Faculty OF Science AND TECHNOLOGY Department OF Mathematics AND Statistics GenerATING POLYTOPES FROM CoXETER GROUPS — VERONICA VikEN MAT-3907 Master THESIS IN Education YEAR 8-13, 40 SP June 2019 This thesis document was typeset using the UiT Thesis LaTEX Template. © 2019 – http://github.com/egraff/uit-thesis “To find out what one is fitted to do and to secure an opportunity to do it is the key to happiness.” –John Dewey AbstrACT The main goal of this thesis is to study finite reflection groups (Coxeter groups) W and to use these to generate polytopes in two and three dimensions. Such polytopes will be generated as the convex hull of the W -orbit through an initial point λ. We prove an efficient recipe for finding the stabilizer of λ, and examine several examples of such polytopes and illustrate how many vertices, edges and faces these polytopes have. At last we will illustrate how this information can be pictorially encoded on the marked Coxeter diagram for λ. AcknoWLEDGEMENTS Five years of studies have come to an end, and when I arrived here for five years ago I did not know anyone. Through the years I have got a lot of good friends that will always have a special place in my heart. Without these people this had not been possible. First of all I would like to thank my supervisor Dennis The for the patience, all guidance and the continuous feedback throughout writing this thesis. Thank you for giving me the opportunity for writing a thesis in mathematics. Further a special thanks to my parents and my grandmother Solveig for always supporting and believing in me no matter what. To my boyfriend Ole Jakob thank you for bearing with me through the last year. You do not know how much I have appreciated your support. Lastly, I want to thank the gang in the office for making the year unforgettable with our entertaining conversations. And to my friends Gunnhild, Isak, Rikke and Tonje for always cheering me up when needed and for all lunch and dinner breaks. Veronica Viken May 2019 Contents Abstract iii Acknowledgements v List of Figures ix List of Tables xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Structure of the thesis ..................... 2 2 Coxeter/ Dynkin diagram 3 2.1 Reflections and rotations ................... 3 2.2 Dihedral group ......................... 4 2.3 Root systems .......................... 6 2.4 Cartan matrix ......................... 10 2.5 Coxeter diagrams and Dynkin diagrams ........... 12 2.6 Coxeter group ......................... 14 2.7 Fundamental domain ..................... 16 2.8 Fundamental weights ..................... 17 3 Reflection recipes and stabilizers 21 3.1 Coxeter diagram and Dynkin diagram reflection recipes ... 21 3.2 Stabilizer ............................ 25 4 Polytopes 29 4.1 Definitions ........................... 29 4.2 Our construction of polytopes ................. 32 4.2.1 Polygons ........................ 33 4.2.2 Polyhedra ....................... 37 4.3 Encode equivalence classes in terms of a recipe ....... 38 4.3.1 Edges .......................... 39 4.3.2 Faces .......................... 41 VII VIII CONTENTS Bibliography 47 Appendices 49 A Weyl group orbits 51 List OF FigurES 1.1 The five Platonic solids: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, do- decahedron and icosahedron. ................. 1 2.1 A triangle with its reflection lines. ............... 5 2.2 The A2 root system. ...................... 6 2.3 The A3 root system with the white nodes as roots. ...... 8 2.4 The B3 root system with white nodes as roots. ........ 9 2.5 An icosadodecahedron where all vertices form the H3 root system. ............................. 10 2.6 The B2 root system. ...................... 17 2.7 The B2 root system with its reflection hyperplanes, the W - orbit to x0 and the fundamental domain indicated in blue. 17 2.8 The simple roots and the fundamental weights in A2. .... 18 2.9 The B3 root system with its simple roots, fundamental weights and fundamental domain indicated with the red arrows. .. 19 3.1 The W ¹H3º-orbit through λ3. ................. 23 3.2 The W ¹B4º-orbit through λ1 ................. 25 4.1 Two convex polygons, where one of them is also regular. .. 30 4.2 The cube and its dual, namely the octahedron. ........ 31 3 4.3 Two regular triangles generated by W ¹I2 º. .......... 35 3 4.4 The non-regular polygon P¹λ1 + 2λ2º generated by W ¹I2 º. .. 35 3 4.5 The regular polygon P¹λ1 + λ2º generated by W ¹I2 º. ..... 36 4.6 The regular polygon P¹λ1 + λ2º generated by W ¹A1 × A1º. .. 36 4.7 The four edges through λ in P¹λ1 + λ2º generated by W ¹A3º. 43 4.8 The polyhedron P¹λ1 + λ3º generated by W ¹A3º. ....... 