305–504 Archeologické rozhledy LXX–2018 se‰it 3 Doubting radiocarbon dating from in-slag charcoal: five thousand years of iron production at Wetzlar-Dalheim? Guntram Gassmann – Andreas Schäfer Two iron technology diffusion routes in Eastern Europe Vladimir I. Zavyalov – Nataliya N. Terekhova The early iron metallurgy in the Siberian Arctic Evgeny Vodyasov New light on old iron: recent work on Iron Age iron production, consumption and deposition in Britain Peter Halkon – Zechariah Jinks-Fredrick Milanówek/Falęcin – a settlement of iron-smelters from the Late Antiquity Marcin Woźniak LXX–2018–3 305–504 Before or after? Stratigraphic relations of Iron Age slag-pit furnaces in the Mazovian Centre of Metallurgy Robert Janiszewski Socio-economic determinants of iron production on Polish lands during antiquity The phenomenon of metallurgical smelting centres of the Przeworsk culture Szymon Orzechowski Early medieval iron bloomery centre at Zamárdi (Hungary) Complex archaeometrical examinations of the slags Béla Török – Zsolt Gallina – Árpád Kovács – Ferenc Kristály The haizeola and the origins of the ‘Catalan method’ The medieval iron metallurgy culture in the Pyrenees Mercedes Urteaga – Xabier Alberdi – Iosu Etxezarraga – Fernando Martín Suquía – Mertxe Urkiola – Jose Luis Ugarte Slag-pit bloomery furnace of the Tarchalice type. Reconstruction and experimental research Paweł Madera – Dariusz Kik – Ireneusz Suliga Modelling of bloomery processes in a medieval Russian furnace roãník LXX – 2018 Vladimir I. Zavyalov se‰it 3 The manufacturing technology of a pattern-welded knife from Kobilić (Republic of Croatia) Ádám Thiele Metallographic examination of four 7th–8th century long-blade weapons from Želovce (Slovakia) Jiří Hošek – Márk Haramza Multi-phase microstructures in Anatolian Seljuks iron-steel objects: ARCHEOLOGICKÉ ROZHLEDY Archeologick˘ ústav Akademie vûd âR, Praha, v.v.i. classification and production techniques Ümit Güder – Cemal Cem Tas¸an – Alptekin Yavas¸ Archeologické rozhledy LXX–2018 305 OBSAH Jiří Hošek – Peter Crew, Editorial 307–308 Guntram Gassmann – Andreas Schäfer, Doubting radiocarbon dating from 309–327 in-slag charcoal: five thousand years of iron production at Wetzlar-Dalheim? – Pochybné radiokarbonové datování z dřevěného uhlí uvízlého ve strusce: pět tisíc let železářské výroby ve Wetzlar-Dalheim? Vladimir I. Zavyalov – Nataliya N. Terekhova, Two iron technology diffusion 328–334 routes in Eastern Europe – Dvě trasy šíření znalosti zpracování železa ve vý- chodní Evropě Evgeny Vodyasov, The early iron metallurgy in the Siberian Arctic – Raná me- 335–347 talurgie železa v sibiřské Arktidě Peter Halkon – Zechariah Jinks-Fredrick, New light on old iron: recent work 348–362 on Iron Age iron production, consumption and deposition in Britain – Staré železo v novém světle: nejnovější studie výroby, spotřeby a deponování železa v době železné v Británii Marcin Woźniak, Milanówek/Falęcin – a settlement of iron-smelters from the 363–380 Late Antiquity – Milanówek-Falęcin – sídliště hutníků železa z doby římské Robert Janiszewski, Before or after? Stratigraphic relations of Iron Age slag- 381–390 pit furnaces in the Mazovian Centre of Metallurgy – Před nebo po? Stratigra- fické vztahy pecí se zahloubenou nístějí z doby železné v Mazovském metalur- gickém centru Szymon Orzechowski, Socio-economic determinants of iron production on 391–403 Polish lands during antiquity. The phenomenon of metallurgical smelting centres of the Przeworsk culture – Socioekonomické determinanty výroby železa na polských územích v době římské. Fenomén hutnických center pře- vorské kultury Béla Török – Zsolt Gallina – Árpád Kovács – Ferenc Kristály, Early medieval 404–420 iron bloomery centre at Zamárdi (Hungary). Complex archaeometrical examinations of the slags – Raně středověké hutnické centrum v Zamárdi (Maďarsko). Komplexní archeometrický průzkum strusek Mercedes Urteaga – Xabier Alberdi – Iosu Etxezarraga – Fernando Martín Su- 421–434 quía – Mertxe Urkiola – Jose Luis Ugarte, The haizeola and the origins of the ‘Catalan method’. The medieval iron metallurgy culture in the Pyrenees – Haizeola a počátky „katalánské metody“. Středověká metalurgie železa v Pyre- nejích Paweł Madera – Dariusz Kik – Ireneusz Suliga, Slag-pit bloomery furnace of 435–449 the Tarchalice type. Reconstruction and experimental research – Pece se zahloubenou nístějí typu Tarchalice. Rekonstrukce a experimentální výzkum 306 Obsah Vladimir I. Zavyalov, Modelling of bloomery processes in a medieval Russian 450–456 furnace – Modelování procesu přímé výroby železa v ruské středověké peci Ádám Thiele, The manufacturing technology of a pattern-welded knife from 457–467 Kobilić (Republic of Croatia) – Technologie výroby damaskovaného nože z Kobilić (Chorvatsko) Jiří Hošek – Márk Haramza, Metallographic examination of four 7th–8th cen- 468–482 tury long-blade weapons from Želovce (Slovakia) – Metalografické rozbory čtyř dlouhých sečných zbraní ze 7.