mrrniisssBrN — ' AVERAQE DAILY C3BCIJLATI0N' Forecast by U. S. Weatber Bnrcan, fiur Die Month o f September, 18IB8 ____ * 1 4 * ^ New Haven iconn. State Library— ComP* 5 , 3 5 7 Partly doody and .cooler tonight. 'Kemben of tlio,A«dlt Bvrean et* Toesday fair, cooler. ■ . Ct^oidatloiui VOL. XUV., NO. 7. (Caassifled Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER; CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE C E N ^ VOTING UGHT FRENdFLYQtS AS TOWN POLLS THOUGHT LOST NO MORE WAR IF PACT FORMCERS R E P O ^ S A F E IS MADE-MacDONALD Only 430 Had Visited Muni- Coste and Bellonts Forced BOSTON BOXER . cipal Building at Two Down in Manchuria; Had PREMIER SPEAKS O’clock — Annual Open Covered Over 5,500 i s v i c n o F Meeting Held Tonight. MQes on Trip. BRUTAUHACK BEFORE CONGRESS The usual light early vote had Tokio, Oct. 7.— (A P )—Dieudonne British Statesman Fills Senate and House Walls With been cast in the town election here Coste and Maurice Bellonts, who Alfred Downing Thought at two o’clock this afternoon, the had been missing a week, today total number of electors who visit­ were safe in Manchuria after es­ Dying— Had B e k Beaten Applause With Statement That Kellogg-Briand Treaty ed the polls in the Municipal build­ tablishing a new world’s non-stop ing up to that hour being 430. Dem­ fiight record and after a series of Will Stand Out Like Monument in History — Presi­ ocratic Registrar of Voters Loxiis hazardous adventures including their With Hammer— Fire Sus­ T. Breen had named C. S. McHale arrest h.t the hands of CJhinese sol­ as moderator of the election. diery who thought they were Rus­ pects Are Arrested. dent and Premier Issue Joint Statement. Forget H. S. Question sians. <»• Many voters went through the Advices received in Tokio today machines without registering an placed the French fiyers near Tsitsi- Boston, Oct. 7. (AP.)—Alfred Washington, Oct. 7.—(AP)— might be introduced. He was es­ har, northwest of Harbin, Man­ expression on the proposed charter Downing, 32, a West End boxer President Hoover and Premier Mac­ corted into the Chamber by Porter amendment raising a high school churia, where they had landed Sun­ and alleged former convict, was be­ and Linthicum. committee. Some even asked for day Sept. 29. They had fiown for Donald^ joined today in expressing lieved dying at the Haymarket Re­ Applause greeted his arrival. This the privilege of returning to the fifty-two hours eind had covered be­ gratification over progress in dis­ swelled in volume as he was pre­ booths to vote on this question. tween 5,500 and 6,000 miles from lief hospital today, victim of a ham­ cussing questions that might cause sented from the Speaker’s rostrum Le Bourget, considerably better This, of course, was out of the mer heating by gangsters while five Anglo-American friction, and later by Representative Tilson, of Connec- than the former record of 4,358 question. The position of the high alleged assailants were held await­ the British statesman filled, the cut, the ^Republican leader. school committee question on the held by the Italian fiyers Ferrarin ing the outcome of his condition. Senate chamber with applause with Addressing his audience as "Fel­ machine is above the Republican and Delprete. the declaration that the Kellogg- Fragmentary accounts received low Members of Congress,” Mr. Mac­ party lever. Downing, who was said frequent­ Briand treaty renouncing war would Donald said he had been paid a very, by the Rengo News Agency from iMillllriMMIMMiM Meeting Tonight ly to have posed as Bryan Downey, stand out like a monument in his­ high honor by being permitted to' The polls will close- at eight Harbin stated the men. had landed the former middleweight champion, His “errand of international peace” begun. Premier Ramsay MacDonald is pictured here, center, as he tory. greet them. ‘Tt awakens many o’clock when the-session will be ad­ because of a shortage of fuel in a and who recently was released from left the White House in Washington after his first history-making meeting with President Hoover. The The heads of the two great na- memories of other days in Washing-' journed to the High school hall for village north of Tsitsihar. They were the Kennebunk county jail in typ government leaders had cordially shaken hands and arranged for the forthcoming disarmament discus­ j tions expressed their views in a ton,” he said. j the open town meeting on budget ap­ mistaken for Russian military avia­ Maine, was found in a gutter un­ sions wWch brought the British Premier to the United States. At the Premier’s right are his daughter, I joint statement issued shortly after propriations and other matters that tors and were held in custody while conscious, his skull fractured and A.fter a talk of several minutes.; Ishbell, and Lady Isabelle Howard, wife of Sir Esme Howard, the British Ambasshdor. 