i ¦!! awrrily. aha laaghad .. Thera waa nerspty. ThrMje ¦ ly.” ¦ : • “Oaan? What gaaaa?” m A - add! Mhr. —to find aomethiag tho had toot. ”Whp, that father Y»f)jaoaa t WmnSSm. ’There! I'm to tear# OMR _aU.” ' rlappie? *hac hmmC 1- her Bps. ”K- Two^tfywdteM “Pollyanna“ announced Pollyanna aa aha aMhag- --. pJte ad the three bowls la a row at the IreShST** "That do tar (Ola “The table. “Like enough It'll wSI teorwla«. Mtat’StMM Glad Book" h» lamb PoHyaoaa." too aoM tenaty. Aad broth you want to-morrow. How do > th* sawtoK horn waa over. ' VNaUdVato h*Vp*TCwl**^ou you do today*' ahe flahM Si po- It waa that aftatwaaa that PoUY* . eawldat have hoteod U. Aad I'm as saaa. coming doara from Mr atlie . aerry yww venal wear dad ever By Eleanor H. Porter lite Inquiry. ’ anything!" •Very poorly, thank you.- Mur- . room, teot bar oaot aa th*stairway. "Why. Anot Polly, how parfactly I ‘‘Pattyawaa!" gapped Urn lady; hat mured Mrs Know, falling hoafc Inlo ealy Wy L. attitude. lovely!” oho ertod. "Ton w*r* coaa- . Petiyaaa* waa wa aad tha Cofyrigkt 1919. C. Pago W Co~ lac. her uaual listless “I lost i dtetaat haag attic stairway oap morning. Hig- . Ing op to too ate! Como right to. II of tho my thla MS . door oaoworwd for her. PoByaaaa gfna next door baa begun muatc le*-. love company.” ah* flolahed. acaa- drives . periag ap th* stain aad throwfag . hod teas to help Kaacy bring down aona, and her practlatag me "her things.” | nearly wild. She waa at tt OH* the . her door wMo opoa. <Continued from I,4t»t W<kM town aa rich as be is. He could eat minute! Pat I Now Mias Polly hod aot baoa la- Mies Polly, la tho Mttiag room. morning—every tore. , felt vaguely disturbed:—hat then, dollar bills. If he wanted to—and don't know what 1 .hall dot** 1 tendlag to call oa her aloe*. Bh* CHAPTER IX. not know It." bad haaa plaaalag to look for a cor- . of course she had baaa glad—over Polly nodded ayropsthsttenBy. - . white cedar . some thloge! ' THl* the Man Pollyanna giggled. "I know. It I* awful! MmftyHlr tain wool shawl to th* Which imT If anybody could dollar . window. Bat "Aa eat had It once—one of my LadMaTAld- cheat aoar the cate to (Continued Next Wash.) bills and not know. It, Nancy, wbeo ers, you know. She had . her uaboaaded sarprtee bow. ahe It rained the next time Pollyanna come to rbMlihotlr . ; they to try chew ’em!” fev'er. too. at the r<une Ume. ao found herself not la the mala attic LOCAL AND PERSONAL mv the Man. She greeted him, boar- "Ho! I mean he's rich enough ter ’round. before too coder cheat, but in Polly- bright arnile. couldn't thnuh Ska- aald i •ver. with a do it." shrugged Nancy. "He ain’t (would have been easier If aba anna'* Mule room sitting In oac of Mrs. J. B. aad little eon, date. ”lt Inn't ao nice today, la It?" »he upendin' money, Mold straight many, Morehead his that’s all. He's hava. Can you?” the backed chain—ao ’ few days thla week with rete- called blithenomely. “I'm glad It;! a-savin' of It." many tiara teace Pollyanna spent a alaraya. ¦•Can I what?" came. ***** doesn't rain anyhow!" "Oh. for the heathen." surmised "Thrash 'round- Mlaa Polly had found hrraelf like ! Uvea la Manxanola. The man did not even grunt tbl» J I mova. na Show Fall uataripMa Pollyanna. "How perfectly splen- no-a* to ehange your poelttew Ihls. doing bob* utterly unexpected, Miss Gertrude McNeen fteT time, turn bln bead Pollyanna When returned nor did! That’s denying yourself and (he get* hard to ataad surprising thing, qalto unlike thr derided that of course be did not music too home Monday night from Victor at a price vfl taking up your cross. I know *. ; Snow stared a little. • ..- thing ah* had art out to-do! All that moke hear her. The next time, therefore { Mr* where ahe has been teaching school yww good or father told me." | "Why. of eour*e I can moea—any- "I love company." said Pollyanna, a tevntmeat good < which happened to be the following Nancy’s Ups parted abruptly, as where- In l»ed." she rejoined a little. again. fllUing about a* II ahe were i the past year. day*, she spoke up louder. She If thei* were augry words all ready « Irritably. dispensing hospitality of a pal- thought particularly necessary to j the Miss Beulah Evans left last night It to come; but her eyes, resting on "Well, be glad of that, , are: "specially steer I’ve