i 1 expressed with the affair and it was I said the Times will never again spon- j sor an entry to the competition. The alleged long and humiliating j STOP 88 AUTO march in the bather's revue, and the TODAY’S RADIO alleged herding of contestants "like ! PROGRAMS cattle in a pen” during the Steel Pier ceremonies and the “forced sep- \ aration” from chaperones were (Compiled by United Press.) among the things to which excep- 11:45 P ~M—Nijfcth.wk Frolic: "Th* TUESDAY, APRIL 8. •*. l.—iuAc ini tonTCjC Merry Old Chief" and the Coon-Sander* JITNEY LINES tion was taken. ©layf^'Rosa- lie." Orchestra 6:30 P M.—Dinner muiic. TenEye* ,■*. WBB, KANSAS CTTT—411. 7:45 P. and Tuesday’s Best Features. M.—Gilbert Sullivan's comic ■r .. M—Ladies' Hour Program. WGY. SCHENECTADY—"H. M 9. opera. "H M. S. Pinafore." presented 7 P. M.—Sweeney Radio Orchestra. 1414 KtA »Ht SP0TSW00D the Edward J. Heil Is Re-elected ® '^tRvTcC Decision Reached State Pinafore.” by the WGY Light by WGY Lirht Opera Company 8 P. M—Program by St. Agnes Acadamy. by Opera Company. WBZ, SPRINGFIELD—337 9 P M.—Election returns. BEGIN HERE TODAY President—New Members before we got up to the town square Mrs. Ralph Justertnan and daugh- IGO, OAKLAND—Verdi's Opera. “II 7 P. M.—World Market Survey. Talk en WOAW. OMAHA—626. I Utility Commission— P. S. Trovatore." "The Sallie Peck, employe of the Fair the glare back of us would’ve made ter. Mildred, were Perth Amboy vis- Veretable Garden." 6:30 P m—Dinner program by the Orig- Take Places at | WFAA- DALLAS—Women's Chamber 7:30 P. M.—Bedtime story. inal Music Master*. Carteret Deal Five & Ten, quarrels with her you think Roundhouse Lane and all Is in Move itors on Saturday afternoon. of Commerce );r ! Complainant program. 7:40 P. M—Joint recital by Carroll B. ! 9 P M—Program arranged by Corlno® policeman sweetheart, Michael Cur- the factories near was In Elmer Appleby has purchased a WRC. WASHINGTON—Talk by Sen. Webster, basso-baritone, and Mrs. Follis Paulson Thorson. pianist and instructor, goln’ up H Moses. tis. At Sallies into the Ford touring car. George Gould, soprano. and presented by arust-pupiie of Mrs. night goes smoke, too!" NEW YORK—Dinner of the WJY, W'GI, MEDFORD—369. Tborson. assisted by Mrs. Lee Ctt and CARTERET, April 8;—Edward J. back yard to take down a washing "Bet had a crowd when Mrs. Morris Shapiro and son, Har- N. Y. and Naval i you you TRENTON, April 8.—Decisions Society Military j 6:30 P. H—Amrad Bir Brother Club. Mrs Aiieen Chile* soprano, and th# Hell for Ma with whom Sallie have returned home after a Officer* of the World War. Misses Alice Horn and Nettie was re-elected president of the Brennan, ; started back.' 'Mike observed. Involving alleged unlawful operat- old, 7 P. M.—Eveninr Program "Africa from Goetlache. lives. Town to violinists. Board of Education at the meeting A crash shakes the earth and I "I’ll say I did!" his companion ing by short visit spent at the home of her Cape the Cong r Bit Brother eighty-eight jitney operators Club Broadcast. Babsou Busi- WOC. of the school commissioners held something strikes Sallie a blow on aunt. Mrs. G. Gabovich, at Brooklyn. (Eastern Standard Time.) Weekly DAVKNPOBT—464. acquiesced with emphasis as they In New Jersey were handed down ness Report. Noon—Chunes eonarrt. the head. Harry ¥ahnel, of the U. S. S. Inst night. In thanking for the hon- sped on toward the lights of the today by the State Public Utility WJZ, NEW YORK—455. 3:30 P. M.—Educational program. home Noon—Trinity Church Lenten service. WNAC. BOSTON—278. or conferred Mr. Hell When she regains consciousness town. of Commission. The Public Service Colorado, spent Sunday at the 12:15 P. Service. 6.45 P. M—Chimes concert. upon him, “Lot your boys from the 1 P. M.—Hotel Ambassador Trio. M.—King Chapel 6 P. ! of his sister. Mrs. Merritt Brown, 1 P. Colonial Orchestra. M.—Sport n*w§ and weathv. Bald that like In the the girl finds herself In strange sur- station houses and all was the 2 p m—Board of Education program. M.—Shepard he will, past. the volunteer Railway Company complain- 1 4 P. M.—“The (Silent night for WOC.i in the borotfgh. 3 P. M.—Wanamaker Auditorium Concert. Girl cf 1.000 Eyea." look after the interest of the roundings. handsomely furnished. A firemen who couldn’t to on ant in all of the cases. The com- 5 P. M.—Lowell Institute youth get hang 4-5 P. M.