Whittier College Poet Commons The Rock Archives and Special Collections Summer 1979 The Rock, Summer, 1979 (vol. 49, no. 2) Whittier College Follow this and additional works at: https://poetcommons.whittier.edu/rock 4 4 Associates Officers Contents Monte Wicker, '38, Whittier, President AFTER FORTY YEARS 1 ROCK Russell P. Vincent '40, Whittier, Volume XLIX No. 2 Summer 1979 1st Vice President COMMENCEMENT 2 Delta Murphy, Whittier, RAY BRADBURY 6 THE ROCK (USPS 608-180) is pub- 2nd Vice President lished four times a year, Spring, Sum- Richard Thomson '34, Laguna Niguel, WHITTIER'S TENTH mer, Fall and Winter, by Whittier Secretary-Treasurer PRESIDENT 8 College, Whittier, California 90608 The Rock Staff GOOD WHITTIER TIMING 14 Alumni Officers Daphne Lorne, Editor ON CAMPUS 15 Robert W. Capps '54, Rosemead, John Strey, Sports Editor LAW SCHOOL 26 President Mary Mann, Typesetting Susan (Elliott) Roberts '67, Hacienda Graphic Design by Tom White SPORTS 27 Heights, Vice President Photography, Ed Prentiss L. Michael Shaw, '77, Los Angeles, Old Law School Representative Richard Thomson '34, Alumni Director Acquaintances Supplementary Section •- . I recently read an article which living, as well as doing. But I believe a Professor of Biology at Whittier said that we should now expect to live the greatest asset I received there was a College who retired at the end of this to be 120! Perhaps expectation does firm foundation for my faith in academic year. have something to do with our frame God. I was a chemistry major, but Lois James is well-known for her of mind as we grow older. I think that science augmented my faith rather teaching and her incredible ability I was unusually fortunate in that I did than lessening it, and I have been to inspire and attract students to not have to retire until I was 78. I was grateful for this all my life. biology. So many of her students have curator of an archaeological museum Mary (Coffin) Kimber '18 advanced degrees that it would be hard which was short of money and could to list them all. The amazing thing has not find a replacement earlier. this been her knack of attracting students •. No news—but at 92 years of age meant I had to "keep on my toes" and literally changing their lives. She have fond memories of those early mentally and had to continue to learn. has given her students more than a days of Prep School and finally Co- In a way, I think one of the secrets of gentle shove toward reassessment of lege, under Presidents Tebbet, Newlin a happy old age is here—in a continu- their goals and made most raise their and Rosenberger, and faculty members ing challenge to learn. In other words, sights. In the classroom, Dr. James has who gave us a foundation for life in a I believe that the mind needs continual been a delight and her enthusiasm meaningful way. I'll always be grate- exercise as well as the body. I do inescapably contagious. What fun it ful for those years at Whittier College. not mean to suggest that there are not was to learn from her! Almeda Nordyke '14 limitations as one grows older, for For myself, I feel very fortunate there are! I find greater fatigue one of to have been in a position to pay this the more difficult facts to which to •. In late May of this year I was tribute . Whittier College has been adjust, in addition to various physical honored to deliver the keynote speech very, very lucky to have had such a problems, but I believe the secret is to at the Northwest Scientific Associa- professor and I am happy to declare a accept such problems with as much tion Annual Meetings held near measure of my love, admiration, and grace as possible, and plan around Seattle. I publicly dedicated my gratitude. them, not give in to them or waste speech to Dr, Rexford Daubenmire Dr. John H. Crow '64 energy complaining. and Dr. Lois E. James. Dr. Dauben- Associate Professor of Botany I think at Whittier College we all mire is a famous plant ecologist who Rutgers University received a wonderful education for is retired, and Dr. James is, of course, Publication: Issue: Name of Image: No—A Magnification 3F % It doesn't si ol,or or B/W (circle one) ieasured by time, nor by WE LS ersonal encounters and ies, invoking the students pa he various positions made If Advertising, Please name There is aiw Whittier College is home, (V - et the many friends we made when I first returned to the Y1)F ar-off days. Nor will we ever k ie to listen, and our pleasure I will not for Dr. William Jone, . iui ojiliul, wno was responsible for so many beautiful buildings