–8. století ze Želovců (Slovensko) Ümit Güder – Cemal Cem Taşan – Alptekin Yavaş, Multi-phase microstructures 483–493 in Anatolian Seljuks iron-steel objects: classification and production tech- niques – Vícefázové mikrostruktury anatolských železo-ocelových předmětů z období rúmského sultanátu: klasifikace a výrobní techniky NOVÉ PUBLIKACE Jan Hasil, Daniel Sosna – Lenka Brunclíková (eds.): Archaeologies of Waste: Encounters 494–496 with the unwanted (Oxford – Philadelphia 2017) Jan Kypta, Ivan Lehký – Milan Sýkora (eds.): Kalich a Panna. Hrady Jana Žižky (Most 2016) 496–499 Josef Unger, Der Erdstall. Beiträge zur Erforschung künstlicher Höhlen 44, 2018 499–500 Jan Kypta, Alena Kalinová: Novokřtěnská, habánská a posthabánská fajáns v Moravském 500–501 zemském muzeu (1600–1765). Anabaptist, Haban and Post-Haban Faience in the Mora- vian Museum (1600–1765) (Brno 2017) Denis Hakszer, Lisa C. Nevett: Theoretical Approaches to the Archaeology of Ancient 501–502 Greece (Ann Arbor 2017) Jan Kypta, Karel Nováček – Miroslava Kubatová Pitrová (edd.): Devět století kláštera 502–503 v Kladrubech 1115–2015 (České Budějovice 2017) Martin Gojda, Máté Szabó: Archaeology from Above. Episodes from the History of Aerial 503–504 Archaeologi cal Archive of Pécs (Budapest 2016) Archeologické rozhledy LXX–2018 307 Editorial This issue of Archeologické rozhledy is devoted to the study of early ironworking and brings you some of many papers presented at the highly successful international conference Iron in Archaeology: Bloomery Smelters and Blacksmiths in Europe and Beyond which was held in Prague in 2017 and was organized in honour of Professor Radomír Pleiner. The date of the conference was not chosen at random, but because 2017 was the 50th anni­ versary year of the Comité Pour la Sidérurgie Ancienne (CPSA). Founded by Radomír Pleiner in 1966 and active since 1967, the CPSA represents the oldest and one of the most important platforms for bringing together specialists in research on early ironworking. The greatest credit for this goes to Pleiner who was the secretary of the CPSA for nearly 40 years. During this time he was also the editor of the CPSA Communications, published twice yearly in Archeologické rozhledy until 2002. The Communications, totalling 67 issues, contain reports on conferences, excavations, scientific work and other research, and, above all, abstracts of publications. Thus, in the pre­internet era, the Communications were a cru­ cial source of information in the field of the archaeometallugy of iron. The CPSA was also involved in twenty-one conferences which were organised under its auspices. The first such conference was held at Schaffhausen in 1970 and the last one at Uppsala in 2001. In 2002, a flood badly affected the Institute of Archaeology in Prague and completely destroyed the CPSA archive kept in Pleiner’s basement office. This resulted in the activity of the CPSA being interrupted for some time. Pleiner continued to hold the post of secretary until 2004, when Janet Lang became the new secretary. Despite her enormous effort the CPSA activity declined, mainly because of the changes in the method of retrieving information due to the development of the internet. In 2015, the CPSA was revived in a new format through the pages of Academia.edu (https://independent.academia.edu/CPSA) which serve both as an archive of CPSA activity and publications and as a single location where scholars of ear­ ly ironworking and their papers can be found. The CPSA also aims to revive the tradition of scientific conferences focussed on the issue of early ironworking, starting with the 2017 Prague conference, which was held 30 years after Pleiner himself organized the CPSA conference at Liblice near Prague. The next conference will be in Fribourg in 2021, organ­ ised by Vincent Serneels, who is now the President of the CPSA. Although the papers published in this issue represent only a small sample of the con­ tributions to the Prague conference, they provide new information for improving our know­ ledge both of the history of early ironworking and of the developments in its study and they bring a new impetus for further scientific discussion. We sincerely hope that you will find these articles interesting and useful, and we should like to thank all the authors who prepared their papers for this issue, as well as all the anonymous peer­reviewers whose work contributed to its realisation. Jiří Hošek and Peter Crew 308 Editorial Editorial Tento svazek Archeologických rozhledů je věnován studiu dávné výroby a zpracování že- leza. Přináší výběr
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