44 4.9 The polyhedron P¹λ1 + λ2º generated by W ¹H3º. ....... 45 4.10 The polyhedron P¹λ1 + λ3º generated by W ¹B3º. ....... 46 A.1 The W ¹A3º-orbits through λ1, λ2 and λ3. ........... 51 A.2 The W ¹B3º-orbits through λ1, λ2 and λ3. ........... 52 A.3 The W ¹H3º-orbit through λ1. ................. 53 A.4 The W ¹H3º-orbit through λ2. ................. 54 IX List OF TABLES 2.1 The complete classification of all connected Coxeter diagrams. 13 2.2 The complete classification of all connected Dynkin diagrams. 14 2.3 The order of the connected Coxeter groups. ......... 16 4.1 The number of vertices, edges and faces in the five Platonic solids. ............................. 31 4.2 Platonic solids encoded by marked Coxeter diagrams. .... 38 XI 1 INTRODUCTION In this thesis we will use finite reflection groups (Coxeter groups) to generate two and three-dimensional polytopes. Such groups act as the symmetries of these objects. Polytopes in two dimensions are polygons, which are geometrical figures such as squares, triangles, pentagons and so on. The polytopes in three dimensions are called polyhedra, and examples of polyhedra are the five Platonic solids: Figure 1.1: The five Platonic solids: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. These are all well known, and pictorially and abstractly we want to figure out how many vertices, edges and faces that more general polyhedra consist of. For the three dimensional polyhedra we will use Zometool to build models of these geometrical figures [Hart, 2001]. Abstractly, we will examine the action of Coxeter groups on different initial points λ, and then get a recipe to encode the marked Coxeter diagrams. CHAPTER I NTRODUCT I ON In the Norwegian school geometric figures in two and three dimensions such as squares, triangles, parallelograms, rhombus, rectangles, cubes, tetrahedrons, prisms and pyramids are an important part of the curriculum. After upper elementary school, students shall be able to explore and describe different properties of such two and three dimensional figures. An important property of these figures is their symmetry group. They shall also be able to reflect points in R2 through the x-axis and the y-axis. So the geometrical figures we generate, how we generate them by reflections and the symmetry group are relevant for the Norwegian school. StructurE OF THE THESIS Chapter 2 introduces reflections, finite groups generated by reflections (Coxeter groups), and Coxeter diagrams and Dynkin diagrams. Chapter 3 we will get pictorial reflection recipes expressed in terms of Coxeter diagrams and the Dynkin diagrams. We also find a recipe for finding the stabilizer for a given initial point λ. Chapter 4 we first will define polytopes. Then we will apply Coxeter groups to an initial point λ to generate polytopes in two and three dimension. A last we will encode the marked Coxeter diagram to figure out what kind of polytope we have. 2 CoXeter/ Dynkin DIAGRAM . ReflECTIONS AND ROTATIONS Let ¹V ; h·; ·iº be a finite-dimensional (real) inner product space. A reflection in V is a linear transformation in V that sends any vector λ 2 V to its mirror image with respect to a hyperplane P (passing through the origin). Equivalently, given a nonzero vector α 2 V (in the orthogonal complement P?) define a reflection in V by hλ; αi S ¹λº = λ − 2 α: (2.1.1) α hα; αi ? 2 Note that Sα ¹λº = λ if λ 2 P and Sα ¹λº = −λ if λ 2 P . Since Sα = 1, then a reflection is its own inverse, so its order is two. Also note that hSα ¹λº; Sα ¹µºi = hλ; µi for all λ; µ 2 V , i.e. Sα is an orthogonal transformation. The orthogonal transformations in V are denoted by O¹V º = fT : V ! V linear : hTv;Twi = hv;wi v;w 2 V g; 8 and any T 2 O¹V º satisfies det¹T º = ±1. Note that O¹V º is a group, and it contains the subgroup SO¹V º = fT 2 O¹V º : det¹T º = 1g: We refer to any T 2 SO¹V º as a rotation. When V = Rn, we use the notation O¹nº and SO¹nº respectively. In particular, O¹nº consists of orthogonal matrices CHAPTER COXETER/ DYNK I ND I AGRAM A satisfying AAT = AT A = I, and the columns of A form an orthonormal basis of Rn. cos θ For example, consider a matrix in O¹2º. Its first column is a unit vector sin θ , while the second column is unit and perpendicular to the first. Thus, we have two possibilities: cos θ sin θ cos θ − sin θ A = B = : sin θ − cos θ sin θ cos θ Note that det ¹Bº = 1 and it represents a counterclockwise rotation of the plane about the origin through an angle of θ. On the other hand, det ¹Aº = −1, θ θ cos ¹ 2 º − sin ¹ 2 º and A has eigenvalues 1 and −1 with eigenvectors θ and θ sin ¹ 2 º cos ¹ 2 º respectively.
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