APUSH Key Terms for understanding Chapter 1 Carolina Colonies Nationalism Pennsylvania Colony Christopher Columbus Caribbean Colonies Smallpox Georgian Colonies Conquistadors Navigation Acts Missionaries Dominion of New England Pueblo Glorious Revolution Spanish Empire Leisler’s Rebellion African Slave Trade Coode’s Rebellion Dutch West India Company Enclosure movement Merchant capitalism Mercantilism Chapter 3 Martin Luther Indenture system John Calvin Patriarchal society Henry VII Middle Passage English Reformation Royal African Company of England Calvinist Puritans Slave codes Church of England Palatinate Germans Separatists Huguenots Elizabeth I Scotch-Irish James I Catholics Plantation model of colonization Iron act of 1750 Fur trade Triangular trade Spanish Armada Consumerism Roanoake Plantation economy Plantation slavery Gullah Stono Rebellion Chapter 2 Puritan community Jamestown Primogeniture John Smith Salem Witch Trials Virginia Company The Great Awakening Tobacco Enlightenment Headright system Almanacs Indentured servants Literacy rates Powhatan Indians Harvard Pocahontas Benjamin Franklin Royal Colony Cotton Mather Proprietary Colony Smallpox inoculation Charter Colony John Peter Zenger Bacon’s Rebellion Plymouth Plantation Mayflower Compact William Bradford Chapter 4 John Winthrop Albany Plan Massachusetts Bay Colony Louisiana and New Orleans Theocracy Iroquois Confederacy Roger Williams French and Indian War Anne Hutchinson Acadians / Cajuns Pequot War Peace of Paris 1763 King Phillip’s War Proclamation of 1763 English Civil War George III New York Colony George Grenville Quakers Sugar Act of 1764 William Penn Currency Act of 1764 Mutiny (Quartering) Act of 1765 Federalists and Anti-federalists Stamp Act of 1765 The Federalist Papers North Carolina Regulators George Washington’s Presidency Stamp Act crisis Judiciary Act of 1789 Colonial boycotts Report on Manufactures of 1791 Sons of Liberty Bank of United States Appeasement Political parties Townshend Acts of 1767 Election of 1792 Boston Massacre Whiskey Rebellion Committee of Correspondence Tribal sovereignty Virtual and actual representation Neutrality Act Tea Act of 1773 Jay’s Treaty Daughters of Liberty Pinckney’s Treaty Boston Tea Party Election of 1796 Intolerable Acts Washington’s Farewell Address Quebec Act John Adam’s Presidency First Continental Congress Quasi war with France Minutemen Department of the Navy Lexington and Concord Alien and Sedition Acts Virginia and Kentucky resolutions Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson Chapter 5 Judiciary Act of 1801 Tyranny Common Sense and John Locke Continental Congress Thomas Jefferson Chapter 7 Declaration of Independence Public and Private education Sovereignty Noah Webster Loyalists / Tories American authors and nationalism Articles of Confederation Deism and religious skepticism George Washington Second Great Awakening British surrender at Saratoga Eli Whitney and the cotton gin Iroquois Confederacy Robert Fulton and the steamboat “militia diplomats” Turnpikes French intervention in the war Urbanization Treaty of Paris Jefferson’s presidency Female “camp followers” Washington, DC Judith Sargent Murray Barbary Coast piracy Republicanism Marbury v. Madison Small freeholders John Marshall State constitutions Impeachment Virginia’s Statute of Religious Liberty Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1800 Land Ordinance of 1785 The Louisiana Purchase Treaty with Spain of 1786 Lewis and Clark Expedition Public Domain Aaron Burr Battle of Fallen Timbers Napoleonic Wars Shay’s Rebellion Impressment The Embargo, 1808 The Non-Intercourse Act, 1809 The “Indian Problem” Chapter 6 Tecumseh and the Prophet Tariffs Spain and Florida Alexander Hamilton Battle of New Orleans James Madison Hartford Convention, 1814 Virginia Plan Treaty of Ghent, 1814 Sovereignty Rush-Bagot Agreement, 1817 The Great Compromise Separation of powers / Checks and Balances Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Second Bank of the United States Immigration Protective Tariff Urban growth National Road Nativism Steamboats Know-Nothings Turnpikes Erie Canal Fur traders and trappers New York City Stephen Long’s Expedition Railroad consolidation First Party System Telegraph The “Virginia Dynasty” Associated Press James Monroe Merchant capitalists John Quincy Adams Corporations Henry Clay Factory system John C. Calhoun Interchangeable parts The Seminole War Lowell mills and workers Andrew Jackson Factory Girls Association Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 