Issue 2008/08 April 20, 2008 This publication is produced by Blyenburgh & Co for UVS International and is supplied free-of-charge. It has as purpose to help raise the level of global awareness relative to ongoing research & development, relevant technologies, production and sales, as well as current & future applicatons of unmanned vehicle systems (air, ground & naval). It has a controlled circulation of 6234 nominal addressees, consisting of UVS International members (2011), government (343), military (1142) & diplomatic corp (16) representatives, regulatory authorities (309), stakeholder associations (77) & researchers & academics (2061) in 68 countries involved with unmanned vehicles systems. As many of the defence industry and governmental recipients cannot access web sites from their office computers, this News Flash contains the entire text of the articles & press releases. All recipients of the UVS News Flash are encouraged to supply UVS International with their press releases & announcements and to forward the UVS News Flash to their contacts & relations. Recipients of this publication no longer desiring to receive it are requested to inform UVS International by email indicating «De-subscribe from News Flash» in the object box & indicating their complete name + affiliation + email address in the email text. MARK YOUR AGENDA UAS ATM INTEGRATION UAS LAUNCH & RECOVERY EUROCONTROL Workshop ASNE Technical Conference & Exhibition Brussels, Belgium Annapolis, Maryland, USA May 7 & 8, 2008 May 19 & 20, 2008 www.eurocontrol.int/UAS_workshop www.navalengineers.org ESCO-UAS 2008 UAV DACH European Student Competition on UAS Annual Symposium at ILA ParcAberporth, UK - May 21 & 22, 2008 Berlin, Germany www.hertfordshire-connect.com/ May 30, 2008 default.asp?ContentID=1234 www.uavdach.org INOUI NAVIRES DE SURFACES AUTONOMES First Requirements Capturing Workshop Focus: Autonomous Surface Vessels DFS, Langen, Germany - June 3 & 4, 2008 Association Technique Maritime & Aéronautique For information contact: Manuela Röcki Paris, France - June 4, 2008 Tel.: 49-6103-707.49.12 - [email protected] www.atma.asso.fr UAS 2008 10th Annual International Conference & Exhibition All sessions concluded by Panel Discussions Focus : Regulatory Issues , Light UAS (<150 kg), Applications (Military & Non-Military/Commercial) Paris, France - June 10-12, 2008 See conference programme on pages 2 & 3 www.uas2008.org www.uvs-international.org & www.uvs-info.com UVS FORUM at EUROSATORY PARCABERPORTH International Exhibition + UGV Demos UAS Forum & Exhibition & Flight Demos Focus : Tactical UAS & UGVs - See page 4 ParcAberporth, Wales, UK Paris, France - June 16-20, 2008 June 25-26, 2008 www.eurosatory.com & www.uvs-info.com www.parcaberporth.com EMAV 2008 UVS CANADA 2008 Micro UAS Conference, Competiton & Exhibition National Conference & Exhibition Braunschweig, Germany - July 8-10, 2008 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada www.emav08.org & November 4-7, 2008 www.dgon.de/emav2008.htm www.uvscanada.org EUROCONTROL UAS TAAC 2008 Innovative Research ATM Workshop & Exhibition Technical Conference & Exhibition Eurocontrol Experimental Centre Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, USA - December 9-10, 2008 Brétigny-sur-Orge, France - December 2-4, 2008 Classified Session (US only) on December 11, 2008 http://inoworkshop.eurocontrol.fr http://psl.nmsu.edu/uav/conference/2008/ UVS International - 86 rue Michel Ange - 75016 Paris - France - Tel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- [email protected] - www.uvs-international.org & www.uvs-info.com & www.uas2008.org - Page:1 1/40 Unmanned Aircraft Systems Issue 2008/08 10-12 June 2008 April 20, 2008 Paris, France Conference Programme PLENARY 1 - Haussman Hall 10 Jun ‘08 Europe’s Principal Event Regulatory Issues I for the Views on inserting UAS into non-segregated airspace 09.00-09.20 International UAS Community Alex Hendriks, Eurocontrol, Europe Admitting UAS into the NAS: The imperatives 09.20-09.40 70 Expert Speakers from 17 Countries Tony Ferrante, FAA, USA Austria Canada Finland France Four Tool Sets for UAS Access to National Airspace 09.40-10.00 Germany Israel Italy Netherlands Fred Pease, DOD, Policy Board for Federal Aviation, USA Panel Discussion 10.00-10.15 Romania Russia Singapore Slovenia Coffee & Tea Break in the Exhibition Area 10.15-11.00 Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA PLENARY 2 - Haussman Hall Regulatory Issues II Presenting Entities Inserting UAS into non-segregated airspace: The 11.00-11.20 1 International Organization (ICAO) process & the way forward 12 National & Multi-National Military Organizations Vince Galotti, ICAO, Canada 6 Governmental Organizations UAS Programme Office: Report on advances made 11.20-11.40 11 Regulatory Authorities Bruce Tarbert, FAA - UAS Program