had this anyway, you <an III., Mo., do thla for the Man wan- ' Pollyanna’s Jubilantly trustful face, anyhow, you?" room, all mine, you know. Oh. of 1 lor Flora, aad St. Dante. striding along, then, can’t hodded hla hands behind hin saw something that prevented the Pollyanna "Mr* White ewalda'I course. ! had a room, always, but where ahe wlU visit relatives and back, and hln eyes on the ground words, being spoken. You t thrash when you the twas a hired room, and hired rooms 1 the week* which seemed, to Pollyanna, prepos Then, ran hava friend* for next two "Humph!" she vouchsafed rheumatic fever—though you want aren't ball aa nice as owned one*, Bachey terous In the face of the glorious interest, Ballard, aad Cfcas. R. showing her old-time she to something awful. Mr* White aay* are they? And of course I do own Mr* Gertrude little sunshine and the freshly washed went on: "Hut. say. It Is queer, hls me daughter, Marian, tonight morning as a She told afterward* she reckpn- this oar. don’t l?“ will leave air; Poll>anna, spe- "peakiu' to you, honestly. Miss Pol- raving -d .he’ll gone crazy tf it "Why. y-yes, Pollyanna," mur- for Kahoks. Mo., where they will cial treat, was on a morning errand lyanna. He don't speak ter.no one. Whtte'a mured Mlaa Polly, vaguely wonder- hadn’t been for Mr Mater’* ' spend the summer with relative*. today. and he lives all alone In a great big being 'leaf. *o." log why ah* did not get up at once w— "ltow do you do?" the chirped ear*- H—ri IHBatital lovely house all full of jest grand 'Sister'*- ear*! What do you and go to look for that shawl. W. 8. Tower, ol Lerna. III., spent ••I’m so glad it isn't yesterday, aren't! things, they say. Some says lie's mean?” "And of course now I Just Jove ’ a few days this week with his niece. you?” crazy, and some jest cross: and son.e Pollyanna laughed this room, even If It hasn't got th* MAD THIS: The man stopped abruptly. There J nays he’s got a skeleton In his clo- didn’t tell It carpets and curtains and picture* | Mr*. W. E. Sylvester, while *nroute " Well. I reckon 1 all. was an angry scowl on hla face ! - and I forgot you didn’t know Mf* that I'd hern want—" With a pain- . to Wagon Mound. N. M. “I bought a pair of ahoea from "See here, little girl, me might Just j "Oh. Nancy!" shuddered Polly- blftsb right White You *ee. Mi** White wa* ful Pollyanna stopped short. j. A. Harwell, accompanied a clothing store far IS.tO; the as well settle this tiling now.' anna. "Ilow ran he keep such a and aba Bh* waa plunging Into an entirely Mr*.' for began testily. deaf awfully deaf: came Samples fifteen days; once all." he "I've dreadful thing? I should think he’d to help different by her sister. Mr*. aad her soles wore out In got something beald.** the weather to visit them and taka ear* sentence when Iter aanl throw It away!" of Mr*. Whit* and the houaa. Wall, Interrupted her sharply. husband, went to Colorado 8prtags 1 work In the round house; I to think I don't know whether 1 of. .Nancy chuckled That Pollyanna —fc they had such an asful time l*| "What's that. Pollyanna? ' Wednesday where they will spend bought t pelr of shoes from Kir-, the sun shines or not." had taken the skeleton literally In- anything, that “N-notblng. Polly, truly. I Pollyanna beamed Joyously. her understand after Ann! several weeks. February It, 1P14: the stead of figuratively, she knew very that, every time the piano comateac- didn't moan to say It." wan. air. I thought you didn't well; soles and all of the shoes are still "No. but. perversely, she refrained ed to play aero** the street, "Probably oot." returned Mias Mr. and Mrs. John William* and That’s why I told you. correcting Mr* from the mistake. White felt so glad -he . ould hear It. Polly, coldly: "but you did aay It. ao daughter spent last Sunday evening good, and Klrwan wUl half sole Yes. well— Eh? What?” he "And everybody says he’s myster- ! 1 off sharply, sudden under- that *h* didn’t tnlnd ao much that suppose wa have the rest of It." with Mra. J. H. Galbraith la this city.! them free of charge; I paid M.lt broke lu lous." she went on. "Some years he did It. 'eauae ahe couldn't "Bat It wasn't anything only that standing of her words. »h* hear ' at jest travels, weeks In and week out.
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