Trade unions Panic of 1819 Commonwealth v. Hunt Missouri Compromise Gap between the rich and the poor The Marshall Court The Middle class Worcester v. Georgia Cult of Domesticity Monroe Doctrine Commercial agriculture Election of 1824 “High culture” and “lowbrow culture” The “corrupt bargain” McCormick Reaper Tariff of Abominations Rural life Election of 1828 Chapter 11 Chapter 9 “King Cotton” Alexis de Tocqueville “Deep South” Egalitarian De Bow’s Review Suffrage reforms “Colonial dependency” Dorr Rebellion Cavalier myth Spoils system Planter aristocracy John C. Calhoun Southern honor Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 “genteel” southern women Nullification Crisis “plain folk” Martin Van Buren Patriarchal society Webster-Hayne Debate “Peculiar Institution” “Five Civilized Tribes” Slave codes Removal Act of 1830 House slaves and field slaves Worcester v. Georgia Urban slavery Trail of Tears Free African Americans Second Seminole War Domestic and foreign slave trade Nicholas Biddle “Sambo” stereotype Hard and soft money Gabriel Prosser The Taney Court Denmark Vessey The Whig Party Nat Turner Panic of 1837 Slave resistance The penny press William Henry Harrison John Tyler Webster-Asburton Treaty of 1842 Chapter 12 Treaty of Wang Hya of 1844 Romanticism James Fenimore Cooper Walt Whitman Herman Melville Edgar Allen Poe Transcendentalists Ralph Waldo Emerson John Brown Henry David Thoreau Slave Power Conspiracy Utopian societies Election of 1856 Nathaniel Hawthorne James Buchanan Margaret Fuller Know Nothing Party Shakers Dred Scott Decision Mormons Lincoln-Douglas Debates Protestant Revivalism Election of 1860 Charles Grandison Finney Temperance Crusade Phrenology Contagion theory Chapter 14 Horace Mann Secession Public education Confederate States of America Benevolent empire Crittenden Compromise Asylum Movement Fort Sumter Indian Reservations Homestead Act Feminism Morrill Land Grant Act Elizabeth Cady Stanton National Bank Acts Lucretia Mott Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad Susan B. Anthony Companies Seneca Falls Convention Greenbacks Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions National Draft Law Quakers New York City Draft Riots Abolitionism Habeas Corpus American Colonization Society Ex parte Milligan Frederick Douglass Copperheads Worldwide antislavery movement Election of 1854 Anti-abolitionist violence Confiscation Acts Amistad case Emancipation Proclamation “Free soil” movement U.S. Sanitary Commission Uncle Tom’s Cabin Confederate Conscription Act General George McClellan General Ulysses S. Grant General Robert E. Lee Chapter 13 Ironclads Manifest Destiny King Cotton diplomacy Stephen Austin Repeating weapons General Santa Anna Antietam The Alamo and Battle of San Jacinto Gettysburg Texas Annexation William T. Sherman Oregon Trail Mark to the Sea James K. Polk Appomattox Courthouse The Mexican War Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Wilmot Proviso Popular Sovereignty Chapter 15 Election of 1848 “Lost Cause” myth California Gold Rush Thirteenth Amendment Henry Clay Freedmen’s Bureau John C. Calhoun Radical Republicans Daniel Webster Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan Stephen Douglas Wade-Davis Bill Free-Soil Party Andrew Johnson’s Restoration Plan Fugitive Slave Act Black Codes Franklin Pierce Civil Rights Act of 1866 Transcontinental Railroad Fourteenth Amendment Gadsden Purchase Three Reconstruction bills Kansas-Nebraska Act Fifteenth Amendment Republican Party Tenure of Office Act Johnson’s Impeachment proceedings Scalawags Carpetbaggers Ulysses S. Grant and Grantism Grant Scandals Panic of 1873 National Greenback Party Seward’s Folly Ku Klux Klan Enforcement Acts Social Darwinism Rutherford B. Hayes Compromise of 1877 Redeemer / Bourbon Rule Minstrel shows Uncle Remus stories Southern Industrialization Convict-lease system Tenant Farming and sharecroppers Booker T. Washington Jim Crow Plessy v. Ferguson White supremacy Lynching Ida B. Wells Chapter 16 Plains Indians Buffalo Southwestern Hispanic societies Californios Chinatowns Chinese Immigration Act of 1882 Homestead Act of 1862 Comstock Lode Boomtowns The Cattle Kingdom Chisholm Trail Range wars Rocky Mountain School Wild West Shows Cowboy Culture Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis Concentration policy Reservations Indian Wars Sand Creek Massacre Battle of Little Big Horn Ghost Dance Battle of Wounded Knee Vigilantes Dawes Act Assimilation Boarding schools .
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