and Gibson Bad of wniT, a over en- P. O. Box 19S Skagway, Alaska. SS. MAY or Rya cemeteiies contain tho graves of p: profession given PRINCESS Ribbon and Pale Rain tire y to women who. In the poorer dis- H. D. CLARK, Prop. welaer, Blue women and children almost ex- for a ALICE ler Bee' at the Board ot Trade. tricts of London, undertake New SS. PRINCESS clusively, for the reasou that the small eonipe -all..a to carry the goods come to their deaths Take one of Kellers' "Phantom PROFESSIONAL CARDS. men usually of ; l.eir necessitous but sensitive neigh- JUNE4. 11. 18, -2:>. JULY 2, 0, in, 23. 30. AUG fi, 13. 20, 27 at sea. Minnows" with ycu when you go Dentist*. Occasional ocean travelers aud v .>rk of pawning is done for women ftaohig again. You won't get skunk- SEPT. 3. 10. 17, 24. OCT. 1, 8, 15. 22, 29. NOV. 5. their friends, who incline to worry v !io arc ashamed to be seeu entering a ed, for you can bring It home in to <;h axck) DR. L. S. KELLER. some of it Is done for about what might happen, may do ; ivnshop. but tne creel, and it can't be 'liFtlnguIsh other women who are too busy to at- Dentist. well to coutrast their temporary ea from tUo real thing. Seattle. tend to the formality. Vancouver, Victoria. Bellingham, Etc. and usually needless fears with the Mt*>l Modern Methods. In . ertaln districts these pawners anxiety of thousands of such wonu n are known as "runners," and they live AND TICKETS Wilde. To the famili*'-; RAIL, SLEEPER OCEAN Ope u Evenings. as Mrs. on t i work. <!,.irgiug from 1 to 2 ' of ships' officers and seamen th cents for en. h journey, according to to aii parts of the World Office Hours: 9-12 a.
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