'AX the right of the 'their return from a week-end at the prime minister stepped down into must be voted upon in this meeting. General Wan Fu-Lin, head of the his face and body a mass of picture is Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson. ,, ' the rustic Hoover-fishing camp in the big well of the House where the Tonight’s gathering will hear the Heilungkiang provincial govern­ woimds. Nearby was a bloody ham­ the Virginia mountains from which members were presented to him opa Selectmen’s recommendations on ment, telegraphed to Mukden an­ mer head and a diligent search by they- announced a conference'look­ by one. the budget for next year. This nouncing that his troops had cap­ a squad of detectives soon after­ ing to further naval limitations Daughter in Gallery. budget automatically determines tured an enemy plane and asking ward brought to light the broken would' be called. the tax rate. It has been pared for instructions. handle in a street several blocks First Visits House. Watching from the gallery the BIG ROCK SLIDE cordial reception was Miss Ishbel closely by the Selectmen and unless Week Without W’ord Would Punish away. Shortly afterwards, the prime there is a movement on the part of These circumstemces apparently Names Assailants: minister departed for the. Capitol, MacDonald who wore a grey dress the voters to cu^ any one item dras­ explain why it was a week before first’ he waa received by the House with almost invisible diagonal strip- assurance of their .safety reached Police said that .they fact th9.t the ings and a dark red hat. Lady tically, it is expected that the FILLS THE‘ NOTCH’ handle had broken was probably where he spoke briefly. He then Board’s recommendations will be the outside world. The dispatches Under Volstegd ■wpnt. to the Senate. The galleries Isabella Howard, wife of the British said the aviators were living at Fu- the only thing th^^’ a^^coAint^d .for ambassador, was dressed in a blue accepted. the fact that Downlng.^^i ’‘discov­ of. both chambers were filled, for­ Lin mansion at Tsitsihar as guests, eign ambassadors and other mem­ suit with white blouse and white but that they had not yet been per­ ered alive. In a lucid ihoment at the bat. (By Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 7.— (AP)— <^ment was necessary because of a re- Tons of Stones Fall on hospital. Downing named the five bers of the diplomatic corps in their mitted to proceed. The French con­ Lea'ving the House (Jnamber, the Citizens of 153 of Connecticut’s Amendment of the Volstead Act to cent court decision Which held that whom he charged had beaten him. brilliant ui^orm s vie with fashion-1 169 towns made their annual pil­ sul consequently has gone from make the purchase of intoxicating the purchaser weis held not liable in ably dressed'women, including Mrs. i premier walked through a lane cf Harbin to clear up the official One of these was Charles Kaplan, applauding men and women lining grimage to the polls today. In some liquor for beverage purposes prohi­ connection with an act of trainspor- Tracks at Bolton Just 32, well known to police and alleged Dolly Curtis Gann, in adding color. I of the towns, they went to vote for obstacles. bited under law, was proposed in a tation. “There can be no more war; it is the long corridor through the Hall Coste further telegraphed the leader of the gang. Another was offices, in others on public questions, bill introduced today by Senator The Texan said he had been under impossible if we will make the{ of Fame and the rotunda to the French consul at Harbin that his Bartholomew Varney,'37, supposed­ in many for both. • Sheppard, Democrat, Texas, the the impression that the purchaser of After Train Passes. peace pact effective that any arm of Senate side. plane, the “ Question Mark” crossed ly a friend of the dyiilg man but Three cities—Norwalk, Torring- sponsor of the Eighteenth'Amend­ liquor for . beverage purposes • was oiir forces, sea, land, or air vtill come He was escorted to the vice-presi­ tA Manchurian border at one whom police charge “put him on dent’s room where he was greete.d ton, and Bristol—also had elections. ment. punishable in cozmection with an act ;n conflict,” the stately MacDonald o’clock on the afternoon of Sept. 29 the spot.” The others- napaed and by Senators Watson, of Indiana, the A fourth city, Waterbury, will vote Senator Sheppard’s proposal would of transportation ' but that the de­ Jarred loose by the concussion of asserted as the Senators and those and that he saw the Chinese and arrested were Henry Wittingham, Republican leader; Robinson, of tomorrow.
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