in his time. We will not forget the dedication of the College Board of Trustees and the community leaders who have given strength and support to the mission of Whittier College in higher education. We will not forget the campus, as it was and as it is now, so different, yet still with the pervading spirit that is so much a stamp of the College. And in reality, we are not leaving home after all, because both Alice and I will continue to love and support the College, and will watch with pride its progress under its new leadership with President Eugene Mills. So I am not saying "goodbye" to Whittier College, but "thank you" for all that the institution and the people connected with it have given me in support and affection during the years . and well be seeing you all in the future at many gatherings and functions in the new era. 1 The crowd gathers for refreshments after Commencement exercises. Commencement 1979 Harris Amphitheatre was a form of connection between Mr. Electrico, that long ago filled to overflowing on Satur- him and his audience, and is day, tapped various children in day, May 26, as friends and interjected at the end of almost the audience, and when he relations of the students gathered every sentence, somehow giving reached Bradbury, he tapped him to see them receive their degrees each individual the feeling that on both shoulders and on the and to hear the Commencement he is being personally addressed. tip of his nose and said, "Live speech by author poet Ray Bradbury spoke of his child- Forever!" Bradbury. hood and his obsession with "Within three months of that Bradbury spoke on "1984 magicians, carnivals and stage encounter," Bradbury said, "I Will Not Arrive." His opening illusions and how at the age of began to write full time. Mr. remark drew laughter from the 12 he had already decided to Electrico gave me the courage. entire crowd. "You're not be a science-fiction writer. He He told me I could do it. So going to have a long speech told of a travelling carnival today, if anything I can say from me," he said, "isn't that that came through Waukegan, can galvanize you into wanting good news? And it's not going Illinois, and of a man who called to live forever in some special to be too serious and it's going himself Mr. Electrico who, Brad- way, that's my main job. to be optimistic, huh?" bury said, "changed my life, as "Now if you don't listen to The "huh" is a pattern of I would like to change yours me today and to the advice I Bradbury's speech-making. It's today." give you free," he continued, 2 "twenty years from now you're wind up somewhat less than cares. You be the one who all going to pay $100 an hour the finest." tries." to get the same advice from a Bradbury quoted a poem he Bradbury spoke of Dr. Carl psychiatrist. So you pay atten- had written containing the es- Sagan, who had been Commence- tion to what I'm saying, and sence of Gerard Manley Hopkins' ment speaker on campus in 1978, what I'm saying is, fall in love! philosophy. It ended with these and how he had done something From the bottom of your heart, words: What another would with a passion and done it from the bottom of your soul. have done as well as you—do not better than other people did it. If you haven't made a decision do it!/ What another would have And Sir Laurence Olivier, who yet regarding a particular art or said as well as you—do not say had dreamed of being an actor at profession, today should be the it!/ Written as well as you—do the age of 10, and had fulfilled beginning of such a decision, not write it!/ Be faithful to that the passion he knew was in him. based on passion. A passion which exists nowhere but in Bradbury quoted another of that makes you want to get out yourself/ And thus make your- his poems that exulted in the of bed and get that thing accom- self indispensable. miracle of being alive. "How plished. "That's so important!" he wonderful it is," he said, "that "You must believe that each told his audience. "There is no we have been given this gift of you is going to be superior, competition in the world. Where of life and the responsibility that if you're going to be a excellence begins, competition that goes with it to lift ourselves lawyer, you're going to be the ends! Set out to be the greatest to the highest level that we best lawyer that God ever lawyer that ever lived—there is can." He ended with the words created, or the finest artist that no competition! Because most spoken to him when he was 12 ever was.
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