—Fashion talk. Right Habit* Lecture. WSB, ATLANTA—42*. in French maid named Therese calls Miss Hattie Clark was a week-end 6:30 P. M.—WNAC Dinner the borough and school conditions; to the engines in time. They all got plainants were against jitneurs of | of Reading." *The Home Beautiful." Dance. Noon-—Concert directed by Mrs. CutoU • her visitor at the home of relatives in Summer. In When the nom- Alva Copeland and Madame off. at Essex and Hudson counties and two 6 P. M.—Jack Nelson, popular songs. WJAX, CLEVELAND—390. general. call for though, the furthest end of 3:30 P M.—Howard Theater overture. cases | Newark. 6:15 P. M—Evelyn Simon, soprano. 7:30 P. M—Bedtime story. Talk on ination of president was made Com- Copeland, a tall, richly gowned wo- the bridge and out on the meadows in Passaic. 6 P. M.—Music, news. etc. Mrs. Bessie Kahle and son. Rob- 7 :15 P. M.—Paul Specht s Orchestra. child labor by Learue of Women Voters. man, claims her as The board ordered of Vl> 6:30 P. M.—Bonnie s missioner Theodore Bishop, who her step-daugh- beyond Roundhouse utility thirty 8:15 P. Broadway. Vocal solos and duets by Marcia Frances Barnhardt storie* Lane, just ert. spent Sunday at the home of M.—"Broadcasting and for children. ter. where the jitney men to cease 8:45 P. Vellanti, and Dorothy Smith Lens. Cartoon talk songs took his office last night, nominated I picked you up tonight I operation M.—Josephine soprano. 8 P got Mr. and Mr3. Raymond Gaver, at 9 P M.—Waterway League of America. by Don Palmer. Program of dance M.—Gospel songs by the First Metl^ Commissioner Alex Sallie meets Cousin who a fare of another bv April 30 with the provision that odist choir and J I.ebowitz for the Wheeler, sort; first one off Elizabeth. 11 P. M.—Astor Grill Dance Orchestra. music. quartet, Monreo, Ga. * they make for 10:45 P. presidency. His motio was second- makes love to her. She resolves to the wreck, I guess.” application approval M.—Georgia Serenaders. held Evensong Will be held in St. WAY, NEW YORK—405. WWJ, DETROIT—517. ed Commissioner solve the mystery and listens at Mike by the board of local permits Noon—Barnes and DeTurk. in WMC. by Louis N. Brad- the “Injured?” queried with as- Peter's Episcopal church this eve- 7:30 P. M.—Blanche Winogron. pianist. songs. MEMPHIS—56*. of a room where a by them within that time. Twenty- 8 P. M.—Sports talk. 3 P. M.—Detroit News Orchestra. 8 :30 P. M.—Program by Cortese Brother* ford, who was also installed at last door conference sumed carelessness. at 8 ning P M.. followed by a 8:15 P. M—American Orchestral Concert. 8:30 P. M.—Detroit News Orchestra, as- 11 P. M—Organ recital from is She learns she she six operators were held to be operat- Scottish night’s reorganization session, but taking place. that “Well, limped, and she was Lenten Cantata William Reid en- 9:15 P. M.—New York sisted by Arch bald Jackson. Rile Cathedral, by Harry O. Nichols. ing in vlolat'on of the law but since b^ Society Military Mr. Lebowltz declined In favor of is being substituted for the real shakln’ so I her and Naval Officers of the World War couldv hardly help have for of titled, "The Burden of the Cross,” WCX, DETROIT—517. WHAS. LOUISVILLE—-4#*. Alva real victim aboard and they applied approval Dinner, from Hotel PJaza. 6 P. M.—Dinner Concert I 4-6 P. M. — Strand Mr. Hell. Mr. Lebowltz, however, Copeland, of the to a seat. I was scared to be sung by the choir of the Orchestra. "Just municipal permits, the board with- WEAK, NEW YORK—492. 10 P. M.—The Red Apple Club. Among Home Folks." Walnut Orchew wreck. she’d topple over in a faint on Church of St. John the my held anv action on the Public Serv- Evangelist 11 A. M—Mrs. Adele F. Woodard's weekly CKAC, MONTREAL—425. tr* Organ recital. Michael hands but she dldn’?; just sat there New Brunswick. An will forecast of 7:30 P. M.—Louisville Curtis calls at Ma Bren- ice complaint, pending the disposi- offering coming motion pictures. 4:30 P. M.—Musical program. Syncopators. nan's home and asks Ma coverin’ her eyes as if to shut out be taken for missions. Noon-1:30 P. M.—Lenten services. New 7 P. M.—Kiddies’ stones. WFAA. DALLAS—47*. many tion of *he hearing on the approval York Federation of Churches, from Pal- the sight of what she’d 7:30 P. M.—Rex Battles Mt. Royal Coo- 12:30 P. M.—Addree* DeWitt McMarray. questions. been of municipal permits.
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