Office, USA Integration of UAS into the European ATM network 11.40-12.00 2 International Standards Organizations Holger Matthiesen, Eurocontrol, Europe 6 International Stakeholder Organizations Panel Discussion & «UAS Pioneer Award» Presentation 12.00-12.15 30 Industry Representatives from 16 Countries Open Bar & Lunch in the Exhibition Area 12.15-14.00 3 Academic Representatives Track A1 - Haussman Hall Track B1 - Eiffel Hall UAS Standards Requirements & Contractual Issues Conclusions of the A.NPA Comments Process & 14.00-14.20 UAS Transformation Encore Ongoing UAS Certification General Ken Israel, Lockheed Martin, USA Yves Morier, EASA, Europe EUROCAE WG73 - Activity update 14.20-14.40 Project Noctua: A New Approach by Canada to Deliver a Dan Hawkes, EUROCAE WG73, Europe Highly Capable UAS Capability John Sinkinson, Public Works & Government Services Canada RTCA SC203 - Activity update 14.40-15.00 UK MoD/Industry UAS Capability Investigation John Walker, RTCA SC203, USA LtCol Dick Park, MOD-DPA, UK Coordinated European certification approach for light UAS 15.00-15.20 The VUSIL Project Richard Hermans, IVW, The Netherlands Andreas Udovic, DFS, Germany Panel Discussion 15.20-15.40 Panel Discussion Coffee & Tea Break in the Exhibition Area 15.40-16.20 Coffee & Tea Break in the Exhibition Area Track A2 - Haussman Hall Track B2 - Eiffel Hall Sense & Avoid UAS - Applications - User Perspective I Update on USAF sense & avoid development 16.20-16.40 Potential of UAS for European border surveillance Col Gary Hopper, USAF Research Lab, USA Erik Berglund, FRONTEX (European Commission), Europe Conclusions of the EDA study on sense & avoid 16.40-17.00 Recent developments in NOAA’s UAS environmental Gérard Mardine, Sagem D&S, France science applications Sara Summers, NOAA, USA Sense & Avoid radar development update 17.00-17.20 Scientific & commercial applications of small UAS Pierre Poitevin, ICx Radar Systems, Canada Dr Mark Patterson, Advanced Ceramics Research, USA The development & deployment of an affordable 17.20-17.40 UAS for security applications collision warning system Gilles Robine, Ministry of Interior, France Urs Rothacher, FLARM Technology, Switzerland Panel Discussion 17.40-18.00 Panel Discussion Cocktails & Award Presentation in the Exhibition Area 18.00-19.30 Cocktails & Award Presentation in the Exhibition Area Track A3 - Haussman Hall 11 Jun ‘08 Track B3 - Eiffel Hall Communications & Spectrum Light UAS - Certification I High integrity data links 09.00-09.20 Integrating small UAS into the NAS through the FAA’s Brian Gardner, Ultra Electronics, UK Safety Management System Ardyth Williams, FAA, USA UAS Airpsace Integration-The communication challenges 09.20-09.40 Aviation Rulemaking Committee Report on Small UAS Michael Neale, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, USA Bruce Tarbert, FAA, USA Data links enabling advanced UAS missions 09.40-10.00 Update on the certification of a VTOL UAS Bruce Carmichael, L-3 Communications, USA Ron van de Leijgraaf, IVW (CAA), Netherlands Panel Discussion 10.00-10.15 Panel Discussion Coffee & Tea Break in the Exhibition Area 10.15-11.00 Coffee & Tea Break in the Exhibition Area Track A4 - Haussman Hall Track B4 - Eiffel Hall Aviation Stakeholder Opinions Light UAS - Certification II IFALPA’s views on UAS 11.00-11.20 Update on the certification of the S-100 VTOL UAS Capt Thomas Mildenberger, ECA/IFALPA, Germany Gerhard Lippitsch, Austrocontrol, Austria Model Flying: An Excellent Safety Record Through 11.20-11.40 Safety satellite communications for UAS integration into UVS EffectiveInternational Management: - 86 rue Michel A UK Ange Perspective - 75016 Paris - France non-segregated- Tel.: 33-1- airspace - Fax: 33-1- [email protected] Lynn, British Model Flying- www.uvs-international.org Association, UK & www.uvs-info.comCharlotte Neyret &Gigot www.uas2008.org & Axel Klaeyle, Thales - Page: Alenia 2/40 Space, France UAS 2008 Conference Programme - cont’d Aerial photographyIssue 2008/08 with remote controlled aircraft 11.40-12.00 Conclusions of theApril Canadian 20, Small 2008 UAS Study Group Patrick Egan, Radio Control Aerial Photography Association Manzur Huq, Transport Canada, Canada (RCAPA), USA Panel Discussion 12.00-12.15 Panel Discussion Open Bar & Lunch in the Exhibition Area 12.15-14.00 Open Bar & Lunch in the Exhibition Area Track A5 - Haussman Hall Track B5 - Eiffel Hall Roadmaps & Programmes I UAS - Applications - User Perspective II Study for EDA on the integration of UAS into 14.00-14.20 Potential UAS and WIG applications in the oil industry non-segregated airspace Christer Broman, ConocoPhillips, USA David Kershaw, Air4All Consortium, Europe USAR - STANAG update 14.20-14.40 Recent Earth science research activities with small UAS Richard Grainger, NATO FINAS Brenda
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